The Israel/Palestine conflict could be resolved with minimal damage within 2 weeks.

Should Palestinians give up HAMAS to Israel?

  • No, wage jihad

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • They will, because HAMAS is a pox on their houses

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Allahu Akbar! Palestine will be free!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Simply No

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I really don't like the phrase "deep state." To me it's cringey (it sounds like something the 'deep state' themselves came up with to discredit the idea) :lol: and just gives the naysayers ammunition to use against those of us who talk about these things.

I always say "powers that shouldn't be"... PTSB for short.

It doesn't matter whether we, in the public like, the term. It has been around for some time now.

It existed in academia, long before Trump and the media latched onto it, and made it something in popular culture. Deep Politics, Deep Events, as a way to explain and describe underlying machinations of interlocking interest group politics and clandestine agencies acting, seemingly against the public interest or against the law, exists, and has existed for many, many years now.

This is from TWO YEARS before Trump was even elected, a year before he declared.

Essay: Anatomy of the Deep State​

February 21, 2014
by Mike Lofgren

. . . and there is Bill Moyers in a photo with our friends, Anthony Fauci & Georgi boy. . . . among a few other notables. :rolleyes:

So, yeah, it's no big deal. It's just a technical term, like talking about infrastructure or trade, or inflation. Don't hide or shy away from a using a word to describe the reality we are living in. If we allow only the educated elites to use it. . . then yeah, we are the rubes they call us. :lol:

I really don't like the phrase "deep state." To me it's cringey (it sounds like something the 'deep state' themselves came up with to discredit the idea) :lol: and just gives the naysayers ammunition to use against those of us who talk about these things.

I always say "powers that shouldn't be"... PTSB for short.
So every administration needs to rehire all the postal workers, legal clerks and military and security personnel ? Sounds like the perfect way to to become a third world country.
"Deep State" is accurate. It is the bureaucracy of appointed individuals in the alphabet agencies that continue to run regardless of the elections.

Don't hide or shy away from a using a word to describe the reality we are living in. If we allow only the educated elites to use it. . . then yeah, we are the rubes they call us. :lol:


I disagree that it's accurate or that we should be using it, and I'll explain why.

For starters, the word "state" implies a nation. So from the get-go that causes people to think about it in terms of nation states. The corrupt powers in this world who are pulling the strings do not come from one nation. They come from several different nations. But they don't even think in terms of nations, because they are internationalists.

Secondly, it just sounds hokey. To me it sounds like something they themselves came up with in order to discredit the whole idea and make anyone who uses the phrase look silly. "Deep state!" oooooooh! lol. And that's pretty much what the naysayers do, they mock it.

But go ahead and use that phrase if you want to. I'll continue to call them the "powers that shouldn't be" which I think is much more accurate. And hopefully causes people to think.... if the current powers in the world shouldn't be, then who is the true power of this world? Well I know the answer to that, but I know you'll disagree, Mister Beale, and that's a whole other discussion, lol.
So every administration needs to rehire all the postal workers, legal clerks and military and security personnel ? Sounds like the perfect way to to become a third world country.

What?? I have no idea what on earth you are talking about, or what that has to do with what I said.
HAMAS began to infiltrate college campuses 20 years ago - and donate bug bucks to universities. Just look at the organizations on Harvard alone devoted to brainwashing kids against Israel, and by extent the Jews.
Just like decades ago the the GOP began to engage in voter suppression devoting all their time in office placating to their donors, cutting taxes and services for the middle class and running up huge deficits.
I see Palestine isn't giving up Hamas to Israel yet.
Really ? They’ve been in control since 2006 the last time any election was held. They are a fundamental terrorist group, not a political party you can control. They literally drove the other part out which now controls the West Bank
HAMAS began to infiltrate college campuses 20 years ago - and donate bug bucks to universities. Just look at the organizations on Harvard alone devoted to brainwashing kids against Israel, and by extent the Jews.
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A German delegation sweeps the floor at Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv. And Scholz is sweeping too.
Well, it's not Kiev, where they went to Zelensky's tea like on schedule, thanks to kind Russia.
It's funny, germans lying face down on the floor in Israel. If you told anyone in 1938, they wouldn't believe it.
A German delegation sweeps the floor at Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv. And Scholz is sweeping too.
Well, it's not Kiev, where they went to Zelensky's tea like on schedule, thanks to kind Russia.
It's funny, germans lying face down on the floor in Israel. If you told anyone in 1938, they wouldn't believe it.

Scholz Circus?
150 meters further people go to board the plane as usual!

The Israeli incursion into the Gaza Strip could end very quickly, with minimal bloodshed, and people being bombed out of

their homes could be stopped if only Palestinians would capture and deliver HAMAS to the Israelis or

tell them where they all are. (without it being just busines rivals) What do people think? Could that happen? Should that

happen? Should that not happen?

Personally I don't see it happening for the moment. Probably a large percentage of Palestinians support HAMAS and

have the same sentiments.

A German delegation sweeps the floor at Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv. And Scholz is sweeping too.
Well, it's not Kiev, where they went to Zelensky's tea like on schedule, thanks to kind Russia.
It's funny, germans lying face down on the floor in Israel. If you told anyone in 1938, they wouldn't believe it.
The Israeli incursion into the Gaza Strip could end very quickly, with minimal bloodshed, and people being bombed out of

their homes could be stopped if only Palestinians would capture and deliver HAMAS to the Israelis or

tell them where they all are. (without it being just busines rivals) What do people think? Could that happen? Should that

happen? Should that not happen?

Personally I don't see it happening for the moment. Probably a large percentage of Palestinians support HAMAS and

have the same sentiments.

Hamas was funded and encouraged by Israel to prevent any 2 state solution ever.

Palestinian Christians and Muslims tried to stop them, but they were recruiting in the meanist of the refugee camps.
I have no love for either side. If I put myself in a Palestinian's shoes I have to think only Hamas, bad as they are, are doing anything for me. Fatah has tried nonviolence and the West Bank is dotted with settlers.

I don't think either side wants peace, only victory.

remember: Christian militiamen -- TheSabra and Shatila refugee camps in Beirut in 1982 -- War Crimes

Fatah dominates the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and rules in the West Bank has renounced violence.

The Israelis betrayed Reagan. Ariel Sharon kept the villagers penned up so they couldn't escape the Christian philangists.

That's why the Marine barracks in Beirut were bombed.

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