The Homosexual Dilemma

Anyone think posting "link" is proves anything? Get a life. The proof is experience. Living a full life and having wide range of experiences. Gays are nice folks, in general. But I don't understand this push for rights for them, I really don't. Tell me why? This is about a general consensus, there isn't any right or wrong. I just don't understand this rationalizing irrational sexual behavior. They are never gonna have children, why this PUSH for marriage equality? Why? I just am not buying it. I don't understand it.
Damn. I've known plenty of gays. Not like I hold myself above folks, but all the lesbians and gays struck me as just messed up neurotic people with weird sexual fetishes. Not like I was pure as the driven snow. My mental problems were driven by a physical issue proven by science to exist, epilepsy. Anxiety and even more anxiety. Panic attacks, auras caused bright flashing lights. If I could, I would be normal like you hetros or gays. I take medication for it. I think, 40 or 50 years from now, gays will find hope in new medication or psychiatric help. My brother in law had a sex change, and it seems so weird to me this sexual identity crisis people are having seems so artificial.

speaking of real mental illness and a cure coming forth

An Oxford University researcher and author specializing in neuroscience has suggested that one day religious fundamentalism may be treated as a curable mental illness.

Kathleen Taylor, Neuroscientist, Says Religious Fundamentalism Could Be Treated As A Mental Illness

Kathleen Taylor Neuroscientist Says Religious Fundamentalism Could Be Treated As A Mental Illness
Yet here you are- in every thread- complaining about all homosexuals.
Nope. Just the faggots.

F*ggot- N*gger- C*nt- K*ke

All words used by bigots in the same way for the same purpose.

And bigots always rationalize why its okay that they use any of these words.

But we all know why they use them- they use them to attempt to hurt others.
You make any interesting New Years resolutions?

Yes, I am resolved to stop being nice to evil.

You've already failed. I suggest a new resolution. Resolution specialists recommend making them goal oriented and specific rather broad and general. For example - you could resolve to stop giving twinkies to individuals who exhibit distinct evil characteristics like maniacal laughter, squinty eyes and dazzling (unatural) teeth that suggest a lot of money spent on dentistry. That would be specific and achievable.
They also suggest not choosing something you failed at before. For me that would be weight loss. I could choose a no fail resolution like I resolve to stay away from Budapest or Bankok or anything else starting with a B but...oh damn, that would include Boise. I really suck at this.
Doesn't matter what the anti-marriage equality crowd, believe, think, or pray for. Their confirmation bias and associated group cognitive dissonance will not stave off the embedding of marriage equality nationally and locally in a short time, and it will not stave off their children from chiding them, "Quit being goobers. If you are right about it, God will take care of it, because you have shown you can't."
Doesn't matter what the anti-marriage equality crowd, believe, think, or pray for. Their confirmation bias and associated group cognitive dissonance will not stave off the embedding of marriage equality nationally and locally in a short time, and it will not stave off their children from chiding them, "Quit being goobers. If you are right about it, God will take care of it, because you have shown you can't."
My children applaude my stance that faggots are abnormal.
Nope. Just the faggots.

F*ggot- N*gger- C*nt- K*ke

All words used by bigots in the same way for the same purpose.

And bigots always rationalize why its okay that they use any of these words.

But we all know why they use them- they use them to attempt to hurt others.
You make any interesting New Years resolutions?

Yes, I am resolved to stop being nice to evil.

You've already failed. I suggest a new resolution. Resolution specialists recommend making them goal oriented and specific rather broad and general. For example - you could resolve to stop giving twinkies to individuals who exhibit distinct evil characteristics like maniacal laughter, squinty eyes and dazzling (unatural) teeth that suggest a lot of money spent on dentistry. That would be specific and achievable.
They also suggest not choosing something you failed at before. For me that would be weight loss. I could choose a no fail resolution like I resolve to stay away from Budapest or Bankok or anything else starting with a B but...oh damn, that would include Boise. I really suck at this.
Well...that might explain a lot....

1. No chocolate

1. No chocolate

1. No chocolate

1. No chocolate

1. No chocolate

1. No chocolate
1. Some chocolate
It literally does, when the subject is the standard of order. Where such deviates or 'differs' from the standard, different equals disorder.

"Standards" are subjective.

Standards are objective. In that they require everyone to rise to them.

I have my standards dude. Is that objective enough?
You have no standards... you're a relativist. Thus we can rest assured that your life is one long string of rationalizations.

You think pubes? Nah. There are lines where right is right and wrong is wrong. You haven't crossed them yet.

Pubes? Not nice. Am I amiss for expecting more from a senior moderator, especially when keys asked you not to call him that? I know you can be better than that and I have faith in you to do the right thing.
F*ggot- N*gger- C*nt- K*ke

All words used by bigots in the same way for the same purpose.

And bigots always rationalize why its okay that they use any of these words.

But we all know why they use them- they use them to attempt to hurt others.
You make any interesting New Years resolutions?

Yes, I am resolved to stop being nice to evil.

You've already failed. I suggest a new resolution. Resolution specialists recommend making them goal oriented and specific rather broad and general. For example - you could resolve to stop giving twinkies to individuals who exhibit distinct evil characteristics like maniacal laughter, squinty eyes and dazzling (unatural) teeth that suggest a lot of money spent on dentistry. That would be specific and achievable.
They also suggest not choosing something you failed at before. For me that would be weight loss. I could choose a no fail resolution like I resolve to stay away from Budapest or Bankok or anything else starting with a B but...oh damn, that would include Boise. I really suck at this.
Well...that might explain a lot....

1. No chocolate

1. No chocolate

1. No chocolate

1. No chocolate

1. No chocolate

1. No chocolate
1. Some chocolate
Well cool - then same sex marriage isn't an issue.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

According to what?

According nature, as demonstrated in the human physiological design.

Nature and the human physiological design can accomodate multiple partners in a relationship so the one woman/one man schtick is bunk.

Can it? But part and parcel of that design is the means to reason soundly... which precludes multiple partners, due to the inherent instability... .

Ya see scamp the biological imperative requires human propagation... part and parcel of that is viability. As nature is not served if propagation leads to the destruction of the species.

Again this is all incredibly simple stuff, yet it seems to be well beyond your limited intellectual means.

Why do you suppose that is?

Now I know ya didn't ask... but I am going to suggest that it's because you have succumbed to the destruction species of reasoning known as Relativism.

Relativism is the doctrine which holds that knowledge, truth, and morality exist only in relation to one's cultural, societal, historical and personal context, and, as such can never be the result of soundly reasoned absolutes.

It is through this deviation in reason that relativism axiomatically rejects the objectivity which is essential to truth.

And THAT is why you're incapable of recognizing truth, and its why ya fail to serve justice and why, every human in human history which has ever been infected with such, fails... and why ever culture in human history that has accepted such people... failed.
"Standards" are subjective.

Standards are objective. In that they require everyone to rise to them.

I have my standards dude. Is that objective enough?
You have no standards... you're a relativist. Thus we can rest assured that your life is one long string of rationalizations.

You think pubes? Nah. There are lines where right is right and wrong is wrong. You haven't crossed them yet.

Pubes? Not nice. Am I amiss for expecting more from a senior moderator, especially when keys asked you not to call him that? I know you can be better than that and I have faith in you to do the right thing.

Yes... this individual is intent on pressing these chronic sexual assaults.

You've already failed.

Well that's so sweet of ya.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

No twinkies then?

That's your call. IF you change your mind, they go on the shelf... but at that point the clock starts tickin'... and you've got to go sometime in the next thousand years.

Twinkies never decay. Just remember that.

Seems a little optimistic... I say you're good to go for a thousand years. I'd be cautious after that.

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