The Illusion of Moral Decline

Fake news on the rapist accusation, because it was never proven. As far as divorce goes, well we don't know if these were gold digging wives who weren't going to be in it for the long term anyways. When billionaires marry ! Great book title wouldn't you say ?? We don't know what happened in these marriages that came together in a celebrity type world lived in, so please go and list all your brave celebrity marriages that failed in hollyweird as well. I'm sure you have actresses and actor's that you worship or idolize that have multiple marriages also. Now take two aspirin and stop being a cherry picking hypocrite.. 😂

Salvation is a thing ya know, maybe you should ask for it. Never know.
So if you like, & support the person you will make excuses for them?
BAME THE WIFES, even if the person was the one seeking the divorce in order to marry a younger prettier wife?
You seem to have double standards.
Ok. My mom, high school math teacher, says generally students are nicer to each other and fight less in the halls but that they are way more stressed about grades and what others think about them.

Nice anecdote. I'm sure she's in the union, so take it from them

Most patriotic Americans reject Democrat immorality.

There is no such thing as "Democrat immorality". There is only Republican insistance that everyone pass laws based on THEIR idea of morality which is apparently to lie, cheat, and steal at every opportunity, and then blames others for being criminals.
The most unreasonable part of this morality post,
is that some people have taken the lazy road,
and decided that only people who vote for a different political party than they do
Have no morals,
And all that think as THEY DO stand on the high ground.
Just plain silly.
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Violence is 10% of divorces. Infidelity is 27%, and that alone shows the decline of morals.
But the biggest segment is just "I don't want to be married to this person I promised to be with". Incompatibility (I'm selfish), Grown Apart (I'm selfish), Other which is usually "I'm selfish".
That's more than half of divorces. I would even say money is just "I'm selfish". Because remember the wedding vow? "For richer or poorer"? Morals. People have lost their morals.
I guess I don't see anything wrong morally with divorce, I don't think it makes someone a bad person. I have two ex-wives and a current wife. I have been divorced twice and in my third marriage now with my current wife. My current wife has been divorced before herself. I am a very moral Christian who goes to church every Sunday and so is my wife. I know many in my church who have been divorced before and are very good Christians who go to church almost every Sunday.
The OP is right. There has never been a time of high morals in America.
The OP is right. There has never been a time of high morals in America.
And for that matter, there never has been perfect humanly led high morals in the world either, but people manage to get close enough to make things work, and then here comes the dumb ace Democrat's to tear it all apart. 😡
And for that matter, there never has been perfect humanly led high morals in the world either, but people manage to get close enough to make things work, and then here comes the dumb ace Democrat's to tear it all apart. 😡

America has never been close and we certainly can't expect a party (Republican) who wants to elect a man who had to pay out 25 million for defrauding people facing 91 felony counts as President to make this nation moral.
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America has never been close and we certainly can't expect a party (Republican) who wants to elect a man who had to pay out 25 million for defrauding people facing 91 felony counts as President to make this nation moral.
Ignoring the Democrat's Folly's does you no good, so here's an idea - why don't you focus on the job the president does for the people while in office, and go from there ? You can't because you are politically motivated by a party that has groomed your dumb ace probably since birth... 😂
That be in the coming second death too.

That's when God judges man, and the doors to hell are opened.

Don't think that would be considered martyrdom.

And it wouldn't be considered a dead man walking

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Politics is wrapped in the narrative that we are suffering through a moral decline. Turns out, that is NOT true, so quit fretting. published a study a few weeks back that not only disputed the narrative of a moral decline but also offered up the factors that push people to believe it:

Biased Exposure: People are predominantly exposed to the bad stories of others (if it bleeds it leads)

Biased Memory: Bad things fade faster than good things leaving a more favorable view of the past.

Those two biases fool people into thinking everyone else is suffering and that they used to live in an easier time and there it is… things must be worse. Guess what? All evidence to the contrary and it is seen in many contemporary countries.

Anecdotal evidence indicates that people believe that morality is declining1,2. In a series of studies using both archival and original data (n = 12,492,983), we show that people in at least 60 nations around the world believe that morality is declining, that they have believed this for at least 70 years and that they attribute this decline both to the decreasing morality of individuals as they age and to the decreasing morality of successive generations. Next, we show that people’s reports of the morality of their contemporaries have not declined over time, suggesting that the perception of moral decline is an illusion. Finally, we show how a simple mechanism based on two well-established psychological phenomena (biased exposure to information and biased memory for information) can produce an illusion of moral decline, and we report studies that confirm two of its predictions about the circumstances under which the perception of moral decline is attenuated, eliminated or reversed (that is, when respondents are asked about the morality of people they know well or people who lived before the respondent was born). Together, our studies show that the perception of moral decline is pervasive, perdurable, unfounded and easily produced. This illusion has implications for research on the misallocation of scarce resources3, the underuse of social support4 and social influence5.

You first have to know what morals are to say they're not in decline, that eliminates you.
Don't think that would be considered martyrdom.

And it wouldn't be considered a dead man walking

No not martyrdom, but a dead man walking is a person given up to a reprobate mind. That's a Deadman walking.
Politics is wrapped in the narrative that we are suffering through a moral decline. Turns out, that is NOT true, so quit fretting. published a study a few weeks back that not only disputed the narrative of a moral decline but also offered up the factors that push people to believe it:

Biased Exposure: People are predominantly exposed to the bad stories of others (if it bleeds it leads)

Biased Memory: Bad things fade faster than good things leaving a more favorable view of the past.

Those two biases fool people into thinking everyone else is suffering and that they used to live in an easier time and there it is… things must be worse. Guess what? All evidence to the contrary and it is seen in many contemporary countries.

Anecdotal evidence indicates that people believe that morality is declining1,2. In a series of studies using both archival and original data (n = 12,492,983), we show that people in at least 60 nations around the world believe that morality is declining, that they have believed this for at least 70 years and that they attribute this decline both to the decreasing morality of individuals as they age and to the decreasing morality of successive generations. Next, we show that people’s reports of the morality of their contemporaries have not declined over time, suggesting that the perception of moral decline is an illusion. Finally, we show how a simple mechanism based on two well-established psychological phenomena (biased exposure to information and biased memory for information) can produce an illusion of moral decline, and we report studies that confirm two of its predictions about the circumstances under which the perception of moral decline is attenuated, eliminated or reversed (that is, when respondents are asked about the morality of people they know well or people who lived before the respondent was born). Together, our studies show that the perception of moral decline is pervasive, perdurable, unfounded and easily produced. This illusion has implications for research on the misallocation of scarce resources3, the underuse of social support4 and social influence5.

LIke your lying ass knows anything.,

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