Rep. Anna Paulina Luna Submits House Resolution To Remove Rep. Adam Schiff From Congress

If Schiff lied in an official capacity and colluded and used his public-trust position in violation of that trust and his oath, then he needs to be held to account.

That said...

The "Russia Collusion" episode did
not destroy Trump's presidency, rather, Trump destroyed that himself... he needed no help from the idiot Dems.

Trump has his own baggage and sins to deal with and answer for... the "Russia" thing was a minor accent in a Trumpian symphony of boorish incompetence.

When your Press Secretary has to bail you out every day at 1:00 PM for your idiot tweets the night before, well... that ends-up having a destructive effect.

When you cozy-up to dictators and envy their military parades and yet offend our closest allies and become the butt of their own leaders' open jokes, well...

And on and on and one... Trump may have made the trains run on-time (a familiar historical theme) but his power-thirsty behaviors became too dangerous.

He was his own worst enemy.

The demofascists used the lie of russiagate to undermine the Trump presidency. That is a soft coup if ever there was one.
The demofascists used the lie of russiagate to undermine the Trump presidency. That is a soft coup if ever there was one.
Russiagate wasn't a lie, no matter how many times you claim that it was.

Is Santo's removal up to his constituents? None of your democrat buddies seem to agree with that. Schiff OTOH, has cost the taxpayers millions while he pursued a vindictive, unsubstantiated smear campaign and persecution of an innocent man. That is a violation of the law and grounds for expulsion and criminal prosecution. Too bad we don't guillotine traitors. There would be no democrats left in congress or the senate.

He [Schiff] did grave damage to America's body politic and he doubles down with his lies now.
Schiff lied to the American people. He used his position on House Intel to push a lie that cost American taxpayers millions of dollars and destroyed Trump's presidency


This lying, criminal, treasonous POS needs to be held accountable.

Lying, non-existent whstleblowers, altering transcripts, and manufacturing false evidence in an attempt to overtthrow the govt of the United States by trying to illegally remove a sitting President from office - such intentional TREASON must have comsequences!

I would rather see him shot, but booting him from Congress in disgrace will work.
Schiff lied to the American people. He used his position on House Intel to push a lie that cost American taxpayers millions of dollars and destroyed Trump's presidency

Not only is she gorgeous and smart but she has great moral clarity.
Kellyanne Conway wanted Schiff kicked out of Congress a long time ago. she feels even stronger about it now!


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