The IMPOSSIBLE didn't happen on 911


Gold Member
Apr 8, 2008
Previously I started a thread entitled "do you believe the official 911 story?" It was immediately moved to the conspiracy theory category even though I advocated no theory at all. I then followed that up with a thread called "who's the conspiracy theorist?" Where I pointed out that the defenders of the official story are the conspiracy theorists since there was never a criminal trial and so no facts were established and we are left only with the assertions of the official conspiracy theorists.

In my first thread I pointed to two parts of the story which just don't stand scrutiny. First the vanishing pentagon plane and second the collapse of WTC7. These are not the only parts of the story which don't add up, just the most glaring and obvious.

We are to believe that the highjacker was with very little flight training able to make a very tight descending spiral turn and slam into the Pentagon. Professional pilots have attested to the difficulty of this maneuver and doubted an amateur could pull it off. Then the plane punched thought the side of the Pentagon which is two feet thick steel reinforced concrete, the wings folded back but remained attached to the fuselage as well as the tail section and were dragged into the building where it continued on through the structural support columns (these are very substantial as it is a three story structure) and all the way to where it punched another hole in the "C ring" wall in the interior of the Pentagon. Then the entire plane along with the passengers and baggage almost completely burned up, leaving only a couple of pieces of wreckage which could have come from an airliner. Pictures taken immediately after the impact make clear that the exterior wall was still intact and the large structural failure was due to the ensuing fire so what ever hit the pentagon punched through the exterior as it did the "C ring" wall. I noted that one would expect to find at least the tail section on the ground outside the building and much more debris. The conspiracy theorists (defenders of the official story) pointed to a video of a fighter jet on a rail being slammed into a block of concrete as evidence that the plane would have been obliterated, but the video doesn't show the aftermath so it's hard to tell what was left of the plane, besides if the plane was obliterated upon contact how did it punch through the exterior wall, the structural columns and the "C"ring wall? Additionally, even if all these improbable events did occur, the idea that the plane was almost entirely consumed by fire is silly. Aluminum melts at around 1600degrees F but does not burn until heated to over 6000degrees F far beyond the temps resulting from hydrocarbon fires. There should have been large globs of melted aluminum inside the pentagon but the pictures of the aftermath don't show this. Finally I pointed out that there is YouTube video of an airliner of like size and weight which crashed on takeoff in Lagos Nigeria. It slammed into the side of a much less substantial wood frame apartment building. It did not penetrate all the way through. The tail section as expected was almost untouched and though the plane exploded and burned the airframe is easily recognized, and passengers and luggage are clearly evident. The conspiracy theorists want to hang their hat on the fact that some debris which looks similar to airliner parts were found and that light poles out side the Pentagon were knocked down or that DNA was "found" inside the Pentagon days later. Clearly, this was a conspiracy and if as I am saying it was not as a result of the official conspiracy theory, then the real conspirators had every motivation to plant phony evidence to cover their tracks.

Then there is WTC7, the smoking gun as it were. Here, if it weren't so monstrously evil it would be laughable. The evidence which can be gleaned overwhelmingly points to controlled demolition. Watch the YouTube video of the collapse, it falls neatly straight down at near free fall speed into its own footprint. This can ONLY happen if ALL the support columns fail simultaneously on each floor and synchronously from floor to floor. The chances of this happening from a random event are so vanishingly small that it must be considered IMPOSSIBLE! The NIST report asserts that this was the result of a moderate office fire but presented no science to back it up. They may as well have blamed it on fairies. Again YouTube video provides an example of what structural failure due to fire looks like. Look at the 2005 Windsor Tower fire in Madrid Spain. Here you see a modern steel frame high rise fully engulfed in fire. It rages uncontrolled for nearly two days and finally there is some structural failure. This failure is as would be expected, near the top (heat rises), slow in developing and asymmetrical. The aftermath shows a burned out wreck but with the structural frame largely in tact. The building did not simply collapse entirely in seconds.
If you are honest with yourself you simply can't ignore the obvious, WTC7 was brought down by controlled demolition.

Really? Another thread on this? You claim to be advocating no theory, but you ARE advocating that WTC7 was brought down by CD, which is a conspiracy theory. And a debunked on at that.
Previously I started a thread entitled "do you believe the official 911 story?" It was immediately moved to the conspiracy theory category even though I advocated no theory at all. I then followed that up with a thread called "who's the conspiracy theorist?" Where I pointed out that the defenders of the official story are the conspiracy theorists since there was never a criminal trial and so no facts were established and we are left only with the assertions of the official conspiracy theorists.

There is no reason to have a criminal trial as all the known perps are dead. You would try their remains? Who would you charge with the crime and what would you use as evidence?
Previously I started a thread entitled "do you believe the official 911 story?" It was immediately moved to the conspiracy theory category even though I advocated no theory at all. I then followed that up with a thread called "who's the conspiracy theorist?" Where I pointed out that the defenders of the official story are the conspiracy theorists since there was never a criminal trial and so no facts were established and we are left only with the assertions of the official conspiracy theorists.

In my first thread I pointed to two parts of the story which just don't stand scrutiny. First the vanishing pentagon plane and second the collapse of WTC7. These are not the only parts of the story which don't add up, just the most glaring and obvious.

We are to believe that the highjacker was with very little flight training able to make a very tight descending spiral turn and slam into the Pentagon. Professional pilots have attested to the difficulty of this maneuver and doubted an amateur could pull it off. Then the plane punched thought the side of the Pentagon which is two feet thick steel reinforced concrete, the wings folded back but remained attached to the fuselage as well as the tail section and were dragged into the building where it continued on through the structural support columns (these are very substantial as it is a three story structure) and all the way to where it punched another hole in the "C ring" wall in the interior of the Pentagon. Then the entire plane along with the passengers and baggage almost completely burned up, leaving only a couple of pieces of wreckage which could have come from an airliner. Pictures taken immediately after the impact make clear that the exterior wall was still intact and the large structural failure was due to the ensuing fire so what ever hit the pentagon punched through the exterior as it did the "C ring" wall. I noted that one would expect to find at least the tail section on the ground outside the building and much more debris. The conspiracy theorists (defenders of the official story) pointed to a video of a fighter jet on a rail being slammed into a block of concrete as evidence that the plane would have been obliterated, but the video doesn't show the aftermath so it's hard to tell what was left of the plane, besides if the plane was obliterated upon contact how did it punch through the exterior wall, the structural columns and the "C"ring wall? Additionally, even if all these improbable events did occur, the idea that the plane was almost entirely consumed by fire is silly. Aluminum melts at around 1600degrees F but does not burn until heated to over 6000degrees F far beyond the temps resulting from hydrocarbon fires. There should have been large globs of melted aluminum inside the pentagon but the pictures of the aftermath don't show this. Finally I pointed out that there is YouTube video of an airliner of like size and weight which crashed on takeoff in Lagos Nigeria. It slammed into the side of a much less substantial wood frame apartment building. It did not penetrate all the way through. The tail section as expected was almost untouched and though the plane exploded and burned the airframe is easily recognized, and passengers and luggage are clearly evident. The conspiracy theorists want to hang their hat on the fact that some debris which looks similar to airliner parts were found and that light poles out side the Pentagon were knocked down or that DNA was "found" inside the Pentagon days later. Clearly, this was a conspiracy and if as I am saying it was not as a result of the official conspiracy theory, then the real conspirators had every motivation to plant phony evidence to cover their tracks.

Then there is WTC7, the smoking gun as it were. Here, if it weren't so monstrously evil it would be laughable. The evidence which can be gleaned overwhelmingly points to controlled demolition. Watch the YouTube video of the collapse, it falls neatly straight down at near free fall speed into its own footprint. This can ONLY happen if ALL the support columns fail simultaneously on each floor and synchronously from floor to floor. The chances of this happening from a random event are so vanishingly small that it must be considered IMPOSSIBLE! The NIST report asserts that this was the result of a moderate office fire but presented no science to back it up. They may as well have blamed it on fairies. Again YouTube video provides an example of what structural failure due to fire looks like. Look at the 2005 Windsor Tower fire in Madrid Spain. Here you see a modern steel frame high rise fully engulfed in fire. It rages uncontrolled for nearly two days and finally there is some structural failure. This failure is as would be expected, near the top (heat rises), slow in developing and asymmetrical. The aftermath shows a burned out wreck but with the structural frame largely in tact. The building did not simply collapse entirely in seconds.
If you are honest with yourself you simply can't ignore the obvious, WTC7 was brought down by controlled demolition.


So you figure someone figured out how to drop 7 in roughly its own footprint, managed to rig the building without anyone noticing, timed the alleged CD to coincide with the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers, and did it all without anyone breathing a word of it? I thought you don't subscribe to silly CTs. :cuckoo:
Really? Another thread on this? You claim to be advocating no theory, but you ARE advocating that WTC7 was brought down by CD, which is a conspiracy theory. And a debunked on at that.

I am making a logical conclusion, it is impossible for WTC7 to have collapsed as it did due to fire and as no other "theory" is even plausible we are left by deductive reasoning with the only possibility cause.... Controlled Demolition.

What has been debunked is your conspiracy theory, the official conspiracy theory. Or why don't you find a video of another building collapsing as WTC7 did as a result of fire? I found numerous videos of buildings collapsing in that manner but they were all as a result of CD. And I found a video of the Windsor Tower it looks nothing like WTC7.

I have no theory for who or why, we need evidence tested in a court of law and proven to be fact to formulate a theory.
Previously I started a thread entitled "do you believe the official 911 story?" It was immediately moved to the conspiracy theory category even though I advocated no theory at all. I then followed that up with a thread called "who's the conspiracy theorist?" Where I pointed out that the defenders of the official story are the conspiracy theorists since there was never a criminal trial and so no facts were established and we are left only with the assertions of the official conspiracy theorists.

There is no reason to have a criminal trial as all the known perps are dead. You would try their remains? Who would you charge with the crime and what would you use as evidence?

what if some perps were missed?
I think you're getting upset about the MODS electing to dismiss your theories about 911 and I don't think you ought to care.

Now I realize that some people think the word "conspiracy" has negative connotations, but honestly, you aren't so dumb as that.

You know that the word CONSPIRACY is a values neutral term that merely means (to breathe together)

You also know that the word THEORY does NOT mean "just a wild guess".

The ONLY people you are trying to reach are those with the intellectual horsepower to understand your arguments leading to this narrative (AKA: THEORY) of yours.

Do you imagine they think the term conspiracy theory means automatically that you are nuts?

They don't.
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world trade tower seven is very hard to accept as an accidental free fall drop.

I dont think about it much any more as we will likely never get the truth on it.

for it to fall into its own footprint in freefall time just by accident is alot to accept.

Especially when the people who ran the country at the time have been proven to have repetedly lied to the American people in matters of life and death.
Previously I started a thread entitled "do you believe the official 911 story?" It was immediately moved to the conspiracy theory category even though I advocated no theory at all. I then followed that up with a thread called "who's the conspiracy theorist?" Where I pointed out that the defenders of the official story are the conspiracy theorists since there was never a criminal trial and so no facts were established and we are left only with the assertions of the official conspiracy theorists.

In my first thread I pointed to two parts of the story which just don't stand scrutiny. First the vanishing pentagon plane and second the collapse of WTC7. These are not the only parts of the story which don't add up, just the most glaring and obvious.

We are to believe that the highjacker was with very little flight training able to make a very tight descending spiral turn and slam into the Pentagon. Professional pilots have attested to the difficulty of this maneuver and doubted an amateur could pull it off. Then the plane punched thought the side of the Pentagon which is two feet thick steel reinforced concrete, the wings folded back but remained attached to the fuselage as well as the tail section and were dragged into the building where it continued on through the structural support columns (these are very substantial as it is a three story structure) and all the way to where it punched another hole in the "C ring" wall in the interior of the Pentagon. Then the entire plane along with the passengers and baggage almost completely burned up, leaving only a couple of pieces of wreckage which could have come from an airliner. Pictures taken immediately after the impact make clear that the exterior wall was still intact and the large structural failure was due to the ensuing fire so what ever hit the pentagon punched through the exterior as it did the "C ring" wall. I noted that one would expect to find at least the tail section on the ground outside the building and much more debris. The conspiracy theorists (defenders of the official story) pointed to a video of a fighter jet on a rail being slammed into a block of concrete as evidence that the plane would have been obliterated, but the video doesn't show the aftermath so it's hard to tell what was left of the plane, besides if the plane was obliterated upon contact how did it punch through the exterior wall, the structural columns and the "C"ring wall? Additionally, even if all these improbable events did occur, the idea that the plane was almost entirely consumed by fire is silly. Aluminum melts at around 1600degrees F but does not burn until heated to over 6000degrees F far beyond the temps resulting from hydrocarbon fires. There should have been large globs of melted aluminum inside the pentagon but the pictures of the aftermath don't show this. Finally I pointed out that there is YouTube video of an airliner of like size and weight which crashed on takeoff in Lagos Nigeria. It slammed into the side of a much less substantial wood frame apartment building. It did not penetrate all the way through. The tail section as expected was almost untouched and though the plane exploded and burned the airframe is easily recognized, and passengers and luggage are clearly evident. The conspiracy theorists want to hang their hat on the fact that some debris which looks similar to airliner parts were found and that light poles out side the Pentagon were knocked down or that DNA was "found" inside the Pentagon days later. Clearly, this was a conspiracy and if as I am saying it was not as a result of the official conspiracy theory, then the real conspirators had every motivation to plant phony evidence to cover their tracks.

Then there is WTC7, the smoking gun as it were. Here, if it weren't so monstrously evil it would be laughable. The evidence which can be gleaned overwhelmingly points to controlled demolition. Watch the YouTube video of the collapse, it falls neatly straight down at near free fall speed into its own footprint. This can ONLY happen if ALL the support columns fail simultaneously on each floor and synchronously from floor to floor. The chances of this happening from a random event are so vanishingly small that it must be considered IMPOSSIBLE! The NIST report asserts that this was the result of a moderate office fire but presented no science to back it up. They may as well have blamed it on fairies. Again YouTube video provides an example of what structural failure due to fire looks like. Look at the 2005 Windsor Tower fire in Madrid Spain. Here you see a modern steel frame high rise fully engulfed in fire. It rages uncontrolled for nearly two days and finally there is some structural failure. This failure is as would be expected, near the top (heat rises), slow in developing and asymmetrical. The aftermath shows a burned out wreck but with the structural frame largely in tact. The building did not simply collapse entirely in seconds.
If you are honest with yourself you simply can't ignore the obvious, WTC7 was brought down by controlled demolition.


So you figure someone figured out how to drop 7 in roughly its own footprint, managed to rig the building without anyone noticing, timed the alleged CD to coincide with the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers, and did it all without anyone breathing a word of it? I thought you don't subscribe to silly CTs. :cuckoo:

Is what you said less possible than every column in WTC7 failing simultaneously with each floor synchronously timed all as a result of a random office fire? No because that is IMPOSSIBLE.

The perpetrators were counting on people like you to help cover up. Shrilly pointing out that there would have been a big conspiracy to pull off 911.

Well we both agree, there was a conspiracy, you have a theory which I have debunked and I have yet to form one as I don't have enough facts.

Have you even looked at videos of CD? Or the one of the Windsor Tower?
Previously I started a thread entitled "do you believe the official 911 story?" It was immediately moved to the conspiracy theory category even though I advocated no theory at all. I then followed that up with a thread called "who's the conspiracy theorist?" Where I pointed out that the defenders of the official story are the conspiracy theorists since there was never a criminal trial and so no facts were established and we are left only with the assertions of the official conspiracy theorists.

There is no reason to have a criminal trial as all the known perps are dead. You would try their remains? Who would you charge with the crime and what would you use as evidence?

what if some perps were missed?

Clearly the perps were missed because as I pointed out, the impossible didn't happen. As for a criminal trial, there is no statute of limitations on murder and especially on mass murder. I ask the defenders of the official CT, what are you afraid of? If there is only a small chance we could find people who were responsible would you rather they get away with so heinous a crime?
I think you're getting upset about the MODS electing to dismiss your theories about 911 and I don't think you ought to care.

Now I realize that some people think the word "conspiracy" has negative connotations, but honestly, you aren't so dumb as that.

You know that the word CONSPIRACY is a values neutral term that merely means (to breathe together)

You also know that the word THEORY does NOT mean "just a wild guess".

The ONLY people you are trying to reach are those with the intellectual horsepower to understand your arguments leading to this narrative (AKA: THEORY) of yours.

Do you imagine they think the term conspiracy theory means automatically that you are nuts?

They don't.

The scientific method requires evidence be tested to establish fact, then a theory can be formed. There has not been a criminal trial in which the evidence is tested so all the facts have not been established. But one fact is, the impossible didn't happen, new evidence to the contrary WTC7 was a result of CD.
world trade tower seven is very hard to accept as an accidental free fall drop.

I dont think about it much any more as we will likely never get the truth on it.

for it to fall into its own footprint in freefall time just by accident is alot to accept.

Especially when the people who ran the country at the time have been proven to have repetedly lied to the American people in matters of life and death.

Many people dont think about it any more, this is a problem for us. When your grand children ask you about it, and they will because people who were not traumatized by the events of 911 will bring a dispassionate eye to the subject, what will you tell them? Well I just didn't want to be call a conspiracy theorist so I ignored mass murder?

We are talking mass murder. I was shocked after seeing the video of WTC7. Literally. It took me months to come to grips with it. OMG! It shook my faith in America to the core. But everyone in government is not necessarily implicated. Probably most were duped as were we all initially.

We owe it to our posterity to find out.because Truth matters.
Previously I started a thread entitled "do you believe the official 911 story?" It was immediately moved to the conspiracy theory category even though I advocated no theory at all. I then followed that up with a thread called "who's the conspiracy theorist?" Where I pointed out that the defenders of the official story are the conspiracy theorists since there was never a criminal trial and so no facts were established and we are left only with the assertions of the official conspiracy theorists.

There is no reason to have a criminal trial as all the known perps are dead. You would try their remains? Who would you charge with the crime and what would you use as evidence?

This is what prosecutors do, they find evidence and test it in a court of law. Just because the people who have been blamed are conveniently dead is no reason to not determine the truth. I have debunked a major part of your conspiracy theory and yet you defend it. Why? No courage?
world trade tower seven is very hard to accept as an accidental free fall drop.

I dont think about it much any more as we will likely never get the truth on it.

for it to fall into its own footprint in freefall time just by accident is alot to accept.

Especially when the people who ran the country at the time have been proven to have repetedly lied to the American people in matters of life and death.

Many people dont think about it any more, this is a problem for us. When your grand children ask you about it, and they will because people who were not traumatized by the events of 911 will bring a dispassionate eye to the subject, what will you tell them? Well I just didn't want to be call a conspiracy theorist so I ignored mass murder?

We are talking mass murder. I was shocked after seeing the video of WTC7. Literally. It took me months to come to grips with it. OMG! It shook my faith in America to the core. But everyone in government is not necessarily implicated. Probably most were duped as were we all initially.

We owe it to our posterity to find out.because Truth matters.

Oh I agree wihosa,

there were just more pertainent things to pay attention to for years now.

Number one was getting the centers of power away from the people who through ingorance or design allowed this country to be bombed by the enemy with VERY LITTLE resources
world trade tower seven is very hard to accept as an accidental free fall drop.

I dont think about it much any more as we will likely never get the truth on it.

for it to fall into its own footprint in freefall time just by accident is alot to accept.

Especially when the people who ran the country at the time have been proven to have repetedly lied to the American people in matters of life and death.

Many people dont think about it any more, this is a problem for us. When your grand children ask you about it, and they will because people who were not traumatized by the events of 911 will bring a dispassionate eye to the subject, what will you tell them? Well I just didn't want to be call a conspiracy theorist so I ignored mass murder?

We are talking mass murder. I was shocked after seeing the video of WTC7. Literally. It took me months to come to grips with it. OMG! It shook my faith in America to the core. But everyone in government is not necessarily implicated. Probably most were duped as were we all initially.

We owe it to our posterity to find out.because Truth matters.

Oh I agree wihosa,

there were just more pertainent things to pay attention to for years now.

Number one was getting the centers of power away from the people who through ingorance or design allowed this country to be bombed by the enemy with VERY LITTLE resources

Why do you conclude the perps had very little resources? Are you still buying the official conspiracy theory? The evidence is that WTC7 was brought down by people with immense resources.
Previously I started a thread entitled "do you believe the official 911 story?" It was immediately moved to the conspiracy theory category even though I advocated no theory at all. I then followed that up with a thread called "who's the conspiracy theorist?" Where I pointed out that the defenders of the official story are the conspiracy theorists since there was never a criminal trial and so no facts were established and we are left only with the assertions of the official conspiracy theorists.

There is no reason to have a criminal trial as all the known perps are dead. You would try their remains? Who would you charge with the crime and what would you use as evidence?

This is what prosecutors do, they find evidence and test it in a court of law. Just because the people who have been blamed are conveniently dead is no reason to not determine the truth. I have debunked a major part of your conspiracy theory and yet you defend it. Why? No courage?

You have merely played with yourself in public and you still haven't explained who you would charge and what you would use for evidence.
world trade tower seven is very hard to accept as an accidental free fall drop.

I dont think about it much any more as we will likely never get the truth on it.

for it to fall into its own footprint in freefall time just by accident is alot to accept.

Especially when the people who ran the country at the time have been proven to have repetedly lied to the American people in matters of life and death.

Many people dont think about it any more, this is a problem for us. When your grand children ask you about it, and they will because people who were not traumatized by the events of 911 will bring a dispassionate eye to the subject, what will you tell them? Well I just didn't want to be call a conspiracy theorist so I ignored mass murder?

We are talking mass murder. I was shocked after seeing the video of WTC7. Literally. It took me months to come to grips with it. OMG! It shook my faith in America to the core. But everyone in government is not necessarily implicated. Probably most were duped as were we all initially.

We owe it to our posterity to find out.because Truth matters.

Mass murder? How many do you believe died as a result of 7's collapse?

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