The interest on the debt reaches 1 trillion.

ADP shows Trump rode Obama's coat tails, then Trump's economy Lost Jobs since 2018!!! Way more than a year (16 months) before Trump's April, 2020 Covid shutdown.
Yeah right of course that's what they said.... What actually happened is that the stupid minimum wage laws enacted in various areas of the country eliminated over half a million jobs right in that exact time period. Not that they should have been called jobs in the first place.
Can we cut the crap.

Our nation is 35 trillion in debt.

That’s 35,000 billions!

What’s the damn answer?

Fighting amongst ourselves?
Can we cut the crap.

Our nation is 35 trillion in debt.

That’s 35,000 billions!

What’s the damn answer?

Fighting amongst ourselves?
Cut welfare and get rid of non-essential government employees. Then when those people have to work, then they would help contribute to the tax revenues, without paying lazy liberal scum to sit on their ass, thus the debt would go down.
A trillion, here. A trillion, there.

Pretty soon we’re talking’ some real money.

And yeah. That’s just the debt service number.

The solution is clear. Not easy. But clear.

Stop spending all that fucking money. Pass a damn balanced budget. Cut the fuckin’ pork. Pay down as much of the current interest on the debt as possible in each budget bill. Then, require that the next thing that has to be paid first (after the interest pay down) is the principal debt.

Only then should Congress determine how much money is needed to pay for what’s actually required: like infrastructure and military and governmental salaries, etc.

Once they know how much is needed, then but only then determine the taxation levels. Best keep it low, since taxpayers are sick and tired of being fucked over by the federal gubmint. In short, budget within our actual means only.
Even more profound is the fact that dollar erosion has made employment almost irrelevant. Sure people are dedicating 40 hours a week to a place but the real question is why can't they afford housing, food and bills?

So if the government is allowed to play games with the word inflation... constantly changing the definition of it to protect their economic narrative., we should be able to change the definition of what a job is.

If it's not enough to pay the bills and support yourself and your family then it should not be called a job and should not be included in the employment numbers.
That is an interesting suggestion, really. But then again, there will be a range for manipulation concerning what is 'enough' and what 'support' should mean in this context.
There is a false hope by Republicans that Trump will end inflation.

That's not happening.

If you look at Reagan's election in 1980 it didn't make it immediately got worse. Sure it dropped afterwards but the Government spending was out of control too.

The Governments biggest recurring expense is Social security....but the special expenditures is where it gets really funky.

When Trump talks about raising tariffs it not a joke....he is going to raise those up as high as he thinks he can get away with. Then weaken the dollar at the same time making all imported good much more expensive. This is ALL electronics like appliances, gadgets, computers, cell phones and etc. Cars and trucks are only a small part.

Imported fruits, vegetables, medicine and etc are all going to double in price.

Just saying....and corporate America is going to keep your wages down at the same time. Notice your health insurance premiums lately? They doubled. Not gonna get fixed soon.
How about if they sell drugs, steal cars, or kidnap kids for the pedos, are they in the workforce?
I like the paradox that your question creates. There's a lot to see in that one question. Obviously those who have made millions this way are not a drag on society financially even if they are in every other way.
One could draw some parallels here that might be very difficult to argue away from a moral standpoint. Sell Drugs? Big Pharma comes to mind. The difference is they have the consent of Leviathan. Steal Cars?
Banks come to mind when the repossess regardless of the persona l circumstance people are facing. Pedos? Teacher's unions exposing kids to half dressed drag queens comes to mind.

The dirty democrats in America gave billions and billions and billions of American tax-payer dollars to Ukraine for absolutely no valid reason other than theft. It could be that they are trying to steal enough American dollars to hide in Ukraine so Obama can become the president of Ukraine since let's just be real... Obama is the one stealing America's money. Just like he stole a truck load of money while president and sent it to Iran. Majority of America's debt is stolen money by the democrats.

U.S. paid $1.3 billion to Iran two days after cash delivery​

August 24, 2016 / 2:32 PM EDT / AP

The Obama administration said Wednesday it paid $1.3 billion in interest to Iran in January to resolve a decades-old dispute over an undelivered military sale, two days after allowing $400 million in cash to fly to Tehran.
That was relevant. lol
I blame the ignorant public for letting the media bull shit them into enabling both so called parties in continuing this theft of earnings and destruction of spirit.
Well, the post I responded to is just an illustration that some people, both D and R, simply believe the party line. Leadership does require taking unpopular stances and even losing elections. We have two parties that have no leaders willing to do that
Being inclined towards fiscal responsibility I used to be greatly concerned about debt. I have grown children and care about their future. Mine is a lone voice in the wilderness.
So, I have decided to punt. Fuck it. Let it all burn, I’ll bring hot dogs and the makings for s’mores.
This is the poison fruit of manufactured inflation, endless wars, and buying political support. This is just for the privilege of borrowing money from the bankers, not the principal which also goes up. It's why we can't have nice things because debt is slavery, only nicer. U.S. Debt Interest Payments Reach $1 Trillion


The solution is clear. Not easy. But clear.

Deporting illegals and also a lot of Democrat insurrectionists, yes. That will take care of at least 160 million drains on the infrastructure and reduce demands for electricity, housing, water, food, roads, medical care, etc.
The right wing hates any wages that aren't far below subsistence levels, then they pompously babble about the lack of savings n stuff and promote gambling on over-priced stocks as the way to wealth and happiness, everybody should focus on trading Apple stock to each other as 'prosperity and productivity', or real estate bubbles, then cry and blame Democrats when all the assorted pyramid schemes and Ponzi swindles crash, as they always do. But they all line up for the bailouts and hide behind the bankruptcy laws, of course. The left wing is made up of dingbats with their own versions of the same mentality, only they favor all sorts of mass murders, racism, looting rampages, and sexual degeneracy thrown in for fun and grins.

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