The Homosexual Dilemma

You ask many people, perhaps even most, they'll tell you that they don't care what people do in the privacy of their bedroom, they just don't want it rubbed in their face.

You like it rubbed ON your face?

1. The forcing of gay marriage not by persuasion and winning hearts and minds, but through judicial activism. Never in U.S. history has there ever been an overturning of the will of the people that didn't lead to war.

I guess you're not familiar with segregation and the civil rights movement. Hell, you don't even seem to know about slavery and how slave owners used the bible to justify their "beliefs".

2. Workplaces have become a nightmare as gays and transgenders are given special rights and considerations and political correctness is enforced so that everyone is forced to walk on eggshells

special rights, like what?

3. Schools. Now parents have to wonder if their teenage daughter has to share the girls restroom with a boy who thinks he's a girl. The homosexual and transgender agenda is pushed unabashed onto young minds.

Isolated examples.

4. Football. Players seek fame not the old fashioned way, through athletic accomplishment, but by "coming out". Since when is being homosexual an accomplishment?

Fame? The old fashion way was through steroids.

5. Homosexuality pervades our media, our television, and virtually all facets of American life. Why do these people think they're so important? What if Christians or Jews acted like this?


Face it, you're a homophobe and you don't like that more people aren't like you. A bitter, bigot.

GO to hell. And leave the country if you don't like it here.

Speaking of leaving the country, you should visit your Mooslem brethren in Saudi Arabia and tell them how gay you are. Please have a friend get video of it to upload their tolerant response to Youtube. They'll kill you, but you'll be an inspiration to other gay Mooslims, a martyr for the cause. It was nice knowing you.
the libs in this thread keep talking about no need to procreate; not surprising since they defend millions of babies being slaughtered.

Why am I not surprised that the same people who don't want equality for homosexuals also oppose a woman controlling her own body.
Why is it you fags only care about children and adopting them once they're born?
Well, then it's a good thing that my civil marriage to my life partner of 20 years only makes our society stronger and healthier then.

Anytime two freaks do something abnormal thinking that what you have will ever come close to my real marriage with a woman, it weakens society.

If that were actually true and not your bigoted, homophobic, anti gay'd actually be winning cases in court because then you'd be able to demonstrate a societal harm in allowing my civil marriage.

But alas for the bigots, there is no societal harm in allowing gays to marry their consenting adult life partners. Too bad for you, great for the rest of the country. :lol:

None. To the contrary, gay marriage actually strengthens society. It encourages monogamy, it strengthens families, it expands rights, and the economy loves all the money being poured into the extra weddings. There's no downside. And solid, tangible benefits to society.

Which makes opposition to gay marriage all the more bizarre.

No more bizarre than the opposition to equal rights for any other minority group.

At its root is bigotry.

Since marriage isn't a right, fight for equality of something that isn't makes such groups like the fags look stupid.

Since marriage is a right- recognized repeatedly by the Supreme Court going back almost 100 years- your post just make bigots look stupid

Loving v Virginia

"The freedom to marry has long been recognized as one of the vital personal rights essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men."

"Marriage is one of the 'basic civil rights of man,' fundamental to our very existence and survival."

Zablocki v. Rehail

AlthoughLovingarose in the context of racial discrimination, prior and subsequent decisions of this Court confirm that the right to marry is of fundamental importance for all individuals.

Maynard v. Hill,125 U. S. 190(1888), the Court characterized marriage as "the most important relation in life,"id.at125 U. S. 205, and as "the foundation of the family and of society, without which there would be neither civilization nor progress,"

InMeyer v. Nebraska,262 U. S. 390(1923), the Court recognized that the right "to marry, establish a home and bring up children" is a central part of the liberty protected by the Due Process Clause,

InGriswold v. Connecticut,381 U. S. 479(1965), the Court observed:

"We deal with a right of privacy older than the Bill of Rights -- older than our political parties, older than our school system. Marriage is a coming together for better or for worse, hopefully enduring, and intimate to the degree of being sacred. It is an association that promotes a way of life, not causes; a harmony in living, not political faiths; a bilateral loyalty, not commercial or social projects. Yet it is an association for as noble a purpose as any involved in our prior decisions."
Oh, the "how does it affect you?" idiocy for the millionth time. Does it ever occur to you dipsticks that people might be concerned about more than themselves, that they want a strong, healthy society too?

Well, then it's a good thing that my civil marriage to my life partner of 20 years only makes our society stronger and healthier then.

Anytime two freaks do something abnormal thinking that what you have will ever come close to my real marriage with a woman, it weakens society.

If that were actually true and not your bigoted, homophobic, anti gay'd actually be winning cases in court because then you'd be able to demonstrate a societal harm in allowing my civil marriage.

But alas for the bigots, there is no societal harm in allowing gays to marry their consenting adult life partners. Too bad for you, great for the rest of the country. :lol:
Is that how court cases are decided?

It is a factor, yes. It's one of the primary reason anti gay marriage laws are losing...the bigots cannot come up with a societal harm that meets a reasonable person standard.
So you admit the courts were swayes by flowery arguments instead of the Constitution. That's all I needed to know.
Well, then it's a good thing that my civil marriage to my life partner of 20 years only makes our society stronger and healthier then.

Anytime two freaks do something abnormal thinking that what you have will ever come close to my real marriage with a woman, it weakens society.

If that were actually true and not your bigoted, homophobic, anti gay'd actually be winning cases in court because then you'd be able to demonstrate a societal harm in allowing my civil marriage.

But alas for the bigots, there is no societal harm in allowing gays to marry their consenting adult life partners. Too bad for you, great for the rest of the country. :lol:
Is that how court cases are decided?

It is a factor, yes. It's one of the primary reason anti gay marriage laws are losing...the bigots cannot come up with a societal harm that meets a reasonable person standard.
So you admit the courts were swayes by flowery arguments instead of the Constitution. That's all I needed to know.

The lack of harm to society is a powerful argument against the claims of gay marriage opponents. And yes, the courts should take this into consideration.
I provided you the link - like the old saying - you can lead a Jack Ass to water but you can't make it think.

The modern dynamic has come to a somewhat different construct there...

"You can lead a Leftist to reason, but you can't make then THINK!
Leftist> Democrat> Jack Ass> Liberal same bag of slime - Intellectual slouches who allow others to do their thinking for them and simply recycle the same worn out arguments time and time again.

I think of them as apocalyptic zombies - unthinking , unknowing hoards of ignorant brain-dead shells of people

homophobe- bigot-fascist-racist- right wing nutjob- same bag of slime. Intellectual dimwits who parrot what is fed to them by racist and bigoted sources like Stormfront and WND.

They are invested with hate- and incapable of actual human love- so they project their hatred onto Americans- they want others to hate Americans as much as they do.

They hate- and want everyone else to hate as much as they do.
For a prosecutor of "hate" you sure have a lot of it yourself.
the libs in this thread keep talking about no need to procreate; not surprising since they defend millions of babies being slaughtered.

Why am I not surprised that the same people who don't want equality for homosexuals also oppose a woman controlling her own body.
Why is it you fags only care about children and adopting them once they're born? are even more confused as usual. You seem to think that anyone who doesn't want to promote hate towards those you so cutely call 'fags' is a homosexual.

Clearly homosexuals do care about children- that is why they both give birth to children- and adopt the children that were abandoned by their heterosexual parents.
I provided you the link - like the old saying - you can lead a Jack Ass to water but you can't make it think.

The modern dynamic has come to a somewhat different construct there...

"You can lead a Leftist to reason, but you can't make then THINK!
Leftist> Democrat> Jack Ass> Liberal same bag of slime - Intellectual slouches who allow others to do their thinking for them and simply recycle the same worn out arguments time and time again.

I think of them as apocalyptic zombies - unthinking , unknowing hoards of ignorant brain-dead shells of people

homophobe- bigot-fascist-racist- right wing nutjob- same bag of slime. Intellectual dimwits who parrot what is fed to them by racist and bigoted sources like Stormfront and WND.

They are invested with hate- and incapable of actual human love- so they project their hatred onto Americans- they want others to hate Americans as much as they do.

They hate- and want everyone else to hate as much as they do.
For a prosecutor of "hate" you sure have a lot of it yourself.

Says the guy who pontificates on how 'intelligent' Putin is for cracking down on gays and lesbians. And insists that gays and lesbians should never legally be allowed to have children.

But tell us again how 'even Jesus went on a rampage' in your defense of a war against gays?
And solid, tangible benefits to society.

Yup - and it's also wonderful that gayness can be enjoyed and shared this way - every kid has a right to experience inter generational intimacy - isn't that right skylar ?

Every kid has the right to be free of homophobic bullying and battery.

Homophobes are pissed off about that.
How often are homosexuals being bashed.....or is this another "back alley abortion" argument?
I provided you the link - like the old saying - you can lead a Jack Ass to water but you can't make it think.

The modern dynamic has come to a somewhat different construct there...

"You can lead a Leftist to reason, but you can't make then THINK!
Leftist> Democrat> Jack Ass> Liberal same bag of slime - Intellectual slouches who allow others to do their thinking for them and simply recycle the same worn out arguments time and time again.

I think of them as apocalyptic zombies - unthinking , unknowing hoards of ignorant brain-dead shells of people

homophobe- bigot-fascist-racist- right wing nutjob- same bag of slime. Intellectual dimwits who parrot what is fed to them by racist and bigoted sources like Stormfront and WND.

They are invested with hate- and incapable of actual human love- so they project their hatred onto Americans- they want others to hate Americans as much as they do.

They hate- and want everyone else to hate as much as they do.
For a prosecutor of "hate" you sure have a lot of it yourself.

Oh I certainly dislike bigots- but I don't hate anyone.

Unlike bigots- their hearts are filled full of hate- and that is why they promote hatred and discrimination towards homosexuals and African Americans and Latino's and Jews and women.
And solid, tangible benefits to society.

Yup - and it's also wonderful that gayness can be enjoyed and shared this way - every kid has a right to experience inter generational intimacy - isn't that right skylar ?

Every kid has the right to be free of homophobic bullying and battery.

Homophobes are pissed off about that.
How often are homosexuals being bashed.....or is this another "back alley abortion" argument?

In this thread alone?
And solid, tangible benefits to society.

Yup - and it's also wonderful that gayness can be enjoyed and shared this way - every kid has a right to experience inter generational intimacy - isn't that right skylar ?

Every kid has the right to be free of homophobic bullying and battery.

Homophobes are pissed off about that.
How often are homosexuals being bashed.....or is this another "back alley abortion" argument?

Less and less now- thanks to the very media campaigns, gay rights campaigns and school education that you so vehemantly oppose.

Like I said- less bigotry pisses the homophobes off.
the libs in this thread keep talking about no need to procreate; not surprising since they defend millions of babies being slaughtered.

Why am I not surprised that the same people who don't want equality for homosexuals also oppose a woman controlling her own body.
Why is it you fags only care about children and adopting them once they're born? are even more confused as usual. You seem to think that anyone who doesn't want to promote hate towards those you so cutely call 'fags' is a homosexual.

Clearly homosexuals do care about children- that is why they both give birth to children- and adopt the children that were abandoned by their heterosexual parents.
Any child abandoned by heterosexual parents needs replacement heterosexuals, not freaks and perverts to adopt them.
the libs in this thread keep talking about no need to procreate; not surprising since they defend millions of babies being slaughtered.

Why am I not surprised that the same people who don't want equality for homosexuals also oppose a woman controlling her own body.
Why is it you fags only care about children and adopting them once they're born? are even more confused as usual. You seem to think that anyone who doesn't want to promote hate towards those you so cutely call 'fags' is a homosexual.

Clearly homosexuals do care about children- that is why they both give birth to children- and adopt the children that were abandoned by their heterosexual parents.
Any child abandoned by heterosexual parents needs replacement heterosexuals, not freaks and perverts to adopt them.

You were saying about bashing of gays?
the libs in this thread keep talking about no need to procreate; not surprising since they defend millions of babies being slaughtered.

Why am I not surprised that the same people who don't want equality for homosexuals also oppose a woman controlling her own body.
Why is it you fags only care about children and adopting them once they're born? are even more confused as usual. You seem to think that anyone who doesn't want to promote hate towards those you so cutely call 'fags' is a homosexual.

Clearly homosexuals do care about children- that is why they both give birth to children- and adopt the children that were abandoned by their heterosexual parents.
Any child abandoned by heterosexual parents needs replacement heterosexuals, not freaks and perverts to adopt them.

So scratch your name off the adoption list.
I provided you the link - like the old saying - you can lead a Jack Ass to water but you can't make it think.

The modern dynamic has come to a somewhat different construct there...

"You can lead a Leftist to reason, but you can't make then THINK!
Leftist> Democrat> Jack Ass> Liberal same bag of slime - Intellectual slouches who allow others to do their thinking for them and simply recycle the same worn out arguments time and time again.

I think of them as apocalyptic zombies - unthinking , unknowing hoards of ignorant brain-dead shells of people

homophobe- bigot-fascist-racist- right wing nutjob- same bag of slime. Intellectual dimwits who parrot what is fed to them by racist and bigoted sources like Stormfront and WND.

They are invested with hate- and incapable of actual human love- so they project their hatred onto Americans- they want others to hate Americans as much as they do.

They hate- and want everyone else to hate as much as they do.
For a prosecutor of "hate" you sure have a lot of it yourself.

Says the guy who pontificates on how 'intelligent' Putin is for cracking down on gays and lesbians. And insists that gays and lesbians should never legally be allowed to have children.

But tell us again how 'even Jesus went on a rampage' in your defense of a war against gays?

Yeah- since Saintboy has declared that lesbians should never be legally allowed to have children, I have thought about the 'slippery slope' implications of his statement.

We know homophobes love slippery slopes.

So if the State says that lesbians cannot have children.....that would lead to the State removing those children from their parents.....and since the State can remove children from their parents simply because they are lesbians, then the State would naturally require lesbians who get pregnant to have abortions.....and then the State could start on any other parents they find less than desirable.

I love slippery slope arguments.
the libs in this thread keep talking about no need to procreate; not surprising since they defend millions of babies being slaughtered.

Why am I not surprised that the same people who don't want equality for homosexuals also oppose a woman controlling her own body.
Why is it you fags only care about children and adopting them once they're born? are even more confused as usual. You seem to think that anyone who doesn't want to promote hate towards those you so cutely call 'fags' is a homosexual.

Clearly homosexuals do care about children- that is why they both give birth to children- and adopt the children that were abandoned by their heterosexual parents.
Any child abandoned by heterosexual parents needs replacement heterosexuals, not freaks and perverts to adopt them.
I adopted our daughter. She was not abandoned, but well planned. Are you calling her parents freaks and perverts?
And solid, tangible benefits to society.

Yup - and it's also wonderful that gayness can be enjoyed and shared this way - every kid has a right to experience inter generational intimacy - isn't that right skylar ?

Every kid has the right to be free of homophobic bullying and battery.

Homophobes are pissed off about that.
How often are homosexuals being bashed.....or is this another "back alley abortion" argument?

Less and less now- thanks to the very media campaigns, gay rights campaigns and school education that you so vehemantly oppose.

Like I said- less bigotry pisses the homophobes off.
So people who oppose homosexuality are upset because gays aren't being beaten? Do you ever read the stupid shit you type?
the libs in this thread keep talking about no need to procreate; not surprising since they defend millions of babies being slaughtered.

Why am I not surprised that the same people who don't want equality for homosexuals also oppose a woman controlling her own body.
Why is it you fags only care about children and adopting them once they're born? are even more confused as usual. You seem to think that anyone who doesn't want to promote hate towards those you so cutely call 'fags' is a homosexual.

Clearly homosexuals do care about children- that is why they both give birth to children- and adopt the children that were abandoned by their heterosexual parents.
Any child abandoned by heterosexual parents needs replacement heterosexuals, not freaks and perverts to adopt them.
I adopted our daughter. She was not abandoned, but well planned. Are you calling her parents freaks and perverts?
Yes. You understand perfectly now.
You ask many people, perhaps even most, they'll tell you that they don't care what people do in the privacy of their bedroom, they just don't want it rubbed in their face.

You like it rubbed ON your face?

1. The forcing of gay marriage not by persuasion and winning hearts and minds, but through judicial activism. Never in U.S. history has there ever been an overturning of the will of the people that didn't lead to war.

I guess you're not familiar with segregation and the civil rights movement. Hell, you don't even seem to know about slavery and how slave owners used the bible to justify their "beliefs".

2. Workplaces have become a nightmare as gays and transgenders are given special rights and considerations and political correctness is enforced so that everyone is forced to walk on eggshells

special rights, like what?

3. Schools. Now parents have to wonder if their teenage daughter has to share the girls restroom with a boy who thinks he's a girl. The homosexual and transgender agenda is pushed unabashed onto young minds.

Isolated examples.

4. Football. Players seek fame not the old fashioned way, through athletic accomplishment, but by "coming out". Since when is being homosexual an accomplishment?

Fame? The old fashion way was through steroids.

5. Homosexuality pervades our media, our television, and virtually all facets of American life. Why do these people think they're so important? What if Christians or Jews acted like this?


Face it, you're a homophobe and you don't like that more people aren't like you. A bitter, bigot.

GO to hell. And leave the country if you don't like it here.

Speaking of leaving the country, you should visit your Mooslem brethren in Saudi Arabia and tell them how gay you are. Please have a friend get video of it to upload their tolerant response to Youtube. They'll kill you, but you'll be an inspiration to other gay Mooslims, a martyr for the cause. It was nice knowing you.

Yeah- Homophobes do love how in some countries they can kill homosexuals.

They have a real soft spot in their hearts for Russia and Saudi Arabia.

I wonder why they haven't moved there to be with their like minded brethren?

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