The Incompetence of the GOP

Kevin McCarthy has agreed to a rule change which would allow one member to call for a vote to oust the Speaker.

This means whenever Lauren Boebert is on the rag, she can shut down the entire government.
There are Republicans who won in Biden-winning districts who could vote for Jeffries, especially if the Coup Caucus keeps fucking around.

Although I think it's more likely that if Democrats are involved it will be to boost McCarthy, with conditions.

What you morons don't understand is that what those 20 are trying to get done, with the rules changes, is going to make it fairer for both dems and republicans. But you're so stuck on party politics, you can't even see or understand what's actually going on.

Pelosi wouldn't allow ANY amendments on the house floor, without committee approval first. Some instances no amendments were allowed at all. Without having that "right" as a congressman, no one can get an up or down vote on any amendment. Including democrats one. If those 20 finally get someone in the speakers chair, then ALL congressmen will be allowed to offer amendments on the house floor. And ALL congressmen will get to vote on it. Not just some committee members.
Let's say your congressman wants to introduce an Amendment that says ______________ corporation will not be allowed government subsidies any longer for _____________ reasons. And it's something that we'd all like to see happen. As it stands now, that amendment goes into some committee. (which is code for lobbyist approval) And that lobbyist doesn't like it. And threatens to have the seats that his company has paid for ($400,000 to $500,000 each) vacated. How do you think that committee is going to vote? They're going to vote it down, and no one except them will ever even know about it. Or why it was voted down in committee.

This is why our government was set up as a democratic Republic. And not just a democracy. Or not the oligarchy it has turned into.
We certainly are living in historical times.

A twice impeached president.

A pandemic.

An attempted coup.

Multiple ballots for a House Speaker not seen since the 1830s.
The record for number of votes for House Speaker is 133, set by the 34th Congress in 1855.

At the conclusion of the longest and most contentious Speaker election in House history, the House elected Representative Nathaniel Banks of Massachusetts as its presiding officer for the 34th Congress (1855–1857). Sectional conflict over slavery and a rising anti-immigrant mood in the nation contributed to a poisoned and deteriorating political climate. As a sign of the factionalism then existing in the House, more than 21 individuals initially vied for the Speaker’s post when the Members first gathered in December, 1855. After two months and 133 ballots, the House finally chose Representative Banks by a vote of 103 to 100 over Representative William Aiken of South Carolina. Banks, a member of both the nativist American (or “Know-Nothing”) Party and the Free Soil Party, served a term as Speaker before Democrats won control of the chamber in the 35th Congress (1857–1859). Banks retired from the House to serve as governor of Massachusetts.
Kevin McCarthy has agreed to a rule change which would allow one member to call for a vote to oust the Speaker.

This means whenever Lauren Boebert is on the rag, she can shut down the entire government.
Or at the very least, start this clown show all over again
Kevin McCarthy has agreed to a rule change which would allow one member to call for a vote to oust the Speaker.

This means whenever Lauren Boebert is on the rag, she can shut down the entire government.
How sexist of you.
As long as the House is in disarray no spending will take place, I’m for it.
MTG said they were negotiating for their own power, wanting committee assignments and chairmanships.

Is she a liar?

MTG is batshit crazy and so far up Trump & McCarthy's ass, nothing she says can be taken seriously.

You keep thinking I'm one of these Trumpbot morons. Which makes you stupid.

A simple minded meme, meant to create the illusion that this is speakers battle has no other issues than a simple 218 majority vote. It leaves out some very important aspect of the battle itself.
If this meme were to be made into something that would more closely resemble the current House speaker situation, the light socket would have stripped threads, broken wiring where the power can't be disconnected and a certain amount of tabs what would have to be in a Rubik's cube type synchronized position before the old old could be removed.

The Democrats always just chose Pelosi. Not because she would put forth rules that would elevate all members of congress to more fairly represent their districts. But rules that suited her, her lobbyist and her party leaders (who are also controlled by corporate and special interest lobbyist. (just as McCarthy is).
This procedure not only disenfranchised democrat and republican congressmen. But it also had the same effect on every voter in this country.
It put lobbyist in control of committees, who decided what bills and amendments our government would be allowed to vote on, instead of our elected official. That equates to an oligarchy.

I'm sure you, and none of the other democrats remember, but the last time the GOP held the majority in the house, democrat congressmen objected to Ryans rules of not allowing Amendments to be introduced on the House floor. Ryan, who was corrupted, was just following in the footsteps of Pelosi, who was the first to implement this certain rule.

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