The hypocricy of the worthless leftist traitors...

No there aren't, moron.
Are you a troll? You can't believe the shit you say.

NBC News reports that the FBI has not contacted dozens of people who could potentially corroborate the allegations against Kavanaugh or testify to his behavior at the time. This includes many people who knew either Ford or Ramirez at the time, and people who actually approached the FBI offering information.

The Post reports that Ramirez’s lawyers provided the FBI with a list of more than 20 people who might have relevant information, but “as of Wednesday, Ramirez’s team had no indication that the bureau had interviewed any of them.”
"Who could potentially corroborate?" In other words, not. "Relevant information" can mean virtually anything. These claims are about as credible as saying "the check's in the mail."
sexual assault and rape is one in the same to morons who don't know the difference between debt and deficit ...

Sexual assault is any type of sexual activity or contact that you do not consent to. Sexual assault can happen through physical force or threats of force or if the attacker gave the victim drugs or alcohol as part of the assault.

Rape is a type of sexual assault that includes sexual penetration, no matter how slight, without consent. Key word; penetration.
“I spent the last two years of high school in a daze,” Obama wrote in "Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance." “I kept playing basketball, attended classes sparingly, drank beer heavily, and tried drugs enthusiastically.”

And don’t forget Obama’s use of “blow” — a.k.a. cocaine. As he wrote about high school, “Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it.”

He should never have been POTUS, President has more power than scotus.
I bet if obama was chosen to be on the supreme court. Liberals would over welmingly support it.
And after they interviewed these 20 people, another 20 would come forward. See where this is going? The FBI did.

If these folks had real information that would have helped Ford's case, I can ASSURE you they would have come forward before Ford testified and Ford's legal team would have gobbled it up seeing as they had NO corroborative evidence at all.

Logic is your friend. Don't let your ideology cloud your ability to reason.
The FBI deliberately refused to interview people who had corroborative evidence. That's a white wash!
"Who could potentially corroborate?" In other words, not. "Relevant information" can mean virtually anything. These claims are about as credible as saying "the check's in the mail."
First you say they don't exist; then you say they're not credible.

You waffle more than IHOP!
And after they interviewed these 20 people, another 20 would come forward. See where this is going? The FBI did.

If these folks had real information that would have helped Ford's case, I can ASSURE you they would have come forward before Ford testified and Ford's legal team would have gobbled it up seeing as they had NO corroborative evidence at all.

Logic is your friend. Don't let your ideology cloud your ability to reason.
The FBI deliberately refused to interview people who had corroborative evidence. That's a white wash!
There was no evidence. It was all bullshit.
Sorry lefty. Nothing ever happened. It was a political hoax to destroy an opponent.
Wrong. The only people who don't want a full and comprehensive FBI investigation are the guilty, Senate republicans and the liar in the White House.


Did you want any of this investigated?

1. Teaching someone to take lie detector test

New sworn statement alleges Ford lied under oath about prepping someone for a polygraph New sworn statement alleges Ford lied under oath about prepping someone for a polygraph

2. A separate door in her house

Renovation Records Undercut Ford's Exit-Door AccountFord testified, pushed her to say she wanted the door to alleviate symptoms of “claustrophobia” and “panic attacks" she still suffered from an attempted rape allegedly perpetrated by Kavanaugh in high school during the early 1980s.

"Is that the reason for the second door — front door -- is claustrophobia?” asked Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee. “Correct,” Ford replied.

Ford never specified when the renovation took place, leaving a possible impression that it and the therapy session happened around the same time.

But documents reveal the door was installed years before as part of an addition, and has been used by renters and even a marriage counseling business.” https://www.realclearinvestigations...uments_undermine_fords_exit_door_account.html

3.Being afraid to fly, “…it was presented as a terror so overwhelming, so uncontrollable, as to prevent her from traveling by air under any circumstances. No – Professordoktor Ford, we were led to believe, would need to drive from Palo Alto to Washington to testify before the Senate Judicial Committee.

This claim fell apart in short order after it was revealed that Ford had lived for a year in Honolulu, a city effectively unreachable except by air, had vacationed in Tahiti and other areas of the Pacific, and regularly flew from California to the east coast to visit family. In light of all this, the “driving” claim became a running social media joke, with bogus reports of which was the last town she had driven through. “

4. Blasey Ford allowed the public and the committee to believe that she was a psychologist in the full meaning of the term. She specifically told the committee that she was a “research psychologist”. She also made the claim on her university web site page, and in several other cases. The legacy media (for instance, theWashington Post and the Atlantic) dropped the “research’ part and repeatedly asserted that she was a licensed psychologist, with no request for a correction from the Blasey Ford camp.

In fact, she is no such thing. While she has done the course work, and was awarded a doctorate in the field, she still lacks certification. To qualify as a “psychologist” in the state of California (and every other state in the union), an individual must serve a one-year residency and pass several rigorous examinations. Blasey Ford has not done so. She is, ipso facto, not a psychologist.

Ford is a very sick woman......not as sick as you are, but, nonetheless.....sick.

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