The Homosexual Dilemma

But even if the marriage equality crowd were not winning the popular opinion as it is, Jacksonian democratic majority does not govern civil rights.

The rest of America will not be governed by a hateful narrow-minded small minority from the far right.

Sorry. You don't get to make up rights because people aren't voting for your agenda. The fact you have to push your agenda on everyone through black robed tyrants says that you.

The fact that you consider judges to be 'black robed tyrants' just is one more example of how much you despise our Constitution.

You're an idiot if you think that my contempt for judges that pervert the Constitution is despising the Constitution. In fact, it would indicate quite the opposite to anyone with even a trace of intelligence.
But even if the marriage equality crowd were not winning the popular opinion as it is, Jacksonian democratic majority does not govern civil rights.

The rest of America will not be governed by a hateful narrow-minded small minority from the far right.

Sorry. You don't get to make up rights because people aren't voting for your agenda. The fact you have to push your agenda on everyone through black robed tyrants says that you admit you're imposing your morality on Americans under the guise of "civil rights".

And isn't it you Leftwats who are always telling us not to impose our beliefs on others?

So like I said on the OP, on behalf of the American People, the U.S. Constitution, and all decency.....

Fuck you.

St.Mike - I dunno if you're role playing or not ... if U R ... I like your style - good schtick - if not I still like your style

Saintmichaeldefendthem has been around on a lot of forums for several years. With a little research, you'll find I've been consistently conservative. I don't know what game Silhouette is playing or for what reason, but I'm the real deal. I don't know what I did to deserve the friendly fire from him.
Are you laughing because you can almost taste being a one-trick pony?

I'm laughing because Left-think is the perspective of the irrationally subjective female, thus as with all comedy, it's funny, because it's true.

So you are highly concerned with subjective females. Says a lot about you.

Does it?

LOL! OK...

Pray tell, what does it say?

You couldn't take it.

So... Ya got nuttin'?

Color me SHOCKED!

I would most definitely color you yellow to match the streak down your back.
I'm laughing because Left-think is the perspective of the irrationally subjective female, thus as with all comedy, it's funny, because it's true.

So you are highly concerned with subjective females. Says a lot about you.

Does it?

LOL! OK...

Pray tell, what does it say?

You couldn't take it.

So... Ya got nuttin'?

Color me SHOCKED!

I would most definitely color you yellow.


Color-paint sexual foreplay is something my wife and I haven't done for years, but you got my imagination firing on all cylinders. Thank you so much.
It's hard to believe those numbers when California voters approved of a ban on gay marriage by popular referendum. When it was struck down in court, they passed another referendum adding a ban to gay marriage to the California constitution. Yeah, Blue State California. Compare this to New York who pulled some shady tricks to pass gay marriage in the middle of the night before any opposition could be mounted to it. And that was the legislature, not a popular movement, so they can hardly be seen as representing the people in doing that. When it comes to the laws that are backed by popular support, gay marriage is trumped by those who want to preserve what real marriage is.

You're just providing an excellent example of why we don't vote on people's civil rights. Loving v Virginia was in 1967.


no matter how many times you say it, race and sexual orientation are not the same.

but since you brought up race, are the following races: hispanic, asian, arab, latino ? Answer: No.

second question: would you support an affirmative action law for gays?

just trying to see where you really are on this.
Redfish's meaningless babble. Marriage Equality is almost here. There is no homosexual dilemma at all.
stmike's been this, done that on the net, he is the real deal. So he says. No, he is not, and obviously no one can trust him. He is out only for himself.

Once again, stmike, you suffer no harm from marriage equality, none.
It's hard to believe those numbers when California voters approved of a ban on gay marriage by popular referendum. When it was struck down in court, they passed another referendum adding a ban to gay marriage to the California constitution. Yeah, Blue State California. Compare this to New York who pulled some shady tricks to pass gay marriage in the middle of the night before any opposition could be mounted to it. And that was the legislature, not a popular movement, so they can hardly be seen as representing the people in doing that. When it comes to the laws that are backed by popular support, gay marriage is trumped by those who want to preserve what real marriage is.

You're just providing an excellent example of why we don't vote on people's civil rights. Loving v Virginia was in 1967.


no matter how many times you say it, race and sexual orientation are not the same.

but since you brought up race, are the following races: hispanic, asian, arab, latino ? Answer: No.

second question: would you support an affirmative action law for gays?

just trying to see where you really are on this.
Redfish's meaningless babble. Marriage Equality is almost here. There is no homosexual dilemma at all.

marriage equality has always been here. if you are a man you can marry any woman who will say yes.

homosexuality is an aberation of the human condition, it is a mental unbalance, it is an illness. It is not normal.

Gays should be treated equally and fairly, just as people with bipolar disorders should be treated equally and fairly.
stmike's been this, done that on the net, he is the real deal. So he says. No, he is not, and obviously no one can trust him. He is out only for himself.

Once again, stmike, you suffer no harm from marriage equality, none.

society suffers, so every member of society suffers. legalizing perversion will destroy a society.
Nope, butt nugget, that is not marriage equality, and, no, society suffers not at all.

Your definitions of homosexuality are meaningless.

You are the one who needs treatment.
stmike's been this, done that on the net, he is the real deal. So he says. No, he is not, and obviously no one can trust him. He is out only for himself.

Once again, stmike, you suffer no harm from marriage equality, none.

Oh, good. For a moment there I thought you forgot what we were discussing.

Senior moment.

Marriage equality existed before gay marriage. You can't prove discrimination where none existed.
Your misdefinition of marriage equality is meaningless to the growing majority of Americans, the same as racial discrimination and segregation fifty and sixty years ago.
Your misdefinition of marriage equality is meaningless to the growing majority of Americans, the same as racial discrimination and segregation fifty and sixty years ago.

race has nothing to do with lifestyle choice. Screaming that it does over and over doesn't change that fact. People can be judged by how they choose to live and should. Often.
Your misdefinition of marriage equality is meaningless to the growing majority of Americans, the same as racial discrimination and segregation fifty and sixty years ago.

being black is a normal human condition. being homosexual is not.
You are entirely wrong. They are gay like you are not, in nearly all cases. Only a few make a conscious choice. The science, and human history, is clear but your ideology is junk.
Discrimination against race in law remains pertinent as does exclusion of marriage equality.

That the far right social cons do not accept such is risible.
Your misdefinition of marriage equality is meaningless to the growing majority of Americans, the same as racial discrimination and segregation fifty and sixty years ago.

race has nothing to do with lifestyle choice. Screaming that it does over and over doesn't change that fact. People can be judged by how they choose to live and should. Often.
Sorry to have to be the one to tell you this Chief Sellout, but people are born black, and white, and gay, and straight, and smart and stupid. That's just life on this rock.
The sillies think shouting the nonsense and Benghazi and Ebola means something in this discussion.


Marriage Equality is here to stay.
Jesusland is able to co-exist with the militant atheist nutters, so I imagine it will handle the social con far right nutters without any difficulty. America is for everyone but mad dogs, as I am afraid some of our blood thirsty religious and atheist folks are going to find out to their eternal distress.

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