The Huber Investigation of all things Hillary issues its report on the crimes of Hillary Clinton

and found . . . . . nothing to pursue.

And I'll bet all the Russians here will still be posting about what a criminal she is.

Canadian who wants to influence US elections posts about Russians again.

Class act... you need medical help cat woman.

60 Canadian citizens died in that downed airliner Norman. That’s on Trump. As are the Ukrainian people who died while he sat on that military aid because he wanted dirt on the Bidens.

Or what about the Kurds who died when Trump stopped protecting them in Syria?

People are dying, by the hundreds, because your President doesn’t know what he’s doing.

So Irans inability to tell the difference between a commercial jet and a military aircraft is Trumps fault?

And please tell us just how many Ukrainians died while waiting for military aid? The better question is how many died because barry sent em blankets instead of military nice of barry to keep em warm before they reached room temperature.
Canadian who wants to influence US elections posts about Russians again.

Class act... you need medical help cat woman.

60 Canadian citizens died in that downed airliner Norman. That’s on Trump. As are the Ukrainian people who died while he sat on that military aid because he wanted dirt on the Bidens.

Or what about the Kurds who died when Trump stopped protecting them in Syria?

People are dying, by the hundreds, because your President doesn’t know what he’s doing.

No, it’s on Iran wholly for attacking our embassy.

....Attacking our embassy, killing a US citizen, and planning more embassy attacks/bombings. Soleimani needed to go. The Joint Chiefs said that if Trump did NOT kill Soleimani when he had the opportunity, that would be negligence.

The Joint Chiefs support killing all time, any time......while they hide in their underground bunkers.....
They support killing terrorists all the time, and you should be more grateful that rough men with guns are protecting your candy ass from the terrorists.

Nobody is protecting me from the middle East.
It's an outrage. Trumpublicans must demand a new and fair'er witch hunt. The Trumpybear said she was guilty and the DOJ must produce the evidence to back him up. Otherwise the world will think he's been a big fat lying piece of shit all his life.

We don't want that.

Benghazi damit, Benghazi!
IT WAS ALL A HEAD FAKE: Clinton Foundation Whistleblowers Say HUBER Lost Their Evidence — Had to Send It 3 Times — Huber Never Even Looked at it – And Now the Probe Is Over

An investigation launched into Hillary Clinton in November of 2017 by the DOJ and US Attorney John Huber has ended.
Failed Attorney General Jeff Sessions appointed Huber to investigate Clinton Foundation.
The investigation ended without charges.

Huber never interviewed any key figures in the two-plus years of his investigation.
And key whistleblowers were never interviewed and their evidence was lost during the sham investigation.
The House Oversight Subcommittee on Government Operations held a hearing on Capitol Hill on the Clinton Foundation in December 2018.

Mark Meadows (R-NC), the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Government Operations, led the hearing. Two Clinton Foundation whistleblowers spoke at the hearing. Tom Fitton from Judicial Watch also testified.

Meadows told the audience at the beginning of the hearing that the Department of Justice was unwilling to make John Huber available for the hearing.

Huber was assigned months ago by then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions to investigate several controversies linked to Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

And the lying, clapping seals celebrate as the DEEP STATE throws them a fish!.....Real news is hard on our ABNORMALS!
and found . . . . . nothing to pursue.

And I'll bet all the Russians here will still be posting about what a criminal she is.

Canadian who wants to influence US elections posts about Russians again.

Class act... you need medical help cat woman.

60 Canadian citizens died in that downed airliner Norman. That’s on Trump. As are the Ukrainian people who died while he sat on that military aid because he wanted dirt on the Bidens.

Or what about the Kurds who died when Trump stopped protecting them in Syria?

People are dying, by the hundreds, because your President doesn’t know what he’s doing.

So Irans inability to tell the difference between a commercial jet and a military aircraft is Trumps fault?

And please tell us just how many Ukrainians died while waiting for military aid? The better question is how many died because barry sent em blankets instead of military nice of barry to keep em warm before they reached room temperature.

And yet the cat lady wants Canada to become an offshoot of Iran. My guess is, most of those "Canadians" in the plane weren't what most people picture a Canadian to look like.
OK, so Huber covered-up Hillary's "crimes" I'm shocked.

The UraniumOne scam was also whitewashed, I'm shocked again.

The Clinton Foundation that disappeared as soon as she lost, wow

That's why they call it "the swamp", just ask Epstein and Vince Foster...lots of snakes and gators....
No doubt that somehow the super mastermind of all criminal masterminds got to Huber. How else could he ignore all the evidence the brilliant journalist Sean Hannity has uncovered and Reported on all these years?

Trumpybear must demand a investigation into how the Beast was able to thwart another investigation in to her completely corrupt life. Who else is on the take?

Yet another right wing fever swamp wet dream of producing evidence of criminal activity on Hillary's part goes up in smoke.

"A Justice Department inquiry launched more than two years ago to mollify conservatives clamoring for more investigations of Hillary Clinton has effectively ended with no tangible results, and current and former law enforcement officials said they never expected the effort to produce much of anything."

Here's the thing. The false accusations served their purpose.............and that is really all the Conman-in-Chief cares about. They got the mobs of nitwits at his rallies mindlessly chanting "lock her up," making great viewing on Trump TV..........who obediently televised 20 hours of Don's carnival barker act. And they helped perpetuate the rabid hatred of Hillary by The Following that Big Fat Don constantly needed to stoke in order to deflect attention away from his own unethical and criminal behavior. He probably knew himself there was never anything to the allegations.
IOW, the drooling dolts who fawn over Dear Leader's every word were duped again.

Have their figured out how easily they are being manipulated? No. If they had they wouldn't currently be fixated on the absolutely baseless, evidence free allegations being made about Joe Biden.

Who first brought up the illegal bathroom server and her mishandling of classified info? Hint: Not Trump or the GOP, it was Comey
It was Hillary's campaign who colluded with Russians to fabricate the Steele Dossier and interfere in the 2016 election.
How did Comey give Hillary a pass on her apparent "crimes"? He declared her "lack of intent".

So stop whining about Hillary's "innocence". Guys are in prison for doing less than her mishandling of classified info.
Durham has better cases against the deep state conspirators who illegally spied on the Trump campaign by falsifying FISA warrants. The biggest scandal in US history is the Obama admin's "break into" the Trump campaign using foreign intel assets. I wouldn't be celebrating just yet.

Yup. I work with many ex military and to a man and woman they all say the same.

If they had done what she did with her personal server they would all be in Leavenworth.

Anyone who doesn't call what she did a crime is an idiot.
The UraniumOne scam was also whitewashed, I'm shocked again.

I love it. You know those mines product less than 5% of the Uranium stock we use in our nuclear power plants right? Furthermore when ownership was transferred we were still purchasing enriched uranium from Russia who had decommissioned 500 tons worth of Bomb grade uranium to sell to us as part of the Megatons to Megawatts program.

But obviously to Trumpublicans, she is guilty no matter how many times she is exonerated.
Witch hunts... that's the specialty of leftists.

Of course, everyone knows Hillary illegally destroyed evidence. She just happened to be above the law while doing it.

Yup. I work with many ex military men and women and they all say the same. If they had done what she did with her private server they would all be in Leavenworth.

The POS will never be held accountable for anything she has ever done. Anyone thinking otherwise may as well piss up a rope.
The UraniumOne scam was also whitewashed, I'm shocked again.

I love it. You know those mines product less than 5% of the Uranium stock we use in our nuclear power plants right? Furthermore when ownership was transferred we were still purchasing enriched uranium from Russia who had decommissioned 500 tons worth of Bomb grade uranium to sell to us as part of the Megatons to Megawatts program.

But obviously to Trumpublicans, she is guilty no matter how many times she is exonerated.

If you can follow the uranium, can you also follow the money?
It seems that dems only believe whistleblowers when they point to Republicans.
and found . . . . . nothing to pursue.

And I'll bet all the Russians here will still be posting about what a criminal she is.

Canadian who wants to influence US elections posts about Russians again.

Class act... you need medical help cat woman.

60 Canadian citizens died in that downed airliner Norman. That’s on Trump. As are the Ukrainian people who died while he sat on that military aid because he wanted dirt on the Bidens.

Or what about the Kurds who died when Trump stopped protecting them in Syria?

People are dying, by the hundreds, because your President doesn’t know what he’s doing.

No, it’s on Iran wholly for attacking our embassy.

It’s on Trump for tearing up the nuclear accord. That’s what started this mess.

Ah the Canadian comes in to comment more.

Iran just butchered a bunch of your citizens, but... but... IT'S TRUMP'S FAULT!!!

Insufferable election meddler this cat lady is. The fact that Trump offends leftists not just in America but all around the world is a testament to his supreme effectiveness.

Will be interesting how the blackface PM Trudeau blames TRUMP for the death of Canadians when Iran is still denying they shot the plane down.
Surprise, Surprise: The DOJ’s Hillary Clinton Investigation Has Been a Bust

So after more than two years or Trumpers saying "wait and see, Hillary is going down" -- an inquiry into the Clinton Foundation and Clinton’s State Dept. gig is about done and there’s absolutely nothing to show for it...Is this when we claim Hillary is protected by the Deep State, blah blah blah blah?? Maybe Hillary is just stronger than Trump and continues to cuck Trump out over and over again....

"Back in 2017, buoyed by President Donald Trump’s calls for investigations into “Crooked Hillary & the Dems,” the Justice Department launched an inquiry into Hillary Clinton and Republicans' pet conspiracy theories about her and her career. Then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions asked U.S. Attorney John Huber to look into concerns that the FBI hadn't fully pursued cases related to the Clinton Foundation, as well as Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State, including the baseless “Uranium One” conspiracy theory championed by conservatives. Now, Huber is finally almost finished with his much-vaunted Clinton investigation—and, unsurprisingly, there isn't really anything to show for it."

Let me guess, we need to wait for yet another report from John Durham -- that is gonna be the report that takes down Hillary and Obama right?? Maybe when they finish the investigation into the Epstein assassination, that will be the final nail in Clinton's coffin....OR....Maybe she is just way too powerful for a tiny man like Trump...So powerful that she can tell his Attorney General what to do at all times...
Canadian who wants to influence US elections posts about Russians again.

Class act... you need medical help cat woman.

60 Canadian citizens died in that downed airliner Norman. That’s on Trump. As are the Ukrainian people who died while he sat on that military aid because he wanted dirt on the Bidens.

Or what about the Kurds who died when Trump stopped protecting them in Syria?

People are dying, by the hundreds, because your President doesn’t know what he’s doing.

No, it’s on Iran wholly for attacking our embassy.

It’s on Trump for tearing up the nuclear accord. That’s what started this mess.

Ah the Canadian comes in to comment more.

Iran just butchered a bunch of your citizens, but... but... IT'S TRUMP'S FAULT!!!

Insufferable election meddler this cat lady is. The fact that Trump offends leftists not just in America but all around the world is a testament to his supreme effectiveness.

Will be interesting how the blackface PM Trudeau blames TRUMP for the death of Canadians when Iran is still denying they shot the plane down.

Right after he has apologized for the Canadians being in the way of those Iranian missiles.
The UraniumOne scam was also whitewashed, I'm shocked again.

I love it. You know those mines product less than 5% of the Uranium stock we use in our nuclear power plants right? Furthermore when ownership was transferred we were still purchasing enriched uranium from Russia who had decommissioned 500 tons worth of Bomb grade uranium to sell to us as part of the Megatons to Megawatts program.

But obviously to Trumpublicans, she is guilty no matter how many times she is exonerated.

If you can follow the uranium, can you also follow the money?
It seems that dems only believe whistleblowers when they point to Republicans.

Sure, we purchased some 8 to 10 billion dollars worth of enriched uranium from Russia. Why? The biggest scandal was the shipping of it across the country and the bribery involve in getting the contracts to ship it. Nothing to do with the transfer of ownership of the relatively small mines.
and found . . . . . nothing to pursue.

And I'll bet all the Russians here will still be posting about what a criminal she is.

Canadian who wants to influence US elections posts about Russians again.

Class act... you need medical help cat woman.

60 Canadian citizens died in that downed airliner Norman. That’s on Trump. As are the Ukrainian people who died while he sat on that military aid because he wanted dirt on the Bidens.

Or what about the Kurds who died when Trump stopped protecting them in Syria?

People are dying, by the hundreds, because your President doesn’t know what he’s doing.

As are the Ukrainian people who died while he sat on that military aid because he wanted dirt on the Bidens.

How many dead Ukrainians are on Obama.....who sent zero military aid to Ukraine in 8 years?

The 1980s called, they want their foreign policy back.

People are dying, by the hundreds, because your President doesn’t know what he’s doing.

Obama has been out of office for 3 years, leave the poor guy alone.
and found . . . . . nothing to pursue.

And I'll bet all the Russians here will still be posting about what a criminal she is.

Canadian who wants to influence US elections posts about Russians again.

Class act... you need medical help cat woman.

60 Canadian citizens died in that downed airliner Norman. That’s on Trump. As are the Ukrainian people who died while he sat on that military aid because he wanted dirt on the Bidens.

Or what about the Kurds who died when Trump stopped protecting them in Syria?

People are dying, by the hundreds, because your President doesn’t know what he’s doing.
What crazy world are you living in. Trump hardly shot down an airplane. The Iranians may have though last I knew they were claiming that they did not, it was a mechanical problem. Remember this is the country that you love and respect claiming that they did not shoot it down.

So now by your stretch of deranged imagination you are claiming that Trump caused a malfunction on a plane. Man is he now omnipotent or what?

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