Black Americans demand to know what ‘Black jobs’ are after Trump debate comment

No, its a phrase made up by a white woman named Robin DeAngelo who created the term to describe the behavior of whites when she does workshops on race nd racism. Whites like you feel real confortable in expressing your racism to blacks, but when we come back with truth and evidence, you can't take it. You start whining about how we are the racists, whenin fact you are.
Cowards like her enjoy browbeating helpless company employees who are only in the class under orders from their supervisor to ne there

Its much like how the chicoms treated US prisoners during the Korean War trying to turn them against their own country
It’s not 92% this time.
We haven't voted yet, we heard tge sane thing in 2020.
Blacks know that they had it better under Trump, and that with Biden, they can’t even afford groceries. That’s why this election will have a record percentage of blacks voting for Trump.
Uh no we didn't and I see plenty of black folks in the grocery store. I doubt that.
The same can be said for Jews, although they won’t switch to Trump in large numbers. That’s because they are better-educated and much higher earning than blacks (as a group), and inflation hasn’t hit them as hard.
Smfh, so Jews won't vote for Trump, but black folks will because we are uneducated and poor. You wonder why folks call you a racist POS and you truly don't believe you are.
[quotw]But working class Americans, who used to be the backbone of the Democrat party, are voting Trump.
Nobody has voted at this point, what do you have a crystal 🔮.
You must be new. The mods on the left protect his racist ass because he is black, and spews his anti-white and anti-semitic artitudes - which mirror their own.

I wish the election were tomorrow. Things will only get nastier by the day until then.
Actually it is anti black, racist like you that they protect. You don't find a lot of Jewish folks in this country that are openly racist like you are.
Wrong. Some blacks did, but most blacks stayed with the Republican party. I'm not goingto argue with whites about this. I am black, was alive in 1964, and had relatives and older black neighbors who told us how things were before we were born.
Exactly, my grandparents were Republicans until 1970 as with most black folks.

Johnson signing the CRA and VRA change that big time, what they don't want to admit is southern democrats were pissed by this legislation and started switching to the Republican Party and Reagan closed the deal.
We haven't voted yet, we heard tge sane thing in 2020.

Uh no we didn't and I see plenty of black folks in the grocery store. I doubt that.

Smfh, so Jews won't vote for Trump, but black folks will because we are uneducated and poor. You wonder why folks call you a racist POS and you truly don't believe you are.
Pointing out that Jews are more affluent than blacks, due to their higher levels of education, and thus aren’t as impacted by Biden’s inflation is not racist: it’s a simple fact.
Pointing out that Jews are more affluent than blacks, due to their higher levels of education, and thus aren’t as impacted by Biden’s inflation is not racist: it’s a simple fact.
Whites are more affluent than black folks always have been and why is that Lisa? How long does it take for inflation to developed since you are such an educated woman 👩.?
Whites are more affluent than black folks always have been and why is that Lisa? How long does it take for inflation to developed since you are such an educated woman 👩.?
We were comparing Jews and blacks. Jews are more educated because, despite obstacles and bigotry, they managed to become well-educated and enjoy professional careers.

With the extra help offered to blacks over Jews over the last two generations, there is no excuse for blacks to not have the same educational attainment at this point. Jews started with nothing during the Great Immigration, and by the next generation, their kids were successful.

But that’s off-topic: I was explaining why blacks will switch to Trump in larger number than Jews. Blacks have less money and are more harmed by Biden’s policies.
We were comparing Jews and blacks. Jews are more educated because, despite obstacles and bigotry, they managed to become well-educated and enjoy professional careers.
Are you telling me that Jews have faced more obstacles, racism and discrimination in America than black folks?
With the extra help offered to blacks over Jews over the last two generations, there is no excuse for blacks to not have the same educational attainment at this point. Jews started with nothing during the Great Immigration, and by the next generation, their kids were successful.
What did America do for Jewish folks after WWII?

What did America do for Black folks after slavery?

What did America do for black folks after WWII?

What did America do for Black folks after Jim Crow?

What has America done to combat police brutality against black folks?

But that’s off-topic: I was explaining why blacks will switch to Trump in larger number than Jews. Blacks have less money and are more harmed by Biden’s policies.
Black folks are more harmed by Trump's lack of policies.

Give me 3 Trump policies that helped black folks and provide the statistics to go with it.
It was kinda racist, IMO.
Its the same thing when Ds ask who is going to trim their bushes if we dont have any hispanics around.
Are you telling me that Jews have faced more obstacles, racism and discrimination in America than black folks?

What did America do for Jewish folks after WWII?

What did America do for Black folks after slavery?

What did America do for black folks after WWII?

What did America do for Black folks after Jim Crow?

What has America done to combat police brutality against black folks?

Black folks are more harmed by Trump's lack of policies.

Give me 3 Trump policies that helped black folks and provide the statistics to go with it.
Give it a rest. Now is not the time for you to refuse to give Jews credit for succeeding despite living HERE in America, and knowing their parents and siblings were CURRENTLY being killed by Hitler, and not derailed by that horror.

You asked why blacks are switching to Trump more than Jews are, and I explained that Jews are more affluent and not harmed as much by the high inflation.

We can argue the WHY of Jews’ success on a different thread.

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