The Homosexual Dilemma

Evolutionary success is not that simplistic and evolutionary success does not necessarily mean the passing on of every individuals genes but can be the successful survival of the group, pack or clan as a whole. Homosexuality has been showing up at about the same rate through out human history regardless of the level of social tolerance and persecution. That would indicate that there could be some evolutionary benefit to it or family members.

Well it's adorable to conclude that there are sufficient records of instances of homosexuality to know anything meaningful about what rates have been at any particular place or time... because such is not the case.

There is little doubt that such serve a purpose and that the purpose is to discourage whatever defect is present in the relevant homosexual from being passed on, to the extent that is possible.

If a supposed "defect" continously crops up then you need to entertain the thought that there might be some evolutionary benefit to some aspect of it. Did you miss the part about how homosexuals do have children?

Some theories hold that such homosexuality spikes during societal instability where competition for sexual mates is higher... others that it acts as a harbinger of population stress; which certainly serves reason.


Of course, where such is the case, normalizing such would be as foolish as carrying dead canaries into the mine, so as to show support for the dead canaries that are already down there.

There literally is no potential justification to normalize abnormality of any kind. As such is the personification of foolish.

We do it all the time (except for eugenicists). Why make a special exception for homosexuality?
"Different" does not equal "disordered" or even "abnormal" since a certain amount of deviation is normal.

It literally does, when the subject is the standard of order. Where such deviates or 'differs' from the standard, different equals disorder.

"Standards" are subjective. Deviations are can be evolutionary. Sickle cell anemia is a "deviation" from the "normal" in countries where malaria doesn't exist. In areas where malaria is endemic sickle cell in it's hetorozygous state offers survival benefits and could be the "normal".
But the experts don't agree with the far right on this Board.

Amazing. The weirds start taking same sex attraction and these voyeurs start gabbling excitingly about bestiality, group sex, and other behavior that fascinates them. No connection at all but they do get excited.
Up until the homosexual activist lobby successfully achieved a political change to the definition of aberrational compulsion it was the same. It's not like something new was discovered. There was no psychological breakthrough. The definition was just changed to be politically correct.

So equality is now percieved to be "political correctness". That's rich :lol:
"Different" does not equal "disordered" or even "abnormal" since a certain amount of deviation is normal.

It literally does, when the subject is the standard of order. Where such deviates or 'differs' from the standard, different equals disorder.

"Standards" are subjective.

Standards are objective. In that they require everyone to rise to them.

Deviations are can be evolutionary.

Nope... There's no such thing as human evolution. I know you feel that there is, but in truth there hasn't been a single alteration to humanity since we got here.

Sickle cell anemia is a "deviation" from the "normal" in countries where malaria doesn't exist.
Sickle cell is a disease... All disease creates abnormality. It's sorta the downside to disease... very few people advocate for normalizing them.
Nobody dares going into this: Were in the Constitution is Sexuality made an issue? Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Rather vague. IF our founding fathers made sexual preference an issue, I would support homosexual/gay "rights". I am not buying this "equal rights for gays" stuff. It isn't in the stars. Besides, we all have the same rights, either way.
1. It's not the findings but what you want to make them say. Just look at the global warming issue. Two distinct sides on the same thing based on research both claim to be true.

This isn't Global Warming we're talking about. So far you have not refuted any of these studies.

2. How many have sued claiming they were fired because they were gay. It's the automatica assumption.

Can't you answer a question or provide examples? We aren't talking about people being fired because they were gay (people have sued about being fired because they were black, Christian, female, disabled - so what?). You said sued becaues people said something about them.

3. It shows you use something that happens once in how many thousands of cases as if it is a regular occurrence.

4. Tebow actually accomplished something before he Tebowed on the field. The media made Michael Sam a hero without ever having stepped foot on an NFL field.

Michael Sam had a good Highschool career, good enough to get multiple scholarships. So he accomplished something. But beyond that - he and Tebow are the same because the media made them heros NOT because of accomplishment. Do you get it?

5. Difference is free exercise of religion is written in the Constitution where the word marriage doesn't. Different even if you are too fucking stupid to realize it.

Equal Protection IS.

By the way, those same ones you say argue equality are the first ones to deny equality to certain types of marriages they oppose. Just suggest polygamy and theyll find all sorts of personal reasons for situations that don't affect them to say it shouldn't happen. To them I respond, if you don't want to marry more than one person don't.

You sure about that?

I don't care one way or the other about polygamy. If consenting adults choose that - so be it. It's their right.

1. It is about science and how different conlcusions can come from the same research.

People Are Not Born Gay Affirms Royal College of Psychiatrists

2. Gay West New York cop claims in lawsuit he was harassed intimidated by police director

4. Tebow's action of praying got media attention. However, had he not scored a toughdown, etc. there would have been no attention because he wouldn't have Tebowed. For Sam, the attention came before ever stepping foot on an NFL field. Tebow also had high school accomplishments. You don't start at Florida and win the Heisman if you don't.

5. Define equal. It doens't mean you get to do exactly the same things I do or vice versa.

Just ask them about polygamy or a sibling marriage. They are quicker to say no to it coming up with why equality should be denied than they are about bending over and taking one in the ass for the homos.

It's truly unlikely that anyone is born gay... if such were the case, it would have a genetic component and there despite massive efforts to find such; with such literally being responsible for a large percentage of all genetic research, there simply is no genetic component to Sexual Abnormality.

Such is the result of early molestations, wherein adults of the same gender 'play' sex games with infants and toddlers, prematurely stimulating sexual response, thus imprinting, or 'training' he individual toward sexual arousal toward members of that initiating gender.

Which means that normalizing such can only result in a massive increase in the instances of such, which in terms of reason follows the historical reality that the cultural acceptance of homosexuality has never failed to precede, in short order, collapse of that culture. As such cripples the human spirit, causing understandable shame, just recognition of individual inferiority and it's mighty hard to defend a nation with a group of catty, self loathing spiritual cripples.

I don't care to comment on the rest of the dribble you posted (wipe that cum off your mouth, mkay?) I'll just comment on the bolded part of the above.

Our level of knowledge of the human psyche is at best, at a stone-age level. We have only a miniscule knowlege of human physiology, DNA, and genomes. Right now we're comparable to two monkeys trying to start a fire.

You, I, nobody, has any idea what makes one homosexual.
You're sucking dick. That's why you can't reply freak.
But the experts don't agree with the far right on this Board.

Amazing. The weirds start taking same sex attraction and these voyeurs start gabbling excitingly about bestiality, group sex, and other behavior that fascinates them. No connection at all but they do get excited.
Up until the homosexual activist lobby successfully achieved a political change to the definition of aberrational compulsion it was the same. It's not like something new was discovered. There was no psychological breakthrough. The definition was just changed to be politically correct.

So equality is now percieved to be "political correctness". That's rich :lol:

Equality is only before God, OKA: The Law. And there is nothing about Homosexuals which sets them inferior or superior to anyone, before the law.

What you're advocating, is for Homosexuals to be superior before the law.

It's the typical Leftist advocacy and perfectly understandable, given that Left-think is an inferior species of reasoning, thus absent deceit and fraudulence, manifested in law as abuse of power... the Ideological Left does not exist.
Here. I will link to the Royal College of Psychiatrists for you:

The College wishes to clarify that homosexuality is not a psychiatric disorder.

Funny. I wonder why the anti-gay site didn't mention that! Hmmm...

"Communism is responsible for the murder of 150 million innocent people in the mid-20th century."

This fact is found on any number of anti-communist sites... and that doesn't make it less than truth, thus something other than a fact.

But hey... there's no way for you to have known that. Such requires one posses the means to reason... .

That was one of the worst red herrings I have ever seen! BWA-HA-HA-HA!

The anti-gay site used the Royal College as their "evidence" of their claims. The problem you refuse to see is that they lied about the findings of the Royal College. Simple fact. They completely misrepresented what the psychiatrists found. Simple fact.

And now you are attempting to defend a lying web site.
Now you attempt to discount it because you don't like what it said. Typical faggot or faggot lover.
Are you the same Coyote I've come to know and love?


Then you'll remember I have some close gay friends who I highly respect. You and I discussed them at length on other forums. It isn't gay people I have a problem with, it's the assholes.

Yet here you are- in every thread- complaining about all homosexuals.
Nope. Just the faggots.

F*ggot- N*gger- C*nt- K*ke

All words used by bigots in the same way for the same purpose.

And bigots always rationalize why its okay that they use any of these words.

But we all know why they use them- they use them to attempt to hurt others.
You make any interesting New Years resolutions?
God these assholes are dumb. One thinks that if walks into his daughter's bedroom and finds her on her knees stripped to her panties, her boyfriend standing over her with his jeans and tighty whiteys at his ankles, and his cock in her mouth that he would react by saying, Oh good, I was worried that you two might be having sex but I can see it's just foreplay so have fun kids. Morons here, total fucking morons.

Hey House, I don't make these definitions up. Society and nature does. It appears it is my job to educate those that don't know any better.

House, like most of his kind can't be educated.
"Different" does not equal "disordered" or even "abnormal" since a certain amount of deviation is normal.

It literally does, when the subject is the standard of order. Where such deviates or 'differs' from the standard, different equals disorder.

"Standards" are subjective.

Standards are objective. In that they require everyone to rise to them.

I have my standards dude. Is that objective enough?

Deviations are can be evolutionary.

Nope... There's no such thing as human evolution. I know you feel that there is, but in truth there hasn't been a single alteration to humanity since we got here.

mmmh...pubes hon...yes...there has been. Cycle cell is one evolutionary adaptation to malaria.

Sickle cell anemia is a "deviation" from the "normal" in countries where malaria doesn't exist.
Sickle cell is a disease... All disease creates abnormality. It's sorta the downside to disease... very few people advocate for normalizing them.

It's a genetic mutation. It only becomes a "disease" when it ceases to be beneficial. It's actually not a problem unless it's homozygous. In areas where malaria is endemic, it offers a survival factor. True story :cool:

Then you'll remember I have some close gay friends who I highly respect. You and I discussed them at length on other forums. It isn't gay people I have a problem with, it's the assholes.

Yet here you are- in every thread- complaining about all homosexuals.
Nope. Just the faggots.

F*ggot- N*gger- C*nt- K*ke

All words used by bigots in the same way for the same purpose.

And bigots always rationalize why its okay that they use any of these words.

But we all know why they use them- they use them to attempt to hurt others.
You make any interesting New Years resolutions?

Yes, I am resolved to stop being nice to evil.
God these assholes are dumb. One thinks that if walks into his daughter's bedroom and finds her on her knees stripped to her panties, her boyfriend standing over her with his jeans and tighty whiteys at his ankles, and his cock in her mouth that he would react by saying, Oh good, I was worried that you two might be having sex but I can see it's just foreplay so have fun kids. Morons here, total fucking morons.

Hey House, I don't make these definitions up. Society and nature does. It appears it is my job to educate those that don't know any better.
You "definition" is that only of horny teenage girls who are "technical virgins". The rest of us know that a cock in your ass or your mouth means you are having sex. We, unlike you, have common fucking sense, literally.
Not according to Bill Clinton.
But the experts don't agree with the far right on this Board.

Amazing. The weirds start taking same sex attraction and these voyeurs start gabbling excitingly about bestiality, group sex, and other behavior that fascinates them. No connection at all but they do get excited.
Up until the homosexual activist lobby successfully achieved a political change to the definition of aberrational compulsion it was the same. It's not like something new was discovered. There was no psychological breakthrough. The definition was just changed to be politically correct.

So equality is now percieved to be "political correctness". That's rich :lol:

Equality is only before God, OKA: The Law. And there is nothing about Homosexuals which sets them inferior or superior to anyone, before the law.

Well cool - then same sex marriage isn't an issue.

What you're advocating, is for Homosexuals to be superior before the law.

Not at all.

It's the typical Leftist advocacy and perfectly understandable, given that Left-think is an inferior species of reasoning, thus absent deceit and fraudulence, manifested in law as abuse of power... the Ideological Left does not exist.

You've already indicated you don't know too much about species.
"Different" does not equal "disordered" or even "abnormal" since a certain amount of deviation is normal.

It literally does, when the subject is the standard of order. Where such deviates or 'differs' from the standard, different equals disorder.

"Standards" are subjective.

Standards are objective. In that they require everyone to rise to them.

I have my standards dude. Is that objective enough?
You have no standards... you're a relativist. Thus we can rest assured that your life is one long string of rationalizations.
Then you'll remember I have some close gay friends who I highly respect. You and I discussed them at length on other forums. It isn't gay people I have a problem with, it's the assholes.

Yet here you are- in every thread- complaining about all homosexuals.
Nope. Just the faggots.

F*ggot- N*gger- C*nt- K*ke

All words used by bigots in the same way for the same purpose.

And bigots always rationalize why its okay that they use any of these words.

But we all know why they use them- they use them to attempt to hurt others.
You make any interesting New Years resolutions?

Yes, I am resolved to stop being nice to evil.

You've already failed. I suggest a new resolution. Resolution specialists recommend making them goal oriented and specific rather broad and general. For example - you could resolve to stop giving twinkies to individuals who exhibit distinct evil characteristics like maniacal laughter, squinty eyes and dazzling (unatural) teeth that suggest a lot of money spent on dentistry. That would be specific and achievable.
"Different" does not equal "disordered" or even "abnormal" since a certain amount of deviation is normal.

It literally does, when the subject is the standard of order. Where such deviates or 'differs' from the standard, different equals disorder.

"Standards" are subjective.

Standards are objective. In that they require everyone to rise to them.

I have my standards dude. Is that objective enough?
You have no standards... you're a relativist. Thus we can rest assured that your life is one long string of rationalizations.

You think pubes? Nah. There are lines where right is right and wrong is wrong. You haven't crossed them yet.

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