The Huber Investigation of all things Hillary issues its report on the crimes of Hillary Clinton

and found . . . . . nothing to pursue.

And I'll bet all the Russians here will still be posting about what a criminal she is.

Canadian who wants to influence US elections posts about Russians again.

Class act... you need medical help cat woman.

60 Canadian citizens died in that downed airliner Norman. That’s on Trump. As are the Ukrainian people who died while he sat on that military aid because he wanted dirt on the Bidens.

Or what about the Kurds who died when Trump stopped protecting them in Syria?

People are dying, by the hundreds, because your President doesn’t know what he’s doing.

I hope you live a miserable life so you can blame Trump
The more miserable you leftist are the better for America.

The nation Dragon Lady loves just butchered a bunch of Canadians... and the cat lady blames Trump. Classic!

It must be kind of irksome, because she really, really wants those Iranian refugees in Canada so that the nation can be transformed into a shithole that kills its own citizens.

Possibly she wants an Islamic USA even more than an Islamic Canada. Thankfully because of Trump and his masterful travel ban, we will avoid this Canadian utopia.

If you didn’t post lies, you’d have nothing to post.

Please note than Canada is once again the best country in the world to live in. Two years in a row. And the best part of living here, is Trump isn’t President
1. if you don't live there you are free to move.
2. If you live there you are a foreigner trying to influence America's political system
Canadian who wants to influence US elections posts about Russians again.

Class act... you need medical help cat woman.

60 Canadian citizens died in that downed airliner Norman. That’s on Trump. As are the Ukrainian people who died while he sat on that military aid because he wanted dirt on the Bidens.

Or what about the Kurds who died when Trump stopped protecting them in Syria?

People are dying, by the hundreds, because your President doesn’t know what he’s doing.

I hope you live a miserable life so you can blame Trump
The more miserable you leftist are the better for America.

The nation Dragon Lady loves just butchered a bunch of Canadians... and the cat lady blames Trump. Classic!

It must be kind of irksome, because she really, really wants those Iranian refugees in Canada so that the nation can be transformed into a shithole that kills its own citizens.

Possibly she wants an Islamic USA even more than an Islamic Canada. Thankfully because of Trump and his masterful travel ban, we will avoid this Canadian utopia.

If you didn’t post lies, you’d have nothing to post.

Please note than Canada is once again the best country in the world to live in. Two years in a row. And the best part of living here, is Trump isn’t President
1. if you don't live there you are free to move.
2. If you live there you are a foreigner trying to influence America's political system

She bitches 24/7 about Russians influencing American elections... while trying to influence American elections.
Canadian who wants to influence US elections posts about Russians again.

Class act... you need medical help cat woman.

60 Canadian citizens died in that downed airliner Norman. That’s on Trump. As are the Ukrainian people who died while he sat on that military aid because he wanted dirt on the Bidens.

Or what about the Kurds who died when Trump stopped protecting them in Syria?

People are dying, by the hundreds, because your President doesn’t know what he’s doing.

I hope you live a miserable life so you can blame Trump
The more miserable you leftist are the better for America.

The nation Dragon Lady loves just butchered a bunch of Canadians... and the cat lady blames Trump. Classic!

It must be kind of irksome, because she really, really wants those Iranian refugees in Canada so that the nation can be transformed into a shithole that kills its own citizens.

Possibly she wants an Islamic USA even more than an Islamic Canada. Thankfully because of Trump and his masterful travel ban, we will avoid this Canadian utopia.

If you didn’t post lies, you’d have nothing to post.

Please note than Canada is once again the best country in the world to live in. Two years in a row. And the best part of living here, is Trump isn’t President

Trump is very much the American president no matter where you live. He is so powerful that even as a Canadian you must demonstrate your TDS daily.

Just wait until the Muslims take over in Canada. Hint: Their countries are not even on the list.

I don't see how your ignorance and stupidity is anything to be proud of but American fools seem it's something to show off. The rest of the world thinks of the USA as the shit hole country of the first world. The reason why non-whites won't move there is that we're so much better off where we are.

The USA is 17th. It's dropped 3 places since Trump became President.

Trump is so weak,
60 Canadian citizens died in that downed airliner Norman. That’s on Trump. As are the Ukrainian people who died while he sat on that military aid because he wanted dirt on the Bidens.

Or what about the Kurds who died when Trump stopped protecting them in Syria?

People are dying, by the hundreds, because your President doesn’t know what he’s doing.

I hope you live a miserable life so you can blame Trump
The more miserable you leftist are the better for America.

The nation Dragon Lady loves just butchered a bunch of Canadians... and the cat lady blames Trump. Classic!

It must be kind of irksome, because she really, really wants those Iranian refugees in Canada so that the nation can be transformed into a shithole that kills its own citizens.

Possibly she wants an Islamic USA even more than an Islamic Canada. Thankfully because of Trump and his masterful travel ban, we will avoid this Canadian utopia.

If you didn’t post lies, you’d have nothing to post.

Please note than Canada is once again the best country in the world to live in. Two years in a row. And the best part of living here, is Trump isn’t President

Trump is very much the American president no matter where you live. He is so powerful that even as a Canadian you must demonstrate your TDS daily.

Just wait until the Muslims take over in Canada. Hint: Their countries are not even on the list.

I don't see how your ignorance and stupidity is anything to be proud of but American fools seem it's something to show off. The rest of the world thinks of the USA as the shit hole country of the first world. The reason why non-whites won't move there is that we're so much better off where we are.

The USA is 17th. It's dropped 3 places since Trump became President.

Trump is so weak,

Great, so America is stupid, ignorant, shit-hole filled with idiots. Are you done with your rant yet? Did you at no point during it think that American message board may not be the place for you?

People all over the world are literally dying to get into America. No one is dying to get into Iran. In fact 200 people just died trying to get OUT of Iran. That's how you know what's a shithole and what's not. The refugees are on a one way street.
60 Canadian citizens died in that downed airliner Norman. That’s on Trump. As are the Ukrainian people who died while he sat on that military aid because he wanted dirt on the Bidens.

Or what about the Kurds who died when Trump stopped protecting them in Syria?

People are dying, by the hundreds, because your President doesn’t know what he’s doing.

I hope you live a miserable life so you can blame Trump
The more miserable you leftist are the better for America.

The nation Dragon Lady loves just butchered a bunch of Canadians... and the cat lady blames Trump. Classic!

It must be kind of irksome, because she really, really wants those Iranian refugees in Canada so that the nation can be transformed into a shithole that kills its own citizens.

Possibly she wants an Islamic USA even more than an Islamic Canada. Thankfully because of Trump and his masterful travel ban, we will avoid this Canadian utopia.

If you didn’t post lies, you’d have nothing to post.

Please note than Canada is once again the best country in the world to live in. Two years in a row. And the best part of living here, is Trump isn’t President
1. if you don't live there you are free to move.
2. If you live there you are a foreigner trying to influence America's political system

She bitches 24/7 about Russians influencing American elections... while trying to influence American elections.
It's amazing how that works. American's should call out all foreigners who try to influence America's politics even on a discussion board.
Clinton Derangement Syndrome at its finest.
...speaking of DERANGEMENT', got the link to that law you and Schiff claim exists that affords LEGITIMATE 'whistle blowers' the protections of 'anonymity' and 'immunity' yet?

Schiff dared claim this in front of approx. 400 fellow lawyers, was immediately challenged to produce the law, and Schiff ran like a jackrabbit, unwilling and unable to produce such a non-existent law. After you attempted to defend Schiff by making the same claim I issued the same challenge. Like Schiff, you 'jack-rabbit'ed and have been running from it ever since. As I said then, anything you say / post is worthless until you either post that link to the law you claim exists...or admit you and Schiff LIED!


What does Adam Schiff have to do with your continuing campaign of slander and lies against Hillary Clinton?

I guess having no come back for being called out on your continuing failure to “Lock her up!” while the last of the President’s campaign staffers are frog marched off to jail makes you a lying Russian piece of shit.

Time to deflect
thank you for continuing to demonstrate you LIED when you claimed a law exists that affords whistle blowers with ANONYMITY and immunity, that you can't find a link to such a law to present because no such law exists...for proving you are a LIAR who runs when challenged to back up what she says.

This FACT goes to the core of every post you make, ever opinion you share as 'fact', and every personal attack on posters who actually DO provide links / evidence to support what they say.

Until you admit you lied, or at least you were wrong / misled by the douche bag Schiff, what you say is trashcan fodder.
I hope you live a miserable life so you can blame Trump
The more miserable you leftist are the better for America.

The nation Dragon Lady loves just butchered a bunch of Canadians... and the cat lady blames Trump. Classic!

It must be kind of irksome, because she really, really wants those Iranian refugees in Canada so that the nation can be transformed into a shithole that kills its own citizens.

Possibly she wants an Islamic USA even more than an Islamic Canada. Thankfully because of Trump and his masterful travel ban, we will avoid this Canadian utopia.

If you didn’t post lies, you’d have nothing to post.

Please note than Canada is once again the best country in the world to live in. Two years in a row. And the best part of living here, is Trump isn’t President

Trump is very much the American president no matter where you live. He is so powerful that even as a Canadian you must demonstrate your TDS daily.

Just wait until the Muslims take over in Canada. Hint: Their countries are not even on the list.


Nah, just facts. Their countries are nowhere in the list, in fact nowhere near the list. They just butchered 100 of their own citizens when attempting to defy USA. Not exactly a sign of competence...

What list? Those countries that we keep bombing the shit out of and the dictatorships we install?

I feel sorry for the average citizen of oil producing countries, doesn't usually work out for them.
Canadian who wants to influence US elections posts about Russians again.

Class act... you need medical help cat woman.

60 Canadian citizens died in that downed airliner Norman. That’s on Trump. As are the Ukrainian people who died while he sat on that military aid because he wanted dirt on the Bidens.

Or what about the Kurds who died when Trump stopped protecting them in Syria?

People are dying, by the hundreds, because your President doesn’t know what he’s doing.

I hope you live a miserable life so you can blame Trump
The more miserable you leftist are the better for America.

The nation Dragon Lady loves just butchered a bunch of Canadians... and the cat lady blames Trump. Classic!

It must be kind of irksome, because she really, really wants those Iranian refugees in Canada so that the nation can be transformed into a shithole that kills its own citizens.

Possibly she wants an Islamic USA even more than an Islamic Canada. Thankfully because of Trump and his masterful travel ban, we will avoid this Canadian utopia.

If you didn’t post lies, you’d have nothing to post.

Please note than Canada is once again the best country in the world to live in. Two years in a row. And the best part of living here, is Trump isn’t President
1. if you don't live there you are free to move.
2. If you live there you are a foreigner trying to influence America's political system

I have lived in Canada all of my life.

You let the Russians fool you into voting for an incompetent, lying criminal. They’re still here on this forum telling you what a great guy he is as he destroys your country
and found . . . . . nothing to pursue.

And I'll bet all the Russians here will still be posting about what a criminal she is.

Canadian who wants to influence US elections posts about Russians again.

Class act... you need medical help cat woman.

60 Canadian citizens died in that downed airliner Norman. That’s on Trump. As are the Ukrainian people who died while he sat on that military aid because he wanted dirt on the Bidens.

Or what about the Kurds who died when Trump stopped protecting them in Syria?

People are dying, by the hundreds, because your President doesn’t know what he’s doing.
He knows he doesn't care.
60 Canadian citizens died in that downed airliner Norman. That’s on Trump. As are the Ukrainian people who died while he sat on that military aid because he wanted dirt on the Bidens.

Or what about the Kurds who died when Trump stopped protecting them in Syria?

People are dying, by the hundreds, because your President doesn’t know what he’s doing.

I hope you live a miserable life so you can blame Trump
The more miserable you leftist are the better for America.

The nation Dragon Lady loves just butchered a bunch of Canadians... and the cat lady blames Trump. Classic!

It must be kind of irksome, because she really, really wants those Iranian refugees in Canada so that the nation can be transformed into a shithole that kills its own citizens.

Possibly she wants an Islamic USA even more than an Islamic Canada. Thankfully because of Trump and his masterful travel ban, we will avoid this Canadian utopia.

If you didn’t post lies, you’d have nothing to post.

Please note than Canada is once again the best country in the world to live in. Two years in a row. And the best part of living here, is Trump isn’t President
1. if you don't live there you are free to move.
2. If you live there you are a foreigner trying to influence America's political system

I have lived in Canada all of my life.

You let the Russians fool you into voting for an incompetent, lying criminal. They’re still here on this forum telling you what a great guy he is as he destroys your country

So far only non-American telling me how to vote has been a Canadian.
What list? Those countries that we keep bombing the shit out of and the dictatorships we install?
It's not our fault that idiots in third world countries don't know how to vote for the right candidate.

Those idiots from third world countries voted for Bush? I doubt that. Those same idiots (people like you) that voted for Bush also voted for McCain, right?
It's not our fault that idiots in third world countries don't know how to vote for the right candidate.
Those idiots from third world countries voted for Bush? I doubt that. Those same idiots (people like you) that voted for Bush also voted for McCain, right?
I wasn't stupid enough to vote for the Kenyan.

So instead you voted for the guy who invaded and occupied Iraq which is credited as the worst blunder of this century so far.

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