The importance of the Mongolian Empire


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
They are known for their military genius but it was their business genius that made them GREAT.
They interlinked the World together and allowed the massive flow of trade, technology, innovation between China, Muslim Worlds and W.Europe.
The Mongolians never created or invented a single thing but they took the best out of the world and used it.

This new brand new interconnected World laid the birth of the modern World.

Ironically, this new global fast moving world also led to the complete DESTRUCTION of the Mongolian Empire when the Black Death came.

Most ironic is that the Muslim World was destroyed by the Mongolians and never recovered while W. Europe benefited the most.

W. Europe was so pathetic during this time period that the Mongolians had zero interest in invading it lol
They had the greatest land army until the time of Napoleon
They truly were the real Blitzkreig
The Mongolians also hated the TURKS and allowed the Bzy empire to be free from their oppression. I just read that

Yes. The Eastern Roman Empire got a couple of hundred years of a reprieve thanks to the Mongols. They didn't fall until 1453.
Yes. The Eastern Roman Empire got a couple of hundred years of a reprieve thanks to the Mongols. They didn't fall until 1453.

I have not been into history since 2010 .
I just found my old history notes and been reading a little
you will be seeing way more history posts from me

I have a bachelors in History
Maybe that's the profession you seek. Get a teaching certificate and be a history teacher.

The rise to power of The Mongolians was always one of my favorite subjects. Ghengis and Kubla Khan were the largest land empire in history.
The Egyptians kicked Mongol butts near Jerusalem in 1260. Mongol infighting after that allowed the muslims retake the middle east.

The Hungarians kicked Mongol butts in 1285, the Poles in 1287. After that, the Mongols were no longer an invasion threat to europe, though they did keep on with small raids.
Maybe that's the profession you seek. Get a teaching certificate and be a history teacher.

The rise to power of The Mongolians was always one of my favorite subjects. Ghengis and Kubla Khan were the largest land empire in history.

I owned 2 UPS stores for 17 years in OREGon and NEV
I am unemployed now in AZ

I bought a huge book on Kineslogy and I am learning how the human body works . maybe I may go into Physical therapy or medical tech jobs.

I think i could have taught history

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