The Iran Nuclear Deal Is ***The Law of the Land***

Are you trying to say that the United States is bound to obey and adhere to everything the UN does, up to and including their superseding our Congress?
Are you trying to say the supreme law of the land is not the supreme law of the land as given in the Constitution?
Nice dodge. I see you fear answering the question.

Our Charter with the UN does NOT turn us into a vassal state of the UN.

The US is bound to the UN Charter as the supreme law of the land. Can you not comprehend your own Constitution?
We are bound by our Constitution.............not the UN
The UN Charter is a treaty, according to the constitution we are bound by it.
The Iran executive agreement is NOT BINDING.
Is this deal a treaty?
It's an agreement made pursuant to the ratification of the UN Charter.
Okay so it’s not the law of the land...thank you.

And we both know your answer is BS, the only reason you’re not calling a treaty a treaty is because doing so we would’ve never seen this treaty pass, even with a dem majority. In what ways is it not a treaty?
The treaty that went into effect when congress ratified it and which gave Obama the authority to enter into the Iran agreement was the UN Charter. It is US law as stipulated by the constitution.
It was an executive agreement.......Was not properly voted in as a treaty. Requires 2/3rds..................Didn't happen.

So...........NOT A TREATY
The UN Charter?
This is America.........we are ruled by our laws and Constitution..........NOT FOREIGN COUNTRIES.........we are not bound......
All the US has to do is assert it believes Iran is not in compliance for the process of reimposing the UN sanctions.
No, the US has to refer a case of non compliance to the joint commission for resolution.
True, that's part of the process it has to go through before getting to the UN, but all it has to do there is assert it believes Iran has been in noncompliance and the process moves on from there. The US doesn't have to prove anything to anyone, it just has to allow the other members of JCPOA the opportunity to try to persuade it not to leave.
The US has to make the necessary claims for non compliance. Anxiously awaiting.
Why? Iran violating the spirit of the deal. There you go.
Okay, that's about what I might expect. Anxiously awaiting.
Why? As far as the process goes, it makes no difference what the US complaint is.
No, the US has to refer a case of non compliance to the joint commission for resolution.
True, that's part of the process it has to go through before getting to the UN, but all it has to do there is assert it believes Iran has been in noncompliance and the process moves on from there. The US doesn't have to prove anything to anyone, it just has to allow the other members of JCPOA the opportunity to try to persuade it not to leave.
The US has to make the necessary claims for non compliance. Anxiously awaiting.
Why? Iran violating the spirit of the deal. There you go.
Okay, that's about what I might expect. Anxiously awaiting.
Why? As far as the process goes, it makes no difference what the US complaint is.
If you say so.
It was allowed by PURE RINO STUPIDITY..............

Not ratified, but the Dems suckered idiots into a position where they must Vote to DISSAPROVE IT..........Insane...........

They TWISTED the Constitution to get this lame deal. The way it was voted on was a COMPLETE JOKE.

How The Iran Vote Is Engineered To Pass

Here's how it works. Instead of voting on whether to approve the Iran deal, Congress votes on whether to disapprove.

If they disapprove, the president can veto their disapproval. And under the normal rules, it would take two-thirds of the House and the Senate to override the veto. That makes all the difference.

We asked NPR editor Ron Elving how this changes the number of votes the president's side needs.

"If it were normal legislation and not a treaty, you would need 60 to shut off debate and then 51 to prevail," he said. For a treaty, 67 votes would be needed.
True, that's part of the process it has to go through before getting to the UN, but all it has to do there is assert it believes Iran has been in noncompliance and the process moves on from there. The US doesn't have to prove anything to anyone, it just has to allow the other members of JCPOA the opportunity to try to persuade it not to leave.
The US has to make the necessary claims for non compliance. Anxiously awaiting.
Why? Iran violating the spirit of the deal. There you go.
Okay, that's about what I might expect. Anxiously awaiting.
Why? As far as the process goes, it makes no difference what the US complaint is.
If you say so.

It doesn't. The Constitution was written the way it was written so that no one person could unilaterally bind us to anything like that. It CLEARLY stipulates that ALL "treaties" must be ratified. The ratification on the UN Charter in no way abrogates the Constitutional obligation to ratify ALL treaties in the same way.
It's an agreement made pursuant to the ratification of the UN Charter.
Okay so it’s not the law of the land...thank you.

And we both know your answer is BS, the only reason you’re not calling a treaty a treaty is because doing so we would’ve never seen this treaty pass, even with a dem majority. In what ways is it not a treaty?
The treaty that went into effect when congress ratified it and which gave Obama the authority to enter into the Iran agreement was the UN Charter. It is US law as stipulated by the constitution.
It was an executive agreement.......Was not properly voted in as a treaty. Requires 2/3rds..................Didn't happen.

So...........NOT A TREATY
The UN Charter?
This is America.........we are ruled by our laws and Constitution..........NOT FOREIGN COUNTRIES.........we are not bound......


The ONLY reason DJT wants the Iran Deal invalidated is because ISRAEL, a FOREIGN COUNTRY, wants to nullify the same.

The JCPOA is not a treaty. Technically, it isn't even an executive agreement. However, all the parties concerned treat it as an executive agreement.

Therefore, not "the law of the land". Whoever wrote that article is an idiot.

Resolution 2231 (2015)


Diplomatic efforts to reach a comprehensive, long-term and proper solution to the Iranian nuclear issue culminated in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) concluded on 14 July 2015 by China, France, Germany, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, the United States, the High Representative of the European Union (the E3/EU+3) and the Islamic Republic of Iran.

On 20 July 2015, the Security Council unanimously adopted resolution 2231 (2015) endorsing the JCPOA. The Security Council affirmed that conclusion of the JCPOA marked a fundamental shift in its consideration of the Iranian nuclear issue, expressed its desire to build a new relationship with Iran strengthened by the implementation of the JCPOA and to bring to a satisfactory conclusion its consideration of this matter.

Cool, so where is/was this agreement in federal law?

Asked and answered
Okay so it’s not the law of the land...thank you.

And we both know your answer is BS, the only reason you’re not calling a treaty a treaty is because doing so we would’ve never seen this treaty pass, even with a dem majority. In what ways is it not a treaty?
The treaty that went into effect when congress ratified it and which gave Obama the authority to enter into the Iran agreement was the UN Charter. It is US law as stipulated by the constitution.
It was an executive agreement.......Was not properly voted in as a treaty. Requires 2/3rds..................Didn't happen.

So...........NOT A TREATY
The UN Charter?
This is America.........we are ruled by our laws and Constitution..........NOT FOREIGN COUNTRIES.........we are not bound......


The ONLY reason DJT wants the Iran Deal invalidated is because ISRAEL, a FOREIGN COUNTRY, wants to nullify the same.

It's BS because you say so..................really..............

We are a Sovereign Nation.............we will determine our position on this......don't care if you like it or not.

Guess you skipped my information down memory lane...............How the Dems changed a VOTE TO a vote to BLOCK........

The treaty that went into effect when congress ratified it and which gave Obama the authority to enter into the Iran agreement was the UN Charter. It is US law as stipulated by the constitution.
It was an executive agreement.......Was not properly voted in as a treaty. Requires 2/3rds..................Didn't happen.

So...........NOT A TREATY
The UN Charter?
This is America.........we are ruled by our laws and Constitution..........NOT FOREIGN COUNTRIES.........we are not bound......


The ONLY reason DJT wants the Iran Deal invalidated is because ISRAEL, a FOREIGN COUNTRY, wants to nullify the same.

It's BS because you say so..................really..............

We are a Sovereign Nation.............we will determine our position on this......don't care if you like it or not.

Guess you skipped my information down memory lane...............How the Dems changed a VOTE TO a vote to BLOCK........


In the past you have proclaimed to be a ZIONIST FIRSTER -

Americans should do what's best for OUR country - not yours.

It was an executive agreement.......Was not properly voted in as a treaty. Requires 2/3rds..................Didn't happen.

So...........NOT A TREATY
The UN Charter?
This is America.........we are ruled by our laws and Constitution..........NOT FOREIGN COUNTRIES.........we are not bound......


The ONLY reason DJT wants the Iran Deal invalidated is because ISRAEL, a FOREIGN COUNTRY, wants to nullify the same.

It's BS because you say so..................really..............

We are a Sovereign Nation.............we will determine our position on this......don't care if you like it or not.

Guess you skipped my information down memory lane...............How the Dems changed a VOTE TO a vote to BLOCK........


In the past you have proclaimed to be a ZIONIST FIRSTER -

Americans should do what's best for OUR country - not yours.

Tell the Iranian assholes in Syria to go back home..........They are over a 1000 miles from their home..........

You try to make it sound like it's the Israeli's fault that the dumb asses are on the border with them............

You might have a point if it was Israel on the border with Iran..........but they are not.

Everyone knows why they are stir the dang pot.
The UN Charter?
This is America.........we are ruled by our laws and Constitution..........NOT FOREIGN COUNTRIES.........we are not bound......


The ONLY reason DJT wants the Iran Deal invalidated is because ISRAEL, a FOREIGN COUNTRY, wants to nullify the same.

It's BS because you say so..................really..............

We are a Sovereign Nation.............we will determine our position on this......don't care if you like it or not.

Guess you skipped my information down memory lane...............How the Dems changed a VOTE TO a vote to BLOCK........


In the past you have proclaimed to be a ZIONIST FIRSTER -

Americans should do what's best for OUR country - not yours.

Tell the Iranian assholes in Syria to go back home..........They are over a 1000 miles from their home..........

You try to make it sound like it's the Israeli's fault that the dumb asses are on the border with them............

You might have a point if it was Israel on the border with Iran..........but they are not.

Everyone knows why they are stir the dang pot.

The Iranians know that US warmongers, neocrazies and Likudnicks promised Netanyahu in 1996 that they were going to destroy Syria for Israel. They have been in Syria since 2008 attempting to do just that .

The Iranians know that Trump , an Israel Firster , has loaded up the Administration with Bolton, Pompeo and other criminal scumbags.

Syria has the absolute right to invite the Iranians and the Russians into their country.

The only foreign forces that are there UNINVITED FOMENTING TROUBLE is the US,

This is America.........we are ruled by our laws and Constitution..........NOT FOREIGN COUNTRIES.........we are not bound......


The ONLY reason DJT wants the Iran Deal invalidated is because ISRAEL, a FOREIGN COUNTRY, wants to nullify the same.

It's BS because you say so..................really..............

We are a Sovereign Nation.............we will determine our position on this......don't care if you like it or not.

Guess you skipped my information down memory lane...............How the Dems changed a VOTE TO a vote to BLOCK........


In the past you have proclaimed to be a ZIONIST FIRSTER -

Americans should do what's best for OUR country - not yours.

Tell the Iranian assholes in Syria to go back home..........They are over a 1000 miles from their home..........

You try to make it sound like it's the Israeli's fault that the dumb asses are on the border with them............

You might have a point if it was Israel on the border with Iran..........but they are not.

Everyone knows why they are stir the dang pot.

The Iranians know that US warmongers, neocrazies and Likudnicks promised Netanyahu in 1996 that they were going to destroy Syria for Israel. They have been in Syria since 2008 attempting to do just that .

The Iranians know that Trump , an Israel Firster , has loaded up the Administration with Bolton, Pompeo and other criminal scumbags.

Syria has the absolute right to invite the Iranians and the Russians into their country.

The only foreign forces that are there UNINVITED FOMENTING TROUBLE is the US,

The Iranians marched to the Golan Heights border.............They invited this.
Don't you have any curiosity how the United States became the military and economic power of the world while you live on a few islands with a little over 1% of our population?
It's infrastructure survived WW2 and it had taken all Britain's gold.
True, that's part of the process it has to go through before getting to the UN, but all it has to do there is assert it believes Iran has been in noncompliance and the process moves on from there. The US doesn't have to prove anything to anyone, it just has to allow the other members of JCPOA the opportunity to try to persuade it not to leave.
The US has to make the necessary claims for non compliance. Anxiously awaiting.
Why? Iran violating the spirit of the deal. There you go.
Okay, that's about what I might expect. Anxiously awaiting.
Why? As far as the process goes, it makes no difference what the US complaint is.
If you say so.
No, as far as JCPOA says.
cnm, he knows everything about everything and HE says your site doesn't address your point. ;) Hell, that settles it for me.
No, I said it doesn't say what he claims. I also said you suffer from reading incomprehension, which you again demonstrate, like a good West Virginian.
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Don't you have any curiosity how the United States became the military and economic power of the world while you live on a few islands with a little over 1% of our population?
It's infrastructure survived WW2 and it had taken all Britain's gold.

Yes, that's all it takes. I'd say you're observant. But wow, you're not ...
Okay so it’s not the law of the land...thank you.

And we both know your answer is BS, the only reason you’re not calling a treaty a treaty is because doing so we would’ve never seen this treaty pass, even with a dem majority. In what ways is it not a treaty?
The treaty that went into effect when congress ratified it and which gave Obama the authority to enter into the Iran agreement was the UN Charter. It is US law as stipulated by the constitution.
It was an executive agreement.......Was not properly voted in as a treaty. Requires 2/3rds..................Didn't happen.

So...........NOT A TREATY
The UN Charter?
This is America.........we are ruled by our laws and Constitution..........NOT FOREIGN COUNTRIES.........we are not bound......


The ONLY reason DJT wants the Iran Deal invalidated is because ISRAEL, a FOREIGN COUNTRY, wants to nullify the same.

The deal didn’t do anything but give Iran more money. It barred inspectors from going into the actual places where nukes would be developed, and allowed them to continue their ICBM program. Even with all that, Iran still didn’t uphold their end of the bargain, and no, letting inspectors into civilian sites does not count as them “complying”. Again this deal is like a serial killer letting the cops search his house after they unfreeze his assets, while barring them from searching the blood stained freezer in the garage, and him telling them he’s going to still stalk women in a clown suit...and he still left a severed hand on the ground in the living room that the police found. Is anyone really surprised by Iran?

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