The IRS is SUPPOSED to identify political groups and deny them tax exemptions


Mar 6, 2013
Of course they were looking for partisan groups - including partisan Tea Party groups - to deny them tex exempt status - that is part of their job!
let's see...irs apologized, obama said americans should be angry and that he is angry, people have resigned or lost their jobs

but loony liberals like you pretend nothing bad happened
let's see...irs apologized, obama said americans should be angry and that he is angry, people have resigned or lost their jobs

but loony liberals like you pretend nothing bad happened

Nothing ILLEGAL happened - the worst that happened was we allowed yahoo con men like you to claim some law was broken. In fact the IRS is charged with identifying partisan groups like the tea Parties so they DON'T get tax exempt status
oh gawd, more of this bs..

If they had been liberal groups they would of exploded this board with their ranting of how unfair..but since it's the Tea Party targeted, they could give a shit less
let's see...irs apologized, obama said americans should be angry and that he is angry, people have resigned or lost their jobs

but loony liberals like you pretend nothing bad happened

Nothing ILLEGAL happened - the worst that happened was we allowed yahoo con men like you to claim some law was broken. In fact the IRS is charged with identifying partisan groups like the tea Parties so they DON'T get tax exempt status

so why did the irs apologize, why did obama say he was angry and why have people resigned or lost their jobs?

btw...they are not allowed to SINGLE out specific groups over other groups and that is what they did. they is a violation of civil liberties.

but go on defending what even obama won't defend.
I accept Obaama's apology - he did allow you con men a full months hot air after all. It was the appearance he allowed you to distort that he apologized for - It IS the job of the IRS to determine whether an organization is partisan. and many tea Pary chapters are certainly that:
Staying Nonpartisan: 501(c)(3) Guidelines | Stay Nonpartisan | Find Resources

The next step is for Obama to go after sitting senators and reps of the opposition. Then he will be Chavez. ;)
I accept Obaama's apology - he did allow you con men a full months hot air after all. It was the appearance he allowed you to distort that he apologized for - It IS the job of the IRS to determine whether an organization is partisan. and many tea Pary chapters are certainly that:
Staying Nonpartisan: 501(c)(3) Guidelines | Stay Nonpartisan | Find Resources

The next step is for Obama to go after sitting senators and reps of the opposition. Then he will be Chavez. ;)

If the senators apply as 501 c for tax exempt status they would be denied - just as some partisan tea party groups were denied tax exempt status. cry me a river!
Thats the law - if you think it shouldn't be followed for the tea party only tough noogins!

In identifying LIKELY partisan groups some low level functionary got the notion to search using phrases like tea party. The rest is a tempest in a tea pot!
I accept Obaama's apology - he did allow you con men a full months hot air after all. It was the appearance he allowed you to distort that he apologized for - It IS the job of the IRS to determine whether an organization is partisan. and many tea Pary chapters are certainly that:
Staying Nonpartisan: 501(c)(3) Guidelines | Stay Nonpartisan | Find Resources

The next step is for Obama to go after sitting senators and reps of the opposition. Then he will be Chavez. ;)


Is this picture real? If so then I may not be off the mark.:eek:
I accept Obaama's apology - he did allow you con men a full months hot air after all. It was the appearance he allowed you to distort that he apologized for - It IS the job of the IRS to determine whether an organization is partisan. and many tea Pary chapters are certainly that:
Staying Nonpartisan: 501(c)(3) Guidelines | Stay Nonpartisan | Find Resources

i did not say obama apologized, i said the IRS themselves apologized for their actions.

and again:

they are not allowed to SINGLE out specific groups over other groups and that is what they did. that is a violation of civil liberties.

you can deny, deny, deny....but the party in question, IRS, has apologized. you just look silly defending them. here is obama on the matter:

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: First, we're going to hold the responsible parties accountable.

Yesterday, I directed Secretary Lew to follow up on the I.G. audit to see how this happened and who was responsible and to make sure that we understand all the facts. Today, Secretary Lew took the first step by requesting and accepting the resignation of the acting commissioner of the IRS, because, given the controversy surrounding this audit, it's important to institute new leadership that can help restore confidence going forward.

Second, we're going to put in place new safeguards to make sure this kind of behavior cannot happen again.

Obama Announces IRS Resignation, Promises Safeguards and Oversight Cooperation | PBS NewsHour | May 15, 2013 | PBS

so we see...the resignation was forced and obama admits there was wrongdoing and it should not happen again. libs like you really look silly defending this.
Of course they were looking for partisan groups - including partisan Tea Party groups - to deny them tex exempt status - that is part of their job!

Are ACORN and NAACP tax exempt? They make no bones about which party they support. They have been far more active than the tea party and around much longer.

Obama even promised ACORN workers that they would play a key role in his administration.

As for the tea parties, they want smaller government and lower taxes. If the left says they are partisan, then it's clear that Dems want larger government and higher taxes.
Of course they were looking for partisan groups - including partisan Tea Party groups - to deny them tex exempt status - that is part of their job!

Are ACORN and NAACP tax exempt? They make no bones about which party they support. They have been far more active than the tea party and around much longer.

Obama even promised ACORN workers that they would play a key role in his administration.

As for the tea parties, they want smaller government and lower taxes. If the left says they are partisan, then it's clear that Dems want larger government and higher taxes.

Actually, I think you'll find that neither ACORN nor the NAACP have ever "endorsed" any specific candidate or party - which is the only restriction that 501c3s are under in terms of political issues.

It's also irrelevant to this discussion, because the groups "targeted" by the IRS were 501c4 organizations, not 501c3s.

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