The Israel Test - Can you pass it?

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
The test should have been called the Love thy brother test! Would you be willing to take it and see how you score?

There are only two results. You will either rejoice and feel a joy in your heart for the success of others or you will not rejoice and feel joy in your heart because something else is standing in the way of it.

As children of Isaac bless the children of Ishmael, knowing that Abraham had prayed for a blessing in both boys lives this story fills me with joy and hope. I am deeply encouraged by the love that is demonstrated in this story. I am certain that Love is stronger than death and can ovecome anything. We just have to be willing!

I believe people are people and so I hope this story will bless the sons of Ishmael as much as it will the sons of Isaac. Listen to this story and take the "Israel Test". This video was a great blessing to me and I hope it will be a blessing to ya'll too!

[ame=]Do You Pass the Israel Test? - YouTube[/ame]
Please be nice to one another on this thread. Be sweet and say nice things to one another and please don't fuss with one another. Just picture in your mind that God is watching ya'll and do it for Him and He will give you a blessing for being good. We need to start loving each other because G-d doesn't like it when we are fighting. Wrong is wrong no matter who is doing the fighting or saying cruel words. A soft answer turneth away wrath.
Israel has a way of blessing others just through its existence. But for those who seek to destroy her, divide the land or meddle in God's plans, Israel becomes a burdensome stone. It is actually yet another Biblical principle that can be observed.

"And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed." (Genesis 12:3)

"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee." (Psalm 122:6)
Everything you say is true and Jesus also said that we should bless our enemies and pray for them. We are not to return evil for evil. A soft answer turneth away wrath. God draws us to repentance through His kindness. I know His wrath will be poured out upon the earth and knowing this how much more so should we be desperately be searching for a way to share the Gospel with those who are perishing? If we say in our hearts I hate the Muslims then what we are really saying is I do not have the love of God in my heart for them. I do not care if they perish. I care nothing for their souls. I only love those who think like me, agree with me, and want what I want.

I can love someone while disagreeing with them but I cannot love them while I am calling them names and provoking them to anger by godless words / chatter. Truth may provoke a person to anger also but after truth comes the healing balm of Gilead to soothe it and confirm the written word - and soon they only remember that your concern for them is genuine. Didn't David Love Absolom even while Absolom was seeking to take the Kings very life?

So when the Arabs mention their invention of math or whatever it was discovered we should say thank you and well done or thank you for the decimel system or whatever it was they contributed. It will cost us nothing unless we are somehow attached to how others see us. ( may God deliver us from the opinon of man ) Whatever ground we could find to show forth the love of God I cannot see how it would do anything but benefit both parties involved. Jesus did not come to condemn the world but to save it.

If a Muslim loses a child to terrorism. If a Jew loses their child to terrorism. The response should be the same. I am so sorry. I am praying for your family. That is the love thy brother test we should all be able to pass. With Gods help? We will!

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