The Idiocracy... Video shows the inevitable consequences of Left-think on US classrooms.

5,000 White People Fight, Smash Cars At UC Berkeley -- Media Claims It Wasn't A Riot (VIDEO)

I think this points to a cultural and parenting issue of white people...they are taught to be violent and they are taught to feel entitled.........
You are correct Tyrone and here is a case in point
The Affluenza kid that killed people while drunk and walked ...
Here is the White Punk thug criminal Bastard...look this shithead lawbreaker killer is a white Blonde POS

Wow, a libtard in a circle jerk of only one.


Figures it would go straight to a racism discussion the first time you get into it, TyronetheDumbass.
Here I thought thus was the fault of the kids and most of all the Teacher.

But I get what you saying it's like, connected, all to this lady..far out man!:420:
Heyh , back in the good old days, the responsible adults in the classroom could have punko taken out in the hall to converse with the Board of Education.

Never saw either movie, then?

Here's another one for you to not-see:

Up the Down Staircase (1967) - IMDb

Little 99-pound girlie teacher wins the class over without raising a hand.

Just because you needed to be beaten in high school, don't project that onto everyone.

You really think that movies are good data sources?

The discussion branched off into representations of school life in film. Just because you can't retain more than one thought at a time...
BTW, ironic thread title is ironic:

Idiocracy (2006) - IMDb


Private Joe Bauers, the definition of "average American", is selected by the Pentagon to be the guinea pig for a top-secret hibernation program. Forgotten, he awakes five centuries in the future. He discovers a society so incredibly dumbed down that he's easily the most intelligent person alive.
Many of you participated in the several hundred page thread which discussed the recent event where a Police Officer was attacked by a black female student... and subsequently fired for his otherwise reasonable response.

The Video posted below shows the consequences of decades of Progressive influence on US Public Skulez.

I don't think that event is the center of what you seek to discuss here, but even so, I must ask this because they are your choice of words not mine.
  • What does her blackness have to do with anything? Why did you find it relevant to mention that she is black?
    • Why did you not feel it relevant to note the officer's race?
    • Is it supposed to be implicitly understood by your readers that your not having mentioned his race indicates he is of a given racial background?
    • Are we readers to infer that while the girl's race is relevant to your description, the officer's is not?
  • Shouldn't one's position on the matter be the same regardless of her or the officer's race?
I feel compelled to ask that because from everything I've read about the event, nothing suggested to me that her or the officer's actions had a darn thing to do with her being black.

It's far from clear to me that there is a causal relationship between progressive teaching methodologies/tactics and the behavior of those unruly students. The key point of differentiation between a so-called progressive approach and the traditional approach are well described here, although the point of the discussion isn't to expressly analyze progressive and traditional teaching methods in their own right. Using the descriptions found there, however, it's hard for me to concur -- given too my own and my three children's scholastic experiences -- that progressive teaching methods pervade American classrooms, and that in turn makes it impossible for me to see the correlation between the misbehaving students you showed and progressive education techniques and theories.
Many of you participated in the several hundred page thread which discussed the recent event where a Police Officer was attacked by a black female student... and subsequently fired for his otherwise reasonable response.

The Video posted below shows the consequences of decades of Progressive influence on US Public Skulez.

LOL. People like you are the consequence of 'Conservative' inbreeding. Really, why should anyone look at your propaganda.

Look st the video again. That's an example of an inferior breeding program, and it's purely progressive.
That big turd needs a thwack with a billy club right between the eyes. Thwack him and that bitch that hit the blackboard and you would be amazed at how quickly these poor, misunderstood children who the left thinks are unteachable sit their asses down and shut up.

The poor teacher was just grinding out the hours till COB and then EOW and then payday. She has visibly given up, and would likely be the first to call for firing any government employee that brought discipline to the school system..
She has the hangdog appearance of someone battling with mental illness.
Many of you participated in the several hundred page thread which discussed the recent event where a Police Officer was attacked by a black female student... and subsequently fired for his otherwise reasonable response.

The Video posted below shows the consequences of decades of Progressive influence on US Public Skulez.

You understand Idiocracy depicted a decidely right-wing society right? Corporations like fast food do and control everything? Everyone works for one massive company (Brondo, the thirst mutilator.) :)
Heyh , back in the good old days, the responsible adults in the classroom could have punko taken out in the hall to converse with the Board of Education.

Never saw either movie, then?

Here's another one for you to not-see:

Up the Down Staircase (1967) - IMDb

Little 99-pound girlie teacher wins the class over without raising a hand.

Just because you needed to be beaten in high school, don't project that onto everyone.
You realize those are movies, right?
Many of you participated in the several hundred page thread which discussed the recent event where a Police Officer was attacked by a black female student... and subsequently fired for his otherwise reasonable response.

The Video posted below shows the consequences of decades of Progressive influence on US Public Skulez.

You understand Idiocracy depicted a decidely right-wing society right? Corporations like fast food do and control everything? Everyone works for one massive company (Brondo, the thirst mutilator.) :)

If you actually believe that... Then you are an idiot.

No doubt, your post is yet another demonstration of the idiots conflating socialism with the antithesis of socialism. And this because unethical business merges with unprincipled government, OKA: fascism, AKA: Progressivism.

That said... The Idiocracy... Is the inevitable consequence of socialism IF the catastrophic potential from such did not destroy the means to bind a culture LONG before it ever got to that point.
I believe that teachers should retire early, walk off the job, discourage young people from teaching careers.......until things change when it comes to discipline and getting rid QUICKLY of students like those in the video. That poor substitute teacher should have walked out and stopped by the office to tell them to never call her again.....ever.
I am not a fan BHO, but this started long before he was ever in High School.

That is total bullshit. Yes, the libtards ruined schools in a small number of places, but Obamy made it universal in this country and is destroying our public school system.
Doesn't happen at my son's school...
Lucky you then, lol, every time someone mentions a general problem that has gone nation wides, some libtard says, 'well, it aint that way roun heah!'

As if that means anything other than you metaphorically suck Obamy's hind teet.

Really, I guess you have a hard time with the truth...well, actually you live in denial of the truth..
Heyh , back in the good old days, the responsible adults in the classroom could have punko taken out in the hall to converse with the Board of Education.

Never saw either movie, then?

Here's another one for you to not-see:

Up the Down Staircase (1967) - IMDb

Little 99-pound girlie teacher wins the class over without raising a hand.

Just because you needed to be beaten in high school, don't project that onto everyone.

You really think that movies are good data sources, libtard?
He seems to think we should base our entire school culture on To Sir, With Love.

Didn't the school in that show fail abysmally? He leaves in the end...
I believe that teachers should retire early, walk off the job, discourage young people from teaching careers.......until things change when it comes to discipline and getting rid QUICKLY of students like those in the video. That poor substitute teacher should have walked out and stopped by the office to tell them to never call her again.....ever.
How come the panzies who are so shocked at the cops behavior when he whipped that kids ass aren't upset at this nigglets behavior? God I would love to whip his ass more than anything. He thinks he's hard. I'd love to send him to scared straight.

And the funny thing is, I had a flashback to when I went to an all black school in the 70's. They acted the same way back then as they did in that video. Are blacks stuck on stupid?
You understand Idiocracy depicted a decidely right-wing society right? Corporations like fast food do and control everything? Everyone works for one massive company (Brondo, the thirst mutilator.) :)

So if being pro-corporation is rigtwing, then doesnt someone need to discuss this with the Queen Vagina herself, Rodham-Clinton? She is flooded with corporate money of very kind.
Oh shut up. We said send jobs to Detroit, you sent them to Mexico. What'd ya think would happen.

This is inner city black shit. It'd be like calling you a Klansman because they vote Republican and call themselves Christians.

OH... No Sweety.

You elected socialists in Michigan who made your state a mandatory Union State... which drove the cost of labor in Michigan beyond the means of the market to sustain those costs.

This forced the manufacturers to build assembly plants where the cost was within marketable feasibility, which is, of course, NOT IN MICHIGAN.

And yes... it is inner-city socialist shit. And it's shit that is not tolerated in the real world. And... LOL! you calling me a klansman, in reality, where the Ku Klux Klan was founded by Democrats, with membership that is exclusively FOR Democrats... 'because they vote Republican', is as irrelevant, as it is HYSTERICAL!
BTW, ironic thread title is ironic:

Idiocracy (2006) - IMDb


Private Joe Bauers, the definition of "average American", is selected by the Pentagon to be the guinea pig for a top-secret hibernation program. Forgotten, he awakes five centuries in the future. He discovers a society so incredibly dumbed down that he's easily the most intelligent person alive.

What's Ironic about it?

The OP Video shows the inevitable consequences of Leftist Policy foisted upon the School System. And "The Idiocracy' shows the inevitable consequences of any culture which allows it's School System to have Leftist Policy foisted upon it.

You should probably spend some more time with a dictionary before you use words you've heard used, but aren't sure what they actually mean.
Oh shut up. We said send jobs to Detroit, you sent them to Mexico. What'd ya think would happen.

This is inner city black shit. It'd be like calling you a Klansman because they vote Republican and call themselves Christians.

OH... No Sweety.

You elected socialists in Michigan who made your state a mandatory Union State... which drove the cost of labor in Michigan beyond the means of the market to sustain those costs.

This forced the manufacturers to build assembly plants where the cost was within marketable feasibility, which is, of course, NOT IN MICHIGAN.

And yes... it is inner-city socialist shit. And it's shit that is not tolerated in the real world. And... LOL! you calling me a klansman, in reality, where the Ku Klux Klan was founded by Democrats, with membership that is exclusively FOR Democrats... 'because they vote Republican', is as irrelevant, as it is HYSTERICAL!
Republicans like you can say it over and over and over that doesn't make it true. The year before Bush got into office, Ford had record profits and the Union workers got record profit sharing.

We are broke because the rich have taken over our country and want us to go broke so they can privatize everything. You middle class Republicans aren't smart enough to talk to. Really, you have ruined America and blamed Pelosi for your mistakes. Piss off dear.

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