The incredibly stupid, kool-aid drinking numbskull voters of the night are...

LOL, you are, you lefties love to use identity politics, I love using it against you, it's funny, because you say my posts are stupid....yet that's exactly how you see the world. It's ironic and hilarious

A few things...

First, you are further left than I am.

Second, please find an example of me using identity politics.

Third, your post are stupid, because you are a mindless partisan sheep that cares more about the party than the country.
As if you give a shit about this country. You don't even know if you're left or right.

If I did not give a shit about the country, i would not have given 20 years of my life in service to the county.

But you are right, I do not know if I am right or left as I fit in neither box.

I am a fiscal conservative that is pro-gun and pro-life who hates ObamaCare yet I also want marijuana legalized and think that gay people should be allowed to get married if they damn well want to and it is nobody's business if they do. Though I would actually like to see the government out of the marriage business all together and for them to quit using the tax code for social engineering.

I am pro-military but I do not think they are under funded, just misused and we need to quit being the world's police force.

i am a free market advocate and am against tariffs and the government interfering with business.

I think all anti-discrimination laws applied to anyone but the government are unconstitutional.

So, does that make me left or right?
That makes you a conservative that likes sexual perverts?

I am not a conservative by today's standards, today's conservative are not small government.

It is not a matter of liking or disliking, it is a matter of it is none of my damn business. Live and let live, worry about your own bed room and not someone else's, or is that too much to ask.
But the left doesn't keep this sexual perversion in the bedroom. They feel a need to inject this shit into our schools, workplaces, and media.
A few things...

First, you are further left than I am.

Second, please find an example of me using identity politics.

Third, your post are stupid, because you are a mindless partisan sheep that cares more about the party than the country.
As if you give a shit about this country. You don't even know if you're left or right.

If I did not give a shit about the country, i would not have given 20 years of my life in service to the county.

But you are right, I do not know if I am right or left as I fit in neither box.

I am a fiscal conservative that is pro-gun and pro-life who hates ObamaCare yet I also want marijuana legalized and think that gay people should be allowed to get married if they damn well want to and it is nobody's business if they do. Though I would actually like to see the government out of the marriage business all together and for them to quit using the tax code for social engineering.

I am pro-military but I do not think they are under funded, just misused and we need to quit being the world's police force.

i am a free market advocate and am against tariffs and the government interfering with business.

I think all anti-discrimination laws applied to anyone but the government are unconstitutional.

So, does that make me left or right?

IDK, how does someone who spent so much time in the military become so cucked? Were you on a soy diet? Doormat to the wife from what I heart, too...

Oh kiss my ass, a Trump ass licking sheep talking about someone else being cucked is the funniest thing I have read in days.

you fucking literally worship another human being and then you call someone else cucked.

As I have said many times, it is a shame that irony is lost on the ignorant.

Do you think I am left wing or right wing? Do I look fat in this dress? I can't possible be not for this country can I? Is my makeup done correct?

Come on Mr. Gator, grow a pair and tell your wife that it's not OK to have a boyfriend and then stop seeking validation like a teenage girl. For the love of god...

It appears you don't even understand what the term means. It's time to figure it out. Cancel the soy diet...

Thank you for proving my point.

you are not even worth the time spent typing a response.

have a wonderful Trump worshiping night! Do not forget to give him his night time ass lick.
A few things...

First, you are further left than I am.

Second, please find an example of me using identity politics.

Third, your post are stupid, because you are a mindless partisan sheep that cares more about the party than the country.
As if you give a shit about this country. You don't even know if you're left or right.

If I did not give a shit about the country, i would not have given 20 years of my life in service to the county.

But you are right, I do not know if I am right or left as I fit in neither box.

I am a fiscal conservative that is pro-gun and pro-life who hates ObamaCare yet I also want marijuana legalized and think that gay people should be allowed to get married if they damn well want to and it is nobody's business if they do. Though I would actually like to see the government out of the marriage business all together and for them to quit using the tax code for social engineering.

I am pro-military but I do not think they are under funded, just misused and we need to quit being the world's police force.

i am a free market advocate and am against tariffs and the government interfering with business.

I think all anti-discrimination laws applied to anyone but the government are unconstitutional.

So, does that make me left or right?
That makes you a conservative that likes sexual perverts?

I am not a conservative by today's standards, today's conservative are not small government.

It is not a matter of liking or disliking, it is a matter of it is none of my damn business. Live and let live, worry about your own bed room and not someone else's, or is that too much to ask.
But the left doesn't keep this sexual perversion in the bedroom. They feel a need to inject this shit into our schools, workplaces, and media.

Yeah, and "straight" folks never do that...:21::21::21::21:
Democrats can't let a qualified candidate go unpunished. Before she goes to Washington they have to pin a "LGBTQ" sign on her. What a shame.

that is only a punishment to a shitbag homophobic moron.
As if you give a shit about this country. You don't even know if you're left or right.

If I did not give a shit about the country, i would not have given 20 years of my life in service to the county.

But you are right, I do not know if I am right or left as I fit in neither box.

I am a fiscal conservative that is pro-gun and pro-life who hates ObamaCare yet I also want marijuana legalized and think that gay people should be allowed to get married if they damn well want to and it is nobody's business if they do. Though I would actually like to see the government out of the marriage business all together and for them to quit using the tax code for social engineering.

I am pro-military but I do not think they are under funded, just misused and we need to quit being the world's police force.

i am a free market advocate and am against tariffs and the government interfering with business.

I think all anti-discrimination laws applied to anyone but the government are unconstitutional.

So, does that make me left or right?

IDK, how does someone who spent so much time in the military become so cucked? Were you on a soy diet? Doormat to the wife from what I heart, too...

Oh kiss my ass, a Trump ass licking sheep talking about someone else being cucked is the funniest thing I have read in days.

you fucking literally worship another human being and then you call someone else cucked.

As I have said many times, it is a shame that irony is lost on the ignorant.

Do you think I am left wing or right wing? Do I look fat in this dress? I can't possible be not for this country can I? Is my makeup done correct?

Come on Mr. Gator, grow a pair and tell your wife that it's not OK to have a boyfriend and then stop seeking validation like a teenage girl. For the love of god...

It appears you don't even understand what the term means. It's time to figure it out. Cancel the soy diet...

Thank you for proving my point.

you are not even worth the time spent typing a response.

have a wonderful Trump worshiping night! Do not forget to give him his night time ass lick.

The word Trump did not appear in my message. You didn't understand what I said and just defaulted to your ORANGE MAN BAD script. NPC behavior...
The Kansas 3rd district.

Sharice Davids, a lesbian Native American, makes political history in Kansas

Basically, Johnson County, Kansas, located in Kansas City, put this inept token in office.
She looked beautiful in her ads - lots of make-up, and touted herself as "I Am You!"
Imagine the look on these foolish voters faces as she trotted herself out for her victory party sans beautiful make-up and clothes.
Congrats, Kansas. You just voted in a lesbian MMA fighter with absolutely zero platform.

Makeup? Virtually the entire point of your thread is makeup/physical appearance...of a politician?

LOL...just when I think Trumpbots could not get any ridiculous/more superficial? I am proven wrong.

You people are so pitiful and funny.

I will almost miss your bunch when Trump is booted from office in 2020.
I'm not either. I just haven't seen anything he has done wrong. I'll admit his public speaking definitely needs improvement, and he needs to get this health care crisis under control. I actually lean somewhat left/center on health care and is the number one issue we need to fix.

He has made shitty choices for cabinet members.

He has nominated some of the most unqualified people in history for other jobs.

He started a trade war with the whole world that has slowed our markets to a crawl, today's election bounce not withstanding.

He added 1.27 trillion dollars to the national debt in the previous FY

He has kept troops in Afghanistan for no good reason and still with no clear idea of what "winning" looks like.
Trump can't bring in establishment Republicans because he is not an establishment Republican. These people will work against him. Trump is a president with a business background, and will "hire" these same types of people.
As if you give a shit about this country. You don't even know if you're left or right.

If I did not give a shit about the country, i would not have given 20 years of my life in service to the county.

But you are right, I do not know if I am right or left as I fit in neither box.

I am a fiscal conservative that is pro-gun and pro-life who hates ObamaCare yet I also want marijuana legalized and think that gay people should be allowed to get married if they damn well want to and it is nobody's business if they do. Though I would actually like to see the government out of the marriage business all together and for them to quit using the tax code for social engineering.

I am pro-military but I do not think they are under funded, just misused and we need to quit being the world's police force.

i am a free market advocate and am against tariffs and the government interfering with business.

I think all anti-discrimination laws applied to anyone but the government are unconstitutional.

So, does that make me left or right?
That makes you a conservative that likes sexual perverts?

I am not a conservative by today's standards, today's conservative are not small government.

It is not a matter of liking or disliking, it is a matter of it is none of my damn business. Live and let live, worry about your own bed room and not someone else's, or is that too much to ask.
But the left doesn't keep this sexual perversion in the bedroom. They feel a need to inject this shit into our schools, workplaces, and media.

Yeah, and "straight" folks never do that...:21::21::21::21:
Huh? Why would you normalize sexual perversion?
The Kansas 3rd district.

Sharice Davids, a lesbian Native American, makes political history in Kansas

Basically, Johnson County, Kansas, located in Kansas City, put this inept token in office.
She looked beautiful in her ads - lots of make-up, and touted herself as "I Am You!"
Imagine the look on these foolish voters faces as she trotted herself out for her victory party sans beautiful make-up and clothes.
Congrats, Kansas. You just voted in a lesbian MMA fighter with absolutely zero platform.

Makeup? Virtually the entire point of your thread is makeup/physical appearance...of a politician?

LOL...just when I think Trumpbots could not get any ridiculous/more superficial? I am proven wrong.

You people are so pitiful and funny.

I will almost miss your bunch when Trump is booted from office in 2020.
In your marxist dreams..
I'm not either. I just haven't seen anything he has done wrong. I'll admit his public speaking definitely needs improvement, and he needs to get this health care crisis under control. I actually lean somewhat left/center on health care and is the number one issue we need to fix.

He has made shitty choices for cabinet members.

He has nominated some of the most unqualified people in history for other jobs.

He started a trade war with the whole world that has slowed our markets to a crawl, today's election bounce not withstanding.

He added 1.27 trillion dollars to the national debt in the previous FY

He has kept troops in Afghanistan for no good reason and still with no clear idea of what "winning" looks like.
Trump can't bring in establishment Republicans because he is not an establishment Republican. These people will work against him. Trump is a president with a business background, and will "hire" these same types of people.

Trump replaced an "outsider" with an establishment Republican in the office of SOS.

Kirstjen Nielsen is a Repub insider from the Bush days.

Tom Price was an establishment Republican, and now Alex Azar is there and he goes back to the Bush days.

Ben Carson is an establishment Republican

Rick Perry is an establishment Republican

Elaine Chao is a Repub insider from the Bush days.

Do I need to go on?
If I did not give a shit about the country, i would not have given 20 years of my life in service to the county.

But you are right, I do not know if I am right or left as I fit in neither box.

I am a fiscal conservative that is pro-gun and pro-life who hates ObamaCare yet I also want marijuana legalized and think that gay people should be allowed to get married if they damn well want to and it is nobody's business if they do. Though I would actually like to see the government out of the marriage business all together and for them to quit using the tax code for social engineering.

I am pro-military but I do not think they are under funded, just misused and we need to quit being the world's police force.

i am a free market advocate and am against tariffs and the government interfering with business.

I think all anti-discrimination laws applied to anyone but the government are unconstitutional.

So, does that make me left or right?
That makes you a conservative that likes sexual perverts?

I am not a conservative by today's standards, today's conservative are not small government.

It is not a matter of liking or disliking, it is a matter of it is none of my damn business. Live and let live, worry about your own bed room and not someone else's, or is that too much to ask.
But the left doesn't keep this sexual perversion in the bedroom. They feel a need to inject this shit into our schools, workplaces, and media.

Yeah, and "straight" folks never do that...:21::21::21::21:
Huh? Why would you normalize sexual perversion?

What is a sexual perversion and who gets to define it?

I know people that think that anything other than straight missionary style sex for the purpose of procreation is a sexual perversion, do you agree with them?

Is grabbing a woman's pussy without permission a sexual perversion?

A lot of people think that porn is a sexual perversion, do you agree with them?

Is sleeping with a porn star while married a sexual perversion?
I'm not either. I just haven't seen anything he has done wrong. I'll admit his public speaking definitely needs improvement, and he needs to get this health care crisis under control. I actually lean somewhat left/center on health care and is the number one issue we need to fix.

He has made shitty choices for cabinet members.

He has nominated some of the most unqualified people in history for other jobs.

He started a trade war with the whole world that has slowed our markets to a crawl, today's election bounce not withstanding.

He added 1.27 trillion dollars to the national debt in the previous FY

He has kept troops in Afghanistan for no good reason and still with no clear idea of what "winning" looks like.
Trump can't bring in establishment Republicans because he is not an establishment Republican. These people will work against him. Trump is a president with a business background, and will "hire" these same types of people.

Trump replaced an "outsider" with an establishment Republican in the office of SOS.

Kirstjen Nielsen is a Repub insider from the Bush days.

Tom Price was an establishment Republican, and now Alex Azar is there and he goes back to the Bush days.

Ben Carson is an establishment Republican

Rick Perry is an establishment Republican

Elaine Chao is a Repub insider from the Bush days.

Do I need to go on?
They are Republicans, no doubt. But Republicans that will side with the Trump agenda. That kinda makes then "antiestablishment" at this point, as I see it.
That makes you a conservative that likes sexual perverts?

I am not a conservative by today's standards, today's conservative are not small government.

It is not a matter of liking or disliking, it is a matter of it is none of my damn business. Live and let live, worry about your own bed room and not someone else's, or is that too much to ask.
But the left doesn't keep this sexual perversion in the bedroom. They feel a need to inject this shit into our schools, workplaces, and media.

Yeah, and "straight" folks never do that...:21::21::21::21:
Huh? Why would you normalize sexual perversion?

What is a sexual perversion and who gets to define it?

I know people that think that anything other than straight missionary style sex for the purpose of procreation is a sexual perversion, do you agree with them?

Is grabbing a woman's pussy without permission a sexual perversion?

A lot of people think that porn is a sexual perversion, do you agree with them?

Is sleeping with a porn star while married a sexual perversion?
Same sex sex is sexual perversion. Anybody who sees different are sexual perverts themselves. IMHO.
I am not a conservative by today's standards, today's conservative are not small government.

It is not a matter of liking or disliking, it is a matter of it is none of my damn business. Live and let live, worry about your own bed room and not someone else's, or is that too much to ask.
But the left doesn't keep this sexual perversion in the bedroom. They feel a need to inject this shit into our schools, workplaces, and media.

Yeah, and "straight" folks never do that...:21::21::21::21:
Huh? Why would you normalize sexual perversion?

What is a sexual perversion and who gets to define it?

I know people that think that anything other than straight missionary style sex for the purpose of procreation is a sexual perversion, do you agree with them?

Is grabbing a woman's pussy without permission a sexual perversion?

A lot of people think that porn is a sexual perversion, do you agree with them?

Is sleeping with a porn star while married a sexual perversion?
Same sex sex is sexual perversion. Anybody who sees different are sexual perverts themselves. IMHO.

Then the world is jammed packed with sexual perverts as 90% of pron males watch has girl on girl action.

Personally I do not see same sex sex is sexual perversion, just something different than what I choose to do.

On what do you base your view it is a sexual perversion? Because it gives you the willies?
The Kansas 3rd district.

Sharice Davids, a lesbian Native American, makes political history in Kansas

Basically, Johnson County, Kansas, located in Kansas City, put this inept token in office.
She looked beautiful in her ads - lots of make-up, and touted herself as "I Am You!"
Imagine the look on these foolish voters faces as she trotted herself out for her victory party sans beautiful make-up and clothes.
Congrats, Kansas. You just voted in a lesbian MMA fighter with absolutely zero platform.
But at least she's more injun than granny Warren.
I like your signature.
But the left doesn't keep this sexual perversion in the bedroom. They feel a need to inject this shit into our schools, workplaces, and media.

Yeah, and "straight" folks never do that...:21::21::21::21:
Huh? Why would you normalize sexual perversion?

What is a sexual perversion and who gets to define it?

I know people that think that anything other than straight missionary style sex for the purpose of procreation is a sexual perversion, do you agree with them?

Is grabbing a woman's pussy without permission a sexual perversion?

A lot of people think that porn is a sexual perversion, do you agree with them?

Is sleeping with a porn star while married a sexual perversion?
Same sex sex is sexual perversion. Anybody who sees different are sexual perverts themselves. IMHO.

Then the world is jammed packed with sexual perverts as 90% of pron males watch has girl on girl action.

Personally I do not see same sex sex is sexual perversion, just something different than what I choose to do.

On what do you base your view it is a sexual perversion? Because it gives you the willies?
How about child-adult sex? Why isn't that just "something different than what you choose to do?"
Yeah, and "straight" folks never do that...:21::21::21::21:
Huh? Why would you normalize sexual perversion?

What is a sexual perversion and who gets to define it?

I know people that think that anything other than straight missionary style sex for the purpose of procreation is a sexual perversion, do you agree with them?

Is grabbing a woman's pussy without permission a sexual perversion?

A lot of people think that porn is a sexual perversion, do you agree with them?

Is sleeping with a porn star while married a sexual perversion?
Same sex sex is sexual perversion. Anybody who sees different are sexual perverts themselves. IMHO.

Then the world is jammed packed with sexual perverts as 90% of pron males watch has girl on girl action.

Personally I do not see same sex sex is sexual perversion, just something different than what I choose to do.

On what do you base your view it is a sexual perversion? Because it gives you the willies?
How about child-adult sex? Why isn't that just "something different than what you choose to do?"

children do not have the mental capacity to make such choices, that is why children are different. Children are always offered more and different protections than adults.

Why do you people care so damn much what two (or more) consenting adults do with each other?
Huh? Why would you normalize sexual perversion?

What is a sexual perversion and who gets to define it?

I know people that think that anything other than straight missionary style sex for the purpose of procreation is a sexual perversion, do you agree with them?

Is grabbing a woman's pussy without permission a sexual perversion?

A lot of people think that porn is a sexual perversion, do you agree with them?

Is sleeping with a porn star while married a sexual perversion?
Same sex sex is sexual perversion. Anybody who sees different are sexual perverts themselves. IMHO.

Then the world is jammed packed with sexual perverts as 90% of pron males watch has girl on girl action.

Personally I do not see same sex sex is sexual perversion, just something different than what I choose to do.

On what do you base your view it is a sexual perversion? Because it gives you the willies?
How about child-adult sex? Why isn't that just "something different than what you choose to do?"

children do not have the mental capacity to make such choices, that is why children are different. Children are always offered more and different protections than adults.

Why do you people care so damn much what two (or more) consenting adults do with each other?
So how about a guy who wants to marry his sister? Both are legal adults.

I don't care if two guys want to be fuck buddies. I do care when they want to adopt children and get all kinds of government benefits that were intended to benefit mother's and their children, not two fuck buddies.
So how about a guy who wants to marry his sister? Both are legal adults.

Personally I could not care less.

I don't care if two guys want to be fuck buddies. I do care when they want to adopt children and get all kinds of government benefits that were intended to benefit mother's and their children, not two fuck buddies.

This is why the government should not be in the marriage business and should not be giving benefits to those that are. I have no problem with two people of the same sex adopting, they can be just as loving and nurturing as anyone else, often more so as they really want the kids.

I work with a female married to another female and they have a daughter. They do not love their child any less than I love my two.

There are too many stories like these for me to think that there is something special about being a straight parent....

Father pleads guilty to killing 3-year-old son because his girlfriend didn’t want to be around kids

Chris Watts pleads guilty to Colorado killing of pregnant wife, daughters - CNN

Texas mom kills daughters: 5 new developments in the case

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