The Oregon case. Now that the Supreme Court has cleared the way for cities to enforce bans on homeless camps, will blue cities act?

So, you think the homeless explosion under Biden is due an explosion of the mentally ill?
No, I just don't think there is one.

It just looks higher because there was no good data in 2020 and 2021. So if you throw out the 2020-21 data, you can see homelessness started increasing again in 2018, probably spiked in 2020, but no one recorded it.

Wow ... talk about selfish naive people ... do you include folks brought to addiction by their doctor with oxycodone? ...

"The structure of the U.S. healthcare system, in which people not qualifying for government programs are required to obtain private insurance, favors prescribing drugs over more expensive therapies. According to Professor Judith Feinberg, "Most insurance, especially for poor people, won't pay for anything but a pill."

I am not wishing ill will on the drug addicts. They must separate these people into groups (pareto the problem), thats' all. Many druggers are OK to shoot up on the streets all day. They don't want to go to a rehab or whatever? What else is there? Jail.
No, I just don't think there is one.

It just looks higher because there was no good data in 2020 and 2021. So if you throw out the 2020-21 data, you can see homelessness started increasing again in 2018, probably spiked in 2020, but no one recorded it.

View attachment 969965
I'm not understanding your graph. It says the US homeless population is slightly over 640K now and in the past when there must be literally millions and millions of US homeless. Something just doesn't jive right.
It's do to nearly 15 years of horrible economic policies. (yes even longer than that but it accelerated the last from 2008 to now.
And the most homeless are in the blue states and the blue cities, so, you're saying that it is 15 years of horrible economic policies by the dems is what you are saying.
I'm not understanding your graph. It says the US homeless population is slightly over 640K now and in the past when there must be literally millions and millions of US homeless. Something just doesn't jive right.

Well, there aren't millions of homeless. That's to start with.

There are people who are renting because they can't own, or live with family because they can't rent. Those people aren't homeless.

And the most homeless are in the blue states and the blue cities, so, you're saying that it is 15 years of horrible economic policies by the dems is what you are saying.

Well, no, the rural areas have them too, which is why this Oregon town passed the anti-vagrancy laws that were upheld by the court.
If only America could look outside of their border and realise there's other ideas.

Homelessness is not a straight forward subject why someone is homeless, governments need to start looking into why some policies etc.. creates part of the problem and using such schemes as used in Finland to tackle the problem in a mature way.
There is no homeless genie flying around the country randomly snatching homes away from innocent people who are doing all the right things in their lives

The major causes are substance abuse

Society does not have the time or ability to wipe every nose and solve every personal problem

I gave you a solution to get these people off the streets

Its not the Finish or Japanese model, but America isnt Finland or Japan
Well, there aren't millions of homeless

More BS outa dishonest LW hacks. Like Illegals and got-aways, no one has any idea how many have come in since 2020? 20million? 15million?

Same for homeless. you don't know. The authorities don't know and if they do they will lie about 99% of anything they would publish.
They could have done it without the Supreme Court. It shows that they have no intention of cleaning the streets.
I am not wishing ill will on the drug addicts. They must separate these people into groups (pareto the problem), thats' all. Many druggers are OK to shoot up on the streets all day. They don't want to go to a rehab or whatever? What else is there? Jail.

Good ... because once we have all the drug addicts safely housed in residential drug treatment facilities, we'll see crime rates among the homeless plummet ... they don't have to steal for food, only to pay for drugs ...

Next all the existing homeless shelters become safe ... most crime is sent to druggie facilities ... now it might be easier to deal with the mental health problems ... or build new residential mental health facilities ...

Now we can set aside all the folks who want to be homeless ... those who are clean and sane ... I've lived that lifestyle and can assure you that the homeless standard of living in Southern California is better than home and hearth in Alabama ... especially in winter, spring, summer and fall ...

We can pay for all this through taxes on the Middle Class ... they've been getting uppity of late and it's long past time to tax them out of existence ...
There is no homeless genie flying around the country randomly snatching homes away from innocent people who are doing all the right things in their lives

The major causes are substance abuse

Society does not have the time or ability to wipe every nose and solve every personal problem

I gave you a solution to get these people off the streets

Its not the Finish or Japanese model, but America isnt Finland or Japan
Have you ever thought of redundancy? Clearly not. Thank you for confirming my initial post.
It seems strange that in a country that millions of people camped in the wilderness and lived out of covered wagons, suddenly living outside is a crime.

What ever happened to our pioneering spirit?

"Homeless" people are just urban pioneers.

Since the cost of rent makes having a physical home senseless given the incredibly low wages being paid versus the cost of rent, people choose to live outdoors.

If you have access to some washing & toilet facility and take your laundry to a service, homeless living is far smarter than throwing all your money away on rent.

If they really wanted to end homelessness, they'd increase wages and lower rents.

I know, I've done it. I had a good paying job but took my laundry to a service and ate at restaurants. I only used my apartment to sleep and shower. So, for a couple of months, I chose to sleep in my station wagon. I showered at work. Rent was just throwing money in the garbage.

After a few months it got old. But my salary to cost of rent ratio was way better than it is for people living in urban areas today. I can definitely see why many would rather be homeless than pay the ridiculous cost of rent.

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