The ineptitude and incompetence of Joe Biden

That’s simply not true. It’s pure propaganda. But that’s what we’ve come to expect from the left.

Barack Obama took office with a super-majority in Congress and an unemployment rate of 7% and change. He and the Dumbocrats took it to over 10%. Those are the facts and they are indisputable.

It wasn’t until the Republicans took over the entire nation coast-to-coast thanks to the historic 2010-midterm (which Obama himself called “a shellacking”) that we began to see a recovery.

Republican representatives employing proven conservative policy is what turned around the nightmare created by the Dumbocrats.
^^^ more lies as usual.

In reality, the unemployment rate was 7.8% when he became president, not 7%.

The unemployment rate never went "over" 10%. And went that high due to the recession Obama inherited.

And the recovery began in early 2010, almost a year before Republicans took their seats following the 2010 elections.

ButtPlug likes to lie a lot.
Trump claims manufacturing hit a 60-year-high.
No son, the left-wing propaganda is that Trump “claims” decades long high in manufacturing. The reality is, we actually hit decades long highs in manufacturing. Facts Matter.
Nobody destroys jobs and economies faster than the Dumbocrats…
Nobody destroys jobs and economies faster than the Dumbocrats…
You're fucking deranged, ButtPlug...

Carter ............ +10 million
Reagan .......... +16 million
Bush ................ +3 million

Clinton ........... +23 million
Bush ................ +1 million
Obama ........... +12 million
Trump .............. -3 million
Biden ............... +5 million

Republicans ... +17 million
Democrats ..... +50 million

That’s simply not true. It’s pure propaganda. But that’s what we’ve come to expect from the left.

Barack Obama took office with a super-majority in Congress and an unemployment rate of 7% and change. He and the Dumbocrats took it to over 10%. Those are the facts and they are indisputable.

It wasn’t until the Republicans took over the entire nation coast-to-coast thanks to the historic 2010-midterm (which Obama himself called “a shellacking”) that we began to see a recovery.

Republican representatives employing proven conservative policy is what turned around the nightmare created by the Dumbocrats.
Simply FOS, as usual.
100% facts that cannot be disputed (which is why you couldn't and didn't). Obama took office with 7% and change unemployment and with total Dumbocrat control, they drove that up over 10%. There was no "recovery" until Republican's controlled almost everything coast-to-coast.
and now the opposite. dems back in control. things going to shit in a hurry.
100% facts that cannot be disputed (which is why you couldn't and didn't). Obama took office with 7% and change unemployment and with total Dumbocrat control, they drove that up over 10%. There was no "recovery" until Republican's controlled almost everything coast-to-coast.
You're lying again, Buttplug.

The BLS shows Obama inherited 7.8% unemployment and they show it was never over 10% while Obama was president. In fact, they show the only time their monthly statistics indicate the unemployment rate was over 10% was when Reagan was president and then again while Twice impeached Trump was president...

BLS: Unemployment Rate

The BLS also shows the start of the 10 year period of growth started early in Obama's second year in office, about a year before Republicans took control of "almost everything"...

BLS: Total Jobs

As usual, Buttplug is lying through his keyboard again.
and now the opposite. dems back in control. things going to shit in a hurry.
Yep! It literally never fails. Dumbocrats run the United States into the ground, people panic and turn to conservatives to bail them out. Once everything is going great again, they go back to Dumbocrats who promise paradise and deliver hell.
Yep! It literally never fails. Dumbocrats run the United States into the ground, people panic and turn to conservatives to bail them out. Once everything is going great again, they go back to Dumbocrats who promise paradise and deliver hell.

Even Trump knows you're a flaming imbecile, Buttplug...

Wherever the ignorant and failed left-wing ideology is employed, Venezuela/Cuba/etc. soon follows. This is America, and we can’t even keep a basic NICU operational once the Dumbocrats were in charge. Unfuckingbelievable.
Wherever the ignorant and failed left-wing ideology is employed, Venezuela/Cuba/etc. soon follows. This is America, and we can’t even keep a basic NICU operational once the Dumbocrats were in charge. Unfuckingbelievable.
I guess we should add “and corruption of the Biden Administration”. Left-leaning watchdog has filed a complaint against ⁦‪Jen Psaki‬⁩ for violating federal law…
I guess we should add “and corruption of the Biden Administration”. Left-leaning watchdog has filed a complaint against ⁦‪Jen Psaki‬⁩ for violating federal law…
You complained about these violations too, right, Buttplug?


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