The Irony Of A Muslim Invasion Of Europe


Diamond Member
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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Europe is feeling the same as America these days. We've been invaded for decades by people coming through our porous Southern borders, and now Europe is getting a taste of what it's like. Now Europe knows what it's like to have to take care of the rest of the world's poor.

But this isn't just's too similar to the situation we have been subjected to for so long. Why is this happening now, and who is responsible for it?

November 2, 2015
Muslim migration and our incurious press
By Greg Richards

Fences are going up all over Eastern Europe. This is ironic, since we in America know that fences don’t work. That is agreed to by both the Democrats and Republicans, with the exception of Donald Trump. As with all rules, there is an exception. For us it is the White House. There, unwanted people are kept out by a fence and those who get over it are ejected. But we are to draw no conclusions from that.

The Europeans are being contrary, and in their ignorance, they are putting up fences to keep unwanted people out. But who are these unwanted people? There are so many of them that nobody seems able to identify exactly who they are. Allegedly, they are refugees from the war in Syria, but non-Syrians have been identified among them.

Where did these hordes come from and how did they get to Europe? Isn’t it amazing that in this interconnected world, where everybody with a smartphone can take not only pictures but videos and upload them instantaneously to the Web, that the provenance of the migrants is an unexplored mystery?

Let’s just take the logic of the situation for a second. To get from Asia to Europe, you have to cross a body of water, unless you are going to walk around the Black Sea, and nobody has suggested that the migrants are doing that.

Let’s assume that the migrants are not crossing at the Bosporus, because if they were, they would be going through Istanbul, and we would have heard about that. Lord Byron swam across the Hellespont, also known as the Dardanelles. But they are almost a mile wide at the narrowest point and the water flows through them with a current of about five miles an hour. You have to be a very strong swimmer to get across that way and what about the gear you are carrying with you?

So, the migrants are crossing a body of water in boats. Where? How many boats? Who is running the boats, since they have to go back and forth? Who is supplying the fuel, i.e., who is paying for the use of the boats? Where did they come from?

Here is a typical journey taken off the Web:



A June 14: Aleppo, Syria

C Izmir, Turkey

E July 24: Mytiline, Lesbos

Six weeks to get from Syria to a Greek island in the Aegean.

G Athens, Greece

I Thessaloniki, Greece

K Macedonia

M Serbia

O Belgrade, Serbia

Q Subotica, Serbia

S Kanjiza, Serbia

U Horgoš, Serbia

W Hungary

Y Győr, Hungary

a Austria

c August 4: Munich, Germany

Two weeks to get from the Asian side of the Adriatic to Munich.

e Hamburg, Germany

Eight weeks, or two months, to get from Aleppo, Syria to Hamburg, Germany.

Whew! A long way! Just getting across Turkey is 600 miles. Then they have to get across the Adriatic and another 600 miles to Hungary. Further to get to Germany.

This works out to walking 20 miles a day. What do they live on? They can’t carry that many supplies, so they have to be available on the route. From whom? Who pays?

What are the conditions they are fleeing and where are those conditions occurring? The migrants are overwhelmingly young men. Are they cowards? What about their families left behind in conditions allegedly so hideous that they are forcing the migrants to migrate? Are their families being left to the mercy of a merciless foe? Their wives? Their babies? Their aged parents? I.e., what is the real motivation of the migrants?

How was this route established? Who suggested they use it? How much money does it take for a migrant to make a transit? If it is free, who is supplying the resources?

Shouldn’t Europe block this migration at its source, or at some early point along the trek or by blocking the resources supporting it?

We are seeing churches in Germany converted into refuges for the refugees. That makes good press, but it is a consequence of the story.

Blog: Muslim migration and our incurious press
It is all about big unlimited government.

Government here and in Europe is allowing it. Big government knows it needs lots of ignorant people to survive and thrive...and lots of dissension and crime.
Notice how the topics liberals support but can't defend keeps em away like a cross to a liberal.......or vampire.

No difference. They both suck the life out of their victims.
Oh, thought you meant it's ironic for how Europe invade Muslim lands with the Crusades, and in modern times redrew world maps creating countries like Iraq displacing millions of Muslims. :)
Europe is feeling the same as America these days. We've been invaded for decades by people coming through our porous Southern borders, and now Europe is getting a taste of what it's like. Now Europe knows what it's like to have to take care of the rest of the world's poor.

But this isn't just's too similar to the situation we have been subjected to for so long. Why is this happening now, and who is responsible for it?

November 2, 2015
Muslim migration and our incurious press
By Greg Richards

Fences are going up all over Eastern Europe. This is ironic, since we in America know that fences don’t work. That is agreed to by both the Democrats and Republicans, with the exception of Donald Trump. As with all rules, there is an exception. For us it is the White House. There, unwanted people are kept out by a fence and those who get over it are ejected. But we are to draw no conclusions from that.

The Europeans are being contrary, and in their ignorance, they are putting up fences to keep unwanted people out. But who are these unwanted people? There are so many of them that nobody seems able to identify exactly who they are. Allegedly, they are refugees from the war in Syria, but non-Syrians have been identified among them.

Where did these hordes come from and how did they get to Europe? Isn’t it amazing that in this interconnected world, where everybody with a smartphone can take not only pictures but videos and upload them instantaneously to the Web, that the provenance of the migrants is an unexplored mystery?

Let’s just take the logic of the situation for a second. To get from Asia to Europe, you have to cross a body of water, unless you are going to walk around the Black Sea, and nobody has suggested that the migrants are doing that.

Let’s assume that the migrants are not crossing at the Bosporus, because if they were, they would be going through Istanbul, and we would have heard about that. Lord Byron swam across the Hellespont, also known as the Dardanelles. But they are almost a mile wide at the narrowest point and the water flows through them with a current of about five miles an hour. You have to be a very strong swimmer to get across that way and what about the gear you are carrying with you?

So, the migrants are crossing a body of water in boats. Where? How many boats? Who is running the boats, since they have to go back and forth? Who is supplying the fuel, i.e., who is paying for the use of the boats? Where did they come from?

Here is a typical journey taken off the Web:



A June 14: Aleppo, Syria

C Izmir, Turkey

E July 24: Mytiline, Lesbos

Six weeks to get from Syria to a Greek island in the Aegean.

G Athens, Greece

I Thessaloniki, Greece

K Macedonia

M Serbia

O Belgrade, Serbia

Q Subotica, Serbia

S Kanjiza, Serbia

U Horgoš, Serbia

W Hungary

Y Győr, Hungary

a Austria

c August 4: Munich, Germany

Two weeks to get from the Asian side of the Adriatic to Munich.

e Hamburg, Germany

Eight weeks, or two months, to get from Aleppo, Syria to Hamburg, Germany.

Whew! A long way! Just getting across Turkey is 600 miles. Then they have to get across the Adriatic and another 600 miles to Hungary. Further to get to Germany.

This works out to walking 20 miles a day. What do they live on? They can’t carry that many supplies, so they have to be available on the route. From whom? Who pays?

What are the conditions they are fleeing and where are those conditions occurring? The migrants are overwhelmingly young men. Are they cowards? What about their families left behind in conditions allegedly so hideous that they are forcing the migrants to migrate? Are their families being left to the mercy of a merciless foe? Their wives? Their babies? Their aged parents? I.e., what is the real motivation of the migrants?

How was this route established? Who suggested they use it? How much money does it take for a migrant to make a transit? If it is free, who is supplying the resources?

Shouldn’t Europe block this migration at its source, or at some early point along the trek or by blocking the resources supporting it?

We are seeing churches in Germany converted into refuges for the refugees. That makes good press, but it is a consequence of the story.

Blog: Muslim migration and our incurious press

they won't take food from the red cross but will take shelter in a church with a big cross on te top of the building and crosses on the wall?

certainly we know of boats leaving Syria and ending up in Greece and Italy, but not all the "refugees" are from Syria.

If Islam is what they are running from, why don't the masses of people take action against them instead of running to Europe where they are cold, don't speak the language, have no work or housing and won't eat much of the food? The cost of the refugees to Europe and the cost to the refugees would have been better served to assassinating the heads of the Islamic radicals than running from them. The people would know the area and could direct and aid snippers and assassins. This is a dirty fight and normal rules of engagement don't work.
The muslims around the world have to stand up against those corrupting the quran and teach the world the other side of Islam. Fatwas and excommunication of all the radical fundamentalist should be issued globally. Explain why they will not be getting rivers of wine and a haram of virgins when they die in the cause of fundimentalists and jihadists.
If they value there souls they will take a course of peace and tolerance, not become suicide martyrs.

This is not just a European or refugee problem, it is an Islamic problem and the solution should come from true muslims not from terrorists. Muslims hae to step forward and lead the community as a whole away from violence and become global citizens that can live together wilth those of the book and those with other faiths and even those of no faith. Many muslims have to problems with the west, but these fighting groups are making is harder for good muslims to be trusted and accepted.

Muslims must take responsibility for Islam and set a standard and explanation of the quran and hadiths goal if peace, not war. Time for a muslim reformation where all people have a right to their own faiths and to coexist with those of different faiths and cultures peacefully. Lessons the Christians would do well to do as well.

We don't have to be at war with Islam, just those who misuse Islam for violence.
Oh, thought you meant it's ironic for how Europe invade Muslim lands with the Crusades, and in modern times redrew world maps creating countries like Iraq displacing millions of Muslims. :)
Looking backwards instead of forward?

You must think all problems can be solved by bringing up ancient grievances.
Oh, thought you meant it's ironic for how Europe invade Muslim lands with the Crusades, and in modern times redrew world maps creating countries like Iraq displacing millions of Muslims. :)
You of course have your history wrong, due to leftist brainwashing.

The Crusades were an effort by Christians to stop the mass murder of Christians in the Holy Land. I don't suppose you will ever learn the truth...sadly.

One would think after all the horrific acts committed by Muslims in just the last few years, you would stop with that ignorance.
Notice how the topics liberals support but can't defend keeps em away like a cross to a liberal.......or vampire.

No difference. They both suck the life out of their victims.

I don't have a problem with our friends south of the border. They're far less trouble to us then the human tidal waves of third-world Arab Muslim shithole people are to Europe.
Notice how the topics liberals support but can't defend keeps em away like a cross to a liberal.......or vampire.

No difference. They both suck the life out of their victims.

I don't have a problem with our friends south of the border. They're far less trouble to us then the human tidal waves of third-world Arab Muslim shithole people are to Europe.
To the Democrats they're the same.

When Muslims arrive in Livorno, Italy at the port this is what they see. Muslim Barbary pirates in chains.

Social Democracy has only worked in countries where nearly everyone is white. I am confident it would work with Orientals. Non Asian minorities game the system.

When the War on Poverty made welfare benefits more generous and easier to qualify for, hundreds of thousands, perhaps several million, of blacks in the United States quit their low income jobs and went on welfare. Whites are less likely to behave that way.

White liberals are too civilized for their own good. They think everyone is as civilized as they are, or would be with the right environment. They have difficulty understanding the mentalities of individuals and races who are less evolved than they are.

Third world people move to first world countries to escape the dysfunctions of their own societies. They bring their dysfunctions with them. They are attracted to first world standards of living. When they get to first world countries most discover that they lack the intelligence to earn first world standards of living. At this point many respond with crime, riots, and terrorism.
When Muslims arrive in Livorno, Italy at the port this is what they see. Muslim Barbary pirates in chains.


Yeah? So? The Barbary pirates ranged far and wide enslaving all they came across. They even raided and enslaved Icelanders. So, a Barbary pirate in chains is nothing compared to what they did to those they enslaved.
When Muslims arrive in Livorno, Italy at the port this is what they see. Muslim Barbary pirates in chains.


Yeah? So? The Barbary pirates ranged far and wide enslaving all they came across. They even raided and enslaved Icelanders. So, a Barbary pirate in chains is nothing compared to what they did to those they enslaved.
That is the truth, but does not fit the anti-Western template.
When Muslims arrive in Livorno, Italy at the port this is what they see. Muslim Barbary pirates in chains.


Yeah? So? The Barbary pirates ranged far and wide enslaving all they came across. They even raided and enslaved Icelanders. So, a Barbary pirate in chains is nothing compared to what they did to those they enslaved.
That is the truth, but does not fit the anti-Western template.

It continues to amaze me that so called thinking people will point to a statue and use that as an excuse for barbarous behavior that occurs today and compound their stupidity by not bothering to figure out the context of that statue.
"The Irony Of A Muslim Invasion Of Europe"

The ridiculous lies from the right continue.

There is no 'Muslim invasion' of Europe, the notion is ignorant idiocy.


There is no Muslim invasion of Europe???

Where have you been? under a mushroom? don't you read the news? don't you see what is happening to that poor continent???

You mad?? :cuckoo:

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