“The ISRAELI ARMY is the only army in the world that wears diapers, more specifically Pampers.” - Abu Obeida

Psychologically unstable Occupation soldiers blow up an UNRWA school in Beit Hanoun, northern Gaza Strip, and applaud to celebrate the devastation and victory over the stones...

Psychologically unstable Occupation soldiers blow up civilians' homes to celebrate "Hanukkah"
The moment when an Israeli soldier fell into a manhole during a raid while shooting Palestinian civilians in the WestBank city of Jenin.

How do you explain the tendency of the coward IOF who murdered 22,000 civilians and wounded another 50,000 civilians to use Sanitary napkins?


As long as it increases their Hamas Killing Time they can wear bikinis for all I care!!!

lion why are you such a coward?....lions are not pussies....why are you one?....
They are all cowards That are only good at attacking,mraping annd mutilating unsuspecting unarmed civilians. But when it comes to confronting real armies, they are professional surrender monkeys worse than the French.

Breaking: Israeli military says it "mistakenly" killed 3 Israeli captives during ground operation in Gaza.
Breaking: Israeli military says it "mistakenly" killed 3 Israeli captives during ground operation in Gaza.
Yes, people your Hamas animals kidnapped. Religion of piss followers aren’t acting any differently than they were 1500 years ago:
Muhammad’s violence was directed towards groups as well. Muhammad once said to his followers, “I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslims.”viThe Jews of Qurayza resisted Muhammad and attempted to form an alliance against him. When the alliance faltered, Muhammad acted quickly. His armies surrounded them and “besieged them for twenty-five nights until they were sore pressed and God cast terror into their hearts.”

Then they surrendered, and the apostle confined them in Medina. . . . Then the apostle went out to the market of Medina (which is still its market today) and dug trenches in it. Then he sent for them and struck off their heads in those trenches as they were brought out to him in batches. . . . There were 600 or 700 in all, though some put the figure as high as 800 or 900.vii

“And women already married, except those whom your right hands possess (iv. 24)” (i.e. they were lawful for them when their ‘Idda period came to an end).viii

This verse of the Qur’an (4:24), along with others (23:1-6; 33:50; 70:22-30), granted Muslims the right to have sex with their female captives and slave girls, even those who were still married or who were going to be sold or traded.

Perhaps most disturbing of all is the fact that Muslims could have sex with girls who hadn’t even reached puberty. The opening verses of Chapter 65 of the Qur’an present Islamic rules for divorce. According to 65:4, if a Muslim divorces a girl who hasn’t yet reached puberty, he must wait three months to make sure she isn’t pregnant.

Muhammad himself had sex with a prepubescent girl. His courtship of Aisha began when she was only six years old.ix
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Is that why your coward Hamas animals took off all their clothes and surrendered in droves to the IDF in your underwear?! Ha ha ha!

Repeat after me Abdul…IDF Akbar!
lion is a pussy.....he avoids questions he cant answer or doesnt want to.....

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