The Imaginary War on Women

I guess it depends on how we define "war." Telling women that religious organizations do not have to fund birth control isn't a shot across the culture bow. If you are a woman, and you want your employer to pay for contraception, don't work for a religious organization.
As an employer paying for part of all of an employee’s health insurance premium is a form of compensation, as is a wage/salary or leave, it’s incumbent upon employers to be consistent with that compensation, regardless of race, age, or gender, and is consequently subject to regulatory policy.

As to what is or is not covered in an insurance policy is between the insured and insurer, it’s of no concern of the employer; the employer’s choice is to either pay the compensation in the form of premium payments, or not.

Likewise a woman’s choice is to decide to work for an employer who offers health insurance or not, and if insurance is offered, it should be comprehensive, including contraception coverage, the employer being ‘religiously affiliated’ is irrelevant.

What we’re seeing, then, is not a ‘war on women’ per se, but yet another skirmish in the on-going Culture Wars, where social conservatives continue to attack citizens’ civil liberties in an effort to realize their dogmatic agenda – with regard to issues concerning privacy rights and fair-labor regulatory policy, women are getting trapped in the crossfire.
As an employer paying for part of all of an employee’s health insurance premium is a form of compensation, as is a wage/salary or leave, it’s incumbent upon employers to be consistent with that compensation, regardless of race, age, or gender, and is consequently subject to regulatory policy.

Not when regulatory policy flies in the face of the first amendment. But, thanks for trying, in your sweet, pedantic way.
I disagree.


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too bad most men cant keep up in the bedroom. Thats why they love the black man.

You are a moron.:cuckoo:

What HG said. :lol:
what catzmeow said.

I go to war with women regularly, from the doggy style position.
Do your tits ever get in the way?

us blacks guys are better in bed than whites guys

Not you limp dick, you couldn't fuck your way out of a wet paper bag.

you know this becuase or is it just another white trash racist doing what white people do best
It is hard to determine just who represents the epitome of racist. It's either All Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Malcolm X, Jerimiah Wright, Michelle Obama or that goddamned Marxist that we call "Mr. President"!

you know this becuase or is it just another white trash racist doing what white people do best

Wow, you are totally fucked up beyond any recognition.:cuckoo:


because i said whites are the most racist in American history which is a fact
A "fact" only if you are a braindead liberal asshole.
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There is no war on women.
Or rather, the war is over. We won.

Women are outpacing men professionally, socially, and educationally:

In a first, women surpass men in college degrees - CBS News

Young, single, childless women out-earn male counterparts -

Women have more options and choices about their lives than men do (no shame acrues to the woman who wishes to stay home and parent her children full-time, in fact this week makes it clear just how broad the support for that choice is, but the same does not hold true for a man who wishes to be a SAHD).

We have legal remedies to address any sort of wage disparity (and companies who've been confronted with a class action lawsuit, i.e., Walmart, have paid the price and quickly changed their corporate culture).

A woman who relies upon her spouse as her source of financial support isn't villified, but a man who relies upon his wife to support him is known far and wide as a sponge and a leech.

Continuing to beat the drum of "the war on women" just makes women look like perpetual victims, and we aren't. Women have every opportunity to achieve success which equals or surpasses that of men, and many of them are taking full advantage of these opportunities.

Frankly, if there is any combat still occurring, it is on the battlefield of the war on boys. (and I'm saying this as the mother of a teenage son).

Perhaps they're the ones we should worry about next....

College completion rate among men stalls
As long as "conservatives" try to regulate women's reproduction, there will be a war on women.

Not that "conservatives" don't wage a war on anyone that isn't a white male that agrees with them.
The Imaginary War on Women

There is no war on women.
Or rather, the war is over. We won.

Women are outpacing men professionally, socially, and educationally:

Women have more options and choices about their lives than men do.....

"An Oklahoma emergency room doctor refused to provide emergency contraception to a 24-year-old female rape victim because the medication violated the health provider’s personal beliefs....

“I will not give you emergency contraceptives because it goes against my beliefs the doctor allegedly told the rape victim and her mother, Rhonda."

The war on women talking point has already run it's course and fallen by the roadside I'm not sure which war on fill in the blank talking point is running right now there have been so many that have come and gone it's easy to lose track.

"Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-FL) unwillingly admitted to MSNBC’s Chris Matthews on Friday afternoon that he believed women who receive abortions should face criminal charges. “I think the punishment should certainly be very serious,” he said. “It should be more than a civil case. It should be something very serious.”


[ame=]Countdown: Worst Person Jan. 7, 2008 - YouTube[/ame]​
The war on women talking point has already run it's course and fallen by the roadside I'm not sure which war on fill in the blank talking point is running right now there have been so many that have come and gone it's easy to lose track.

I'm guessing your perception is based on you not actually being a woman.
The war on women talking point has already run it's course and fallen by the roadside I'm not sure which war on fill in the blank talking point is running right now there have been so many that have come and gone it's easy to lose track.

I'm guessing your perception is based on you not actually being a woman.
I'm guessing your's is based on being a liberal as they are the ones claiming there is a war on women and every other group you can think of.
The war on women talking point has already run it's course and fallen by the roadside I'm not sure which war on fill in the blank talking point is running right now there have been so many that have come and gone it's easy to lose track.

I'm guessing your perception is based on you not actually being a woman.
I'm guessing your's is based on being a liberal as they are the ones claiming there is a war on women and every other group you can think of.

Mine's based on being a woman, and keeping an eye on what the Republicans have been pulling for the past 18 months.
I'm guessing your perception is based on you not actually being a woman.
I'm guessing your's is based on being a liberal as they are the ones claiming there is a war on women and every other group you can think of.

Mine's based on being a woman, and keeping an eye on what the Republicans have been pulling for the past 18 months.
Really so why is it we hear nothing from conservative women about a war on women? I see two options the first your so called war on women is only against liberal women or the second and far more likely option this war on women is just partisan talking points B.S.
I'm guessing your perception is based on you not actually being a woman.
I'm guessing your's is based on being a liberal as they are the ones claiming there is a war on women and every other group you can think of.

Mine's based on being a woman, and keeping an eye on what the Republicans have been pulling for the past 18 months.

The feminine mystique is as beautiful as it is bewildering. Fortunately, a woman does not necessarily have to be understood to be appreciated. I am a happily married male who finds that all women are beautiful, and that beauty includes much more than surface features. Men – Republican or Democrat – who fail to acknowledge the value of womanhood will “pull” (double entendre intended ) much more often than those of us who thank God for your very presence on this otherwise plain and boring planet.

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