The Imaginary War on Women


Gold Member
Aug 14, 2008
There is no war on women.
Or rather, the war is over. We won.

Women are outpacing men professionally, socially, and educationally:

In a first, women surpass men in college degrees - CBS News

Young, single, childless women out-earn male counterparts -

Women have more options and choices about their lives than men do (no shame acrues to the woman who wishes to stay home and parent her children full-time, in fact this week makes it clear just how broad the support for that choice is, but the same does not hold true for a man who wishes to be a SAHD).

We have legal remedies to address any sort of wage disparity (and companies who've been confronted with a class action lawsuit, i.e., Walmart, have paid the price and quickly changed their corporate culture).

A woman who relies upon her spouse as her source of financial support isn't villified, but a man who relies upon his wife to support him is known far and wide as a sponge and a leech.

Continuing to beat the drum of "the war on women" just makes women look like perpetual victims, and we aren't. Women have every opportunity to achieve success which equals or surpasses that of men, and many of them are taking full advantage of these opportunities.

Frankly, if there is any combat still occurring, it is on the battlefield of the war on boys. (and I'm saying this as the mother of a teenage son).

Perhaps they're the ones we should worry about next....

College completion rate among men stalls
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But... but... How will Obama ever beat Romney if he cant make crap like a war on women up? You think he is going to run on his record?
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But... but... How will Obama ever beat Romney if he cant make crap like a war on women up? You think he is going to run on his record?

If he was allowed to actualy run on his record and Romeny on his, in an honest race, Obama would win hands down.

Right or wrong, Obama has accomplished much.

And all those accomplishments have been listed in thread after thread of people saying Obama cant run on his record, so go look, Im not going to repeat it for you like a broken record.
translation: the dems have fucked up once again and are suffering blowback..

As long as womens' issues are a source of controversy on a national stage whereby our government concerns themselves, the "war" continues. Until the conservation includes mens' issues or until the female theme dissipates, the "war" continues.
As long as womens' issues are a source of controversy on a national stage whereby our government concerns themselves, the "war" continues. Until the conservation includes mens' issues or until the female theme dissipates, the "war" continues.

I guess it depends on how we define "war." Telling women that religious organizations do not have to fund birth control isn't a shot across the culture bow. If you are a woman, and you want your employer to pay for contraception, don't work for a religious organization.

Similarly, being a SAHM does not equate to professional credentials in the minds of most folks. There are very few SAHMs who know as much about my professional subject matter as I do. Thus, their opinions are less likely to contain valuable information.

It's lovely that Ann Romney stayed at home and raised her kids. However, being a SAHM does not necessarily qualify you to be a policy wonk. If you want to be a policy wonk, you'll probably have to get a degree (likely, an advanced degree) and work professionally in the field for a while in order to gain credibility.

Life is about choices. If you choose one thing, you are potentially saying no to something else.

Telling women that there are consequences for every choice isn't a war. It's life.
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Republicans have a bad rep (right or wrong) with minorities, women etc.

To hear them screaming about a "democrat war on women" is funny but women are smarter than that
Republicans have a bad rep (right or wrong) with minorities, women etc.

To hear them screaming about a "democrat war on women" is funny but women are smarter than that

Both sides look like equal morons to me right now. But then, I'm not a koolaid drinker. In fact, I don't even sip their drank.
too bad most men cant keep up in the bedroom. Thats why they love the black man.


Too bad you can't type a grammatically correct and intellectually coherent post. If you could, I might be more interested in what you had to say.
But... but... How will Obama ever beat Romney if he cant make crap like a war on women up? You think he is going to run on his record?

When one looks at the laws that are being pushed in State legislatures by the GOP, one does see a misygenistic GOP. And then we have the statements made by all the GOP primary candidates concerning Planned Parenthood. And it matters little how you percieve this, for in 2008, women were 53% of the vote, and voted for President Obama by 56%. The present attitude of the GOP toward women's issues will make both numbers larger in November.
I don't think there is a war on women either. I kind of find it insulting when certain groups of people are pretending to speak on behalf of people. I am capable of speaking for myself. There is one thing though, where is the outrage when it comes to women being treated poorly in other parts of the world. Now there is a real challenge. It bothers me to hear about women in other countries that barely have learned how to read and write and for whom giving birth is still a high risk. Where is the effort to work on that. ♥
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But... but... How will Obama ever beat Romney if he cant make crap like a war on women up? You think he is going to run on his record?

When one looks at the laws that are being pushed in State legislatures by the GOP, one does see a misygenistic GOP. And then we have the statements made by all the GOP primary candidates concerning Planned Parenthood. And it matters little how you percieve this, for in 2008, women were 53% of the vote, and voted for President Obama by 56%. The present attitude of the GOP toward women's issues will make both numbers larger in November.

If you are going to post about misogyny, learn to spell it.
i don't think there is a war on women either. I kind of find it insulting when certain groups of people are pretending to speak on behalf of people. I am capable of speaking for myself. There is one thing though, where is the outrage when it comes to women being treated poorly in other parts of the world. Now there is a real challenge. It bothers me to hear about women in other countries that barely have learned how to read and write and for whom giving birth is still a high risk. Where is the effort to work on that. ♥


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