The Iron Wall: A Jewish Majority in Palestine


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
"Colonisation carries its own explanation, the only possible explanation, unalterable and as clear as daylight to every ordinary Jew and every ordinary Arab.

"Colonisation can have only one aim, and Palestine Arabs cannot accept this aim.
It lies in the very nature of things, and in this particular regard nature cannot be changed.

"The Iron Wall

"We cannot offer any adequate compensation to the Palestinian Arabs in return for Palestine. And therefore, there is no likelihood of any voluntary agreement being reached. So that all those who regard such an agreement as a condition sine qua non for Zionism may as well say 'non' and withdraw from Zionism.

"Zionist colonisation must either stop, or else proceed regardless of the native population.

"Which means that it can proceed and develop only under the protection of a power that is independent of the native population – behind an iron wall, which the native population cannot breach."

That Iron Wall was exactly what the Balfour Declaration, the British Mandate, and UN Resolution 181 were all about, imperial power projecting a Jewish majority into Palestine, and in 1948 650,000 Jews paid it off by inflicting an ethnocracy on a majority of the human beings living between the River and the sea.

"The Iron Wall" by Ze'ev (Vladimir Jabotinsky
"Colonisation carries its own explanation, the only possible explanation, unalterable and as clear as daylight to every ordinary Jew and every ordinary Arab.

"Colonisation can have only one aim, and Palestine Arabs cannot accept this aim.
It lies in the very nature of things, and in this particular regard nature cannot be changed.

"The Iron Wall

"We cannot offer any adequate compensation to the Palestinian Arabs in return for Palestine. And therefore, there is no likelihood of any voluntary agreement being reached. So that all those who regard such an agreement as a condition sine qua non for Zionism may as well say 'non' and withdraw from Zionism.

"Zionist colonisation must either stop, or else proceed regardless of the native population.

"Which means that it can proceed and develop only under the protection of a power that is independent of the native population – behind an iron wall, which the native population cannot breach."

That Iron Wall was exactly what the Balfour Declaration, the British Mandate, and UN Resolution 181 were all about, imperial power projecting a Jewish majority into Palestine, and in 1948 650,000 Jews paid it off by inflicting an ethnocracy on a majority of the human beings living between the River and the sea.

"The Iron Wall" by Ze'ev (Vladimir Jabotinsky
Wow, Georgie Boy, has searched and searched and found something else against Israel and Zionism. Meanwhile, Georgie Boy, will never search and search for some book against how the Arabs behaved. In fact, Georgie Boy will not even search for any rebuttals against the thoughts of the author of this book as many Israeli historians would have when the book came out.. I guess digging for stuff against the Jews, Israel and Zionism is about all we can expect from Georgie. Maybe he should stop digging for a while for stuff to use against the Israeli Jews and start reading some of these books.
Menashe Har-El -
"Colonisation carries its own explanation, the only possible explanation, unalterable and as clear as daylight to every ordinary Jew and every ordinary Arab.

"Colonisation can have only one aim, and Palestine Arabs cannot accept this aim.
It lies in the very nature of things, and in this particular regard nature cannot be changed.

"The Iron Wall

"We cannot offer any adequate compensation to the Palestinian Arabs in return for Palestine. And therefore, there is no likelihood of any voluntary agreement being reached. So that all those who regard such an agreement as a condition sine qua non for Zionism may as well say 'non' and withdraw from Zionism.

"Zionist colonisation must either stop, or else proceed regardless of the native population.

"Which means that it can proceed and develop only under the protection of a power that is independent of the native population – behind an iron wall, which the native population cannot breach."

That Iron Wall was exactly what the Balfour Declaration, the British Mandate, and UN Resolution 181 were all about, imperial power projecting a Jewish majority into Palestine, and in 1948 650,000 Jews paid it off by inflicting an ethnocracy on a majority of the human beings living between the River and the sea.

"The Iron Wall" by Ze'ev (Vladimir Jabotinsky

Have you ever heard the term "Might makes right?" Israel has the might. The arabs don't have the gonads to do anything about it. When they do, start a thread and we'll talk about it.
"Colonisation carries its own explanation, the only possible explanation, unalterable and as clear as daylight to every ordinary Jew and every ordinary Arab.

"Colonisation can have only one aim, and Palestine Arabs cannot accept this aim.
It lies in the very nature of things, and in this particular regard nature cannot be changed.

"The Iron Wall

"We cannot offer any adequate compensation to the Palestinian Arabs in return for Palestine. And therefore, there is no likelihood of any voluntary agreement being reached. So that all those who regard such an agreement as a condition sine qua non for Zionism may as well say 'non' and withdraw from Zionism.

"Zionist colonisation must either stop, or else proceed regardless of the native population.

"Which means that it can proceed and develop only under the protection of a power that is independent of the native population – behind an iron wall, which the native population cannot breach."

That Iron Wall was exactly what the Balfour Declaration, the British Mandate, and UN Resolution 181 were all about, imperial power projecting a Jewish majority into Palestine, and in 1948 650,000 Jews paid it off by inflicting an ethnocracy on a majority of the human beings living between the River and the sea.

"The Iron Wall" by Ze'ev (Vladimir Jabotinsky

Have you ever heard the term "Might makes right?" Israel has the might. The arabs don't have the gonads to do anything about it. When they do, start a thread and we'll talk about it.

"Article 33

"The parties to any dispute, the continuance of which is likely to endanger the maintenance of international peace and security, shall, first of all, seek a solution by negotiation, enquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or arrangements, or other peaceful means of their own choice.

"The Security Council shall, when it deems necessary, call upon the parties to settle their dispute by such means."

Israel might have had the right to murder, maim, displace, and enslave ancient Canaanites, but that right ended in 1949. When you acquire the knowledge to understand what UNSC Resolution 242 says about "might makes right" in Palestine, maybe you'll stop "thinking" like a Canaanite?
"Colonisation carries its own explanation, the only possible explanation, unalterable and as clear as daylight to every ordinary Jew and every ordinary Arab.

"Colonisation can have only one aim, and Palestine Arabs cannot accept this aim.
It lies in the very nature of things, and in this particular regard nature cannot be changed.

"The Iron Wall

"We cannot offer any adequate compensation to the Palestinian Arabs in return for Palestine. And therefore, there is no likelihood of any voluntary agreement being reached. So that all those who regard such an agreement as a condition sine qua non for Zionism may as well say 'non' and withdraw from Zionism.

"Zionist colonisation must either stop, or else proceed regardless of the native population.

"Which means that it can proceed and develop only under the protection of a power that is independent of the native population – behind an iron wall, which the native population cannot breach."

That Iron Wall was exactly what the Balfour Declaration, the British Mandate, and UN Resolution 181 were all about, imperial power projecting a Jewish majority into Palestine, and in 1948 650,000 Jews paid it off by inflicting an ethnocracy on a majority of the human beings living between the River and the sea.

"The Iron Wall" by Ze'ev (Vladimir Jabotinsky
Wow, Georgie Boy, has searched and searched and found something else against Israel and Zionism. Meanwhile, Georgie Boy, will never search and search for some book against how the Arabs behaved. In fact, Georgie Boy will not even search for any rebuttals against the thoughts of the author of this book as many Israeli historians would have when the book came out.. I guess digging for stuff against the Jews, Israel and Zionism is about all we can expect from Georgie. Maybe he should stop digging for a while for stuff to use against the Israeli Jews and start reading some of these books.
Menashe Har-El -

Your link:

"Menashe Har-El is emeritus professor of Biblical Archaeology at Tel Aviv University, a researcher of the ancient geography and history of Israel and the Middle East, and formerly a lecturer at the teachers’ seminaries of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv University, among others."

What does Har-El have to say about Zionism's adequate compensation for the colonization of Palestine?
Zionism is a fascist ideology which the racist Jews used as the foundation for their apartheid state of Israel.

It is evil to the core and is based on the teachings of their former Nazi mentors. .. :cool:
Zionism is a fascist ideology which the racist Jews used as the foundation for their apartheid state of Israel.

It is evil to the core and is based on the teachings of their former Nazi mentors. .. :cool:

"Voluntary Agreement Not Possible.

"There can be no voluntary agreement between ourselves and the Palestine Arabs. Not now, nor in the prospective future..."

"Except for those who were born blind, they realised long ago that it is utterly impossible to obtain the voluntary consent of the Palestine Arabs for converting 'Palestine' from an Arab country into a country with a Jewish majority."

"The Iron Wall" by Ze'ev (Vladimir Jabotinsky

Some of the Nazis might have been reading Jabotinsky while discussing their Final Solution.
Zionism is a fascist ideology which the racist Jews used as the foundation for their apartheid state of Israel.

It is evil to the core and is based on the teachings of their former Nazi mentors. .. :cool:

"Voluntary Agreement Not Possible.

"There can be no voluntary agreement between ourselves and the Palestine Arabs. Not now, nor in the prospective future..."

"Except for those who were born blind, they realised long ago that it is utterly impossible to obtain the voluntary consent of the Palestine Arabs for converting 'Palestine' from an Arab country into a country with a Jewish majority."

"The Iron Wall" by Ze'ev (Vladimir Jabotinsky

Some of the Nazis might have been reading Jabotinsky while discussing their Final Solution.

We are more concerned with what people are saying nowadays with regards to the peace process. Not with what was said by a person who died 75 years ago.
Zionism is a fascist ideology which the racist Jews used as the foundation for their apartheid state of Israel.

It is evil to the core and is based on the teachings of their former Nazi mentors. .. :cool:

"Voluntary Agreement Not Possible.

"There can be no voluntary agreement between ourselves and the Palestine Arabs. Not now, nor in the prospective future..."

"Except for those who were born blind, they realised long ago that it is utterly impossible to obtain the voluntary consent of the Palestine Arabs for converting 'Palestine' from an Arab country into a country with a Jewish majority."

"The Iron Wall" by Ze'ev (Vladimir Jabotinsky

Some of the Nazis might have been reading Jabotinsky while discussing their Final Solution.

We are more concerned with what people are saying nowadays with regards to the peace process. Not with what was said by a person who died 75 years ago.

Jabotinsky's conception of Zionist morality continues in Israel to this day:

"Zionism Moral and Just

"Two brief remarks:

"In the first place, if anyone objects that this point of view is immoral, I answer: It is not true: either Zionism is moral and just ,or it is immoral and unjust. But that is a question that we should have settled before we became Zionists. Actually we have settled that question, and in the affirmative.

"We hold that Zionism is moral and just. And since it is moral and just, justice must be done, no matter whether Joseph or Simon or Ivan or Achmet agree with it or not.

"There is no other morality."

"The Iron Wall" by Ze'ev (Vladimir Jabotinsky
zionists werre led by many racists likle jabotinsky.
No comment, Gardener, on how racist the Arabs can be when it actually comes to people of different races???

start a new topic about it, friendo

Why start a new thread to show how racist the Arabs are, amigo? All one has to do is read the newspapers and see, among other incidents, how the Libyans were treating the Black workers in Libya and how the Muslim President of Sudan not only is busy killed Christians but Black tribes as well. Hmm, I wonder if Gardener has contributed anything to help those unfortunate Black Muslim women who are living in tents in a refugee camp in Chad because the Arab Muslims were killing their men.
No comment, Gardener, on how racist the Arabs can be when it actually comes to people of different races???

start a new topic about it, friendo

Why start a new thread to show how racist the Arabs are, amigo? All one has to do is read the newspapers and see, among other incidents, how the Libyans were treating the Black workers in Libya and how the Muslim President of Sudan not only is busy killed Christians but Black tribes as well. Hmm, I wonder if Gardener has contributed anything to help those unfortunate Black Muslim women who are living in tents in a refugee camp in Chad because the Arab Muslims were killing their men.
"British Journalist Johann Hari, a columnist for the London Independent wrote about the sewage problem as a counterpoint to the acclaim Israel was winning internationally on the occasion of its sixtieth anniversary in April and May 2008.

"He wrote that he could not participate in the praise.

"'Whenever I try to mouth these words, a remembered smell fills my nostrils. It is the smell of shit.

"'Across the Occupied West Bank, raw untreated sewage is pumped every day out of the Jewish Settlements along large metal pipes straight into Palestinian land. From there it can enter the groundwater and the reservoirs and become a poison"".

FNOTW: Breaking Israel/Palestine Silence
start a new topic about it, friendo

Why start a new thread to show how racist the Arabs are, amigo? All one has to do is read the newspapers and see, among other incidents, how the Libyans were treating the Black workers in Libya and how the Muslim President of Sudan not only is busy killed Christians but Black tribes as well. Hmm, I wonder if Gardener has contributed anything to help those unfortunate Black Muslim women who are living in tents in a refugee camp in Chad because the Arab Muslims were killing their men.
"British Journalist Johann Hari, a columnist for the London Independent wrote about the sewage problem as a counterpoint to the acclaim Israel was winning internationally on the occasion of its sixtieth anniversary in April and May 2008.

"He wrote that he could not participate in the praise.

"'Whenever I try to mouth these words, a remembered smell fills my nostrils. It is the smell of shit.

"'Across the Occupied West Bank, raw untreated sewage is pumped every day out of the Jewish Settlements along large metal pipes straight into Palestinian land. From there it can enter the groundwater and the reservoirs and become a poison"".

FNOTW: Breaking Israel/Palestine Silence

On the contrary:

March 6, 2009 by Steven Stotsky

The Independent Refuses to Correct Flawed Column on West Bank Sewage

The Independent, a British newspaper, has firmly established its reputation over the years as a relentless critic of Israel. It has long featured Robert Fisk, whose lively writings are laced with imaginary Israeli crimes, like his bizarre claim that Israel used "a secret new uranium-based weapon" in Lebanon (later found to be baseless by a UN investigation team), and doctored quotes by Israeli leaders to impugn their motives. In recent years, the newspaper has featured another Israel basher with a similar flair and imagination — Johann Hari. Like Fisk, Hari employs flawed portrayals and doctored quotes to cultivate the theme of Israel abusing Palestinians.

A case in point is Hari's column entitled "Israel is Suppressing a Secret it Must Face" published on April 28, 2008, where he suggested that Israel is deliberately contaminating Palestinian water. He wrote that:

Across the occupied West Bank, raw untreated sewage is pumped every day out of the Jewish settlements, along large metal pipes, straight onto Palestinian land. From there, it can enter the groundwater and the reservoirs and become a poison.

In fact, published studies demonstrate that it is the Palestinians who are mainly responsible for contaminating the water. Palestinian sources are responsible for 95 percent of all untreated waste in the West Bank, yet the remaining five percent from Jewish settlements receives all of Hari's approbation.

It seems rigorous fact-checking is not part of Hari's skill set. Not only did he misrepresent the facts about untreated waste in his column, but in a subsequent article, "The loathsome smearing of Israel's critics" (May 8, 2008), which was spurred by criticisms of his column, he falsely accused CAMERA of calling him "an anti-Jewish bigot akin to Joseph Goebbels and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad....."

When CAMERA wrote a letter to The Independent requesting a correction of both the errors in his column on untreated waste and the subsequent smear, the paper's Executive Editor, Louise Hayman, stonewalled, justifying her refusal to correct factual errors by stating, "there is no legal, regulatory or ethical requirement on The Independent that every article should be balanced, or even fair." Apparently, there is also no requirement to be factually accurate.

She claimed that this was not an isolated incident by citing reports in the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz, which she described as Israel's most distinguished newspaper — a highly subjective opinion — and the BBC.

CAMERA responded to her anecdotal defense by providing unequivocal data showing that the raw sewage problem in the West Bank was overwhelmingly of Palestinian origin. Confronted with these facts, Ms. Hayman fell back upon the primacy of The Independent's political narrative which holds Israel as an illegal occupier.

In her final response to CAMERA, Ms. Hayman stated:
Johann Hari's column chose to focus on the untreated sewage emanating from the settlements he believes "there is a qualitiative difference between Israeli settlements, constructed illegally, pumping untreated sewage towards the occupied population, and a collapsing Palestinian Authority being unable to treat its own sewage partly because it exists under military occupation."

A columnist — who is clearly flagged up to readers as writing an opinionated take on the news — is perfectly within his rights to do this. The facts he offered were accurate; his opinions and choice of emphasis are his own, as any reader can see, and as they should be for an op-ed writer.

According to her logic, only Israeli settlers deserve approbation for polluting the land since, in The Independent's opinion, the settlements are illegal. And Israel's military occupation absolves the Palestinian Authority of any responsibility to provide adequate sewage treatment. Despite the billions in aid provided by foreign donors, the Palestinian Authority has made limited investment in sanitation infrastructure. Nevertheless, the Independent condemns Jewish settlements alone for the problem.

Hari Ignores the Findings of Several Environmental Studies in Order to Blame Israel

Hari's allegation that Jewish settlers are responsible for contaminating West Bank land contradicts not only the statements of Israeli regulators, but the findings of an independent environmental group, Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME), which indicates that Palestinians are the primary culprits in generating raw sewage and contaminating water supplies with untreated waste. Hari's disproportionate focus on Jewish settlements as the problem defies logic, considering the much larger Palestinian population in the West Bank.

In typical fashion, Hari selectively cited a single figure culled from a 2005 study by FoEME claiming that only six percent of Jewish settlements treated their sewage properly. What he neglected to mention, however, is that the figures were based on a survey of only about half of the existing settlements, many of which had already begun to implement treatment processes but were deemed inadequate by FoEME. The other settlements had not been evaluated. Another report by the Israeli Water Commission found 70 percent was adequately treated.

But even the critical FoEME report provides figures showing that more than three quarters of all the waste water in the West Bank is generated by Palestinians who, for the most part, employ no treatment for their waste water. On page four and in its conclusion summary, the report identifies unsanitary cesspits from uphill Palestinian villages as the source of fecal coliforms in water sources. On page five, further detail is provided, calculating that 61 percent of the Palestinian population dispose of their sewage in unlined cesspits amounting to some 46 million cubic meters of waste water. Israeli settlements produce 15 million cubic meters. A table on page six reiterates the figures and contrasts the "partial treatment" of sewage by Israeli settlements to "none or unsatisfactory" treatment by Palestinian locales. An addenda to the report states, "Sewage from most Palestinian cities and villages receives no treatment at all."

The report's conclusion states:
The Palestinian Authority has openly stated that water supply projects should take precedence over sewage projects. While sewage treatment projects are largely on hold, many infrastructure projects (particularly on water supply) have continued to move forward on the West Bank.

The Palestinian Authority has until very recently refused to accept the standards of sewage treatment upon which Israel has insisted.

No honest reading of the FoEME report could conclude that the problem lies predominately with the Jewish settlements.

More recent studies indicate a much higher water treatment rate for Israeli settlements. For example, the 2007 Monitoring Report of the Rivers of Judea and Samaria released by the environmental unit of the Nature and Parks Protection Authority gave precise figures:

94 % of Palestinian waste is untreated or improperly treated, 4.5 % is treated in Israel, 1.5 % is treated on the West Bank.

68.5 % of sewage from Israeli settlements is treated in Israel or the West Bank, 31.5 % is not properly treated.

Palestinians generate 56 million cubic feet of sewage, Jewish settlements 17.5 million cubic feet.
The Authority's September 2008 monitoring report indicates that Jewish settlements are responsible for only five percent of untreated or improperly treated wastewater, in contrast to the Palestinians who generate 95 percent.

CAMERA was able to identify the specific location Hari wrote about. It is a Palestinian town, Salfit, located near the Israeli city of Ariel. A CAMERA representative met with Ariel officials. What he learned and observed firsthand is not consistent with Hari's account. Ariel has sewage lines running southwest and west of the Western Industrial Area of Ariel. In both routes the sewage is regularly filtered and purified according to Israeli standards. CAMERA confirmed the existence of the filtering and purification facilities. The Palestinian town, Salfit, however, continues to dump untreated waste into the Shilo river — a fact confirmed by FoEME. Contrary to the accusations in Hari's story, the continuing source of untreated human waste in the water near Salfit is the Palestinian town itself.

Although the 2008 Nature and Park Authority monitoring report did state that some of Ariel's water is not properly treated, the head of Ariel's water authority emphatically denied the report and filed a letter of protest with the Director of the Environmental Unit of the Israeli government. A representative from the unit later apologized for the error and promised to have the report amended.
In CAMERA's correspondance with Executive Editor Hayman, she denied that there were any errors in Hari's piece and defended his false accusation against CAMERA by citing a CAMERA piece criticizing a prior and unrelated Hari column for "employ[ing] crude anti-Jewish themes."

Despite the persistent refusal of The Independent to adhere to any semblance of fairness, balance or factual accuracy, CAMERA persists in the onerous task of publicizing the newspaper's bias against Israel.

(With research by Tamar Sternthal.)

CAMERA: The Independent Refuses to Correct Flawed Column on West Bank Sewage
Last edited:
Why start a new thread to show how racist the Arabs are, amigo? All one has to do is read the newspapers and see, among other incidents, how the Libyans were treating the Black workers in Libya and how the Muslim President of Sudan not only is busy killed Christians but Black tribes as well. Hmm, I wonder if Gardener has contributed anything to help those unfortunate Black Muslim women who are living in tents in a refugee camp in Chad because the Arab Muslims were killing their men.
"British Journalist Johann Hari, a columnist for the London Independent wrote about the sewage problem as a counterpoint to the acclaim Israel was winning internationally on the occasion of its sixtieth anniversary in April and May 2008.

"He wrote that he could not participate in the praise.

"'Whenever I try to mouth these words, a remembered smell fills my nostrils. It is the smell of shit.

"'Across the Occupied West Bank, raw untreated sewage is pumped every day out of the Jewish Settlements along large metal pipes straight into Palestinian land. From there it can enter the groundwater and the reservoirs and become a poison"".

FNOTW: Breaking Israel/Palestine Silence

On the contrary:

March 6, 2009 by Steven Stotsky

The Independent Refuses to Correct Flawed Column on West Bank Sewage

The Independent, a British newspaper, has firmly established its reputation over the years as a relentless critic of Israel. It has long featured Robert Fisk, whose lively writings are laced with imaginary Israeli crimes, like his bizarre claim that Israel used "a secret new uranium-based weapon" in Lebanon (later found to be baseless by a UN investigation team), and doctored quotes by Israeli leaders to impugn their motives. In recent years, the newspaper has featured another Israel basher with a similar flair and imagination — Johann Hari. Like Fisk, Hari employs flawed portrayals and doctored quotes to cultivate the theme of Israel abusing Palestinians.

A case in point is Hari's column entitled "Israel is Suppressing a Secret it Must Face" published on April 28, 2008, where he suggested that Israel is deliberately contaminating Palestinian water. He wrote that:

Across the occupied West Bank, raw untreated sewage is pumped every day out of the Jewish settlements, along large metal pipes, straight onto Palestinian land. From there, it can enter the groundwater and the reservoirs and become a poison.

In fact, published studies demonstrate that it is the Palestinians who are mainly responsible for contaminating the water. Palestinian sources are responsible for 95 percent of all untreated waste in the West Bank, yet the remaining five percent from Jewish settlements receives all of Hari's approbation.

It seems rigorous fact-checking is not part of Hari's skill set. Not only did he misrepresent the facts about untreated waste in his column, but in a subsequent article, "The loathsome smearing of Israel's critics" (May 8, 2008), which was spurred by criticisms of his column, he falsely accused CAMERA of calling him "an anti-Jewish bigot akin to Joseph Goebbels and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad....."

When CAMERA wrote a letter to The Independent requesting a correction of both the errors in his column on untreated waste and the subsequent smear, the paper's Executive Editor, Louise Hayman, stonewalled, justifying her refusal to correct factual errors by stating, "there is no legal, regulatory or ethical requirement on The Independent that every article should be balanced, or even fair." Apparently, there is also no requirement to be factually accurate.

She claimed that this was not an isolated incident by citing reports in the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz, which she described as Israel's most distinguished newspaper — a highly subjective opinion — and the BBC.

CAMERA responded to her anecdotal defense by providing unequivocal data showing that the raw sewage problem in the West Bank was overwhelmingly of Palestinian origin. Confronted with these facts, Ms. Hayman fell back upon the primacy of The Independent's political narrative which holds Israel as an illegal occupier.

In her final response to CAMERA, Ms. Hayman stated:
Johann Hari's column chose to focus on the untreated sewage emanating from the settlements he believes "there is a qualitiative difference between Israeli settlements, constructed illegally, pumping untreated sewage towards the occupied population, and a collapsing Palestinian Authority being unable to treat its own sewage partly because it exists under military occupation."

A columnist — who is clearly flagged up to readers as writing an opinionated take on the news — is perfectly within his rights to do this. The facts he offered were accurate; his opinions and choice of emphasis are his own, as any reader can see, and as they should be for an op-ed writer.

According to her logic, only Israeli settlers deserve approbation for polluting the land since, in The Independent's opinion, the settlements are illegal. And Israel's military occupation absolves the Palestinian Authority of any responsibility to provide adequate sewage treatment. Despite the billions in aid provided by foreign donors, the Palestinian Authority has made limited investment in sanitation infrastructure. Nevertheless, the Independent condemns Jewish settlements alone for the problem.

Hari Ignores the Findings of Several Environmental Studies in Order to Blame Israel

Hari's allegation that Jewish settlers are responsible for contaminating West Bank land contradicts not only the statements of Israeli regulators, but the findings of an independent environmental group, Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME), which indicates that Palestinians are the primary culprits in generating raw sewage and contaminating water supplies with untreated waste. Hari's disproportionate focus on Jewish settlements as the problem defies logic, considering the much larger Palestinian population in the West Bank.

In typical fashion, Hari selectively cited a single figure culled from a 2005 study by FoEME claiming that only six percent of Jewish settlements treated their sewage properly. What he neglected to mention, however, is that the figures were based on a survey of only about half of the existing settlements, many of which had already begun to implement treatment processes but were deemed inadequate by FoEME. The other settlements had not been evaluated. Another report by the Israeli Water Commission found 70 percent was adequately treated.

But even the critical FoEME report provides figures showing that more than three quarters of all the waste water in the West Bank is generated by Palestinians who, for the most part, employ no treatment for their waste water. On page four and in its conclusion summary, the report identifies unsanitary cesspits from uphill Palestinian villages as the source of fecal coliforms in water sources. On page five, further detail is provided, calculating that 61 percent of the Palestinian population dispose of their sewage in unlined cesspits amounting to some 46 million cubic meters of waste water. Israeli settlements produce 15 million cubic meters. A table on page six reiterates the figures and contrasts the "partial treatment" of sewage by Israeli settlements to "none or unsatisfactory" treatment by Palestinian locales. An addenda to the report states, "Sewage from most Palestinian cities and villages receives no treatment at all."

The report's conclusion states:
The Palestinian Authority has openly stated that water supply projects should take precedence over sewage projects. While sewage treatment projects are largely on hold, many infrastructure projects (particularly on water supply) have continued to move forward on the West Bank.

The Palestinian Authority has until very recently refused to accept the standards of sewage treatment upon which Israel has insisted.

No honest reading of the FoEME report could conclude that the problem lies predominately with the Jewish settlements.

More recent studies indicate a much higher water treatment rate for Israeli settlements. For example, the 2007 Monitoring Report of the Rivers of Judea and Samaria released by the environmental unit of the Nature and Parks Protection Authority gave precise figures:

94 % of Palestinian waste is untreated or improperly treated, 4.5 % is treated in Israel, 1.5 % is treated on the West Bank.

68.5 % of sewage from Israeli settlements is treated in Israel or the West Bank, 31.5 % is not properly treated.

Palestinians generate 56 million cubic feet of sewage, Jewish settlements 17.5 million cubic feet.
The Authority's September 2008 monitoring report indicates that Jewish settlements are responsible for only five percent of untreated or improperly treated wastewater, in contrast to the Palestinians who generate 95 percent.

CAMERA was able to identify the specific location Hari wrote about. It is a Palestinian town, Salfit, located near the Israeli city of Ariel. A CAMERA representative met with Ariel officials. What he learned and observed firsthand is not consistent with Hari's account. Ariel has sewage lines running southwest and west of the Western Industrial Area of Ariel. In both routes the sewage is regularly filtered and purified according to Israeli standards. CAMERA confirmed the existence of the filtering and purification facilities. The Palestinian town, Salfit, however, continues to dump untreated waste into the Shilo river — a fact confirmed by FoEME. Contrary to the accusations in Hari's story, the continuing source of untreated human waste in the water near Salfit is the Palestinian town itself.

Although the 2008 Nature and Park Authority monitoring report did state that some of Ariel's water is not properly treated, the head of Ariel's water authority emphatically denied the report and filed a letter of protest with the Director of the Environmental Unit of the Israeli government. A representative from the unit later apologized for the error and promised to have the report amended.
In CAMERA's correspondance with Executive Editor Hayman, she denied that there were any errors in Hari's piece and defended his false accusation against CAMERA by citing a CAMERA piece criticizing a prior and unrelated Hari column for "employ[ing] crude anti-Jewish themes."

Despite the persistent refusal of The Independent to adhere to any semblance of fairness, balance or factual accuracy, CAMERA persists in the onerous task of publicizing the newspaper's bias against Israel.

(With research by Tamar Sternthal.)

CAMERA: The Independent Refuses to Correct Flawed Column on West Bank Sewage

Your link:

"In fact, published studies demonstrate that it is the Palestinians who are mainly responsible for contaminating the water. Palestinian sources are responsible for 95 percent of all untreated waste in the West Bank, yet the remaining five percent from Jewish settlements receives all of Hari's approbation."

What percentage of Palestinian sewage is flowing uphill. contaminating the soil and water of illegal Jewish squatters?

If it's true that indigenous sources are responsible for 95% of untreated waste on the West Bank (and you haven't established that fact) maybe illegal Jews from Poland and Russia should stop stealing all the hilltops between the River and the sea?

Surely you've noticed such problems didn't exist prior to 650,000 Jews inflicting an ethnocracy on 1.2 million non-Jews in 1948 Mandate Palestine?
How did Muslims and Christians living in Palestine at the beginning of the European invasion view Zionist Apirations?

"Any attempt at the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine, unless under the bayonets of one of the powers of the League of Nations, would undoubtedly end in a 'pogrom,' to escape from which in Europe is the Jew's main idea in coming to Syria.

"This hostility to the Jews is a bond of union between the Arab Moslems and the Christians, and nowhere in the East do these two denominations live in greater harmony, despite the traditional enmity between the Crescent and the Cross. (The Moslem-Christian Association was formed in 1918, with headquarters in Jaffa, to fight the policy of the Zionist Commission.)

"It will be seen that, to fulfill their aspirations, the Zionists must obtain the armed assistance of one of the European powers, presumably Great Britain, or of the United States of America.

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07
How did Muslims and Christians living in Palestine at the beginning of the European invasion view Zionist Apirations?

"Any attempt at the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine, unless under the bayonets of one of the powers of the League of Nations, would undoubtedly end in a 'pogrom,' to escape from which in Europe is the Jew's main idea in coming to Syria.

"This hostility to the Jews is a bond of union between the Arab Moslems and the Christians, and nowhere in the East do these two denominations live in greater harmony, despite the traditional enmity between the Crescent and the Cross. (The Moslem-Christian Association was formed in 1918, with headquarters in Jaffa, to fight the policy of the Zionist Commission.)

"It will be seen that, to fulfill their aspirations, the Zionists must obtain the armed assistance of one of the European powers, presumably Great Britain, or of the United States of America.

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07
Does anyone really think that Georgie Boy is interested in the Christians being killed in Muslim countries? So, Georgie Boy, while you are trying to drag us back in time, look what is happening to Christians nowadays. Do you see the same thing happening in Israel?

Egypt: Security forces abandon Coptic Christians during deadly attack in Luxor | Amnesty International
How did Muslims and Christians living in Palestine at the beginning of the European invasion view Zionist Apirations?

"Any attempt at the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine, unless under the bayonets of one of the powers of the League of Nations, would undoubtedly end in a 'pogrom,' to escape from which in Europe is the Jew's main idea in coming to Syria.

"This hostility to the Jews is a bond of union between the Arab Moslems and the Christians, and nowhere in the East do these two denominations live in greater harmony, despite the traditional enmity between the Crescent and the Cross. (The Moslem-Christian Association was formed in 1918, with headquarters in Jaffa, to fight the policy of the Zionist Commission.)

"It will be seen that, to fulfill their aspirations, the Zionists must obtain the armed assistance of one of the European powers, presumably Great Britain, or of the United States of America.

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07
Does anyone really think that Georgie Boy is interested in the Christians being killed in Muslim countries? So, Georgie Boy, while you are trying to drag us back in time, look what is happening to Christians nowadays. Do you see the same thing happening in Israel?

Egypt: Security forces abandon Coptic Christians during deadly attack in Luxor | Amnesty International
Your link:
"'I kissed the police officer’s hands and legs and begged him to protect my two sons and take them out… he completely ignored me and said he would only take women and children…. I buried my two sons in one day,' she said."
I see where Egyptian and Israeli security forces get many of their weapons, do you?
Do you ever wonder how many Vietnamese mothers buried their sons on account of your "Christian family values?"
No one who reads your tripe believes you value anything except blind dogmatic loyalty to the greatest purveyor of violence on this planet.
How did Muslims and Christians living in Palestine at the beginning of the European invasion view Zionist Apirations?

"Any attempt at the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine, unless under the bayonets of one of the powers of the League of Nations, would undoubtedly end in a 'pogrom,' to escape from which in Europe is the Jew's main idea in coming to Syria.

"This hostility to the Jews is a bond of union between the Arab Moslems and the Christians, and nowhere in the East do these two denominations live in greater harmony, despite the traditional enmity between the Crescent and the Cross. (The Moslem-Christian Association was formed in 1918, with headquarters in Jaffa, to fight the policy of the Zionist Commission.)

"It will be seen that, to fulfill their aspirations, the Zionists must obtain the armed assistance of one of the European powers, presumably Great Britain, or of the United States of America.

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07
Does anyone really think that Georgie Boy is interested in the Christians being killed in Muslim countries? So, Georgie Boy, while you are trying to drag us back in time, look what is happening to Christians nowadays. Do you see the same thing happening in Israel?

Egypt: Security forces abandon Coptic Christians during deadly attack in Luxor | Amnesty International
Your link:
"'I kissed the police officer’s hands and legs and begged him to protect my two sons and take them out… he completely ignored me and said he would only take women and children…. I buried my two sons in one day,' she said."
I see where Egyptian and Israeli security forces get many of their weapons, do you?
Do you ever wonder how many Vietnamese mothers buried their sons on account of your "Christian family values?"
No one who reads your tripe believes you value anything except blind dogmatic loyalty to the greatest purveyor of violence on this planet.
I guess you must feel this forum is so important that you got up so early when most Southern Californians are still asleep unless they have jobs to go to so that you can get an early start in posting your tripe. Meanwhile, I don't think you worry about how many Copts are harassed or killed, nor do you care about what is going on in the rest of the Middle East and elsewhere when people are being murdered for their religious beliefs. If the Jews are not involved, your eyes are closed. Naturally, Georgie Boy had to segue into Vietnam once again as he does ad nauseam. Did you read in your local paper just a couple of days ago how one of the Vietnamese from Southern California went back on a visit and was imprisoned for months? I doubt if you would have any compassion for this man. Meanwhile, go over to some freeway, stick out your thumb, and perhaps someone will take you down to Orange County where you can speak to the Vietnamese in Little Saigon.

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