Rep. Anna Paulina Luna Submits House Resolution To Remove Rep. Adam Schiff From Congress

Yes, history tells us that a collapse of the central government is in process. The question now is what comes after. A dictatorship like the demofascists want, or a restored Republic.

That remains to be seen.
I would stand for a Restored Republic but unlike you I don't think we're anywhere NEAR such a state of affairs... not even remotely close... but that, too, is "opinion".
I would stand for a Restored Republic but unlike you I don't think we're anywhere NEAR such a state of affairs... not even remotely close... but that, too, is "opinion".

Then you aren't paying attention.
Is Santo's removal up to his constituents? None of your democrat buddies seem to agree with that. Schiff OTOH, has cost the taxpayers millions while he pursued a vindictive, unsubstantiated smear campaign and persecution of an innocent man. That is a violation of the law and grounds for expulsion and criminal prosecution. Too bad we don't guillotine traitors. There would be no democrats left in congress or the senate.

Santos' constituents have made it clear that they want him gone. He has lied about everything and may wind up in jail.

This lying, criminal, treasonous POS needs to be held accountable.

Lying, non-existent whstleblowers, altering transcripts, and manufacturing false evidence in an attempt to overtthrow the govt of the United States by trying to illegally remove a sitting President from office - such intentional TREASON must have comsequences!

I would rather see him shot, but booting him from Congress in disgrace will work.

You are the lying criminal, treasonous one who needs to be held accountable.

Republicans are using lying, none-existent whistleblowers. Republicans are manufacturing false evidence. They want to establish a fascist dictatorship. Try booting him and they will send him back.
Santos' constituents have made it clear that they want him gone. He has lied about everything and may wind up in jail.
Then it is up to the district's law enforcement to file charges and convict him. They alone have the right to vote him out. If he hasn't been proven to break any rules of the congress they have no power. THAT is what makes it political--but that's the way democrats work, if they don't like something they figure they can just throw fits and get their way like a petulant child.
Then it is up to the district's law enforcement to file charges and convict him. They alone have the right to vote him out. If he hasn't been proven to break any rules of the congress they have no power. THAT is what makes it political--but that's the way democrats work, if they don't like something they figure they can just throw fits and get their way like a petulant child.

His constituents want him removed.
His constituents want him removed.
They can do that at the polls. Seems a majority disagree with you at this point. BTW, you are trolling in violation of board rules. If you didn't notice, this thread is about removing Schiff. Santos is in another thread. Try again moron.
You're posting in a thread with a baiting OP. There are no links to this supposed lying. It's clearly designed to attack Democrats.

The thread is about her actions...not his.

Attacking democrats ? Do you work at being a hypocrite or does it come naturally ?
Schiff lied to the American people. He used his position on House Intel to push a lie that cost American taxpayers millions of dollars and destroyed Trump's presidency

Schiff has disgraced himself with the false Russia collusion comments.

false Rusia collusion comments.
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