The Iran Nuclear Deal Pullout Explained

America's allies believed this was America's policy, they believed America. They now see this development as evidence that belief was misplaced. That is a fact, and that fact does not contribute to America's situation globally.

This sounds a lot like invading Iraq. Did we lose credibility by pulling out?
That's a curious comparison. No country and certainly not Iraq wanted us there. Leaving was no t such a good thing. But the Iran Nuclear Deal was supported by about everyone outside of Israel, which imo said something not so good about them.

Have any of you ever taken a course in (or otherwise been exposed to) logical reasoning?
It was his right to opt-out. That was part of the deal. Was it a good decision? I guess time will tell.
It was his right to opt-out. That was part of the deal. Was it a good decision? I guess time will tell.
Obama negotiated his own personal deal, one between Iran and HIMSELF, as he had no Constitutional Authority to negotiate such a deal on behalf of the United States or the in-coming President.

Obama by-passed Congress to negotiate his deal, and by-passed Congress when he ran to the U.N. to get it ratified by the U.N., thinking once it was ratified by the U.N. with his signature on it the United States would be bound to it. (And Obama considered himself a 'Constitutional Scholar'?! Bwuhahahaha....)

Again, not having any authority to negotiate such a deal on behalf of the United States neither the deal or the ratified deal were binding to the U.S.

The Obama-Mullah Iran Nuclear Deal was as much a 'binding treaty' for the U.S. as Obama's own 'edict' made 'The Dream' act NEVER passed by Congress a 'Law'. Being un-Constitutional, neither meant anything.

'Time will tell'?

Before Obama completed negotiations with Iran on his 'deal' we knew Iran was already violating the TEMPORARY rules put in place until the permanent agreements inside their 'deal' were agreed upon and the 'deal' signed. They were already breaking rules showing they would never adhere to the ones in the final document....

...and now we know the lying traitor Obama was giving them - Iran, the leading exporter / producers of terrorist and instability n the Middle East - access to the US Financial system.

Obama was busted, like he was so many times during his 8 years in office, aiding and abetting his 'buddies' - terrorists and enemies of this country.

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