The Huber Investigation of all things Hillary issues its report on the crimes of Hillary Clinton

60 Canadian citizens died in that downed airliner Norman. That’s on Trump. As are the Ukrainian people who died while he sat on that military aid because he wanted dirt on the Bidens.

Or what about the Kurds who died when Trump stopped protecting them in Syria?

People are dying, by the hundreds, because your President doesn’t know what he’s doing.

I hope you live a miserable life so you can blame Trump
The more miserable you leftist are the better for America.

The nation Dragon Lady loves just butchered a bunch of Canadians... and the cat lady blames Trump. Classic!

It must be kind of irksome, because she really, really wants those Iranian refugees in Canada so that the nation can be transformed into a shithole that kills its own citizens.

Possibly she wants an Islamic USA even more than an Islamic Canada. Thankfully because of Trump and his masterful travel ban, we will avoid this Canadian utopia.

If you didn’t post lies, you’d have nothing to post.

Please note than Canada is once again the best country in the world to live in. Two years in a row. And the best part of living here, is Trump isn’t President
1. if you don't live there you are free to move.
2. If you live there you are a foreigner trying to influence America's political system

I have lived in Canada all of my life.

You let the Russians fool you into voting for an incompetent, lying criminal. They’re still here on this forum telling you what a great guy he is as he destroys your country

You let the Russians fool you into voting for an incompetent, lying criminal.

How many Democrats got tricked by Russian memes on Facebook?
A lot of your American friends, I'll bet.
So instead you voted for the guy who invaded and occupied Iraq which is credited as the worst blunder of this century so far.
Thank you for proving you liberals Democrats are anti-war and anti-American.

Weird, so at first you blame 'third worlders' for voting for presidents that bomb the Middle East and when I point out how you voted for a warmmongor who invaded the wrong country and did a real shit job of that you blame liberal Democrats for not voting for him as well? You don't make a lot of sense.
I hope you live a miserable life so you can blame Trump
The more miserable you leftist are the better for America.

The nation Dragon Lady loves just butchered a bunch of Canadians... and the cat lady blames Trump. Classic!

It must be kind of irksome, because she really, really wants those Iranian refugees in Canada so that the nation can be transformed into a shithole that kills its own citizens.

Possibly she wants an Islamic USA even more than an Islamic Canada. Thankfully because of Trump and his masterful travel ban, we will avoid this Canadian utopia.

If you didn’t post lies, you’d have nothing to post.

Please note than Canada is once again the best country in the world to live in. Two years in a row. And the best part of living here, is Trump isn’t President
1. if you don't live there you are free to move.
2. If you live there you are a foreigner trying to influence America's political system

I have lived in Canada all of my life.

You let the Russians fool you into voting for an incompetent, lying criminal. They’re still here on this forum telling you what a great guy he is as he destroys your country

You let the Russians fool you into voting for an incompetent, lying criminal.

How many Democrats got tricked by Russian memes on Facebook?
A lot of your American friends, I'll bet.

One, she's Candian.

Two, No, most Democrats weren't tricked into voting for Trump.

Who were you tricked into voting for?
The nation Dragon Lady loves just butchered a bunch of Canadians... and the cat lady blames Trump. Classic!

It must be kind of irksome, because she really, really wants those Iranian refugees in Canada so that the nation can be transformed into a shithole that kills its own citizens.

Possibly she wants an Islamic USA even more than an Islamic Canada. Thankfully because of Trump and his masterful travel ban, we will avoid this Canadian utopia.

If you didn’t post lies, you’d have nothing to post.

Please note than Canada is once again the best country in the world to live in. Two years in a row. And the best part of living here, is Trump isn’t President
1. if you don't live there you are free to move.
2. If you live there you are a foreigner trying to influence America's political system

I have lived in Canada all of my life.

You let the Russians fool you into voting for an incompetent, lying criminal. They’re still here on this forum telling you what a great guy he is as he destroys your country

You let the Russians fool you into voting for an incompetent, lying criminal.

How many Democrats got tricked by Russian memes on Facebook?
A lot of your American friends, I'll bet.

One, she's Candian.

Two, No, most Democrats weren't tricked into voting for Trump.

Who were you tricked into voting for?

One, she's Candian.

Almost. And that's why I didn't say she was tricked by Russian memes.

Two, No, most Democrats weren't tricked into voting for Trump.

Just enough to flip Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.
If you didn’t post lies, you’d have nothing to post.

Please note than Canada is once again the best country in the world to live in. Two years in a row. And the best part of living here, is Trump isn’t President
1. if you don't live there you are free to move.
2. If you live there you are a foreigner trying to influence America's political system

I have lived in Canada all of my life.

You let the Russians fool you into voting for an incompetent, lying criminal. They’re still here on this forum telling you what a great guy he is as he destroys your country

You let the Russians fool you into voting for an incompetent, lying criminal.

How many Democrats got tricked by Russian memes on Facebook?
A lot of your American friends, I'll bet.

One, she's Candian.

Two, No, most Democrats weren't tricked into voting for Trump.

Who were you tricked into voting for?

One, she's Candian.

Almost. And that's why I didn't say she was tricked by Russian memes.

Two, No, most Democrats weren't tricked into voting for Trump.

Just enough to flip Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

So, Democrats were mostly not tricked into voting for Trump. Nice of you to accept the concept that Russia did have an impact on our election. Not sure if that was intentional or not.
What a criminal she is.

I agree! Huber.... Barr anybody?

what the fuck is wrong with you Barr???????????WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR??????????????

What a criminal she is.

I agree! Huber.... Barr anybody?

what the fuck is wrong with you Barr???????????WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR??????????????


They are probably waiting for an actual crime to be committed before they arrest anyone. Instead they'll just tell you what you want to hear and nothing more.
1. if you don't live there you are free to move.
2. If you live there you are a foreigner trying to influence America's political system

I have lived in Canada all of my life.

You let the Russians fool you into voting for an incompetent, lying criminal. They’re still here on this forum telling you what a great guy he is as he destroys your country

You let the Russians fool you into voting for an incompetent, lying criminal.

How many Democrats got tricked by Russian memes on Facebook?
A lot of your American friends, I'll bet.

One, she's Candian.

Two, No, most Democrats weren't tricked into voting for Trump.

Who were you tricked into voting for?

One, she's Candian.

Almost. And that's why I didn't say she was tricked by Russian memes.

Two, No, most Democrats weren't tricked into voting for Trump.

Just enough to flip Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

So, Democrats were mostly not tricked into voting for Trump. Nice of you to accept the concept that Russia did have an impact on our election. Not sure if that was intentional or not.

So, Democrats were mostly not tricked into voting for Trump.

Just enough to flip Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.
Or were Democrats just too smart to be tricked?

Nice of you to accept the concept that Russia did have an impact on our election.

Absolutely. I'm sure a few thousand dollars of Facebook ads plus some memes
must have changed literally dozens of votes.
I have lived in Canada all of my life.

You let the Russians fool you into voting for an incompetent, lying criminal. They’re still here on this forum telling you what a great guy he is as he destroys your country

You let the Russians fool you into voting for an incompetent, lying criminal.

How many Democrats got tricked by Russian memes on Facebook?
A lot of your American friends, I'll bet.

One, she's Candian.

Two, No, most Democrats weren't tricked into voting for Trump.

Who were you tricked into voting for?

One, she's Candian.

Almost. And that's why I didn't say she was tricked by Russian memes.

Two, No, most Democrats weren't tricked into voting for Trump.

Just enough to flip Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

So, Democrats were mostly not tricked into voting for Trump. Nice of you to accept the concept that Russia did have an impact on our election. Not sure if that was intentional or not.

So, Democrats were mostly not tricked into voting for Trump.

Just enough to flip Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.
Or were Democrats just too smart to be tricked?

Nice of you to accept the concept that Russia did have an impact on our election.

Absolutely. I'm sure a few thousand dollars of Facebook ads plus some memes
must have changed literally dozens of votes.

Probably more than dozens. Considering the Trump campaign shared internal polling information and the Russians just so happened to target intensely those states that did flip.

Also, it's just as likely if not more that Republicans were convinced to go to the polls to vote for Trump than if the Russians weren't pushing their propaganda as much as some Democrats either staying at home or voting for Trump.

But, hey, cheaters gotta' cheat.
You let the Russians fool you into voting for an incompetent, lying criminal.

How many Democrats got tricked by Russian memes on Facebook?
A lot of your American friends, I'll bet.

One, she's Candian.

Two, No, most Democrats weren't tricked into voting for Trump.

Who were you tricked into voting for?

One, she's Candian.

Almost. And that's why I didn't say she was tricked by Russian memes.

Two, No, most Democrats weren't tricked into voting for Trump.

Just enough to flip Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

So, Democrats were mostly not tricked into voting for Trump. Nice of you to accept the concept that Russia did have an impact on our election. Not sure if that was intentional or not.

So, Democrats were mostly not tricked into voting for Trump.

Just enough to flip Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.
Or were Democrats just too smart to be tricked?

Nice of you to accept the concept that Russia did have an impact on our election.

Absolutely. I'm sure a few thousand dollars of Facebook ads plus some memes
must have changed literally dozens of votes.

Probably more than dozens. Considering the Trump campaign shared internal polling information and the Russians just so happened to target intensely those states that did flip.

Also, it's just as likely if not more that Republicans were convinced to go to the polls to vote for Trump than if the Russians weren't pushing their propaganda as much as some Democrats either staying at home or voting for Trump.

But, hey, cheaters gotta' cheat.

Probably more than dozens

A hundred?

Considering the Trump campaign shared internal polling information and the Russians just so happened to target intensely those states that did flip.

Targeted memes at those states? How does that work?

Also, it's just as likely if not more that Republicans were convinced to go to the polls to vote for Trump

Republicans were convinced that Hillary was awful...….by Russians?
We've known that for decades.

But, hey, cheaters gotta' cheat.

That's why Dems are against photo ID.


I'm so sick of the injustice....I can not begin to tell you



I'm so sick of the injustice....I can not begin to tell you

The ONLY injustice here is that Donald Trump was ever elected in the first place.

When are you going to get it through your thick skull that the Democrats are NOT THE LYING CRIMINALS HERE?

You watch and listen to media owned by billionaires who have a vested interest in getting you to vote Republican. The billionaire media has convinced you that the publically owned media is lying to you, and since you never fact check anything, you can't distinguish truth from lies.

Republicans have to be the most wilfully misinformed people on earth.
Text messages found promising to "Stop Trump", put an "Insurance Policy" in place and hoping for Clinton to win 1,000,000 to 0. == No bias found.

Destroying devices with a hammer to avoid examination. Using secret servers to conduct government business. Using bleachbit to wipe server prior to examination. Claim all e-mails are about Yoga with no questions asked. == Nothing to see here.

Everything Trump says or does == impeachable offense.

The public is not too far gone. Most can see through the BS.

2020 is going to be sweet for Trump. He is heading for landslide and the Dems can only blame themselves.


I'm so sick of the injustice....I can not begin to tell you

The ONLY injustice here is that Donald Trump was ever elected in the first place.

When are you going to get it through your thick skull that the Democrats are NOT THE LYING CRIMINALS HERE?

You watch and listen to media owned by billionaires who have a vested interest in getting you to vote Republican. The billionaire media has convinced you that the publically owned media is lying to you, and since you never fact check anything, you can't distinguish truth from lies.

Republicans have to be the most wilfully misinformed people on earth.

Yeah, coming from a Canadian I 100% believe you, election meddler. Turns out it's not the Russians telling me how to vote, but the Canadians.

Why are you so obsessed about American politics and not building your own communities? Should you not be busy demanding invaders invade your country?
The nation Dragon Lady loves just butchered a bunch of Canadians... and the cat lady blames Trump. Classic!

It must be kind of irksome, because she really, really wants those Iranian refugees in Canada so that the nation can be transformed into a shithole that kills its own citizens.

Possibly she wants an Islamic USA even more than an Islamic Canada. Thankfully because of Trump and his masterful travel ban, we will avoid this Canadian utopia.

If you didn’t post lies, you’d have nothing to post.

Please note than Canada is once again the best country in the world to live in. Two years in a row. And the best part of living here, is Trump isn’t President
1. if you don't live there you are free to move.
2. If you live there you are a foreigner trying to influence America's political system

I have lived in Canada all of my life.

You let the Russians fool you into voting for an incompetent, lying criminal. They’re still here on this forum telling you what a great guy he is as he destroys your country

You let the Russians fool you into voting for an incompetent, lying criminal.

How many Democrats got tricked by Russian memes on Facebook?
A lot of your American friends, I'll bet.

One, she's Candian.

Two, No, most Democrats weren't tricked into voting for Trump.

Who were you tricked into voting for?
No one was tricked into voting for the president.
a lot of people were tricked into voting for hillary
and found . . . . . nothing to pursue.

And I'll bet all the Russians here will still be posting about what a criminal she is.

What are you willing to bet?

[nothing] You know you will lose.

All the punky Canucks who want to stick their noses into US politics first need to understand how US politics work and not allow their liberal ideology to determine an 'opinion'.
If Canucks truly GAF about US politics they would immerse themselves in FACTS before SPOUTING off their personal opinion.

And no, the WaPo doesn't count as fact; is not known for posting actual, factual articles.

Tighten your trusses and focus on your failing 'leader' before you Canuck socialists attempt to 'fix' the USA!
60 Canadian citizens died in that downed airliner Norman. That’s on Trump. As are the Ukrainian people who died while he sat on that military aid because he wanted dirt on the Bidens.

Or what about the Kurds who died when Trump stopped protecting them in Syria?

People are dying, by the hundreds, because your President doesn’t know what he’s doing.

FAIL! Iran admitted they shot down the airliner.
Trump didn't push any buttons or charge the US military to shoot down a plane.

The rest of your post is pure liberal brainwashing and LIES!
Prove me wrong with facts, not emo - I dare you!

I DO love your statement:
If you didn’t post lies, you’d have nothing to post.

You really shouldn't out yourself by admitting you post lies!

If you didn’t post lies, you’d have nothing to post.


Please note than Canada is once again the best country in the world to live in. Two years in a row.

Links or be known as a liar.

And the best part of living here, is Trump isn’t President

Thank God!
Americans don't want YOUR socialist government or Trudeau!

If you didn’t post lies, you’d have nothing to post.

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