Conservative Le Pen victory in French elections

Not exactly Bridget Bardot huh?


I guess France aint what it used to be
The ironic thing is that the far right are coming into power all over the world because of the far left going whacko. If the left don't want the far right coming into power, all they had to do was not be whacko themselves. They couldn't do it.

No they are not. The far right is coming into power all over the world because the entire world had the shit scared out of them by the pandemic, and right wing propaganda from China, Iran, and Russia are fanning the flames of white nationalism the world over.

There have been massive waves of migration from the violence and unrest in Central American and the Middle East, which is destabilizing demographics in the USA and Europe. Added to the economic chaos being caused by the Ukrainian War and continuing destabilization in the Middle East.

Authoritarian propaganda is deliberately promoting this fear of Muslims, and "others". Authoritarians looking to overthrow western democracy are working hand in glove with wanna be authoritarians like Trump and LePen who are willing to get into bed with Xi and Putin, if it will help them get elected.

Racist Americans are so terrified of brown and black people getting into public office, they're willing to get into bed with Russians to keep it from happening.
On Twitter I saw that the left was angry (what else is new) and was rioting (what else is new).

Just wait until November 2024, it's coming to a neighborhood near YOU.

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