The Incompetence of Russian Propaganda

The propaganda that is concerning isn't the low-grade nonsense in social media. It's the propaganda that the Russian people are hearing every day that is worrisome. They are openly promoting genocide and wiping out Ukraine as a country.

Putin has shifted the narrative to "Russia is being attacked". There is a reason for that. The Russian laws prevent him from sending conscripts to fight in his "special military operation", and it prevents him from extending them past one year of service.

There is an exemption, and that is if Russia is under attack. In that case he can call up reserves, extend conscripts past one year, and put new conscripts into the theater of combat.

The war is not going his way, and he doesn't have ready reserves to throw into the meat grinder. The April batch of conscripts won't be ready until September or October, and they will not be very useful if they try to send them in without additional training. He needs people with combat experience, and he is having problems finding them.

Hence "Russia is under attack".
No it is not. You are lying, as usual
Yes, someone also made a spreadsheet with the serial number and claims it represents Ukrainian inventory. I didn't waste time on that because it proves nothing unless the document can be validated.

What I wrote is accurate based on previous experience.


"...What's the beautiful! Clear field, ideal for counting and evaluation. It reveals 45+ craters from these same submunitions (a certain percentage of failed submunitions is a common thing for any cluster weapon, especially for an over 20-year-old, as in this case). They are distributed in a circle with a diameter of approximately 300 m.

Note that the engine compartment, separated at an altitude of 2.2 km, fell 400 meters west of the center of the affected area. Moreover, the rocket flew from north to south. Those. compartment went to the right in the direction of fire. Did this happen under the influence of random factors or is this a deviation characteristic of all missiles? The question hung in the air."

Read the whole thing.

There is also the fact that Russia claimed the strike initially, and quickly retracted it when the civilian casualties were publicized. Also, that is a strategic target if you are Russia, and not if you are Ukraine trying to evacuate civilians.

I reserve judgement for now. I acknowledge the possibility that this is a friendly fire, It has happened before with these missiles.

What I don't accept is bogus proof based on a flawed understanding of the missile itself.
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The propaganda that is concerning isn't the low-grade nonsense in social media. It's the propaganda that the Russian people are hearing every day that is worrisome. They are openly promoting genocide and wiping out Ukraine as a country.

Putin has shifted the narrative to "Russia is being attacked". There is a reason for that. The Russian laws prevent him from sending conscripts to fight in his "special military operation", and it prevents him from extending them past one year of service.

There is an exemption, and that is if Russia is under attack. In that case he can call up reserves, extend conscripts past one year, and put new conscripts into the theater of combat.

The war is not going his way, and he doesn't have ready reserves to throw into the meat grinder. The April batch of conscripts won't be ready until September or October, and they will not be very useful if they try to send them in without additional training. He needs people with combat experience, and he is having problems finding them.

Hence "Russia is under attack".

That’s why the Russians will be shocked when they lose.
Steven Spielberg and Quentin Tarantino need to be hired to do some great Propaganda films so we can rally the World for full on Genocide!

I just want less traffic is the reason why I am rooting for the end game to be played…
Yes, someone also made a spreadsheet with the serial number and claims it represents Ukrainian inventory. I didn't waste time on that because it proves nothing unless the document can be validated.
You look like a scoundrel who is in Buchenwald, among a pile of corpses of prisoners, looking for evidence of their murder by the russians. F Y, dirty nit.
You look like a scoundrel who is in Buchenwald, among a pile of corpses of prisoners, looking for evidence of their murder by the russians. F Y, dirty nit.
Lol. facts are stubborn things.

Like I said, the low-grade propaganda on social media doesn't really bother me. Shallow anaysis is pretty easy to take apart.

Much more concerned with the "Ukraine isn't really even a country" narrative that is emerging in Russian state media.
The explanation is very simple - europeans and the general population of the so-called West were allowed to hate Russians. So long pent-up feeling finally took its place in the souls of a decaying society. Finally! And then you can't hate blacks, you can't hate Jews, it's dangerous to hate even pedophiles and other perverts. It's over! United Europe for the first time since Hitler's Euro-Reich united the impulses of its rotten souls. What a relief.

While it's true that Russia is the enemy that we love to have, it's amazing the the Russian ego is so huge and dumb that Russia has fallen into our trap. All the NATO military industries LOVE Russia!

Russia is NOT a super power. it has an economy less than half the size of California's. It's military is about the equal of France (if that much). Russians have been living a fantasy that they are a super power.

Having nukes doesn't make a country a super power - because if you use them, you just insure your own destruction.

It's absurd that you think that the west is a 'decaying society'. The west has been and continues to be the leaders in human social, technological, cultural and economy evolution. The west created everything from automobiles to aircraft to television to the internet to computers to fertilizer and just about every device and technology that mankind has benefited from.

What has Russia created? The molotov cocktail is just about the ONLY thing that's been invented by Russians. Everything else they have only because they copied the west.

You apparently think that the strength of a society is based on allowing people to hate each other. You are a medieval fool!
Putin is preparing a formal declaration of War against Ukraine for the sinking of the Moskva.

This will clear the way for a general mobilization and mass conscription.

They are firing off anti-aircraft missiles in Belgorod like bottle rockets, but there are no intercepts shown and no targets visible, just claims they are "intercepting" targets...

Looks like the "special military operation" phase is ended.
What has Russia created? The molotov cocktail is just about the ONLY thing that's been invented by Russians. Everything else they have only because they copied the west.
You're the result of brainwashing for generations. You are fully ready to recognize the russians as subhuman. Only a signal or an order is needed.
The planned Tochka-U strike at Lozovaya railway station by the Kiev regime (Sputnik News) should be scrutinized on the Yandex map, because the Kharkiv biolab is between it and Belgorod, Russia, to the north. The links is Hunter Biden's involvement connected to Pashynska (Kharkiv) first reported in post #1:

Post #1 Hunter Biden Links
'....Curtis "BJ" Bjelajac, Executive Director, and Vlada Pashynska, Senior Specialist.'

One can locate Lozova south of the biolab, Pomirky 27:

www. for ' kvartal pomirky 27'
(Zoom in/out with fingers)

Belgorod to the north is the site of Ukrainian attacks into Russia.
You're the result of brainwashing for generations. You are fully ready to recognize the russians as subhuman. Only a signal or an order is needed.

So why can't you list all the great contributions that Russia has made to humanity?

What basis is there for considering Russia to be a great super-power other than that they have nuclear weapons?
So why can't you list all the great contributions that Russia has made to humanity?
I am sure that for you, the fact that Europe now lives (at least unofficially) not under the nazi flag with a swastika, only thanks to the Soviet Union, is unfamiliar to you or does not mean anything.
Soft and clever humor of ukrainian aryans . Subhumans don't get it
.The inscription on the photo "Shawarma made of russian children"
I am sure that for you, the fact that Europe now lives (at least unofficially) not under the nazi flag with a swastika, only thanks to the Soviet Union, is unfamiliar to you or does not mean anything.

"Only thanks to the Soviet Union"?

That has to be the stupidest phrase ever posted on this messageboard!!!!

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