Black Americans demand to know what ‘Black jobs’ are after Trump debate comment

Good Ole Uncle Elder, wasn't that the idiot they wouldn't even allow in the debates.

You offer nothing of substance.

You should go have Curried Goats with your pal IM2.

You are a racist troll. Stop it. I am very disappointed in the mods for allowing multiple usernames.
Banning black voices is what the demklan has been doing for hundreds of years…we will not be threatened and silenced by the demaklan
You call for a black man to be banned then whine because I call for banning a boot licking sellout. Lol. You have always been silenced, it's why you won't participate any thread where republiklans are attacking black folks on this forum.
You call for a black man to be banned then whine because I call for banning a boot licking sellout. Lol. You have always been silenced, it's why you won't participate any thread where republiklans are attacking black folks on this forum.
What black man did I call to get banned?
Hmmm, I stand with 92% of black folks, so sorry can't be a sellout. Republicans use black folks like you just like they did during slavery.
Hahah you going back to making up numbers?? You are a sellout csuse you side with the demklan, and threatened and try to silent anyone, including your own race, when they question your dear leader racial jungle joe
You call for a black man to be banned then whine because I call for banning a boot licking sellout. Lol. You have always been silenced, it's why you won't participate any thread where republiklans are attacking black folks on this forum.
There are no blacks on this forum, tard. :rolleyes-41:
Hahah you going back to making up numbers?? You are a sellout csuse you side with the demklan, and threatened and try to silent anyone, including your own race, when they question your dear leader racial jungle joe
Actually boot licker fools like you are used to trip other black folks in to selling out, but most blacks see you for what you are.
Actually boot licker fools like you are used to trip other black folks in to selling out, but most blacks see you for what you are.
Agreed, and that’s why they are fleeing Joey Xiden and voting for trump.

Keep waiting around for those table scraps, the rest of us want a better life
What yu don't beieve doesn't matter. Whites work labor jobs idiot, and more whites do so than blacks and hispanics. The US Chamber is hardly left wng. The fact is that bs you read from the right is trash and inaccurate. Immigrants aren't stealing anybodys jobs, but that lie is all part of the right wing race hustle.
The reason why more whites work labor jobs is because there’s a whole lot more whites than blacks you idiot. Depending on the state, more whites than Hispanics too you idiot. See, you’re an idiot too.
The Chamber supports Democrats, did you know that? Yep! They are as wine as you can get now. You wouldn’t think it but they are all for government control of your dollar.
And, just ask legal Hispanics if the illegals are taking their jobs. Yes they are. And they are coming for your black jobs too!
You think because white men will use you that you are moving up in the world.
Huh? What white man has used me? What do you even mean? Like have white people hired me? Purchased my services? Yes they have…and yes that helps me make money and move up on the world

You on the other hand are being used by the demklan for a vote, while still living in your mother’s basement waiting on some sort of handout
Well, I feel pretty good since 92% of the black folks in this country feel the same way I do on election day. Being a Trump Humper, you definitely know about being a useful idiot.
so you admit being a white guy posing as a black!!! wow.

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