The House Science Committee Has Held More Hearings on Aliens Than on Climate Change

GW nutters predicted massive storms that would only get worse and worse and WORSE!!! Only to run into a long lul of pretty calm weather year after year after year after year....

Wait! The fact that the weather has calmed down is undeniable prof of CLIMATE CHANGE!!!!
GW is not science... It keeps changing it's "theory" literally season to season.

GW hates science. The GW nutters simply like to try and use big words to sound like it's science. The fact that GW stopped years ago while CO2 admissions increased is something you nutters ignore.

You're right....ET's are science

You're right, making shit up monthly and callingf it a theroy is science....

You cannot scientifically prove GW, not even kinda sorta. That's why you kept changing the name, because all of your benchmarks keep failing to appear so you move to a whole new set of made up rules.

Now lots of rain and cold, snow and ice is global warming.... All 100% fly in the face of the original "GW" predictions, but change the name and now it proves Climate change!

But alien theories are fine, got it
You're right....ET's are science

You're right, making shit up monthly and callingf it a theroy is science....

You cannot scientifically prove GW, not even kinda sorta. That's why you kept changing the name, because all of your benchmarks keep failing to appear so you move to a whole new set of made up rules.

Now lots of rain and cold, snow and ice is global warming.... All 100% fly in the face of the original "GW" predictions, but change the name and now it proves Climate change!

But alien theories are fine, got it

Didn't say alien theories were legitimate or not... But you keep avoiding and thinking no one is noticing. GW is not science, and it's not shocking that alien theories hold more possibility, prof and maybe even science than an ever changing scam to sell new "taxes on the world" lol, based on GW.

Maybe you would see alien hearing go away if they tried to get congress to pass a world tax.
You're right, making shit up monthly and callingf it a theroy is science....

You cannot scientifically prove GW, not even kinda sorta. That's why you kept changing the name, because all of your benchmarks keep failing to appear so you move to a whole new set of made up rules.

Now lots of rain and cold, snow and ice is global warming.... All 100% fly in the face of the original "GW" predictions, but change the name and now it proves Climate change!

But alien theories are fine, got it

Didn't say alien theories were legitimate or not....

Sure you arent. :doubt:
You're right....ET's are science

You're right, making shit up monthly and callingf it a theroy is science....

You cannot scientifically prove GW, not even kinda sorta. That's why you kept changing the name, because all of your benchmarks keep failing to appear so you move to a whole new set of made up rules.

Now lots of rain and cold, snow and ice is global warming.... All 100% fly in the face of the original "GW" predictions, but change the name and now it proves Climate change!


extreme cold: "global warming"
extreme heat: "global warming"
dry weather: "global warming"
wet weather: "global warming"

nice to see "climate change" nutjob alarmists have all the bases covered

Meteorites: global warming

There's a better chance of aliens being real than global warming being real.
Aliens are a far bigger threat to the planet than Climate Change. Besides, Liberal Economist Paul Krugman said we should gear up for battle against what should be yet another failed attempt to stimulate a Progressive economy

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