The IRS targeting scandal’s smoking gun

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Gold Member
Jan 29, 2013
The time line is clear. The election was stolen by the IRS.

Thursday marks exactly one year since we filed our lawsuit on behalf of Tea Party and other conservative groups wrongfully targeted by the Internal Revenue Service. Lois Lerner, President Obama and the left have repeatedly and falsely claimed that the targeting of Tea Party and other conservative groups was simply the “boneheaded” decision of a few rogue, low-level IRS agents in Cincinnati. New emails uncovered this month from senior IRS officials in Washington prove otherwise.
Much of the coverage of these emails woefully misses the smoking gun. Washington wasn’t just involved; Washington directed the targeting from Day One.
These emails show that within 24 hours of the first Tea Party case being flagged in early 2010, senior IRS officials under Ms. Lerner’s command in Washington took control.

Feb. 25, 2010: In an email chain between senior IRS officials in Washington and field offices in Cincinnati and California titled “High Profile Case — Does [Exempt Organizations] Technical Want It?” Holly Paz, who would later become Ms. Lerner’s deputy in Washington, was made aware that a “potentially politically embarassing [sic] case involving a ‘Tea Party‘ organization” had been flagged. By the next morning, Ms. Paz requested that it be sent to Washington, “given the potential for media interest.”

March 16-17, 2010: The same email chain, now titled “High Profile Case — EO Technical Would Like It,” continues, with Ms. Paz acknowledging that she had “one Tea Party case up here” and instructing Cincinnati to send “a few more cases” to Washington and to “hold the rest.” Ms. Paz, from Washington, clearly instructed the Cincinnati IRS office that Washington would be responsible for future Tea Party cases, stating, “we will work with [Cincinnati] in working the other cases.” The chain continues with senior IRS officials in Cincinnati and California confirming their implementation of Washington’s orders to “hold” the “Tea Party cases.”

April 23, 2010: Steven Grodnitzky, the acting manager of EO Technical, directly below Ms. Paz in Washington, instructed his staff to create a “[Sensitive Case Report] for the Tea Party cases.” He further instructed senior IRS officials in Cincinnati and California that his office in Washington was working on the first “2 Tea Party cases” and that their offices should “coordinate” with his office and set up “a call” before developing the rest of the cases. Emails over the next few days between Mr. Grodnitzky in Washington and IRS officials in Cincinnati and California, under the subject line “Tea Party Cases,” show that coordination being put in place.
July 6, 2010: Ms. Paz instructed Mr. Grodnitzky to follow up with the IRS teams in Cincinnati and California and remind them “we have been handling Tea Party applications the last few months.” Mr. Grodnitzky, again from Washington, reiterated the instructions, “[Exempt Organizations Technical] is working the Tea Party applications in coordination with Cincy … . Because the Tea Party applications are the subject of an SCR, we cannot resolve any of the cases without coordinating with Rob.” “Rob” is presumably Rob Choi, who was then director of rulings and agreements in Washington, directly below Ms. Lerner. It was Ms. Paz who replaced Mr. Choi as Ms. Lerner’s deputy in December 2010.
From there, we know the applications of conservative groups were held for two more years, until senior IRS officials in Washington, including the IRS chief counsel’s office, developed unconstitutionally intrusive demand letters, which began being sent out in early 2012.

There is much more at the link. Obama makes Nixon look like an amateur.
I'd love to see Lois Lerner in an orange jumpsuit with little silver bracelets around her wrists.

If the government wasn't so corrupt and we still had honest leaders, she would never have gotten away with it in the first place. This IRS scandal is just the tip of the iceberg. It's a symptom of a government that has rotted from the inside out and it's all about greedy politicians serving themselves instead of the people. They are shameless and don't think twice about abusing their power for their own gain.

I'd love to throw the whole lot of them out and start fresh with people who aren't politicians. Being a politician just means a person is good at playing games and spinning the truth. The people they appoint are just as corrupt as they are.
I'd love to see Lois Lerner in an orange jumpsuit with little silver bracelets around her wrists.

I'd like to see you in a padded room, but we always font get what we want...

The op is more of the -zzzzzzz
I'd love to see Lois Lerner in an orange jumpsuit with little silver bracelets around her wrists.

If the government wasn't so corrupt and we still had honest leaders, she would never have gotten away with it in the first place. This IRS scandal is just the tip of the iceberg. It's a symptom of a government that has rotted from the inside out and it's all about greedy politicians serving themselves instead of the people. They are shameless and don't think twice about abusing their power for their own gain.

I'd love to throw the whole lot of them out and start fresh with people who aren't politicians. Being a politician just means a person is good at playing games and spinning the truth. The people they appoint are just as corrupt as they are.
I blame islam
Eric Holder has turned the Justice Department into an arm of the Obama political machine. That allows the IRS, the EPA, the NSA, the DHS, and any other Federal Department to go after Obama's political enemies with impunity.
The time line is clear. The election was stolen by the IRS.

The only thing that’s clear is you and others on the partisan right who believe such nonsense are delusional.

Never wonder how the Holocaust happened, people. Never.

Never wonder how Stalin's starvation of the Kulaks happened. Never.

Never wonder how the Killing Fields happened. Never.

Just remember scum like this poster.

Not the least bit interested in truth, fairness, the law, morals or anything other than his own ideological demagoguery.

People like this would gladly escort you to the showers in Sobibor, singing the praises of his party the whole time.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.
The time line is clear. The election was stolen by the IRS.

Thursday marks exactly one year since we filed our lawsuit on behalf of Tea Party and other conservative groups wrongfully targeted by the Internal Revenue Service. Lois Lerner, President Obama and the left have repeatedly and falsely claimed that the targeting of Tea Party and other conservative groups was simply the “boneheaded” decision of a few rogue, low-level IRS agents in Cincinnati. New emails uncovered this month from senior IRS officials in Washington prove otherwise.
Much of the coverage of these emails woefully misses the smoking gun. Washington wasn’t just involved; Washington directed the targeting from Day One.
These emails show that within 24 hours of the first Tea Party case being flagged in early 2010, senior IRS officials under Ms. Lerner’s command in Washington took control.

Feb. 25, 2010: In an email chain between senior IRS officials in Washington and field offices in Cincinnati and California titled “High Profile Case — Does [Exempt Organizations] Technical Want It?” Holly Paz, who would later become Ms. Lerner’s deputy in Washington, was made aware that a “potentially politically embarassing [sic] case involving a ‘Tea Party‘ organization” had been flagged. By the next morning, Ms. Paz requested that it be sent to Washington, “given the potential for media interest.”

March 16-17, 2010: The same email chain, now titled “High Profile Case — EO Technical Would Like It,” continues, with Ms. Paz acknowledging that she had “one Tea Party case up here” and instructing Cincinnati to send “a few more cases” to Washington and to “hold the rest.” Ms. Paz, from Washington, clearly instructed the Cincinnati IRS office that Washington would be responsible for future Tea Party cases, stating, “we will work with [Cincinnati] in working the other cases.” The chain continues with senior IRS officials in Cincinnati and California confirming their implementation of Washington’s orders to “hold” the “Tea Party cases.”

April 23, 2010: Steven Grodnitzky, the acting manager of EO Technical, directly below Ms. Paz in Washington, instructed his staff to create a “[Sensitive Case Report] for the Tea Party cases.” He further instructed senior IRS officials in Cincinnati and California that his office in Washington was working on the first “2 Tea Party cases” and that their offices should “coordinate” with his office and set up “a call” before developing the rest of the cases. Emails over the next few days between Mr. Grodnitzky in Washington and IRS officials in Cincinnati and California, under the subject line “Tea Party Cases,” show that coordination being put in place.
July 6, 2010: Ms. Paz instructed Mr. Grodnitzky to follow up with the IRS teams in Cincinnati and California and remind them “we have been handling Tea Party applications the last few months.” Mr. Grodnitzky, again from Washington, reiterated the instructions, “[Exempt Organizations Technical] is working the Tea Party applications in coordination with Cincy … . Because the Tea Party applications are the subject of an SCR, we cannot resolve any of the cases without coordinating with Rob.” “Rob” is presumably Rob Choi, who was then director of rulings and agreements in Washington, directly below Ms. Lerner. It was Ms. Paz who replaced Mr. Choi as Ms. Lerner’s deputy in December 2010.
From there, we know the applications of conservative groups were held for two more years, until senior IRS officials in Washington, including the IRS chief counsel’s office, developed unconstitutionally intrusive demand letters, which began being sent out in early 2012.

There is much more at the link. Obama makes Nixon look like an amateur.

What Link?
The time line is clear. The election was stolen by the IRS.

The only thing that’s clear is you and others on the partisan right who believe such nonsense are delusional.

That's ridiculous. The IRS is one of the most feared and powerful organizations in the country, and to pretend its attempts to muzzle political speech had no impact on the election is foolish.
Another smoking gun? Again? How many does that make?

ODS kooks just aren't very bright. Even after every previous smoking gun turns out to have been fabricated, they still fall just as hard for the next one. It's like they want to fooled, and explode in rage at anyone who won't lie to them.
Another smoking gun? Again? How many does that make?

ODS kooks just aren't very bright. Even after every previous smoking gun turns out to have been fabricated, they still fall just as hard for the next one. It's like they want to fooled, and explode in rage at anyone who won't lie to them.

If someone uncovered a video of Obama meeting with Jarrett and Lerner and him saying "Yeah we need to shut down these Tea Party groups. Use whatever you can to hold up their applications" would you be outraged then? Or would you just say "THey all do it." Or "The Tea Party needs to be suppressed"?
I'm guessing the latter.
The only thing that’s clear is you and others on the partisan right who believe such nonsense are delusional.

Do you think the IRS acted properly here?

How about answering the question C CLayton?

How about you answering it Plasma?

YOU ask the impossible, the improbable. They're not interested in real truth, justice...ONLY that their side wins no matter who gets hurt in the process.
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