The Israel/Palestine conflict could be resolved with minimal damage within 2 weeks.

Should Palestinians give up HAMAS to Israel?

  • No, wage jihad

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • They will, because HAMAS is a pox on their houses

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Allahu Akbar! Palestine will be free!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Simply No

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The term, "Deep State," actually originates from Turkey. Much of their bureaucracy is infiltrated by global bureaucrats and western spooks, yet their public state, and their populists and democracy, is at odds with it.

Their nation is schizophrenic, in much the same way, many nations on the planet are.

I can't really say, who stands for what, or what the public is for. Or what is going on there, TBH.

The Turkish Origins of the “Deep State”​

"The “deep state” idea of a shadowy parallel government, heard much in the news now, seems to be a concept borrowed from the Turkish experience.

Curiously, there aren’t many political concepts Americans have borrowed from Turkish history, but the deep state seems to be one of them.

The Turkish phrase derin devlet literally means “deep state.” According to historian Ryan Gingeras, the term “generally refers to a kind of shadow or parallel system of government in which unofficial or publicly unacknowledged individuals play important roles in defining and implementing state policy.”

This concept of a deep state, Gingeras continues, is used to “explain why and how agents employed by the state execute policies that directly contravene the letter and spirit of the law.” Breaking the law, of course, often means employing criminals. Gingeras, a specialist in organized crime in Turkey, looks at the underbelly of the Turkish deep state to examine how alliances between generals, statesmen and “narcotic traffickers, paramilitaries, terrorists, and other criminals” are formed. (Elsewhere, Gingeras traces the heroin connection, noting that the Turkish deep state itself is riven by factional rivalries.)"
"Much of their bureaucracy is infiltrated by global bureaucrats and western spooks?"

can you link to facts supporting this claim?

"Much of their bureaucracy is infiltrated by global bureaucrats and western spooks?"

can you link to facts supporting this claim?
Nope, I can't

It is just from reports I have read over the years from former US intel agents and politicians. I couldn't find them again if I tried.

Believe it or don't, I don't care.

If you are really interested, you could start with some of Berkeley Professor Emeritus Peter Dale Scott's work.
"The Israel/Palestine conflict could be resolved with minimal damage within 2 weeks." -- The Duke

Seems this hateful Duke character assumes my comment was about supporting HAMAS or it's attack?

par for the course
Thank you for comfirming your tardation, thread is about ending the conflict with as little bloodshed as possible. What about

Ligma though, hmm?
Nope, I can't

It is just from reports I have read over the years from former US intel agents and politicians. I couldn't find them again if I tried.

Believe it or don't, I don't care.

If you are really interested, you could start with some of Berkeley Professor Emeritus Peter Dale Scott's work.
"Much of their bureaucracy is infiltrated by global bureaucrats and western spooks."

Q: "Can you link to facts supporting this claim?"

A: "Nope, I can't. It's just from reports..."

My problem with claims like this are the phrases 'their bureaucracy' - 'global bureaucrats' - 'western spooks' and the term 'infiltrated.'

The three phrases are very vague. The term strays into the world of conspiracy theories.
Actually, you are engaging in conspiracy theory. You probably believe LeCarre was writing true stories.
So now you need to construct red herrings and straw men, that all you got?

Telling me what I believe and don't, that it?
What about it?


Also, this is my thread, fucktard. You're the anus trying to derail it, so fuck right the hell off or GTFO.>

All Palestinians would have to do is turn Hamas over to the Israelis to stop all the destruction.
The devil is in the details.
The “detail” required was that HAMAS and the Palestinians acknowledge Israel’s right to exist, and they refused.

Why should a country hand over land, within rocket distance, to people who continue to clamor for its destruction?

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