The Homosexual Dilemma

I provided you the link - like the old saying - you can lead a Jack Ass to water but you can't make it think.

The modern dynamic has come to a somewhat different construct there...

"You can lead a Leftist to reason, but you can't make then THINK!
Leftist> Democrat> Jack Ass> Liberal same bag of slime - Intellectual slouches who allow others to do their thinking for them and simply recycle the same worn out arguments time and time again.

I think of them as apocalyptic zombies - unthinking , unknowing hoards of ignorant brain-dead shells of people

homophobe- bigot-fascist-racist- right wing nutjob- same bag of slime. Intellectual dimwits who parrot what is fed to them by racist and bigoted sources like Stormfront and WND.

They are invested with hate- and incapable of actual human love- so they project their hatred onto Americans- they want others to hate Americans as much as they do.

They hate- and want everyone else to hate as much as they do.
Get Help -Seriously - you need psychiatric help life is not the one filled full of hate

homophobe- bigot-fascist-racist- right wing nutjob- same bag of slime. Intellectual dimwits who parrot what is fed to them by racist and bigoted sources like Stormfront and WND.

They are invested with hate- and incapable of actual human love- so they project their hatred onto Americans- they want others to hate Americans as much as they do.

They hate- and want everyone else to hate as much as they do
They did initially. But after decades of studies, they could find no actual psychopathology associated with homosexuality.

Wrong - you my friend are one sad slimy little buttfucker -you haven't got a shred of independent free thought in your minute little cranium .

Except for the studies which disagree with your anal and feces obsessed brain.

Your hatred of homosexuals- and fear of being anally raped fuels your obsession.
Homosexuals had the same mental functioning as heterosexuals. They had similarly sound judgment, could think as cognitively, were as stable when tested. They were in fact indistinguishable in psychological testing as their healthy heterosexual counterparts

WRONG - The study - and the only study that ever produced those results of which you speak is the evelyn hooker study - Even the APA propagandists don't cite that anymore - it has been thoroughly and absolutely discredited .

Hooker, a professor at the University of California at LA is credited in the medical and psychological community, and most especially amongst Gay activists, with establishing that there is no measurable psychological difference between heterosexual and homosexual men. Her work proposed that homosexuality is merely a normal minority variation of human sexuality. It was first published in the Journal of Projective Techniques in 1957, and is flaunted as proof that homosexual activity is a normal and valid lifestyle. Her 1957 study served as a basis for most of the later hyperbole of the Gay movements ideology, including the notion that any objection to the Gay agenda is born from an irrational fear, that they have since labeled "homophobia."

Hookers Studies failed the most basic of Litmus tests regarding Objectivity. Hooker was an associate of theMattachine Society and was lobbied and eventually convinced to conduct a research study of homosexuality for the sole purpose of advancing their Agenda.

The study, "The adjustment of the male overt homosexual", Hooker administered several standardized personality tests to two sets of men, the first group of 30 was homosexual and heavily screened by the Mattachine Society and the other heterosexual. The whole purpose of the study was to examine the instances of mental instability in homosexuals, However, individuals who showed the slightest signs of mental instability were excluded , it was not a random test and was designed to arrive at predetermined results.

Evelyn Hooker Study Flawed

Similar Studies with different Findings

1.} Netherlands Mental Health Survey and Incidence Studies Sexual minority status and psychotic symptoms Jan. 2014

The aim of this study was to examine whether sexual minorities are at increased risk for psychotic symptoms and to explore mediating pathways. The study concluded that homosexual orientation is most definitely associated with psychotic symptoms and further states that the study adds to the growing body of literature linking minority status with psychosis and other mental health problems. In an effort to remain politically correct the paper presented goes on to suggest that their findings are possibly due to experiences of discrimination and social exclusion.

The risk of psychotic symptoms is two to three times greater among homosexual participants in the study than among heterosexual participants. The researchers found this result using data from the Netherlands Mental Health and Incidence Studies (NEMESIS-1 and NEMESIS-2), two large-scale epidemiological studies which aim to investigate how often mental health problems occur in the general population. Sexual minority status and psychotic symptoms

2.} Dr. Apu Chakraborty of University College London, UK.

This Study explored the rates of mental disorder among 7,403 adults living in the UK, whose details were obtained from the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2007. Rates of depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, phobia, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, and alcohol and drug dependence were significantly higher in homosexual respondents. Hookers "study" only used two groups of 30 men each, and the homosexual respondents were hand picked, where as in the University College Study they were not. Higher Risk of Mental Health Problems for Homosexuals

Elevated levels of psychiatric problems in nonheterosexual people are "very worrying and call not only for a response by professionals in primary care and mental health services but also efforts at prevention," Apu Chakraborty, PhD, MSc, MRCPsych, of the Department of Mental Health Sciences, University College London, United Kingdom, and colleagues conclude.
Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Marriage is such, because that is how nature designed the human species, with two distinct, but complimenting genders.

Marriage provides for the traits respective to each gender to nurture and train children though the distinct perspectives common to each.

That's how it used to be. Now men are supposed to assume all the roles and responsibilities of women as well, because if they don't, that woman will take half their income, property and all the children.

Don't get married.

My girlfriend keeps asking (in spanish) when are we getting married. The moment she's married, I lose all my leverage, most importantly the ability to boot her out the door without financial consequence.

Even an unspoiled third-world immigrant woman like her is looking for the "doomhammer"

Why am I not surprised that you are against gay rights too.
They did initially. But after decades of studies, they could find no actual psychopathology associated with homosexuality.

Wrong - you my friend are one sad slimy little buttfucker -you haven't got a shred of independent free thought in your minute little cranium .

Except for the studies which disagree with your anal and feces obsessed brain.

Your hatred of homosexuals- and fear of being anally raped fuels your obsession.
Except for the studies which disagree with your anal and feces obsessed brain.


Name a single objective study - I know - yo can't - because you haven't gotten a clue as to what you're talking about .

And not studies from propaganda machines such as UC Davis or the Mattachine Society - ROFL - a single study not produced by a gay activist - you can't - there are none that will prove your point . Go for it Faggot
None. To the contrary, gay marriage actually strengthens society.

That is not just false, it is hysterically false.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Marriage is such, because that is how nature designed the human species, with two distinct, but complimenting genders.

Marriage provides for the traits respective to each gender to nurture and train children though the distinct perspectives common to each. By lowering the standards of marriage, the Ideological Left has long since injured the institution of marriage... resulting in exponentially more children being born into single parent homes, encouraging divorce, rendering two gender families into one gender families...

The evidence is conclusive that children living in homes where one gender is represented children tend to grow up absent sufficient training, thus lacking the discipline to provide for them the means to focus cognitively, thus producing the epidemic of drug addles youths through the ill-advised treatment of the psychological alphabet soup maladies; ADD, ADHD, ODD and so on and so forth of fictitious 'disorders' which has lead generations of children who have failed to develop into sound, well balanced adults.

Adding further devolution of the marriage standard is only going to promote more perverse iterations of poorly founded children with little means to function independently and exponential growth in children who develop disorders wherein they identify themselves as homosexual or some other form of sexual and maturation abnormality.

Ronan Farrow's father left when Ronan was only 6 years leaving Ronan to be raised by his mother. He's proven to be highly intelligent and very successful despite his father's incestuous affair with his adopted sister and his father's sexual abuse of another adopted sister, which I think you would agree certainly lowered the standards of marriage.

Below is a picture of Neil Patrick Harris' twins, born of his and his partner's DNA. They are privileged to be ensconced in a loving and safe environment where they will be afforded the opportunity to grow and thrive. If they learn of sexual biases it will be from fear mongers such as you.
Living in harmony would be ideal, but we are a culture of many different people, and some of us are not open to the concept of equality.


None. To the contrary, gay marriage actually strengthens society.

That is not just false, it is hysterically false.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Marriage is such, because that is how nature designed the human species, with two distinct, but complimenting genders.

Marriage provides for the traits respective to each gender to nurture and train children though the distinct perspectives common to each. By lowering the standards of marriage, the Ideological Left has long since injured the institution of marriage... resulting in exponentially more children being born into single parent homes, encouraging divorce, rendering two gender families into one gender families...

The evidence is conclusive that children living in homes where one gender is represented children tend to grow up absent sufficient training, thus lacking the discipline to provide for them the means to focus cognitively, thus producing the epidemic of drug addles youths through the ill-advised treatment of the psychological alphabet soup maladies; ADD, ADHD, ODD and so on and so forth of fictitious 'disorders' which has lead generations of children who have failed to develop into sound, well balanced adults.

Adding further devolution of the marriage standard is only going to promote more perverse iterations of poorly founded children with little means to function independently and exponential growth in children who develop disorders wherein they identify themselves as homosexual or some other form of sexual and maturation abnormality.
Why am I not surprised that you are against gay rights too.

I'm not, as a Libertarian, I don't care what fecal faggots fiends do in the privacy of their bedroom. If they adpot children, they should get marriage benefits, and hetero couples without children shouldn't get any marriage benefits. Just don't force me to accept it as normal. Don't teach it to kids in school as normal.

Fecal Faggot fornicating fellatio-fiends are what they are: Unnatural.
None. To the contrary, gay marriage actually strengthens society.

That is not just false, it is hysterically false.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Marriage is such, because that is how nature designed the human species, with two distinct, but complimenting genders.

Marriage provides for the traits respective to each gender to nurture and train children though the distinct perspectives common to each. By lowering the standards of marriage, the Ideological Left has long since injured the institution of marriage... resulting in exponentially more children being born into single parent homes, encouraging divorce, rendering two gender families into one gender families...

The evidence is conclusive that children living in homes where one gender is represented children tend to grow up absent sufficient training, thus lacking the discipline to provide for them the means to focus cognitively, thus producing the epidemic of drug addles youths through the ill-advised treatment of the psychological alphabet soup maladies; ADD, ADHD, ODD and so on and so forth of fictitious 'disorders' which has lead generations of children who have failed to develop into sound, well balanced adults.

Adding further devolution of the marriage standard is only going to promote more perverse iterations of poorly founded children with little means to function independently and exponential growth in children who develop disorders wherein they identify themselves as homosexual or some other form of sexual and maturation abnormality.

Ronan Farrow's father left when Ronan was only 6 years leaving Ronan to be raised by his mother. He's proven to be highly intelligent and very successful despite his father's incestuous affair with his adopted sister and his father's sexual abuse of another adopted sister, which I think you would agree certainly lowered the standards of marriage.

Below is a picture of Neil Patrick Harris' twins, born of his and his partner's DNA. They are privileged to be ensconced in a loving and safe environment where they will be afforded the opportunity to grow and thrive. If they learn of sexual biases it will be from fear mongers such as you.
Living in harmony would be ideal, but we are a culture of many different people, and some of us are not open to equality.


None. To the contrary, gay marriage actually strengthens society.

That is not just false, it is hysterically false.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Marriage is such, because that is how nature designed the human species, with two distinct, but complimenting genders.

Marriage provides for the traits respective to each gender to nurture and train children though the distinct perspectives common to each. By lowering the standards of marriage, the Ideological Left has long since injured the institution of marriage... resulting in exponentially more children being born into single parent homes, encouraging divorce, rendering two gender families into one gender families...

The evidence is conclusive that children living in homes where one gender is represented children tend to grow up absent sufficient training, thus lacking the discipline to provide for them the means to focus cognitively, thus producing the epidemic of drug addles youths through the ill-advised treatment of the psychological alphabet soup maladies; ADD, ADHD, ODD and so on and so forth of fictitious 'disorders' which has lead generations of children who have failed to develop into sound, well balanced adults.

Adding further devolution of the marriage standard is only going to promote more perverse iterations of poorly founded children with little means to function independently and exponential growth in children who develop disorders wherein they identify themselves as homosexual or some other form of sexual and maturation abnormality.

Ronan Farrow's father left when Ronan was only 6 years leaving Ronan to be raised by his mother. He's proven to be highly intelligent and very successful despite his father's incestuous affair with his adopted sister and his father's sexual abuse of another adopted sister, which I think you would agree certainly lowered the standards of marriage.

AS I stated and Science agrees "Homosexuality is a product of early childhood trauma" and apparently Mr. Farrow had plenty.
Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Marriage is such, because that is how nature designed the human species, with two distinct, but complimenting genders.

Marriage provides for the traits respective to each gender to nurture and train children though the distinct perspectives common to each.

That's how it used to be. Now men are supposed to assume all the roles and responsibilities of women as well, because if they don't, that woman will take half their income, property and all the children.

Don't get married.

My girlfriend keeps asking (in spanish) when are we getting married. The moment she's married, I lose all my leverage, most importantly the ability to boot her out the door without financial consequence.

Even an unspoiled third-world immigrant woman like her is looking for the "doomhammer"

Hope she can't read your post - if she gets on your PC - LOL
None. To the contrary, gay marriage actually strengthens society.

That is not just false, it is hysterically false.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Marriage is such, because that is how nature designed the human species, with two distinct, but complimenting genders.

Marriage provides for the traits respective to each gender to nurture and train children though the distinct perspectives common to each. By lowering the standards of marriage, the Ideological Left has long since injured the institution of marriage... resulting in exponentially more children being born into single parent homes, encouraging divorce, rendering two gender families into one gender families...

The evidence is conclusive that children living in homes where one gender is represented children tend to grow up absent sufficient training, thus lacking the discipline to provide for them the means to focus cognitively, thus producing the epidemic of drug addles youths through the ill-advised treatment of the psychological alphabet soup maladies; ADD, ADHD, ODD and so on and so forth of fictitious 'disorders' which has lead generations of children who have failed to develop into sound, well balanced adults.

Adding further devolution of the marriage standard is only going to promote more perverse iterations of poorly founded children with little means to function independently and exponential growth in children who develop disorders wherein they identify themselves as homosexual or some other form of sexual and maturation abnormality.

Ronan Farrow's father left when Ronan was only 6 years leaving Ronan to be raised by his mother. He's proven to be highly intelligent and very successful despite his father's incestuous affair with his adopted sister and his father's sexual abuse of another adopted sister, which I think you would agree certainly lowered the standards of marriage.

Below is a picture of Neil Patrick Harris' twins, born of his and his partner's DNA. They are privileged to be ensconced in a loving and safe environment where they will be afforded the opportunity to grow and thrive. If they learn of sexual biases it will be from fear mongers such as you.
Living in harmony would be ideal, but we are a culture of many different people, and some of us are not open to equality.


None. To the contrary, gay marriage actually strengthens society.

That is not just false, it is hysterically false.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Marriage is such, because that is how nature designed the human species, with two distinct, but complimenting genders.

Marriage provides for the traits respective to each gender to nurture and train children though the distinct perspectives common to each. By lowering the standards of marriage, the Ideological Left has long since injured the institution of marriage... resulting in exponentially more children being born into single parent homes, encouraging divorce, rendering two gender families into one gender families...

The evidence is conclusive that children living in homes where one gender is represented children tend to grow up absent sufficient training, thus lacking the discipline to provide for them the means to focus cognitively, thus producing the epidemic of drug addles youths through the ill-advised treatment of the psychological alphabet soup maladies; ADD, ADHD, ODD and so on and so forth of fictitious 'disorders' which has lead generations of children who have failed to develop into sound, well balanced adults.

Adding further devolution of the marriage standard is only going to promote more perverse iterations of poorly founded children with little means to function independently and exponential growth in children who develop disorders wherein they identify themselves as homosexual or some other form of sexual and maturation abnormality.

Ronan Farrow's father left when Ronan was only 6 years leaving Ronan to be raised by his mother. He's proven to be highly intelligent and very successful despite his father's incestuous affair with his adopted sister and his father's sexual abuse of another adopted sister, which I think you would agree certainly lowered the standards of marriage.

AS I stated and Science agrees "Homosexuality is a product of early childhood trauma" and apparently Mr. Farrow had plenty.

He's not gay.
None. To the contrary, gay marriage actually strengthens society.

That is not just false, it is hysterically false.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Marriage is such, because that is how nature designed the human species, with two distinct, but complimenting genders.

Marriage provides for the traits respective to each gender to nurture and train children though the distinct perspectives common to each. By lowering the standards of marriage, the Ideological Left has long since injured the institution of marriage... resulting in exponentially more children being born into single parent homes, encouraging divorce, rendering two gender families into one gender families...

The evidence is conclusive that children living in homes where one gender is represented children tend to grow up absent sufficient training, thus lacking the discipline to provide for them the means to focus cognitively, thus producing the epidemic of drug addles youths through the ill-advised treatment of the psychological alphabet soup maladies; ADD, ADHD, ODD and so on and so forth of fictitious 'disorders' which has lead generations of children who have failed to develop into sound, well balanced adults.

Adding further devolution of the marriage standard is only going to promote more perverse iterations of poorly founded children with little means to function independently and exponential growth in children who develop disorders wherein they identify themselves as homosexual or some other form of sexual and maturation abnormality.

Ronan Farrow's father left when Ronan was only 6 years leaving Ronan to be raised by his mother. He's proven to be highly intelligent and very successful despite his father's incestuous affair with his adopted sister and his father's sexual abuse of another adopted sister, which I think you would agree certainly lowered the standards of marriage.

Below is a picture of Neil Patrick Harris' twins, born of his and his partner's DNA. They are privileged to be ensconced in a loving and safe environment where they will be afforded the opportunity to grow and thrive. If they learn of sexual biases it will be from fear mongers such as you.
Living in harmony would be ideal, but we are a culture of many different people, and some of us are not open to equality.


None. To the contrary, gay marriage actually strengthens society.

That is not just false, it is hysterically false.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Marriage is such, because that is how nature designed the human species, with two distinct, but complimenting genders.

Marriage provides for the traits respective to each gender to nurture and train children though the distinct perspectives common to each. By lowering the standards of marriage, the Ideological Left has long since injured the institution of marriage... resulting in exponentially more children being born into single parent homes, encouraging divorce, rendering two gender families into one gender families...

The evidence is conclusive that children living in homes where one gender is represented children tend to grow up absent sufficient training, thus lacking the discipline to provide for them the means to focus cognitively, thus producing the epidemic of drug addles youths through the ill-advised treatment of the psychological alphabet soup maladies; ADD, ADHD, ODD and so on and so forth of fictitious 'disorders' which has lead generations of children who have failed to develop into sound, well balanced adults.

Adding further devolution of the marriage standard is only going to promote more perverse iterations of poorly founded children with little means to function independently and exponential growth in children who develop disorders wherein they identify themselves as homosexual or some other form of sexual and maturation abnormality.

Ronan Farrow's father left when Ronan was only 6 years leaving Ronan to be raised by his mother. He's proven to be highly intelligent and very successful despite his father's incestuous affair with his adopted sister and his father's sexual abuse of another adopted sister, which I think you would agree certainly lowered the standards of marriage.

AS I stated and Science agrees "Homosexuality is a product of early childhood trauma" and apparently Mr. Farrow had plenty.

Actually no science agrees with that.
None. To the contrary, gay marriage actually strengthens society.

That is not just false, it is hysterically false.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Marriage is such, because that is how nature designed the human species, with two distinct, but complimenting genders.

Marriage provides for the traits respective to each gender to nurture and train children though the distinct perspectives common to each. By lowering the standards of marriage, the Ideological Left has long since injured the institution of marriage... resulting in exponentially more children being born into single parent homes, encouraging divorce, rendering two gender families into one gender families...

The evidence is conclusive that children living in homes where one gender is represented children tend to grow up absent sufficient training, thus lacking the discipline to provide for them the means to focus cognitively, thus producing the epidemic of drug addles youths through the ill-advised treatment of the psychological alphabet soup maladies; ADD, ADHD, ODD and so on and so forth of fictitious 'disorders' which has lead generations of children who have failed to develop into sound, well balanced adults.

Adding further devolution of the marriage standard is only going to promote more perverse iterations of poorly founded children with little means to function independently and exponential growth in children who develop disorders wherein they identify themselves as homosexual or some other form of sexual and maturation abnormality.

Ronan Farrow's father left when Ronan was only 6 years leaving Ronan to be raised by his mother. He's proven to be highly intelligent and very successful despite his father's incestuous affair with his adopted sister and his father's sexual abuse of another adopted sister, which I think you would agree certainly lowered the standards of marriage.

Below is a picture of Neil Patrick Harris' twins, born of his and his partner's DNA. They are privileged to be ensconced in a loving and safe environment where they will be afforded the opportunity to grow and thrive. If they learn of sexual biases it will be from fear mongers such as you.
Living in harmony would be ideal, but we are a culture of many different people, and some of us are not open to equality.


None. To the contrary, gay marriage actually strengthens society.

That is not just false, it is hysterically false.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Marriage is such, because that is how nature designed the human species, with two distinct, but complimenting genders.

Marriage provides for the traits respective to each gender to nurture and train children though the distinct perspectives common to each. By lowering the standards of marriage, the Ideological Left has long since injured the institution of marriage... resulting in exponentially more children being born into single parent homes, encouraging divorce, rendering two gender families into one gender families...

The evidence is conclusive that children living in homes where one gender is represented children tend to grow up absent sufficient training, thus lacking the discipline to provide for them the means to focus cognitively, thus producing the epidemic of drug addles youths through the ill-advised treatment of the psychological alphabet soup maladies; ADD, ADHD, ODD and so on and so forth of fictitious 'disorders' which has lead generations of children who have failed to develop into sound, well balanced adults.

Adding further devolution of the marriage standard is only going to promote more perverse iterations of poorly founded children with little means to function independently and exponential growth in children who develop disorders wherein they identify themselves as homosexual or some other form of sexual and maturation abnormality.

Ronan Farrow's father left when Ronan was only 6 years leaving Ronan to be raised by his mother. He's proven to be highly intelligent and very successful despite his father's incestuous affair with his adopted sister and his father's sexual abuse of another adopted sister, which I think you would agree certainly lowered the standards of marriage.

AS I stated and Science agrees "Homosexuality is a product of early childhood trauma" and apparently Mr. Farrow had plenty.

He's not gay.

You sure about that ?

Does Ronan Farrow s Sexuality Matter VICE United States
None. To the contrary, gay marriage actually strengthens society.

That is not just false, it is hysterically false.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Marriage is such, because that is how nature designed the human species, with two distinct, but complimenting genders.

Marriage provides for the traits respective to each gender to nurture and train children though the distinct perspectives common to each. By lowering the standards of marriage, the Ideological Left has long since injured the institution of marriage... resulting in exponentially more children being born into single parent homes, encouraging divorce, rendering two gender families into one gender families...

The evidence is conclusive that children living in homes where one gender is represented children tend to grow up absent sufficient training, thus lacking the discipline to provide for them the means to focus cognitively, thus producing the epidemic of drug addles youths through the ill-advised treatment of the psychological alphabet soup maladies; ADD, ADHD, ODD and so on and so forth of fictitious 'disorders' which has lead generations of children who have failed to develop into sound, well balanced adults.

Adding further devolution of the marriage standard is only going to promote more perverse iterations of poorly founded children with little means to function independently and exponential growth in children who develop disorders wherein they identify themselves as homosexual or some other form of sexual and maturation abnormality.

Ronan Farrow's father left when Ronan was only 6 years leaving Ronan to be raised by his mother. He's proven to be highly intelligent and very successful despite his father's incestuous affair with his adopted sister and his father's sexual abuse of another adopted sister, which I think you would agree certainly lowered the standards of marriage.

Below is a picture of Neil Patrick Harris' twins, born of his and his partner's DNA. They are privileged to be ensconced in a loving and safe environment where they will be afforded the opportunity to grow and thrive. If they learn of sexual biases it will be from fear mongers such as you.
Living in harmony would be ideal, but we are a culture of many different people, and some of us are not open to equality.


None. To the contrary, gay marriage actually strengthens society.

That is not just false, it is hysterically false.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Marriage is such, because that is how nature designed the human species, with two distinct, but complimenting genders.

Marriage provides for the traits respective to each gender to nurture and train children though the distinct perspectives common to each. By lowering the standards of marriage, the Ideological Left has long since injured the institution of marriage... resulting in exponentially more children being born into single parent homes, encouraging divorce, rendering two gender families into one gender families...

The evidence is conclusive that children living in homes where one gender is represented children tend to grow up absent sufficient training, thus lacking the discipline to provide for them the means to focus cognitively, thus producing the epidemic of drug addles youths through the ill-advised treatment of the psychological alphabet soup maladies; ADD, ADHD, ODD and so on and so forth of fictitious 'disorders' which has lead generations of children who have failed to develop into sound, well balanced adults.

Adding further devolution of the marriage standard is only going to promote more perverse iterations of poorly founded children with little means to function independently and exponential growth in children who develop disorders wherein they identify themselves as homosexual or some other form of sexual and maturation abnormality.

Ronan Farrow's father left when Ronan was only 6 years leaving Ronan to be raised by his mother. He's proven to be highly intelligent and very successful despite his father's incestuous affair with his adopted sister and his father's sexual abuse of another adopted sister, which I think you would agree certainly lowered the standards of marriage.

AS I stated and Science agrees "Homosexuality is a product of early childhood trauma" and apparently Mr. Farrow had plenty.

Actually no science agrees with that.

Step up to plate Penis Breath - I gave you the challenge a few posts ago - apparently its way beyond your intellectual capacity to prove your point with legitimate sources. Go for it Faggot - what have you got to lose ? - Your Pride ? - you never had any -you're a Homo .
None. To the contrary, gay marriage actually strengthens society.

That is not just false, it is hysterically false.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Marriage is such, because that is how nature designed the human species, with two distinct, but complimenting genders.

Marriage provides for the traits respective to each gender to nurture and train children though the distinct perspectives common to each. By lowering the standards of marriage, the Ideological Left has long since injured the institution of marriage... resulting in exponentially more children being born into single parent homes, encouraging divorce, rendering two gender families into one gender families...

The evidence is conclusive that children living in homes where one gender is represented children tend to grow up absent sufficient training, thus lacking the discipline to provide for them the means to focus cognitively, thus producing the epidemic of drug addles youths through the ill-advised treatment of the psychological alphabet soup maladies; ADD, ADHD, ODD and so on and so forth of fictitious 'disorders' which has lead generations of children who have failed to develop into sound, well balanced adults.

Adding further devolution of the marriage standard is only going to promote more perverse iterations of poorly founded children with little means to function independently and exponential growth in children who develop disorders wherein they identify themselves as homosexual or some other form of sexual and maturation abnormality.

Ronan Farrow's father left when Ronan was only 6 years leaving Ronan to be raised by his mother. He's proven to be highly intelligent and very successful despite his father's incestuous affair with his adopted sister and his father's sexual abuse of another adopted sister, which I think you would agree certainly lowered the standards of marriage.

Below is a picture of Neil Patrick Harris' twins, born of his and his partner's DNA. They are privileged to be ensconced in a loving and safe environment where they will be afforded the opportunity to grow and thrive. If they learn of sexual biases it will be from fear mongers such as you.
Living in harmony would be ideal, but we are a culture of many different people, and some of us are not open to equality.


None. To the contrary, gay marriage actually strengthens society.

That is not just false, it is hysterically false.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Marriage is such, because that is how nature designed the human species, with two distinct, but complimenting genders.

Marriage provides for the traits respective to each gender to nurture and train children though the distinct perspectives common to each. By lowering the standards of marriage, the Ideological Left has long since injured the institution of marriage... resulting in exponentially more children being born into single parent homes, encouraging divorce, rendering two gender families into one gender families...

The evidence is conclusive that children living in homes where one gender is represented children tend to grow up absent sufficient training, thus lacking the discipline to provide for them the means to focus cognitively, thus producing the epidemic of drug addles youths through the ill-advised treatment of the psychological alphabet soup maladies; ADD, ADHD, ODD and so on and so forth of fictitious 'disorders' which has lead generations of children who have failed to develop into sound, well balanced adults.

Adding further devolution of the marriage standard is only going to promote more perverse iterations of poorly founded children with little means to function independently and exponential growth in children who develop disorders wherein they identify themselves as homosexual or some other form of sexual and maturation abnormality.

Ronan Farrow's father left when Ronan was only 6 years leaving Ronan to be raised by his mother. He's proven to be highly intelligent and very successful despite his father's incestuous affair with his adopted sister and his father's sexual abuse of another adopted sister, which I think you would agree certainly lowered the standards of marriage.

AS I stated and Science agrees "Homosexuality is a product of early childhood trauma" and apparently Mr. Farrow had plenty.

He's not gay.

You sure about that ?

Does Ronan Farrow s Sexuality Matter VICE United States

Actually I'm not sure any more than you are. He's a great-looking man, highly intelligent, and I would respect him whatever his sexual orientation. I've always found people of intelligence to be fascinating, and there are a myriad of subjects to discuss without bringing a person's bedroom habits into the equation.

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