The Incrediable Entitlment of the Welfare Lobby


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
I'm not sure we'll survive much more as a country. But Transformation was promised
and then you have Hillary and Sanders out there pushing for MORE OF THIS

Progressive America has a fever and the only solution is more welfare. Celebrities are trying to buy only $29 worth of fair trade arugula at Whole Foods and then taking snapshots of it in a mistaken effort to show how little food stamps buy. Obama is urging more social welfare spending as the answer to the race riots he stirred up across the country by embracing the Ferguson “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” hoax.

Outraged rich liberals are furiously lecturing the rest of the country on income inequality as if there were no escaping the fact that we’re a society of greedy plutocrats that doesn’t care about the poor.

Obama called for “massive investments in urban communities”. Last year, we spent $75 billion on food stamps. The year before that it was $80 billion. That’s up from $33 billion in 2007. The number of participants has doubled approaching 50 million.

Is spending $80 billion on food stamps alone for a sixth of the country not a massive investment?

Food stamp use in Baltimore under Obama increased 58%, but even back in 2009, a quarter of Baltimore and a third of its black population were on food stamps. Baltimore already accounts for almost half of the food stamp using households in the entire state.

Democratic Congressman Elijah Cummings called for an “inclusion revolution” after the riots, but the revolution in his district happened a while back where a fifth of the households are on food stamps. Even though the household racial split in the seventh is about even, 85% of food stamp households are black. Cummings says that Baltimore needs to be a model for the nation. It’s a hell of a model.

The nation can’t survive turning into Baltimore. The city is subsidized by Maryland taxpayers, a state full of bedroom communities for consultants and employees of the Federal government. Maryland didn’t become the richest state in America through entrepreneurship and hard work, but by siphoning off massive Federal spending. Billions have already been “massively invested” in Baltimore with no return.

ALL of it here:
Sultan Knish
I buy arugula all the time and it doesn't cost $29 dollars.

Didn't bother reading the rest of your thread.
Strange someone who gets and lives off government benefits posting this, very ironic
Not to mention most welfare recipients live in Republican states.
Not to mention most welfare recipients live in Republican states.

In cities run by the far left..

This post only shows us that Kosh doesn't know what 'far left' is...

So if he thinks the progressives in US are far left it proves that he is far right...

Another far left drone that uses hijacked terms to hide the fact they are a far left drone.

Obama was seen as a progressive, yet he is a far left drone. Just like you!
Not to mention most welfare recipients live in Republican states.

In cities run by the far left..

This post only shows us that Kosh doesn't know what 'far left' is...

So if he thinks the progressives in US are far left it proves that he is far right...

Another far left drone that uses hijacked terms to hide the fact they are a far left drone.

Obama was seen as a progressive, yet he is a far left drone. Just like you!

Except Kosh, to you the whole world is far left... The Democrats would be a center right party in nearly every 1st world country in the world...
So claiming Progressives of America as far left is a joke... You are just showing your ignorance of your extreme views...

Can you show a country in the first world to the right of the GOP?
Not to mention most welfare recipients live in Republican states.

In cities run by the far left..

This post only shows us that Kosh doesn't know what 'far left' is...

So if he thinks the progressives in US are far left it proves that he is far right...

Another far left drone that uses hijacked terms to hide the fact they are a far left drone.

Obama was seen as a progressive, yet he is a far left drone. Just like you!

Except Kosh, to you the whole world is far left... The Democrats would be a center right party in nearly every 1st world country in the world...
So claiming Progressives of America as far left is a joke... You are just showing your ignorance of your extreme views...

Can you show a country in the first world to the right of the GOP?

It is cute to watch the far left think they are progressives or liberals or even open minded.

Truth is that the far left makes the bible thumpers look like they are most open minded people on the planet.

Here is another prime example of why the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet.

They believe themselves to be "centrists".

It is after all a part of their far left religious programming.
Not to mention most welfare recipients live in Republican states.

In cities run by the far left..

This post only shows us that Kosh doesn't know what 'far left' is...

So if he thinks the progressives in US are far left it proves that he is far right...

Another far left drone that uses hijacked terms to hide the fact they are a far left drone.

Obama was seen as a progressive, yet he is a far left drone. Just like you!

Except Kosh, to you the whole world is far left... The Democrats would be a center right party in nearly every 1st world country in the world...
So claiming Progressives of America as far left is a joke... You are just showing your ignorance of your extreme views...

Can you show a country in the first world to the right of the GOP?

It is cute to watch the far left think they are progressives or liberals or even open minded.

Truth is that the far left makes the bible thumpers look like they are most open minded people on the planet.

Here is another prime example of why the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet.

They believe themselves to be "centrists".

It is after all a part of their far left religious programming.

So that is a no. You can't find anyone...
In cities run by the far left..

This post only shows us that Kosh doesn't know what 'far left' is...

So if he thinks the progressives in US are far left it proves that he is far right...

Another far left drone that uses hijacked terms to hide the fact they are a far left drone.

Obama was seen as a progressive, yet he is a far left drone. Just like you!

Except Kosh, to you the whole world is far left... The Democrats would be a center right party in nearly every 1st world country in the world...
So claiming Progressives of America as far left is a joke... You are just showing your ignorance of your extreme views...

Can you show a country in the first world to the right of the GOP?

It is cute to watch the far left think they are progressives or liberals or even open minded.

Truth is that the far left makes the bible thumpers look like they are most open minded people on the planet.

Here is another prime example of why the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet.

They believe themselves to be "centrists".

It is after all a part of their far left religious programming.

So that is a no. You can't find anyone...

Yes the far left drones and their programmed responses..

Prove you are a moderate, progressive, liberal..

Link to all the posts and threads where you protested Obama's illegal wars..

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