"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Neil is fascinating here. No so much for what he discusses or addresses that may be unknown to people, but in how he strings disparate things together. Whats truly interesting to me is how here he soon addresses the religious culture wars -- the religious right in America and how it mirrors what we see in the fall of Islamic/Arabic wonders.
And the Sack of Baghdad. What was that about? Do people really know? Do they care?
video: 2:26
A thousand years ago the intellectual center of the world was Baghdad. Baghdad. Europe was busy disemboweling Heretics at the time. Baghdad was open to all thought at the time, between AD 800 and 1100 around there. If you look at the advances that unfolded in that period in that location, it includes the invention of algebra. Algebra is an Arabic word. Algorithm is an Arabic word. Two thirds of the stars in the night sky that have names, have Arabic names. How does that happen just what where did the naming rights come from?
And the Sack of Baghdad. What was that about? Do people really know? Do they care?
video: 2:26
A thousand years ago the intellectual center of the world was Baghdad. Baghdad. Europe was busy disemboweling Heretics at the time. Baghdad was open to all thought at the time, between AD 800 and 1100 around there. If you look at the advances that unfolded in that period in that location, it includes the invention of algebra. Algebra is an Arabic word. Algorithm is an Arabic word. Two thirds of the stars in the night sky that have names, have Arabic names. How does that happen just what where did the naming rights come from?