The Homosexual Dilemma

And solid, tangible benefits to society.

Yup - and it's also wonderful that gayness can be enjoyed and shared this way - every kid has a right to experience inter generational intimacy - isn't that right skylar ?

Every kid has the right to be free of homophobic bullying and battery.

Homophobes are pissed off about that.
How often are homosexuals being bashed.....or is this another "back alley abortion" argument?

Less and less now- thanks to the very media campaigns, gay rights campaigns and school education that you so vehemantly oppose.

Like I said- less bigotry pisses the homophobes off.
So people who oppose homosexuality are upset because gays aren't being beaten? Do you ever read the stupid shit you type?

Less and less now gay bashing now- thanks to the very media campaigns, gay rights campaigns and school education that you so vehemantly oppose.

Like I said- less bigotry pisses the homophobes off.
Yup - and it's also wonderful that gayness can be enjoyed and shared this way - every kid has a right to experience inter generational intimacy - isn't that right skylar ?

Every kid has the right to be free of homophobic bullying and battery.

Homophobes are pissed off about that.
How often are homosexuals being bashed.....or is this another "back alley abortion" argument?

Less and less now- thanks to the very media campaigns, gay rights campaigns and school education that you so vehemantly oppose.

Like I said- less bigotry pisses the homophobes off.
So people who oppose homosexuality are upset because gays aren't being beaten? Do you ever read the stupid shit you type?

Less and less now gay bashing now- thanks to the very media campaigns, gay rights campaigns and school education that you so vehemantly oppose.

Like I said- less bigotry pisses the homophobes off.
So you just admitted to being a shrill idiot. Understood.
Every kid has the right to be free of homophobic bullying and battery.

Homophobes are pissed off about that.
How often are homosexuals being bashed.....or is this another "back alley abortion" argument?

Less and less now- thanks to the very media campaigns, gay rights campaigns and school education that you so vehemantly oppose.

Like I said- less bigotry pisses the homophobes off.
So people who oppose homosexuality are upset because gays aren't being beaten? Do you ever read the stupid shit you type?

Less and less now gay bashing now- thanks to the very media campaigns, gay rights campaigns and school education that you so vehemantly oppose.

Like I said- less bigotry pisses the homophobes off.
So you just admitted to being a shrill idiot. Understood.

Clearly we can add lack of reading comprehension to bigotry as your attributes

Less and less now gay bashing now- thanks to the very media campaigns, gay rights campaigns and school education that you so vehemantly oppose.

Like I said- less bigotry pisses the homophobes off.
Skylar I said if you don't like it, there's the door.

And no one really gives a shit what you said. So what possible relevance does your personal issues with women have with a thread on homosexuality?

I don't have any issues with them. If they give me an issue, I shove my cock in their mouth or boot them out the door.

It's a good way to live.

Pussy is good, but so is writing music, building fancy furniture, and writing papers on mathematics. As is learning and writing a book.

I'll give her the world, but when she demands the moon and the stars...there's the door.
Skylar I said if you don't like it, there's the door.

And no one really gives a shit what you said. So what possible relevance does your personal issues with women have with a thread on homosexuality?

I don't have any issues with them. If they give me an issue, I shove my cock in their mouth or boot them out the door.

It's a good way to live.

Pussy is good, but so is writing music, building fancy furniture, and writing papers on mathematics. As is learning and writing a book.

I'll give her the world, but when she demands the moon and the stars...there's the door.

Someone asked if gay marriage strengthens society. I answered the question.
Skylar I said if you don't like it, there's the door.

And no one really gives a shit what you said. So what possible relevance does your personal issues with women have with a thread on homosexuality?

I don't have any issues with them.

Which is why you lamented about women and posted a video where some random dude whines about how male female relationships are over.

Because both sound pretty problematic. And your personal issues with women have nothing to do with this thread.

Well, unless you're giving up women entirely and plan on sucking a dick. In which case marriage rights for gays might be relevant to you.
Well, unless you're giving up women entirely and plan on sucking a dick. In which case marriage rights for gays might be relevant to you.

Nope. Clean the nest, cook for the nest, put more babies in the nest, and stfu. That's my rule. I'll provide everything else.

Try it, you'll be happier. You will have to get a woman from the third world though.

The worst (yet most adhered to) cliche is:

"Happy Wife, Happy Life."

Why? Why does your happiness depend on someone's elses? The moment you reject this, and make her happiness depend on yours, is the day you truly become a free man. I live in no fear or subjugation to any woman, nor shall I ever again.
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None. To the contrary, gay marriage actually strengthens society.

That is not just false, it is hysterically false.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Marriage is such, because that is how nature designed the human species, with two distinct, but complimenting genders.

Marriage provides for the traits respective to each gender to nurture and train children though the distinct perspectives common to each. By lowering the standards of marriage, the Ideological Left has long since injured the institution of marriage... resulting in exponentially more children being born into single parent homes, encouraging divorce, rendering two gender families into one gender families...

The evidence is conclusive that children living in homes where one gender is represented children tend to grow up absent sufficient training, thus lacking the discipline to provide for them the means to focus cognitively, thus producing the epidemic of drug addles youths through the ill-advised treatment of the psychological alphabet soup maladies; ADD, ADHD, ODD and so on and so forth of fictitious 'disorders' which has lead generations of children who have failed to develop into sound, well balanced adults.

Adding further devolution of the marriage standard is only going to promote more perverse iterations of poorly founded children with little means to function independently and exponential growth in children who develop disorders wherein they identify themselves as homosexual or some other form of sexual and maturation abnormality.
Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Marriage is such, because that is how nature designed the human species, with two distinct, but complimenting genders.

Marriage provides for the traits respective to each gender to nurture and train children though the distinct perspectives common to each.

That's how it used to be. Now men are supposed to assume all the roles and responsibilities of women as well, because if they don't, that woman will take half their income, property and all the children.

Don't get married.

My girlfriend keeps asking (in spanish) when are we getting married. The moment she's married, I lose all my leverage, most importantly the ability to boot her out the door without financial consequence.

Even an unspoiled third-world immigrant woman like her is looking for the "doomhammer"
None. To the contrary, gay marriage actually strengthens society.

That is not just false, it is hysterically false.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Says you. In 36 of 50 States, marriage also includes a man and a man. Or a woman and a woman. With 48 of 50 States recognizing same sex marriage as being just as legally valid and recognized as different sex marriage.

Marriage is such, because that is how nature designed the human species, with two distinct, but complimenting genders.

Marriage isn't designed by 'nature'. Its designed by us. And it means whatever we say it means.

Marriage provides for the traits respective to each gender to nurture and train children though the distinct perspectives common to each. By lowering the standards of marriage, the Ideological Left has long since injured the institution of marriage... resulting in exponentially more children being born into single parent homes, encouraging divorce, rendering two gender families into one gender families...

How is the 'institution of marriage' damaged by allowing gays and lesbians into it? Remember, gays and lesbians are having children already. The only question is, will the parents of these children be married, or will they not. And the courts have already recognized the harm to these children by the denial of the right to marry to their parents.

"And it humiliates tens of thousands of children now being raised by same-sex couples. The law
in question makes it even more difficult for the children to understand the integrity and closeness of their own family
and its concord with other families in their community and in their daily lives.

....DOMA also brings financial harm to children of samesex couples. It raises the cost of health care for families
by taxing health benefits provided by employers to their workers’ same-sex spouses. And it denies or reduces
benefits allowed to families upon the loss of a spouse and parent, benefits that are an integral part of family security."

Windsor V. US.

Your vague and imaginary 'institutional' harm doesn't actually exist. While the specific and real harm to the children of same sex parents when their parents aren't allowed to marry does exist. marriage doesn't hurt you or diminish society in any way, promotes monogamy, expands rights, is a shot in the arm of the economy, and benefits children. What's not to love?

The evidence is conclusive that children living in homes where one gender is represented children tend to grow up absent sufficient training, thus lacking the discipline to provide for them the means to focus cognitively, thus producing the epidemic of drug addles youths through the ill-advised treatment of the psychological alphabet soup maladies; ADD, ADHD, ODD and so on and so forth of fictitious 'disorders' which has lead generations of children who have failed to develop into sound, well balanced adults.

And by the 'evidence is conclusive', you mean whatever you just made up? Remember, you don't actually have the slightest clue what you're talking about. And routinely offer your opinion as 'irrefutable fact', despite the fact that you can back it with nothing but your ability to type it. Remember all your made up 'facts' regarding the transmission of HIV? You were laughably clueless. Demonstrating yet again that you citing yourself is meaningless jabber.

Show us the evidence. Don't tell us about it.
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Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Marriage is such, because that is how nature designed the human species, with two distinct, but complimenting genders.

Marriage provides for the traits respective to each gender to nurture and train children though the distinct perspectives common to each.

That's how it used to be. Now men are supposed to assume all the roles and responsibilities of women as well, because if they don't, that woman will take half their income, property and all the children.

Don't get married.

My girlfriend keeps asking (in spanish) when are we getting married. The moment she's married, I lose all my leverage, most importantly the ability to boot her out the door without financial consequence.

Even an unspoiled third-world immigrant woman like her is looking for the "doomhammer"
If I were her, I'd dump you pronto.
Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Marriage is such, because that is how nature designed the human species, with two distinct, but complimenting genders.

Marriage provides for the traits respective to each gender to nurture and train children though the distinct perspectives common to each.

That's how it used to be. Now men are supposed to assume all the roles and responsibilities of women as well, because if they don't, that woman will take half their income, property and all the children.

Don't get married.

My girlfriend keeps asking (in spanish) when are we getting married. The moment she's married, I lose all my leverage, most importantly the ability to boot her out the door without financial consequence.

Even an unspoiled third-world immigrant woman like her is looking for the "doomhammer"
If I were her, I'd dump you pronto.

Yeah, that screed has 'high maintenance' written all over it. As a general rule, if you're having problems in every one of your relationships, you may want to look more closely at the common denominator:

Nope. Clean the nest, cook for the nest, put more babies in the nest, and stfu. That's my rule.

Wow. And the ladies aren't lining up at your door?

Color me shocked.

And how is any of these even remotely relevant to homosexuality?
I provided you the link - like the old saying - you can lead a Jack Ass to water but you can't make it think.

The modern dynamic has come to a somewhat different construct there...

"You can lead a Leftist to reason, but you can't make then THINK!
Leftist> Democrat> Jack Ass> Liberal same bag of slime - Intellectual slouches who allow others to do their thinking for them and simply recycle the same worn out arguments time and time again.

I think of them as apocalyptic zombies - unthinking , unknowing hoards of ignorant brain-dead shells of people

homophobe- bigot-fascist-racist- right wing nutjob- same bag of slime. Intellectual dimwits who parrot what is fed to them by racist and bigoted sources like Stormfront and WND.

They are invested with hate- and incapable of actual human love- so they project their hatred onto Americans- they want others to hate Americans as much as they do.

They hate- and want everyone else to hate as much as they do.
Get Help -Seriously - you need psychiatric help
If I were her, I'd dump you pronto.

Why? She gets free shelter, food, gets to see every movie (thank god I know spanish haha), went skiing and iceskating the day after christmas, etc.

Why would you dump a guy that houses and provides for you, and takes you places? Is the Earth not enough, or must you also have the Moon and the Stars?

Is keeping the house clean and cooking to much of a burden for all of that in return?
If I were her, I'd dump you pronto.

Why? She gets free shelter, food, gets to see every movie (thank god I know spanish haha), went skiing and iceskating the day after christmas, etc.

Why would you dump a guy that houses and provides for you, and takes you places? Is the Earth not enough, or must you also have the Moon and the Stars?

Is keeping the house clean and cooking to much of a burden for all of that in return?

Because you sound really high maintenance with serious issues with women that border on obsessive. I mean look at this thread. It has nothing to do with your women problems, and yet you splattered your issues all over it.

I can't imagine being in a relationship with that. It sounds exhausting.
They did initially. But after decades of studies, they could find no actual psychopathology associated with homosexuality.

Wrong - you my friend are one sad slimy little buttfucker -you haven't got a shred of independent free thought in your minute little cranium .

Compulsive homosexuality is a symptom-complex associated with extreme personality distortion. This extreme personality distortion demonstrably has its roots the earliest childhood and even infantile experiences of the individual and perpetuated by the compulsive strategies evolved during the course of his existence.

These constitute a neurotic aspect of the individuals personaliy and orientation structure. Homosexuality is essentially an outgrowth of acquired conflict relating to the whole person. It is the symbolic expression of a person's inner conflict in sexual language.

The American Journal of Psychoanalysis

Homosexual people tend to experience more mental health problems than heterosexual people, research indicates.

Rates of depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, phobia, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, and alcohol and drug dependence were significantly higher in homosexual respondents.

Four percent had a depressive episode in the last week, compared to two percent of heterosexual people. The rate of alcohol dependence was ten percent versus five percent, and for self-harming it was nine percent versus five percent.

The proportion of homosexual people who described themselves as being fairly or very happy was 30 percent, versus 40 percent for heterosexual people.

In the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey, participants chosen to be representative of the UK population gave information on neurotic symptoms, common mental disorders, probable psychosis, suicidal thoughts, and alcohol and drug use, as well as aspects of sexual identity and perceived discrimination.

....... Get a Clue you pathetic Zombie , if you yourself are not a cum guzzling turd burglar and truly just someone who actually believes they are arguing for a just cause - consider the fact that people such as yourself are doing more harm than good

Why? She gets free shelter, food, gets to see every movie (thank god I know spanish haha), went skiing and iceskating the day after christmas, etc.

Why would you dump a guy that houses and provides for you, and takes you places? Is the Earth not enough, or must you also have the Moon and the Stars?

Is keeping the house clean and cooking to much of a burden for all of that in return?

I can't imagine being in a relationship with that. It sounds exhausting.

Ok, let's trade places, I'll do the cooking and cleaning, and you work 70 hours a week. I'll happily assume that "exhausting" role.

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