The Idiocracy... Video shows the inevitable consequences of Left-think on US classrooms.

World War II veteran Richard Dadier (Glenn Ford) takes a teaching position at a rough New York City school for boys. The staff warns him that the students are nearly impossible to control, but the optimistic Richard remains unfazed. Soon, though, he realizes that his class isn't merely rowdy -- they can be downright dangerous. The students, led by the thuggish Artie West (Vic Morrow), threaten their teacher and his family with violence, yet Richard refuses to give up on the troubled teens.

Thanks Oblama, ruining schools since the 1950's....

Don't you love how they just keep rattling along on their own agenda and don't even bother addressing this?

Either that or Obama's been time-traveling not only across America, but even to the UK -!

To Sir, with Love (1967) - IMDb
Don't you love how they just keep rattling along on their own agenda and don't even bother addressing this?

Either that or Obama's been time-traveling not only across America, but even to the UK -!

To Sir, with Love (1967) - IMDb

Ahhhh, a libtard tag team, lolol

Heyh , back in the good old days, the responsible adults in the classroom could have punko taken out in the hall to converse with the Board of Education. The only time there were problems was when libtards ass hats like you would get corporal punishment banned.

And then the degenerate apes would take over.
World War II veteran Richard Dadier (Glenn Ford) takes a teaching position at a rough New York City school for boys. The staff warns him that the students are nearly impossible to control, but the optimistic Richard remains unfazed. Soon, though, he realizes that his class isn't merely rowdy -- they can be downright dangerous. The students, led by the thuggish Artie West (Vic Morrow), threaten their teacher and his family with violence, yet Richard refuses to give up on the troubled teens.

Thanks Oblama, ruining schools since the 1950's....

There were some bad places, but they were the places where corporal punishment got banned by libtard Marxists like you, commie fuck.
World War II veteran Richard Dadier (Glenn Ford) takes a teaching position at a rough New York City school for boys. The staff warns him that the students are nearly impossible to control, but the optimistic Richard remains unfazed. Soon, though, he realizes that his class isn't merely rowdy -- they can be downright dangerous. The students, led by the thuggish Artie West (Vic Morrow), threaten their teacher and his family with violence, yet Richard refuses to give up on the troubled teens.

Thanks Oblama, ruining schools since the 1950's....

Don't you love how they just keep rattling along on their own agenda and don't even bother addressing this?

Either that or Obama's been time-traveling not only across America, but even to the UK -!

To Sir, with Love (1967) - IMDb

It is so depressing (painfully embarrassing to be American). Can you imagine what Korea or China would do? This crap would not happen once, here it could be 1000X daily. I am worn down ready to give up, "they" win. Bring in Hillary and legalize suicide. Generations of Children have taken over.
World War II veteran Richard Dadier (Glenn Ford) takes a teaching position at a rough New York City school for boys. The staff warns him that the students are nearly impossible to control, but the optimistic Richard remains unfazed. Soon, though, he realizes that his class isn't merely rowdy -- they can be downright dangerous. The students, led by the thuggish Artie West (Vic Morrow), threaten their teacher and his family with violence, yet Richard refuses to give up on the troubled teens.

Thanks Oblama, ruining schools since the 1950's....

There were some bad places, but they were the places where corporal punishment got banned by libtard Marxists like you, commie fuck.
I allow my son's school to use corporal punishment if needed....But please goose step in unison wit me...
I am not a fan BHO, but this started long before he was ever in High School.

That is total bullshit. Yes, the libtards ruined schools in a small number of places, but Obamy made it universal in this country and is destroying our public school system.
Are you for real? The GOP defunded public schools and favored private or charter schools.
I allow my son's school to use corporal punishment if needed....But please goose step in unison wit me...
You are a brainless partisan ass hat that will defend anything this Nazi President does, jack ass.

Go fuck yourself.
America has been transformed.

Thanks Barak.
I went to school in Detroit back in the 70s and it was exactly like this video. And don't act like Reagan fixed this in the 80s or bush in the 2000s


That makes sense... . It was like that in DC, NYC, Philly, Frisco, LA, Atlanta, Memphis, and everywhere else that has long succumbed to the virulent infection of the Ideological Left.
I allow my son's school to use corporal punishment if needed....But please goose step in unison wit me...

LOL! So what?

There's no Corporal Punishment being applied in the School considered in the OP, and there has not been in GENERATIONS! Thus ... THE PROBLEM!
I allow my son's school to use corporal punishment if needed....But please goose step in unison wit me...

LOL! So what?

There's no Corporal Punishment being applied in the School considered in the OP, and there has not been in GENERATIONS! Thus ... THE PROBLEM!
I don't use corporal punishment either, I just take away their gaming consoles...
5,000 White People Fight, Smash Cars At UC Berkeley -- Media Claims It Wasn't A Riot (VIDEO)
You probably missed this one. It seems there was a, um, “brawl” on and around the campus of UC Berkeley over the weekend. This “brawl” involved several thousand people, and police say there were weapons involved. Three people were arrested, and one was hospitalized.

“Oh my goodness,” you say. “That sounds like a riot!”

Yeah, you might think so, but this disturbance involved mainly white people,
5,000 White People Fight, Smash Cars At UC Berkeley -- Media Claims It Wasn't A Riot (VIDEO)

I think this points to a cultural and parenting issue of white people...they are taught to be violent and they are taught to feel entitled.........
You are correct Tyrone and here is a case in point
The Affluenza kid that killed people while drunk and walked ...
Here is the White Punk thug criminal Bastard...look this shithead lawbreaker killer is a white Blonde POS
America has been transformed.

Thanks Barak.
I went to school in Detroit back in the 70s and it was exactly like this video. And don't act like Reagan fixed this in the 80s or bush in the 2000s


That makes sense... . It was like that in DC, NYC, Philly, Frisco, LA, Atlanta, Memphis, and everywhere else that has long succumbed to the virulent infection of the Ideological Left.
Oh shut up. We said send jobs to Detroit, you sent them to Mexico. What'd ya think would happen.

This is inner city black shit. It'd be like calling you a Klansman because they vote Republican and call themselves Christians.
Heyh , back in the good old days, the responsible adults in the classroom could have punko taken out in the hall to converse with the Board of Education.

Never saw either movie, then?

Here's another one for you to not-see:

Up the Down Staircase (1967) - IMDb

Little 99-pound girlie teacher wins the class over without raising a hand.

Just because you needed to be beaten in high school, don't project that onto everyone.
Heyh , back in the good old days, the responsible adults in the classroom could have punko taken out in the hall to converse with the Board of Education.

Never saw either movie, then?

Here's another one for you to not-see:

Up the Down Staircase (1967) - IMDb

Little 99-pound girlie teacher wins the class over without raising a hand.

Just because you needed to be beaten in high school, don't project that onto everyone.

You really think that movies are good data sources, libtard?

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