The House is focused on Adam Schiff for false accusations against Trump


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022

Well, once again, this seems to be a day late and a dollar short, but... better late than never, to be sure.

I'm still reading through this but thought others may want to do the same

site (emphasis mine):

.... censure and refer [Schiff] to an ethics investigation because of the fact that he knowingly used his position as the chairman of House Intelligence to lie to the American people, to lie to his fellow colleagues, and also too, violated the rights, the civil liberties of individuals like Carter Page," Luna told FOX Business.

Well, once again, this seems to be a day late and a dollar short, but... better late than never, to be sure.

I'm still reading through this but thought others may want to do the same

site (emphasis mine):

.... censure and refer [Schiff] to an ethics investigation because of the fact that he knowingly used his position as the chairman of House Intelligence to lie to the American people, to lie to his fellow colleagues, and also too, violated the rights, the civil liberties of individuals like Carter Page," Luna told FOX Business.
Republican hogwash.
Waste of time and of taxpayers dollars.
They have no shame.

Deal with the problems the people put them in Congress for, Already !!!!!
Republican hogwash.
Waste of time and of taxpayers dollars.
They have no shame.

Deal with the problems the people put them in Congress for, Already !!!!!
So you are against clearing two legged dog shit off public pathways ?

Well, once again, this seems to be a day late and a dollar short, but... better late than never, to be sure.

I'm still reading through this but thought others may want to do the same

site (emphasis mine):

.... censure and refer [Schiff] to an ethics investigation because of the fact that he knowingly used his position as the chairman of House Intelligence to lie to the American people, to lie to his fellow colleagues, and also too, violated the rights, the civil liberties of individuals like Carter Page," Luna told FOX Business.

Schiff is a born liar.

He defrauded the US Treasury, by pursuing an investigation he knew was a sham.

Full recompense to the taxpayer is owed by that corrupt shitweasel.

yeh, the Russia BS story cost us something like $30 million or more. Duhram basically said it was an investigation that should never have begun..

But hey... dims get away with their lawlessness

it's an unwritten but IMMOVABLE rule (apparently)

but now maybe Rs are starting to wake up or something...

Schiff is a born liar.

well, i tend to think we are all born liars (born w/ original sin, that is, born w/ a tendency to do whatever is expedient for Numero Uno)

But when one just keeps on doing it after one is over about the age of... 10 and esp when one is in the US Congress!

disgusting :mad:
well, i tend to think we are all born liars (born w/ original sin, that is, born w/ a tendency to do whatever is expedient for Numero Uno)

But when one just keeps on doing it after one is over about the age of... 10 and esp when one is in the US Congress!

disgusting :mad:


oh... we hear from the morons who actually believed the lies

ha ha...

Exactly, these morons are going to laugh last because as usual the House has nothing to show when it comes to their allegations.

Nothing = Nothing

Always does.

Hunter? Nothing
Schiff? Nothing

Quack, quack, quack
Exactly, these morons are going to laugh last because as usual the House has nothing to show when it comes to their allegations.

Nothing = Nothing

Always does.

Hunter? Nothing
Schiff? Nothing

Quack, quack, quack
How long did you unhinged assholes squeal RUSSIA! without 1/10th the evidence that exists against Pedo Pete?

Republican hogwash.
Waste of time and of taxpayers dollars.
They have no shame.

Deal with the problems the people put them in Congress for, Already !!!!!
Let me guess, you didn't even read it, did you? You saw the thread title and read the OP, and your knee jerked.
you can tell when dimrats have nothing to say

Oh, that's right... you could better count the times when they do

hint: you'll only need one hand...
A fascist tendency to invent crimes against any citizens who dare to speak out against the regime.
Or in this case in America, speaking out against the proposed extreme right regime.

Murder by gun with political overtones has been going on for quite some time in America.

This is about to escalate to pure political murders, which will be defended by the extremists for reasons of political expediency.

It's coming and millions of Americans don't have the moral grounding to speak out against it.

Rittenhouse escaping justice will become routine.
Exactly, these morons are going to laugh last because as usual the House has nothing to show when it comes to their allegations.

Nothing = Nothing

Always does.

Hunter? Nothing
Schiff? Nothing

Quack, quack, quack


Cool! Love that emotion.

You could write songs with that funny "Quack,quack,quack" line.

Rittenhouse escaping justice will become routine.

And you were a member of that jury, weren't you?

how arrogant to assume you know all the facts they knew.

me? I investigate those facts. I just KNEW OJ was guilty... but I am not like you, apparently. I actually read books about that case and found out my intuition was correct, that there was MASSIVE evidence against him.. I have read just about every book there is on that case (many years ago b4 I got diverted into Politics and etc...)

so tell us..

which books have you read about Rittenhouse?

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