The Immigrants


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Oct 6, 2008
Who were the earlier immigrants.....and what did they experience?

1. "In just the first two months of 1856 three ships, each crammed with excited emigrants, had perished in the pitiless Atlantic. The largest of the three, a clipper ship called the 'Driver,' had sailed from Liverpool bound for New York on February 12 with 370 passengers and crew. Somewhere en route it sand to the bottom of the ocean.

2. Chicago there was tantalizing evidence of what was possible, the reward on offer for those immigrants who embraced their new home with both hands. [Between 1840 and 1860] the population of Chicago had ballooned form 4,450 to 109,260.

3. Irish, Scottish, Welsh, English, ...Scandinavians, ...German. They were young and old, male an female, mainly and masons, carpenters and clerks, makers of dresses and makers of shoes, a confectioner, a milliner, ....laborers. Different trades buth the same dream: a new life in America."
"Double Death: The True Story of Pryce Lewis, the Civil War's Most Daring Spy,"byGavin Mortimer

4. '“There are usually a large number of spectators at the dock-gates to witness the final departure of the noble ship, with its large freight of human beings. . . As the ship is towed out, hats are raised, handkerchiefs are waved, and a loud and long-continued shout of farewell is raised from the shore, and cordially responded to from the ship. It is then, if at any time, that the eyes of the emigrants begin to moisten with regret at the thought that they are looking for the last time at the old country– that country which, although, in all probability, associated principally with the remembrance of sorrow and suffering, of semi-starvation, and a constant battle for the merest crust necessary to support existence is, nevertheless, the country of their fathers, the country of their childhood, and consecrated to their hearts by many a token.”

5. "The last link to be severed between the emigrants and their previous life was the tow boat's rope. Once that was gone, it was out into the open sea and a voyage of discomfort and, more often than not, rank terror....a thirty-year-old Charles Dickens had undergone a similar journey. Dickens was then at the height of his powers, but when he found himself in a mid-Atlantic storm he would have willingly traded all his fame and wealth for the security of dry land."
Mortimer, Op.Cit.

a. Dickens: 'The laboring of the ship in the troubled sea on this night I shall never forget. Thunder, lightening, halil and rain, and wind, are all in fierce contention for the mastery....every plank has its groan, every nail its shriek, and every doop of water in the great ocean its howling voice...Words cannot express it, thoughts cannot convey it. Only a dream can call it up again, in all its fury, rage and passion.'"

That was a part of the price for the journey.

6. And, then, this: "There before them was the United States of America, a young and dynamic country with so much more to offer than the jaded, bitter, played -out [Old World] needed money and influence to succeed, but in America all men were created equal."
Mortimer, Op.Cit.


Worth the efforts.
at that time immigration took commitment and the thinking that they'd never return to the homeland and extended family ever again .
pismoe, prior to the railroad into the west, the westward travelers faced those same daunting circumstances: so very hard on women, I would think, to leave their cherished associations and family relationships possibly for ever.
sure Jake , I know the hardships of the Orygun trail and westward expansion . ---------- And [another example] , the 49ers in Death Valley . I've been there , they were lost , burned their wagons , smoked their butchered oxen and ended up walking out of the desert . I'm always amazed because I know the terrain and I realize that this Death Valley saga happened a short hundred years before my birth .
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sure Jake , I know the hardships of the Orygun trail and westward expansion . ---------- And [another example] , the 49ers in Death Valley . I've been there , they were lost , burned their wagons , smoked their butchered oxen and ended up walking out of the desert . I'm always amazed because I know the terrain and I realize that this Death Valley saga happened a short hundred years before my birth .

Try to be a bit more sensitive.....Jakal was a member of the Donner party....
Some say that the immigrants of today are not the immigrants of the past.

And they are correct.

Immigration changed when America changed......1914

[Milton] Friedman referred to the millions of immigrants and how most came “with empty hands.” He noted that some immigrants in the audience were more recent and said: “You are the modern wave that we ought to be welcoming as immigrants. In the same tradition, as the tradition, which enabled the rest of us to get here.”

Why is it that free immigration was a good thing before 1914 and free immigration is a bad thing today? Well, there is a sense in which that answer is right. There’s a sense in which free immigration, in the same sense as we had it before 1914 is not possible today. Why not?

Because it is one thing to have free immigration to jobs. It is another thing to have free immigration to welfare. And you cannot have both. If you have a welfare state, if you have a state in which every resident is promised a certain minimal level of income, or a minimum level of subsistence, regardless of whether he works or not, produces it or not. Then it really is an impossible thing."
Classically Liberal What Milton Friedman really said about immigration.

It seems that the Left, with the aim of undermining America, has been able to convince the less astute that the word 'immigrant' cannot be nuanced, updated, understood as anything other than the provenance of what made this nation great.

Facts have rarely mattered to Liberals.
The immigrants mentioned in the OP did not come here to recreate what they had left behind. They came to be Americans.

Somehow, a new view has been created by the Left, one that expects immigrants to adhere more closely to 'the old country' than to there new one.....separation instead of homogeneity.

The reason? So that the Democrat party can play on imagined group victimization.

. Why the sudden need for 'multi-cultures' in the nation?
What is the culture of America?

Enterprise, freedom, and pursuit of success.
What should follow is this announcement when viewing success: "Congratulations! It is wonderful to see what you've built!"
Our heritage is one in which freedom of the individual is the highest aim of government.
Scruton, "The West and The Rest."

David Mamet has written:
“If “fairness” is associated with group-identity, with all of the associated accommodations, law will be reduced to constant petition of government for special and specific exemptions from justice. Law, to be just, but be written and carried out in ignorance of the identity of its claimants. Is it not absurd that six or seven decades after the West defeated Nazi Racism we are still considering making government decisions based on genetics? To indulge in any racial preferences is not to award to a race, but, rather, to the state the power to created different classes of citizens, and to rule on who shall belong to each class.
This does not serve any desire for justice.”
".... but in America all men were created equal."

This is what brought so many immigrants to America.

Not as a group, ....but as individuals.

Earlier American presidents, Republicans and Democrats alike, agreed on two basic goals: teach the newcomers English and make them Americans. The clear aim was to strengthen our national identity--to reinforce the unum in e pluribus unum--by assimilating the new arrivals into American civilization.
Anti-Americanization - Society and Culture - AEI

b. " An increasingly diverse society makes it more difficult to sustain support for solidarity. Part of the problem is a perceived loss of common values."
The Piggy Bank Ban and Selling Out to Muslims | The Brussels Journal

"Our government should foster a diverse meritocracy blind to the color of one’s skin, the categorization of one’s gender, the nature of one’s religious beliefs, or the orientation of one’s sexuality. Society should promote a notion of equality that guarantees to treat all individuals fairly and justly, and any policy that subjectively places individuals into categories based on characteristics such as race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexuality, language….undermines the very richness of our nation’s diversity.
John Amble, “Reinventing the Right,” p.79.
Hey you slackers! Somebody jump in here and call us racists. The Melting Pot meant you added your culture to the mix and took on the culture of the Pot.
America today is a magnet for a different sort of immigrant....after all, it's Saul Alinsky's America.

[Saul] Alinsky, echoing Lenin, justifies almost any immoral act, especially dishonesty and hypocrisy: “…a true community organizer "does not have a fixed truth to him is relative and changing; everything to him is relative and changing. He is a political relativist.”
Is there a Saul Alinsky Portrait in the White House

a. “To see the secular socialist building of [Saul Alinsky’s] machine, one need only note the appeal to the self-interest of each of their various interest groups rather than appealing to any unifying vision for the future of the nation. The reason for ‘identity politics’ is that the intellectual mindset of the Leftists is hardly the same as that of the vast majority of Americans.”
Gingrich, “To Save America,” chapter two.

This is what Liberals are willing to do: deep-six America in order to incorporate their own political power.

If the new America is a postmodern version, one based on moral ambiguity and corruption, well.....

[Postmodernism affirms that whatever we accept as truth and even the way we envision truth are dependent on the community in which we participate . . . There is no absolute truth: rather truth is relative to the community in which we participate.
Grenz, S. J., "A Primer on Postmodernism", p. 8.]

....why should we not expect to draw the kind of immigrant who recognizes this, and drops in simply for the benefits?
The immigrants mentioned in the OP did not come here to recreate what they had left behind. They came to be Americans.

Somehow, a new view has been created by the Left, one that expects immigrants to adhere more closely to 'the old country' than to there new one.....separation instead of homogeneity.

The reason? So that the Democrat party can play on imagined group victimization.

. Why the sudden need for 'multi-cultures' in the nation?
What is the culture of America?

Enterprise, freedom, and pursuit of success.
What should follow is this announcement when viewing success: "Congratulations! It is wonderful to see what you've built!"
Our heritage is one in which freedom of the individual is the highest aim of government.
Scruton, "The West and The Rest."

David Mamet has written:
“If “fairness” is associated with group-identity, with all of the associated accommodations, law will be reduced to constant petition of government for special and specific exemptions from justice. Law, to be just, but be written and carried out in ignorance of the identity of its claimants. Is it not absurd that six or seven decades after the West defeated Nazi Racism we are still considering making government decisions based on genetics? To indulge in any racial preferences is not to award to a race, but, rather, to the state the power to created different classes of citizens, and to rule on who shall belong to each class.
This does not serve any desire for justice.”

And which country does this look like?


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