Just 3% High School Students Pass the Citizenship Test

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Do you want to put poor little "Red State" Mississippi up against your "Blue State" geniuses Winco? LOL
Here is a screen shot from the previous link, of the highest performing ACT scores by State.

Here is the link again.

Screenshot 2024-03-14 at 8.30.17 PM.png
Everyone KNOWS the lowest academic achievers are mostly RED States.
Data can be skewed (look it up) as always.

Mississippi has only 1% of their students take the SAT. Guess which ones. The smartest, which confirms my support that every school has 'some' very smart students.
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Your Red State/Blue State narrative is ridiculous. All US student score averages have dropped to multi-decade lows. And the worst performers of all are Democrat controlled Cities. It's sad that a retired engineer has to educate a retired "educator".

Your Red State/Blue State narrative is ridiculous. All US student score averages have dropped to multi-decade lows. And the worst performers of all are Democrat controlled Cities. It's sad that a retired engineer has to educate a retired "educator".

Yet YOU just posted a link claiming that Mississippi scores have risen to an All-Time High.
All US student score averages have dropped to multi-decade lows.
COVID........ a Trump Disease.
FU djt, for mishandling the COVID response.

You, djt, led our Nation, or did he?

How have the scores done since the ill-fated trump led Failed COVID response...... "No, I don't take ANY responsibility at all." djt

Some States focus on the ACT rather than the ACT.

Look at Mississippi on ACT.

Still wanna defend your statement?

Mississippi had a 17.8 ACT Composite (look it up) Score.
Only ONE state scored Lower, Nevada.
Nationwide average was 19.8
It's not the state, but individual colleges that determine if they prefer the ACT or SAT with their applications. Most schools that require one or the other leave it up to the applicant.
Your Red State/Blue State narrative is ridiculous. All US student score averages have dropped to multi-decade lows. And the worst performers of all are Democrat controlled Cities.
See how the DATA is about States,
then you changed to cities.

There is no data supplied about cities.
But feel free to find it and post it.

You are clearly overmatched and defeated when you try to argue education.
It's not the state, but individual colleges that determine if they prefer the ACT or SAT with their applications. Most schools that require one or the other leave it up to the applicant.
I get that ^^^^
My point was that some States have more students take the ACT than the SAT, and Vice Versa.

You always try to dismiss my value as an educator. WHY?
I did. Many school boards do not allow teachers to do that.
The problem is that at some point you end up with a huge log jam at certain grades and/or proficiency levels that makes scheduling and staffing highly complicated. Still, if someone fails they fail. There is summer school and after school credit classes and whatnot, but some kids fail so completely that you have no choice.
And just 1/3 of American adults pass.

The best way to destroy a nation is from within. An entire generation has no idea how our nation got here, how it exists. And without that knowledge is easily manipulated.

See how you do with some of the questions.

Yeah but empowerment ,gender identity , puberty blockers and blow jobs man ...
Isn't that important
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Follow me to stay abreast of current and historical events.

The article on your link doesn't say anything about striking because of masks. Got a link that actually says what you claimed?

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