The Iran Nuclear Deal Pullout Explained

Despite all the bleating of the sheeple at the behest of their masters, President Trump's decision to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal makes perfect sense. (Please avoid cutting and pasting here for your response.)

This Presidential Agreement was deeply flawed from its inception, due to the following:
1. It sanctioned the eventual development of Iranian nuclear weapons;
2. It failed to address the development of delivery systems for these weapons;
3. It failed to provide for adequate verification of compliance with its terms;
4. It involved bribery payments to Iran and other secret protocols; and
5. It deliberately circumvented Constitutional ratification requirements.

As such, it represented nothing more than a disastrous policy blunder by the previous administration which could (and should) be reversed by the new administration. The fact that other parties were signatories to this agreement is not an excuse to compromise the security interests of the United States or its allies.

In a larger context, this decision strengthens President Trump's hand in dealing with North Korea and other adversaries by letting them know that the U.S. will not be bound by the mistakes and fecklessness of previous administrations. This means that none of our options will be taken off the table unless and until an acceptable and verifiable resolution of all relevant issues is obtained. (What a refreshing idea!)

Even with Iranian regime, this lets them know that there is a nonnegotiable "red line" that they will never be allowed to develop nuclear weapons with which they can threaten their neighbors. (This is another well deserved repudiation of the previous administration's policy of appeasement and "leading from behind.")

The Iran Nuclear Deal was nothing more than a repetition of the disastrous agreements with North Korea which allowed it to become a nuclear threat to the world. Thank God we are finally standing up to these rogue regimes.
So now what? How does pulling out and reimposing sanctions alone, without all the other countries who were involved in the sanctions before, do anything to increase the safety of the world from Iran getting nuclear weapons? Seems there must be a Step #2 in mind. What is it?

well leaving the deal changes nothing, which means the deal was shit to begin with.
As for the next step, people now know we dont duck around and will come up with a much better option, one that can pass congress.
"A much better option?" "One that can pass Congress?" Sounds like you think Iran will enter into a separate bilateral agreement with the US alone, promising to have no nukes and stop using ballistic missiles or supporting terrorist organizations. Or saying they hate America and Israel.
What it sounds like to me is either nonsense altogether, or a prelude to war.

lets call it bullshit with war wings ..
What is this, the Schizophrenia Forum? The exact same pressure that has brought North Korea to the bargaining table will do (and previously did) the same thing for Iran. Only this time we won't have apologists negotiating on our behalf.
Some food for thought...

Despite all the bleating of the sheeple at the behest of their masters, President Trump's decision to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal makes perfect sense. (Please avoid cutting and pasting here for your response.)

This Presidential Agreement was deeply flawed from its inception, due to the following:
1. It sanctioned the eventual development of Iranian nuclear weapons;
2. It failed to address the development of delivery systems for these weapons;
3. It failed to provide for adequate verification of compliance with its terms;
4. It involved bribery payments to Iran and other secret protocols; and
5. It deliberately circumvented Constitutional ratification requirements.

As such, it represented nothing more than a disastrous policy blunder by the previous administration which could (and should) be reversed by the new administration. The fact that other parties were signatories to this agreement is not an excuse to compromise the security interests of the United States or its allies.

In a larger context, this decision strengthens President Trump's hand in dealing with North Korea and other adversaries by letting them know that the U.S. will not be bound by the mistakes and fecklessness of previous administrations. This means that none of our options will be taken off the table unless and until an acceptable and verifiable resolution of all relevant issues is obtained. (What a refreshing idea!)

Even with Iranian regime, this lets them know that there is a nonnegotiable "red line" that they will never be allowed to develop nuclear weapons with which they can threaten their neighbors. (This is another well deserved repudiation of the previous administration's policy of appeasement and "leading from behind.")

The Iran Nuclear Deal was nothing more than a repetition of the disastrous agreements with North Korea which allowed it to become a nuclear threat to the world. Thank God we are finally standing up to these rogue regimes.

well woodhead, you failed to mention one really small detail - the Iran deal Obama made kept Iran from further nuclear development.

of course RW idiots fail to mention details more often than not when they kill their inane rant.

Walking away from the Iran deal was just giving into Israel and the Saudis wish to push regime change, and Trump got his goal of undoing something Obama did.

IF Iran thinks Israel or the Saudis pose an imminent regime threat, they might complete a nuclear device for self defense, but Iran does not benefit from any nuclear arms race in the ME. So, it falls on the EU Russia and China to keep regime change from happening to Iran.

And oddly the EU and Russia may find common ground on regime change.

(rolling my eyes) You are ignorant of Islam.
Despite all the bleating of the sheeple at the behest of their masters, President Trump's decision to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal makes perfect sense. (Please avoid cutting and pasting here for your response.)

This Presidential Agreement was deeply flawed from its inception, due to the following:
1. It sanctioned the eventual development of Iranian nuclear weapons;
2. It failed to address the development of delivery systems for these weapons;
3. It failed to provide for adequate verification of compliance with its terms;
4. It involved bribery payments to Iran and other secret protocols; and
5. It deliberately circumvented Constitutional ratification requirements.

As such, it represented nothing more than a disastrous policy blunder by the previous administration which could (and should) be reversed by the new administration. The fact that other parties were signatories to this agreement is not an excuse to compromise the security interests of the United States or its allies.

In a larger context, this decision strengthens President Trump's hand in dealing with North Korea and other adversaries by letting them know that the U.S. will not be bound by the mistakes and fecklessness of previous administrations. This means that none of our options will be taken off the table unless and until an acceptable and verifiable resolution of all relevant issues is obtained. (What a refreshing idea!)

Even with Iranian regime, this lets them know that there is a nonnegotiable "red line" that they will never be allowed to develop nuclear weapons with which they can threaten their neighbors. (This is another well deserved repudiation of the previous administration's policy of appeasement and "leading from behind.")

The Iran Nuclear Deal was nothing more than a repetition of the disastrous agreements with North Korea which allowed it to become a nuclear threat to the world. Thank God we are finally standing up to these rogue regimes.

well woodhead, you failed to mention one really small detail - the Iran deal Obama made kept Iran from further nuclear development.

of course RW idiots fail to mention details more often than not when they kill their inane rant.

Walking away from the Iran deal was just giving into Israel and the Saudis wish to push regime change, and Trump got his goal of undoing something Obama did.

IF Iran thinks Israel or the Saudis pose an imminent regime threat, they might complete a nuclear device for self defense, but Iran does not benefit from any nuclear arms race in the ME. So, it falls on the EU Russia and China to keep regime change from happening to Iran.

And oddly the EU and Russia may find common ground on regime change.

(rolling my eyes) You are ignorant of Islam.
I think some fucking muslims from SA attacked us, genius
Despite all the bleating of the sheeple at the behest of their masters, President Trump's decision to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal makes perfect sense. (Please avoid cutting and pasting here for your response.)

This Presidential Agreement was deeply flawed from its inception, due to the following:
1. It sanctioned the eventual development of Iranian nuclear weapons;
2. It failed to address the development of delivery systems for these weapons;
3. It failed to provide for adequate verification of compliance with its terms;
4. It involved bribery payments to Iran and other secret protocols; and
5. It deliberately circumvented Constitutional ratification requirements.

As such, it represented nothing more than a disastrous policy blunder by the previous administration which could (and should) be reversed by the new administration. The fact that other parties were signatories to this agreement is not an excuse to compromise the security interests of the United States or its allies.

In a larger context, this decision strengthens President Trump's hand in dealing with North Korea and other adversaries by letting them know that the U.S. will not be bound by the mistakes and fecklessness of previous administrations. This means that none of our options will be taken off the table unless and until an acceptable and verifiable resolution of all relevant issues is obtained. (What a refreshing idea!)

Even with Iranian regime, this lets them know that there is a nonnegotiable "red line" that they will never be allowed to develop nuclear weapons with which they can threaten their neighbors. (This is another well deserved repudiation of the previous administration's policy of appeasement and "leading from behind.")

The Iran Nuclear Deal was nothing more than a repetition of the disastrous agreements with North Korea which allowed it to become a nuclear threat to the world. Thank God we are finally standing up to these rogue regimes.

well woodhead, you failed to mention one really small detail - the Iran deal Obama made kept Iran from further nuclear development.

of course RW idiots fail to mention details more often than not when they kill their inane rant.

Walking away from the Iran deal was just giving into Israel and the Saudis wish to push regime change, and Trump got his goal of undoing something Obama did.

IF Iran thinks Israel or the Saudis pose an imminent regime threat, they might complete a nuclear device for self defense, but Iran does not benefit from any nuclear arms race in the ME. So, it falls on the EU Russia and China to keep regime change from happening to Iran.

And oddly the EU and Russia may find common ground on regime change.

(rolling my eyes) You are ignorant of Islam.
I think some fucking muslims from SA attacked us, genius

I don't give a shit what you think, I'm telling you that you don't know shit about Islam, specifically Shia.
What is this, the Schizophrenia Forum? The exact same pressure that has brought North Korea to the bargaining table will do (and previously did) the same thing for Iran. Only this time we won't have apologists negotiating on our behalf.
Really? You think China, Russia and Europe will all slap super punitive sanctions back on Iran for following the JCPOA deal? Are you dreaming?
Really? You think China, Russia and Europe will all slap super punitive sanctions back on Iran for following the JCPOA deal? Are you dreaming?

Which of these countries values trade with Iran over trade with the U.S.?
Despite all the bleating of the sheeple at the behest of their masters, President Trump's decision to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal makes perfect sense. (Please avoid cutting and pasting here for your response.)

This Presidential Agreement was deeply flawed from its inception, due to the following:
1. It sanctioned the eventual development of Iranian nuclear weapons;
2. It failed to address the development of delivery systems for these weapons;
3. It failed to provide for adequate verification of compliance with its terms;
4. It involved bribery payments to Iran and other secret protocols; and
5. It deliberately circumvented Constitutional ratification requirements.

As such, it represented nothing more than a disastrous policy blunder by the previous administration which could (and should) be reversed by the new administration. The fact that other parties were signatories to this agreement is not an excuse to compromise the security interests of the United States or its allies.

In a larger context, this decision strengthens President Trump's hand in dealing with North Korea and other adversaries by letting them know that the U.S. will not be bound by the mistakes and fecklessness of previous administrations. This means that none of our options will be taken off the table unless and until an acceptable and verifiable resolution of all relevant issues is obtained. (What a refreshing idea!)

Even with Iranian regime, this lets them know that there is a nonnegotiable "red line" that they will never be allowed to develop nuclear weapons with which they can threaten their neighbors. (This is another well deserved repudiation of the previous administration's policy of appeasement and "leading from behind.")

The Iran Nuclear Deal was nothing more than a repetition of the disastrous agreements with North Korea which allowed it to become a nuclear threat to the world. Thank God we are finally standing up to these rogue regimes.

The people who disagree with Trump are far more than sheeple. They include James Mattis who is Secretary of Defense. Also gen James Dunford of the JCS says the agreement has not been breached by Iran. It does not make any sense. The only reason that Trump withdrew is because Obama negotiated it.
1. It does nothing to prevent the west from re-installing sanctions if it is necessary.
2. Their ballistic missile technology cannot reach the US nor were they testing any that can. Another trump lie.
3. none of our intelligence agencies agree with trump. There is no evidence they were out of compliance. Another lie.
4. The money that was returned was the Iranians' money not the US.
5. It was written as a executive agreement which does not violate the Constitution

The allies disagree. They do not see it as a compromise of security. Nor does Gen Mattis or the chairman of the JCS.

Actually In has partially limited Trump's options with North Korea by reaching out to the South Korean President. It is much more difficult for Trump to take military action against North Korea.

The agreement did prevent Iran from building a bomb. None of our intelligence agencies support Trump or your assertion.
Despite all the bleating of the sheeple at the behest of their masters, President Trump's decision to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal makes perfect sense. (Please avoid cutting and pasting here for your response.)

This Presidential Agreement was deeply flawed from its inception, due to the following:
1. It sanctioned the eventual development of Iranian nuclear weapons;
2. It failed to address the development of delivery systems for these weapons;
3. It failed to provide for adequate verification of compliance with its terms;
4. It involved bribery payments to Iran and other secret protocols; and
5. It deliberately circumvented Constitutional ratification requirements.

As such, it represented nothing more than a disastrous policy blunder by the previous administration which could (and should) be reversed by the new administration. The fact that other parties were signatories to this agreement is not an excuse to compromise the security interests of the United States or its allies.

In a larger context, this decision strengthens President Trump's hand in dealing with North Korea and other adversaries by letting them know that the U.S. will not be bound by the mistakes and fecklessness of previous administrations. This means that none of our options will be taken off the table unless and until an acceptable and verifiable resolution of all relevant issues is obtained. (What a refreshing idea!)

Even with Iranian regime, this lets them know that there is a nonnegotiable "red line" that they will never be allowed to develop nuclear weapons with which they can threaten their neighbors. (This is another well deserved repudiation of the previous administration's policy of appeasement and "leading from behind.")

The Iran Nuclear Deal was nothing more than a repetition of the disastrous agreements with North Korea which allowed it to become a nuclear threat to the world. Thank God we are finally standing up to these rogue regimes.

well woodhead, you failed to mention one really small detail - the Iran deal Obama made kept Iran from further nuclear development.

of course RW idiots fail to mention details more often than not when they kill their inane rant.


what???? you think they gave up nukes, you are naive. how do uh ou argue with someone that has so little knowledge.......
What is this, the Schizophrenia Forum? The exact same pressure that has brought North Korea to the bargaining table will do (and previously did) the same thing for Iran. Only this time we won't have apologists negotiating on our behalf.
Obama was no example of great leadership, though he is certainly a good person. That the agreement was less than it could have been is no doubt true. Walking away from it gains nothing positive, however. In fact, it is counter productive to U.S. interests.
Egoism is no substitute for solid diplomacy.
Obama was no example of great leadership, though he is certainly a good person. That the agreement was less than it could have been is no doubt true. Walking away from it gains nothing positive, however. In fact, it is counter productive to U.S. interests.
Egoism is no substitute for solid diplomacy.

Again, my problem here is that we tried this with North Korea in the 1990s. Clinton had the exact same basic idea for a deal with NK, with the exact same promise that NK would not be a nuclear threat.

Instead, we ended up with the most dangerous situation possible, with everyone in that area becoming armed and tensions running high.

Since this deal with Iran, the situation in the middle east has already deteriorated even without Iran becoming a nuclear military power, specifically because we gave them tons of cash, which they have used to fund terrorist groups destabilizing the middle east.

The people on the left keep asking, what do we gain from leaving the deal.

I'm still trying to figure out what we ever gained from being in it? Was the gain to avoid them from becoming a nuclear power? Because I see absolutely no evidence from Tehran, that they had given up their nuclear ambitions.

Even so, what is the win? To keep Iran contained? Because they have grown more influential since the deal, and likely because of the deal.

To prevent them from destabilizing the middle east? Clearly the middle east is destabilized.

So my answer is simple. To all those asking what the win is from leaving this deal, is that it now opens up regional powers to take action. Under the deal, if anyone else were to strike at Iran, the results would be that they would come under fire because the US, and the EU, had a deal with Iran.

Now without the protection of a deal, the Saudis or the Israelis, or anyone else threatened by Iran, could preemptively find and wipe out Iran's nuclear sites when they are discovered, without international condemnation for violating an international deal.

Under this deal, they were forced to sit by idle, while Iran secretly continued plans to build nuclear bombs.
What basis is there for this gross over generalization that anyone who didn't cheer for unilateral withdrawal from the accord with Iran is 'leftist'?
Many rational people are not 'left' or 'right', as if those terms meant anything anymore since they have been so overly misused.
Obama was no example of great leadership, though he is certainly a good person. That the agreement was less than it could have been is no doubt true. Walking away from it gains nothing positive, however. In fact, it is counter productive to U.S. interests.
Egoism is no substitute for solid diplomacy.

Again, my problem here is that we tried this with North Korea in the 1990s. Clinton had the exact same basic idea for a deal with NK, with the exact same promise that NK would not be a nuclear threat.

Instead, we ended up with the most dangerous situation possible, with everyone in that area becoming armed and tensions running high.

Since this deal with Iran, the situation in the middle east has already deteriorated even without Iran becoming a nuclear military power, specifically because we gave them tons of cash, which they have used to fund terrorist groups destabilizing the middle east.

The people on the left keep asking, what do we gain from leaving the deal.

I'm still trying to figure out what we ever gained from being in it? Was the gain to avoid them from becoming a nuclear power? Because I see absolutely no evidence from Tehran, that they had given up their nuclear ambitions.

Even so, what is the win? To keep Iran contained? Because they have grown more influential since the deal, and likely because of the deal.

To prevent them from destabilizing the middle east? Clearly the middle east is destabilized.

So my answer is simple. To all those asking what the win is from leaving this deal, is that it now opens up regional powers to take action. Under the deal, if anyone else were to strike at Iran, the results would be that they would come under fire because the US, and the EU, had a deal with Iran.

Now without the protection of a deal, the Saudis or the Israelis, or anyone else threatened by Iran, could preemptively find and wipe out Iran's nuclear sites when they are discovered, without international condemnation for violating an international deal.

Under this deal, they were forced to sit by idle, while Iran secretly continued plans to build nuclear bombs.

Iran has a right just like Israel to deveolope nukes. What would happen if Iran fires up its nuclear arms program is a ME arms race. And Russia and China will be sending AA missiles to Tehran.

PS, but my guess is Tehran will live with the agreement as France Russia and China construe it. And not much will happen.

However, neither Russia nor China want anything to do with international inspections
Obama was no example of great leadership, though he is certainly a good person.

Off topic, but why do you think he is a good person? Because he's not Trump?
Someone once said, "Why do you call me good? Only God is good".
We use good as a common term and it is, of course, relative to how the speaker uses it, intends it.
As a family man who provides well for his family and who has succeeded in life despite many obstacles, he looks above average, a 'good' person.
Not having voted for him, and disagreeing fundamentally with the current U.S. political process, I have nothing to say here about his political performance. That would, additionally, be off topic.
Getting this post back on topic, the former President's efforts that led to an agreement was still a big step forward at the time in regards to America having contact with and exchanging ideas with Iran.
America's allies believed this was America's policy, they believed America. They now see this development as evidence that belief was misplaced. That is a fact, and that fact does not contribute to America's situation globally.

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