The impact of demagoguery

Where's Helly Rotten?! No where to be found- AGAIN.. ...that old BITCH is sick as hell and everyone knows it.. NO FUCKING BODY runs for President and doesn't campaign.. You moronic imbeciles on the left deserve everything coming your way.
Sure, because unemployed blacks in Detroit and Chicago and Cleveland are just "dying" to have a chance to go pick onions and tomatoes in California...Correct???

Illegals are crowding out a lot of people, of all ethnicities, in the construction trades, champ.
The impact of demagoguery is very powerful when applied to naive, uneducated, and fear-driven citizens.....

Trump has told right wingers that ALL our problems stem from those guys who pick our onions, fix our roofs, and mow our lawns...and many have actually swallow this crap.

The Mexican president (Pena-Nieto) as weak as he may be, pegged Trump correctly when comparing him to Mussolini in his fascist tactics.

Somehow, Trump has managed to convince right wingers that immigration is a more crucial "problem" than our stumbling economy, radicalized Islamists, Russia's belligerence, our perilous environment, our failing educational system, and corrupted political cronyism.
Classic Republican nativism, fear of change, diversity, and dissent.

And all republicans have is fear-mongering and demagoguery.
11 million people are picking onions? I'm in Cleveland and you will find illegals on every construction crew and in many manufacturing plants.

My apologies ...I did NOT know you wanted ALL of the jobs that illegals are doing, listed......

BTW, were those construction and manufacturing entities that have illegal workers ALL democrat???
Illegals are crowding out a lot of people, of all ethnicities, in the construction trades, champ.

I find it [almost] amusing that the above was first stated about the Germans, then the Irish, then the Italians, then the Puerto Ricans, then the Haitians, etc......
Illegals are crowding out a lot of people, of all ethnicities, in the construction trades, champ.

I find it [almost] amusing that the above was first stated about the Germans, then the Irish, then the Italians, then the Puerto Ricans, then the Haitians, etc......
Yes it was.

But your post was your opinion about how blacks may consider themselves too good to do stoop labor in the fields, which you insinuated to be the province of Mexican migrant labor.

Stuff that up your ass, you bigoted assclown.
But your post was your opinion about how blacks may consider themselves too good to do stoop labor in the fields, which you insinuated to be the province of Mexican migrant labor.

Actually, NO, moron......Can your half brain conjure up a scenario where an unemployed black from Detroit would go down to southern California for that great job opportunity of picking onions for $15 per day.....
OR, how would your ilk be bitching if a pound of onions began costing as much as filling up your gas tank?
Actually, NO, moron......Can your half brain conjure up a scenario where an unemployed black from Detroit would go down to southern California for that great job opportunity of picking onions for $15 per day.....
OR, how would your ilk be bitching if a pound of onions began costing as much as filling up your gas tank?
Can your quarter of a brain conjure up the scenario where the skilled black tradesman can't scrounge up a job in Detroit, because it's filled with illegal Mexicans who will take a fraction of the pay?
11 million people are picking onions? I'm in Cleveland and you will find illegals on every construction crew and in many manufacturing plants.

My apologies ...I did NOT know you wanted ALL of the jobs that illegals are doing, listed......

BTW, were those construction and manufacturing entities that have illegal workers ALL democrat???
It depends. In construction absolutely. Pay to play. Cleveland and Cuyahoga County are massively dem and if you're not paying you better have hired someone's nephew(if you don't know how that works watch the Sapranos). Manufacturing not so much. In manufacturing's defense we are competing against illegals wages in Texas and Arizona. I don't employ them but I'm somewhat more high end. My vendors do and I can't blame them because it's every where, and yes it does drive down wages.
Draw your own conclusion.........

With Germany at its weakest and most vulnerable point, Hitler took the opportunity to begin his ascent to power. Even to this date, in a country as diverse and liberally minded as the United States, when the economy is down people desire somewhere to place the blame. For example, the current use of illegal immigrants from Mexico as scapegoats for economic hardships. In Germany, Hitler used the Jewish people as a scapegoat for all of Germany's problems.

Hitler had two significant ideas that helped launch him in to power. He had someone to blame for the economy and he had a plan for a swift economic recovery. Hitler outlined a plan where in four years he would completely eliminate unemployment throughout Germany.

German Economy in the 1920s
Can your quarter of a brain conjure up the scenario where the skilled black tradesman can't scrounge up a job in Detroit, because it's filled with illegal Mexicans who will take a fraction of the pay?

Well, pea-brain......The VAST majority of illegals in Detroit come from Canada...

There is a different, much less publicized form of illegal immigrant—the kind coming from Canada. Many of these individuals are not Latin American—U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) have apprehended border jumpers from Albania, The Czech Republic, Israel, and India—and the often cross the many waterways of Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and New York by boat, jet ski, or by swimming.
Can your quarter of a brain conjure up the scenario where the skilled black tradesman can't scrounge up a job in Detroit, because it's filled with illegal Mexicans who will take a fraction of the pay?

Well, pea-brain......The VAST majority of illegals in Detroit come from Canada...

There is a different, much less publicized form of illegal immigrant—the kind coming from Canada. Many of these individuals are not Latin American—U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) have apprehended border jumpers from Albania, The Czech Republic, Israel, and India—and the often cross the many waterways of Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and New York by boat, jet ski, or by swimming.
At face value, that's supposed to make the occupationally displaced blacks better pay their bills how?

How is it that moonbats like you care about the black folks again?
Illegals are crowding out a lot of people, of all ethnicities, in the construction trades, champ.

I find it [almost] amusing that the above was first stated about the Germans, then the Irish, then the Italians, then the Puerto Ricans, then the Haitians, etc......
Draw your own conclusion.........

With Germany at its weakest and most vulnerable point, Hitler took the opportunity to begin his ascent to power. Even to this date, in a country as diverse and liberally minded as the United States, when the economy is down people desire somewhere to place the blame. For example, the current use of illegal immigrants from Mexico as scapegoats for economic hardships. In Germany, Hitler used the Jewish people as a scapegoat for all of Germany's problems.

Hitler had two significant ideas that helped launch him in to power. He had someone to blame for the economy and he had a plan for a swift economic recovery. Hitler outlined a plan where in four years he would completely eliminate unemployment throughout Germany.

German Economy in the 1920s
You are overly simplistic when it comes to Hitler. It wasn't just economic it was social Hitler used the schools to teach whom the scapegoats were. Hitler used the media to continue his attacks. Now tell me what are American children being taught from k-12 to university. The enemy is "cis-gendered white males". The far left in this country has far more in common with the Nazis than the far right does. And I don't like either.
At face value, that's supposed to make the occupationally displaced blacks better pay their bills how?

How is it that moonbats like you care about the black folks again?

No,moron, I'm trying to "convince" the weak minded right wingers that we should also build a wall across the Canadian border.....Or maybe one across the Mason-Dixon line to keep moronic right wingers in their respective antebellum states.
No,moron, I'm trying to "convince" the weak minded right wingers that we should also build a wall across the Canadian border.....Or maybe one across the Mason-Dixon line to keep moronic right wingers in their respective antebellum states.
Who you are trying to convince is of no concern.

You are trying to be an asshole, and you are succeeding.

You don't give fuck #1 about displaced black tradesmen, you just want t score political points.

Fuck you.

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