The Illiterates Among Us....

To have Trump playing golf now while a pandemic rages with no agreement over a continuing stimulus package, ignorance, stupidity, and incompetence knows no party it seems! We're fk'n doomed and we're doing it to ourselves! :rolleyes:
Mnuchin and Meadows are negotiating with Nancy and Chuck. Trump is entitled to golf, just like Obama golfed.
The US will grind thru these current problems, we've been thru a lot worse.

But Obama wasn't allowed to play golf! Trump relentlessly went after Obama if a picture showed up and when there wasn't he just made it up in his empty head, "IDK, Obama was probably out playing golf!" Screw all the hypocrites out there! :auiqs.jpg:
Trump plays more golf than Obama played. Golf is not a problem facing the US
To have Trump playing golf now while a pandemic rages with no agreement over a continuing stimulus package, ignorance, stupidity, and incompetence knows no party it seems! We're fk'n doomed and we're doing it to ourselves! :rolleyes:
Mnuchin and Meadows are negotiating with Nancy and Chuck. Trump is entitled to golf, just like Obama golfed.
The US will grind thru these current problems, we've been thru a lot worse.

But Obama wasn't allowed to play golf! Trump relentlessly went after Obama if a picture showed up and when there wasn't he just made it up in his empty head, "IDK, Obama was probably out playing golf!" Screw all the hypocrites out there! :auiqs.jpg:

No you were just lying.

Perfect for a Democrat.
To have Trump playing golf now while a pandemic rages with no agreement over a continuing stimulus package, ignorance, stupidity, and incompetence knows no party it seems! We're fk'n doomed and we're doing it to ourselves! :rolleyes:
Mnuchin and Meadows are negotiating with Nancy and Chuck. Trump is entitled to golf, just like Obama golfed.
The US will grind thru these current problems, we've been thru a lot worse.

But Obama wasn't allowed to play golf! Trump relentlessly went after Obama if a picture showed up and when there wasn't he just made it up in his empty head, "IDK, Obama was probably out playing golf!" Screw all the hypocrites out there! :auiqs.jpg:

But Trump didn't tell illegal aliens to vote, or guarantee nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsors of terrorism.

Hussein Obama did both. you voted for him.
To have Trump playing golf now while a pandemic rages with no agreement over a continuing stimulus package, ignorance, stupidity, and incompetence knows no party it seems! We're fk'n doomed and we're doing it to ourselves! :rolleyes:
/—-/ What do you expect the president to do, sit in the Oval Office and fiddle with some worry beads? Would that make you vote for him?
To have Trump playing golf now while a pandemic rages with no agreement over a continuing stimulus package, ignorance, stupidity, and incompetence knows no party it seems! We're fk'n doomed and we're doing it to ourselves! :rolleyes:
Mnuchin and Meadows are negotiating with Nancy and Chuck. Trump is entitled to golf, just like Obama golfed.
The US will grind thru these current problems, we've been thru a lot worse.

But Obama wasn't allowed to play golf! Trump relentlessly went after Obama if a picture showed up and when there wasn't he just made it up in his empty head, "IDK, Obama was probably out playing golf!" Screw all the hypocrites out there! :auiqs.jpg:
Trump plays more golf than Obama played. Golf is not a problem facing the US
The problem was Oboingo playing golf when the duties of his office were calling.
.....are the target audience of the Democrats.

1. Of course, the best example is the fact that we are living in a world predicted in Orwell's 1984....and in Animal Farm, as well.
Democrat voters don't read, or they don't comprehend what they read, so they miss how accurately Orwell predicted their future.

2. Next is
View attachment 370210
We are warned of the thin veneer of civilization, and how quickly the boys become savages when left on their own. And we see it in our streets.

3. "In Chapter 4, the boys are on the hunt for the sow, and they chant, "Kill the pig! Cut her throat! Bash her in!" Later in Chapter 9, the boys simulate a hunt using Roger as the pig, and they chant, "Kill the beast! Cut its throat!"
What exactly is the boys' savage chant in Lord of the Flies ...

4. "Police Rescue Pig From Portland Leftists Who Planned To Behead It
Police officers in Portland, Oregon rescued a live pig that was due to be publicly slaughtered by far-left rioters as part of an anti-police protest.

“In the early weeks of the riots, a pig was found abandoned near downtown Portland in the middle of the night,” the Post Millennial’s Andy Ngo wrote on Friday. “Police rescued the animal. It is believed a protester was going to kill the pig as an act of anti-police protest but abandoned it last minute.”

5. Those Democrat voters:

I attribute the vast amount of ignorance to government schooling, and that most are too lazy to read a book.

Time and again when I ask for three or four of the books that have informed their geopolitical outlook, I get the deer-in-the-headlights expression.
a few weeks ago the Nuttjobs strangled a puppy
.....are the target audience of the Democrats.

1. Of course, the best example is the fact that we are living in a world predicted in Orwell's 1984....and in Animal Farm, as well.
Democrat voters don't reads, or they don't comprehend what they read, so they miss how accurately Orwell predicted their future.

2. Next is
View attachment 370210
We are warned of the thin veneer of civilization, and how quickly the boys become savages when left on their own. And we see it in our streets.

3. "In Chapter 4, the boys are on the hunt for the sow, and they chant, "Kill the pig! Cut her throat! Bash her in!" Later in Chapter 9, the boys simulate a hunt using Roger as the pig, and they chant, "Kill the beast! Cut its throat!"
What exactly is the boys' savage chant in Lord of the Flies ...

4. "Police Rescue Pig From Portland Leftists Who Planned To Behead It
Police officers in Portland, Oregon rescued a live pig that was due to be publicly slaughtered by far-left rioters as part of an anti-police protest.

“In the early weeks of the riots, a pig was found abandoned near downtown Portland in the middle of the night,” the Post Millennial’s Andy Ngo wrote on Friday. “Police rescued the animal. It is believed a protester was going to kill the pig as an act of anti-police protest but abandoned it last minute.”

5. Those Democrat voters:

I attribute the vast amount of ignorance to government schooling, and that most are too lazy to read a book.

Time and again when I ask for three or four of the books that have informed their geopolitical outlook, I get the deer-in-the-headlights expression.

Damn you are getting hilarious with your posts. I found your post quite entertaining and humorous to boot. Comedy Central may have a Gig come November for you.

You should see her shit on Twitter
The bed wetters aren't "illiterate", they can read. The problem is DELIBERATE IGNORANCE. They refuse to process information that undermines their programming. In some cases it has to be because their frontal cortex has atrophied from lack of use, however there are some who have some critical thinking skills, but refuse to admit they've been misled or acknowledge that what they've been trained to believe is based on bullshit agitprop and manipulation by pseudo intellectual traitors. It's a matter of pride, and it took me a while after going past my teen age moonbat years to admit I believed in shit that just isn't based on reality. These are "people" that can not release their hatred and envy, which is really what regressive politics are based on. They can not admit their own failure to become rich and successful is their own fault.

To have Trump playing golf now while a pandemic rages with no agreement over a continuing stimulus package, ignorance, stupidity, and incompetence knows no party it seems! We're fk'n doomed and we're doing it to ourselves! :rolleyes:
Mnuchin and Meadows are negotiating with Nancy and Chuck. Trump is entitled to golf, just like Obama golfed.
The US will grind thru these current problems, we've been thru a lot worse.

But Obama wasn't allowed to play golf! Trump relentlessly went after Obama if a picture showed up and when there wasn't he just made it up in his empty head, "IDK, Obama was probably out playing golf!" Screw all the hypocrites out there! :auiqs.jpg:
Trump plays more golf than Obama played. Golf is not a problem facing the US
The problem was Oboingo playing golf when the duties of his office were calling.

Seek serious help babe! Obama dealt with 3 Pandemics; N1H1, Zika, & an Ebola infection that killed 2 people! That was it! We're around 150 K dead and counting? How do you equate the 2 performances? I feel like I'm living in the "Twilight Zone" with people actually believing the delusions of their incompetent leadership! You injecting your family members with Lysol or bleach? Ignore that at your own peril! :doubt:
To have Trump playing golf now while a pandemic rages with no agreement over a continuing stimulus package, ignorance, stupidity, and incompetence knows no party it seems! We're fk'n doomed and we're doing it to ourselves! :rolleyes:
Mnuchin and Meadows are negotiating with Nancy and Chuck. Trump is entitled to golf, just like Obama golfed.
The US will grind thru these current problems, we've been thru a lot worse.

But Obama wasn't allowed to play golf! Trump relentlessly went after Obama if a picture showed up and when there wasn't he just made it up in his empty head, "IDK, Obama was probably out playing golf!" Screw all the hypocrites out there! :auiqs.jpg:
Obama was in friendly country working in D.C. He was beloved as the anointed one. Trump is the outsider. One versus many. It is incredible how well he has stood up. Look how many people that have been destroyed for having an opinion.
The problem was Oboingo playing golf when the duties of his office were calling.

Even when the meat puppet faggot was at his desk, if Valerie Jarrett's hand wasn't up his ass he was nothing more than an empty sock with Reggie Love's Spooge turning to crust inside of him.

Way to go! Just ignore facts? "Whistling by a graveyard" s/b the new symbol of the Republican Party! :21:
My take is a little different.

Today's Democrats target people with little or no Real Life experience - people who have never had to support themselves in the private economy. But as our culture evolves, there are more and more OLDER PEOPLE who have the same lack of real-world existence. They "work" in Academe, for government, for foundations, for charitable and quasi-charitable organizations, and in entertainment in its various forms.

Look at the rioters whom we see in the newscasts, day after day. How many of them are gainfully employed? And of the few that are employed, how many are working in private companies that must make a profit in a competitive economy? I suspect the answer is, "Nearly zero." And if you want to bring it down to literally zero, remove those who are baristas, bar tenders, and things like that - not actually "responsible" jobs.

In fact, if you look at Democrat "leaders" at all levels of government, you find that very, very few of them have ever actually had a Real Job, with Bernie Sanders possibly being Exhibit A. And I blush to say this but if military service is your only experience at a Real Job (e.g., Tammy Duckworth), you are kidding yourself.

I know a lot of very intelligent people who simply do not read books. They are smart, savvy, experienced, and insightful, but have never read a book on political philosophy or anything close to that. I don't think it has anything to do with whether they come out on the Left or Right side of the political spectrum.
Hatred is a strong emotion and interferes with logical thinking. That's what Soros Media Matters and left wing hate blogs count on. The President tweets "maybe election day should be extended" and left wing blogs skew it to "Trump wants to postpone election day". It's a subtle difference that is accepted as fact by people who's logical thinking has been altered.
To have Trump playing golf now while a pandemic rages with no agreement over a continuing stimulus package, ignorance, stupidity, and incompetence knows no party it seems! We're fk'n doomed and we're doing it to ourselves! :rolleyes:
Mnuchin and Meadows are negotiating with Nancy and Chuck. Trump is entitled to golf, just like Obama golfed.
The US will grind thru these current problems, we've been thru a lot worse.

But Obama wasn't allowed to play golf! Trump relentlessly went after Obama if a picture showed up and when there wasn't he just made it up in his empty head, "IDK, Obama was probably out playing golf!" Screw all the hypocrites out there! :auiqs.jpg:
Trump plays more golf than Obama played. Golf is not a problem facing the US
The problem was Oboingo playing golf when the duties of his office were calling.

Seek serious help babe! Obama dealt with 3 Pandemics; N1H1, Zika, & an Ebola infection that killed 2 people! That was it! We're around 150 K dead and counting? How do you equate the 2 performances? I feel like I'm living in the "Twilight Zone" with people actually believing the delusions of their incompetent leadership! You injecting your family members with Lysol or bleach? Ignore that at your own peril! :doubt:

"H1N1: Obama WAITED MONTHS To Open Up National Emergency Funds, Trump Waits Just Days on Wuhan Virus
The response to the H1N1 disease was far slower."
H1N1: Obama WAITED MONTHS To Open Up National Emergency Funds, Trump Waits Just Days on Wuhan Virus - Big League Politics
To have Trump playing golf now while a pandemic rages with no agreement over a continuing stimulus package, ignorance, stupidity, and incompetence knows no party it seems! We're fk'n doomed and we're doing it to ourselves! :rolleyes:
Mnuchin and Meadows are negotiating with Nancy and Chuck. Trump is entitled to golf, just like Obama golfed.
The US will grind thru these current problems, we've been thru a lot worse.

But Obama wasn't allowed to play golf! Trump relentlessly went after Obama if a picture showed up and when there wasn't he just made it up in his empty head, "IDK, Obama was probably out playing golf!" Screw all the hypocrites out there! :auiqs.jpg:
Trump plays more golf than Obama played. Golf is not a problem facing the US
The problem was Oboingo playing golf when the duties of his office were calling.

Seek serious help babe! Obama dealt with 3 Pandemics; N1H1, Zika, & an Ebola infection that killed 2 people! That was it! We're around 150 K dead and counting? How do you equate the 2 performances? I feel like I'm living in the "Twilight Zone" with people actually believing the delusions of their incompetent leadership! You injecting your family members with Lysol or bleach? Ignore that at your own peril! :doubt:
Barry Obolshevik didn't deal with shit....He deferred to the bureaucracy, then went out and played golf.

BTW, I believe no delusions about Trump's leadership...He's at the fringes of adequacy...But I'm also not the one stupid enough to believe that he was talking about injecting fucking Lysol into veins.
To have Trump playing golf now while a pandemic rages with no agreement over a continuing stimulus package, ignorance, stupidity, and incompetence knows no party it seems! We're fk'n doomed and we're doing it to ourselves! :rolleyes:
Mnuchin and Meadows are negotiating with Nancy and Chuck. Trump is entitled to golf, just like Obama golfed.
The US will grind thru these current problems, we've been thru a lot worse.

But Obama wasn't allowed to play golf! Trump relentlessly went after Obama if a picture showed up and when there wasn't he just made it up in his empty head, "IDK, Obama was probably out playing golf!" Screw all the hypocrites out there! :auiqs.jpg:
Trump plays more golf than Obama played. Golf is not a problem facing the US
The problem was Oboingo playing golf when the duties of his office were calling.

Seek serious help babe! Obama dealt with 3 Pandemics; N1H1, Zika, & an Ebola infection that killed 2 people! That was it! We're around 150 K dead and counting? How do you equate the 2 performances? I feel like I'm living in the "Twilight Zone" with people actually believing the delusions of their incompetent leadership! You injecting your family members with Lysol or bleach? Ignore that at your own peril! :doubt:

"H1N1: Obama WAITED MONTHS To Open Up National Emergency Funds, Trump Waits Just Days on Wuhan Virus
The response to the H1N1 disease was far slower."
H1N1: Obama WAITED MONTHS To Open Up National Emergency Funds, Trump Waits Just Days on Wuhan Virus - Big League Politics

The defense continues, selectively ignoring the 150 K deaths so far! Must be nice to be able to roll one's eyes as a fire rages on around us, but hoping for rain to deal with it! :itsok:
To have Trump playing golf now while a pandemic rages with no agreement over a continuing stimulus package, ignorance, stupidity, and incompetence knows no party it seems! We're fk'n doomed and we're doing it to ourselves! :rolleyes:
Mnuchin and Meadows are negotiating with Nancy and Chuck. Trump is entitled to golf, just like Obama golfed.
The US will grind thru these current problems, we've been thru a lot worse.

But Obama wasn't allowed to play golf! Trump relentlessly went after Obama if a picture showed up and when there wasn't he just made it up in his empty head, "IDK, Obama was probably out playing golf!" Screw all the hypocrites out there! :auiqs.jpg:
Trump plays more golf than Obama played. Golf is not a problem facing the US
The problem was Oboingo playing golf when the duties of his office were calling.

Seek serious help babe! Obama dealt with 3 Pandemics; N1H1, Zika, & an Ebola infection that killed 2 people! That was it! We're around 150 K dead and counting? How do you equate the 2 performances? I feel like I'm living in the "Twilight Zone" with people actually believing the delusions of their incompetent leadership! You injecting your family members with Lysol or bleach? Ignore that at your own peril! :doubt:

"H1N1: Obama WAITED MONTHS To Open Up National Emergency Funds, Trump Waits Just Days on Wuhan Virus
The response to the H1N1 disease was far slower."
H1N1: Obama WAITED MONTHS To Open Up National Emergency Funds, Trump Waits Just Days on Wuhan Virus - Big League Politics

The defense continues, selectively ignoring the 150 K deaths so far! Must be nice to be able to roll one's eyes as a fire rages on around us, but hoping for rain to deal with it! :itsok:
The lion's share of those deaths came from blatant and borderline criminal negligence from democrat governors, Chumlee.

Nonetheless, the death rate among people under 60 who don't have underlying health concerns is so small as to be statistically nonexistent.
To have Trump playing golf now while a pandemic rages with no agreement over a continuing stimulus package, ignorance, stupidity, and incompetence knows no party it seems! We're fk'n doomed and we're doing it to ourselves! :rolleyes:
Mnuchin and Meadows are negotiating with Nancy and Chuck. Trump is entitled to golf, just like Obama golfed.
The US will grind thru these current problems, we've been thru a lot worse.

But Obama wasn't allowed to play golf! Trump relentlessly went after Obama if a picture showed up and when there wasn't he just made it up in his empty head, "IDK, Obama was probably out playing golf!" Screw all the hypocrites out there! :auiqs.jpg:
Trump plays more golf than Obama played. Golf is not a problem facing the US
The problem was Oboingo playing golf when the duties of his office were calling.

Seek serious help babe! Obama dealt with 3 Pandemics; N1H1, Zika, & an Ebola infection that killed 2 people! That was it! We're around 150 K dead and counting? How do you equate the 2 performances? I feel like I'm living in the "Twilight Zone" with people actually believing the delusions of their incompetent leadership! You injecting your family members with Lysol or bleach? Ignore that at your own peril! :doubt:

"H1N1: Obama WAITED MONTHS To Open Up National Emergency Funds, Trump Waits Just Days on Wuhan Virus
The response to the H1N1 disease was far slower."
H1N1: Obama WAITED MONTHS To Open Up National Emergency Funds, Trump Waits Just Days on Wuhan Virus - Big League Politics

The defense continues, selectively ignoring the 150 K deaths so far! Must be nice to be able to roll one's eyes as a fire rages on around us, but hoping for rain to deal with it! :itsok:

Trump.....11 days.

Obama......six months.

. Speaking about the another ingrate, Obama.....took him 6 months and 1,000 dead Americans to act.

"Obama declares H1N1 emergency
October 26,
2009 8:47 a.m. EDT
Washington (CNN) -- President Obama has declared a national emergency to deal with the "rapid increase in illness" from the H1N1 influenza virus."
Obama declares H1N1 emergency -

It isn't until paragraph 10 that this is noted:

"Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."

What a difference between this competent, America-loving executive and Obama.

Where's the gratitude, Democrats???
To have Trump playing golf now while a pandemic rages with no agreement over a continuing stimulus package, ignorance, stupidity, and incompetence knows no party it seems! We're fk'n doomed and we're doing it to ourselves! :rolleyes:
Mnuchin and Meadows are negotiating with Nancy and Chuck. Trump is entitled to golf, just like Obama golfed.
The US will grind thru these current problems, we've been thru a lot worse.

But Obama wasn't allowed to play golf! Trump relentlessly went after Obama if a picture showed up and when there wasn't he just made it up in his empty head, "IDK, Obama was probably out playing golf!" Screw all the hypocrites out there! :auiqs.jpg:
Trump plays more golf than Obama played. Golf is not a problem facing the US
The problem was Oboingo playing golf when the duties of his office were calling.

Seek serious help babe! Obama dealt with 3 Pandemics; N1H1, Zika, & an Ebola infection that killed 2 people! That was it! We're around 150 K dead and counting? How do you equate the 2 performances? I feel like I'm living in the "Twilight Zone" with people actually believing the delusions of their incompetent leadership! You injecting your family members with Lysol or bleach? Ignore that at your own peril! :doubt:

"H1N1: Obama WAITED MONTHS To Open Up National Emergency Funds, Trump Waits Just Days on Wuhan Virus
The response to the H1N1 disease was far slower."
H1N1: Obama WAITED MONTHS To Open Up National Emergency Funds, Trump Waits Just Days on Wuhan Virus - Big League Politics

The defense continues, selectively ignoring the 150 K deaths so far! Must be nice to be able to roll one's eyes as a fire rages on around us, but hoping for rain to deal with it! :itsok:
The lion's share of those deaths came from blatant and borderline criminal negligence from democrat governors, Chumlee.

Nonetheless, the death rate among people under 60 who don't have underlying health concerns is so small as to be statistically nonexistent.

"...the Infection Fatality Rate Estimate drops dramatically. Those age 20-49 have a 0.0092%, or nine deaths per 100,000 infections. As for children age 10-19, the rate drops to 0.00032%, or three deaths per 1 MILLION infections.

It's understandable that mainstream media and Democrats do not want this information known because it would eliminate the need for locking down the nation, at least for those under 50-years-old. But why isn't the White House addressing it? This study is tailor-made for the reopening narrative. Here are five possible reasons ranked from least to most likely by my reckoning."


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