The Israeli Criminals Behind the NSA Spy Scandal

years after 9/11 many people where unaware of building 7

??? reallly at what point in the video is that said

the construction is not really relevant as no modern steel framed building is going to collapse from fire

damage was not a factor in the collapse and fire does not cause steel frame building to suffer complete collapses at near free fall speed...the penthouse fell first because thats where the central columns are...just like it would in a controlled demolition...still waiting for you to explain how the entire inner structure of wtc 7 fell behind the facade without creating a massive noise or disturbing the outer facade and how long it took for the entire inner structure to fall?

I see gomer is STILL dodging the fact that the other buildings were damaged far more extensively than bld 7 evading that fact of mine talking about the damage of the penthouse evading that the other buildings had far more extensive damage to them that that,Typical ploy of an agent.evade that fact and talk about the damage of the penthouse of building 7 :lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl: instead of discussing the far more severe damage other buildings much closer to bld 7 had than it did and they did not collapse.:lmao:

Gomer also ignores that the sprinkler systems went off in the towers-if they went off in the towers like pictures show,then they went off in bld 7 as well,oh and the majority of the explosions happened OUTSIDE of the towers making the fires not anywhere near hot enough to weaken the steel like he likes to claim.:D

funny also that Gomer forgot to mention that Josenko when shown the video of the collapse of bld 7 by griffin not knowing it was bld 7 or in new york,he told Griffin that it was defientley a controlled demolition.gomer troll as always gets his ass taken to the cleaners as always.:D

Can anyone tell me why this fart sack is addressing me when he claims I can't answer him?
Does he simply enjoy his fart breath blowing back in his face?
I'll be glad to answer his questions as I have done many times before when he decides to grow the fuck up..........
I see gomer is STILL dodging the fact that the other buildings were damaged far more extensively than bld 7 evading that fact of mine talking about the damage of the penthouse evading that the other buildings had far more extensive damage to them that that,Typical ploy of an agent.evade that fact and talk about the damage of the penthouse of building 7 :lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl: instead of discussing the far more severe damage other buildings much closer to bld 7 had than it did and they did not collapse.:lmao:

Gomer also ignores that the sprinkler systems went off in the towers-if they went off in the towers like pictures show,then they went off in bld 7 as well,oh and the majority of the explosions happened OUTSIDE of the towers making the fires not anywhere near hot enough to weaken the steel like he likes to claim.:D

funny also that Gomer forgot to mention that Josenko when shown the video of the collapse of bld 7 by griffin not knowing it was bld 7 or in new york,he told Griffin that it was defientley a controlled demolition.gomer troll as always gets his ass taken to the cleaners as always.:D

Can anyone tell me why this fart sack is addressing me when he claims I can't answer him?
Does he simply enjoy his fart breath blowing back in his face?
I'll be glad to answer his questions as I have done many times before when he decides to grow the fuck up..........
I Guess he enjoys the charade even if he has no idea what that word means.
if you search his name he's a twoofer superstar(was) so like barry jenkins what he said IS HEARSAY AND NOT admissible as evidence.

Your trite slurs are not admissible as evidence either. That includes all references to and pictures of excrement.

So far we have your excrement vs the testimonies of Danny Jowenko, one of the world's leading demolitions experts, and Barry Jenkins, an eye witness to the event, both of whom died suspiciously.
And we are supposed to take YOUR word?:cuckoo:

But the hundreds of eyewitnesses who say otherwise don't count.....Got it.........

hundreds of eyewitnesses say what ?????
years after 9/11 many people where unaware of building 7

??? reallly at what point in the video is that said

the construction is not really relevant as no modern steel framed building is going to collapse from fire

damage was not a factor in the collapse and fire does not cause steel frame building to suffer complete collapses at near free fall speed...the penthouse fell first because thats where the central columns are...just like it would in a controlled demolition...still waiting for you to explain how the entire inner structure of wtc 7 fell behind the facade without creating a massive noise or disturbing the outer facade and how long it took for the entire inner structure to fall?

Don't know your own videos? Those that supposedly state your side? Sorry but I'm not going back to listen to the two videos again just to satisfy your ignorance of your witnesses.....

that because you cant because it was never said...and you still have not explained the time line for how long it took for the entire inner structure of the wtc 7 to fall and how it did so without making a huge noise or disturbing the facade in any way and went unnoticed by everyone until the facade fell ?
But the hundreds of eyewitnesses who say otherwise don't count.....Got it.........

Poll: 50% of NYC Says U.S. Govt Knew -

911 Proof

Zogby International

Polling/Market Research
Public Relations Services
Marketing Strategies

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, Monday, Aug. 30, 2004

Half of New Yorkers Believe U.S. Leaders Had
Foreknowledge of Impending 9/11 Attacks and
"Consciously Failed" To Act;

66% Call For New Probe of Unanswered Questions
by Congress or New York's Attorney General,
New Zogby International Poll Reveals

The China Desk: 9/11: Controlled Demolitions
Bevin Chu is an American architect and author currently living and working in Taipei. He is the son of the late Tsing-kang Chu, a high-ranking diplomat with the Republic of China government on Taiwan.
Intractable architectural and structural engineering realities eventually forced me to conclude that 9/11 could only have been a case of MIHOP, or "Made it happen on purpose." I was forced to conclude that key elements within "our" government probably planned the attacks. They carried them out, either on their own or with al-Qaeda, then framed al-Qaeda for them afterwards.

A controlled demolition is a unique and distinctive process. Nothing looks like a controlled demolition except a controlled demolition. If something looks like a controlled demolition, it is a controlled demolition. The destruction of the three WTC towers looked like controlled demolitions, because they were controlled demolitions.

The "Pancake Collapse Theory," promoted by FEMA, PBS, and Popular Mechanics, which purports to explain the destruction of the three WTC towers on 9/11, is riddled with lies and deception.
It amazes me that this "expert" didn't know the building fell on 9-11 yet he knew that the owner said "Pull it down". First that was not what was said and that leads me to believe this "expert' was coached. Also he is only shown what they want to show him, at one point he admits he is guessing. Why? because they haven't given him more than one story of the floor plans, Didn't tell him how the building was constructed nor even how tall it was.
No description of the damages and no description of the fires and how long they burned without any intervention from the fire department or even sprinkler system.
I'll bet the video that he looked at also left off the collapse of the penthouse as most truther videos seem to do....
if you search his name he's a twoofer superstar(was) so like barry jenkins what he said IS HEARSAY AND NOT admissible as evidence.

then the same is true of shyam sunders observations and opinions of the video and photographs which other than his computer model is the only evidence NIST cites..shyam sunders hearsay...thats all you got
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Your trite slurs are not admissible as evidence either. That includes all references to and pictures of excrement.

So far we have your excrement vs the testimonies of Danny Jowenko, one of the world's leading demolitions experts, and Barry Jenkins, an eye witness to the event, both of whom died suspiciously.
And we are supposed to take YOUR word?:cuckoo:

But the hundreds of eyewitnesses who say otherwise don't count.....Got it.........

hundreds of eyewitnesses say what ?????

Are you really going there again? How about the police helicopters that reported the indents in the towers shortly before they fell. Or all the ones who saw the 757 that hit the pentagon, or those running equipment that picked up no signs of explosions.

Why do you use this selective memory?
But the hundreds of eyewitnesses who say otherwise don't count.....Got it.........

Poll: 50% of NYC Says U.S. Govt Knew -

911 Proof

Zogby International

Polling/Market Research
Public Relations Services
Marketing Strategies

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, Monday, Aug. 30, 2004

Half of New Yorkers Believe U.S. Leaders Had
Foreknowledge of Impending 9/11 Attacks and
"Consciously Failed" To Act;

66% Call For New Probe of Unanswered Questions
by Congress or New York's Attorney General,
New Zogby International Poll Reveals

The China Desk: 9/11: Controlled Demolitions
Bevin Chu is an American architect and author currently living and working in Taipei. He is the son of the late Tsing-kang Chu, a high-ranking diplomat with the Republic of China government on Taiwan.
Intractable architectural and structural engineering realities eventually forced me to conclude that 9/11 could only have been a case of MIHOP, or "Made it happen on purpose." I was forced to conclude that key elements within "our" government probably planned the attacks. They carried them out, either on their own or with al-Qaeda, then framed al-Qaeda for them afterwards.

A controlled demolition is a unique and distinctive process. Nothing looks like a controlled demolition except a controlled demolition. If something looks like a controlled demolition, it is a controlled demolition. The destruction of the three WTC towers looked like controlled demolitions, because they were controlled demolitions.

The "Pancake Collapse Theory," promoted by FEMA, PBS, and Popular Mechanics, which purports to explain the destruction of the three WTC towers on 9/11, is riddled with lies and deception.

I notice that your poll was sponsored by 911 truth.....So no way it was biased right?
And I notice they don't show the actual questions and how they were asked.

For instance if you ask me, Did the 911 Commissions Report answer all the questions? I would have to honestly say no. But if you asked me , Was the 911 Commissions report wrong? Then i would say No...

You see how that works?
Don't know your own videos? Those that supposedly state your side? Sorry but I'm not going back to listen to the two videos again just to satisfy your ignorance of your witnesses.....

that because you cant because it was never said...and you still have not explained the time line for how long it took for the entire inner structure of the wtc 7 to fall and how it did so without making a huge noise or disturbing the facade in any way and went unnoticed by everyone until the facade fell ?

First 5 minutes of 2nd video he suddenly knows all about the owner. Yet he still only has one diagram of where the vertical beams were placed. He was saying what he was supposed to say based on zero evidence that was being shown him at that time. I didn't look for his quote when he said he was guessing, You won't go watch the videos so why should I do it for you, they aren't my videos.........
But the hundreds of eyewitnesses who say otherwise don't count.....Got it.........

hundreds of eyewitnesses say what ?????

Are you really going there again? How about the police helicopters that reported the indents in the towers shortly before they fell. Or all the ones who saw the 757 that hit the pentagon, or those running equipment that picked up no signs of explosions.

Why do you use this selective memory?

The "indents"?

Indents where? Caused by what? Witnessed by whom? Hundreds of policemen? All authorities on controlled demolitions? More so than the hundreds of firemen, response teams and other civilian eye and ear witnesses on the ground?
Who's got a selective memory?

No explosions?

You've got to be kidding.
I notice that your poll was sponsored by 911 truth.....So no way it was biased right?
And I notice they don't show the actual questions and how they were asked.

For instance if you ask me, Did the 911 Commissions Report answer all the questions? I would have to honestly say no. But if you asked me , Was the 911 Commissions report wrong? Then i would say No...

You see how that works?

Zogby polls are "sponsored by" 9/11 Truth?

I wouldn't expect the Hasbarats to post those results.

Do you see how that works?

You are absolutely right. The 9/11 Commission didn't answer all the questions.
But that's alright, YOU CAN.

I wouldn't expect them to considering the Zionists who were in charge of the investigation and all the pressure that was exerted on them to produce the CORRECT answer.


Who Destroyed the 9/11 Evidence? by Christopher Bollyn
In September, when I began my research into the people behind the destrucion of the steel, I called the Hugo Neu company, which was one of the two New Jersey scrapyards that "recycled" the steel. Hugo Neu was a German Jewish immigrant (and Rothschild agent) who came to America and headed Associated Metals and Minerals Corporation (AMMC) in New York in the 1930s with his German Jewish fellows, Meno Lissauer and Walter M. Rothschild, the company's president. Lissauer's wife, Meta, was Walter Rothschild's sister. Hugo Neu is now run by his son and has very close ties to the state of Israel.

Since 2001, the two companies involved in the destruction of the steel, Sims Metal Management and Hugo Neu, have merged. I asked to speak with Alan Ratner, the former head of Metal Management in New Jersey, Daniel Dienst, or Robert Kelman, since these were the key executives involved in the 9/11 steel recycling. I got through to Ratner's secretary, who gave me his email, but instead of letting me speak to any of these men, I was connected to company's spokesman, Daniel Strechay.

When Holden gave his statement to the 9/11 Commission on April 1, 2003, he said that he had received "verbal permission" to remove the steel to New Jersey scrapyards, but failed to name the person who had authorized the move. Apparently nobody bothered to ask who gave Holden permission:

Steel and debris from the site was sent to Fresh Kills where it was examined and sifted. As the Department of Sanitation could no longer handle the steel with their equipment, and our engineers thought the steel would destabilize the landfill, DDC received verbal permission to ship the steel to New Jersey. (From whom?) By the end of June 2002, an astounding total of over 1.6 million tons of steel and other debris were removed from the site.

"Was it [Michael] Chertoff who gave you the verbal permission?" Holden was silent on the other end of the line, then he ended the call as he had done before. "Silence is agreement" is an old Estonian saying that came to mind. Holden did not deny that Chertoff had given him the verbal permission. Common sense would suggest that the permission must have come from Chertoff, who as Assistant Attorney General of the United States was the top dog responsible for the federal (FBI) investigation of 9/11.

Assistant Attorney General Michael Chertoff was "top dog" at the FBI during the "non-investigation" of 9/11, in which the crucial steel evidence was destroyed in Asian smelters before being examined by engineers. Chertoff's Israeli mother, Livia Eisen, was one of the first Mossad agents. An Israeli by birth, Michael spent much of his childhood in Israel.


Commissioner Kenneth R. Holden and his wife Frances McGuire. Holden was given an award in 2002 by the AIA New York Chapter after he had overseen the criminal destruction of the steel from the World Trade Center. Why was he being awarded when he should have been arrested?

Connecting The Dots - Zionists & 911
Meanwhile, well-connected Zionists had attained top positions of power throughout the Bush administration, and within the three branches of the US government. Many had signed a sort of Globalist Declaration of Independence. The document mirrored an earlier Israeli manifesto. The signers slowly consolidated power in America, unbeknownst to most Americans.

The PNAC-Project for The New American Century---was first written by Zionists in Israel as an Israeli policy papers, "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm," before becoming an important blueprint for foreign policy here.

Douglas Feith ascended to power at the Pentagon, as did fellow Zionists Paul Wolfowitz, Dov Zakheim and Richard Perle. Most, if not all, of these top military strategists curiously possessed dual passports: Israeli and US passports.

"He served Likud interests," said Colonel Karen Kwiatkowski of her superior, Douglas Feith, head of the Pentagon's Office of Special Plans (OSP).

Likewise what role did Wolfowitz play? And Perle? And Zakheim? All Pentagon top officials. How does one hold a foreign passport---Israeli---while holding Top Secret US security clearances? Does anyone see a conflict of interests here?

If one were to examine this enormous evil iceberg further, and not just the tip, one might discover a monumental mass of icy Intelligence-connected players below the surface. Very likely, the entire WTC operation was a combination insurance scam (Benefiting one wealthy Zionist), false flag "terrorist" op (benefiting one Zionist nation), and billion dollar gold heist (Benefiting various operatives from many branches of intelligence possibly).

The final footnote, indicating overwhelming involvement in the 9-11 attack, and the subsequent power to cover up any involvement, occurred 18 months later. That signature event was the War with Iraq, launched with whole-hearted White House, US Media and Congressional support on March 18, 2003.

On Purim, a significant Jewish holiday, a day signifying destruction of Israel's enemies.

While I'm at it, don't you think it is a little disingenuous of Hasbarats to use little pictures of old Scottish looking gentlemen, veterans to boot, that give the impression that's who you represent.

You people are forever telling us that "It wasn't a Jew who said such and such", even though self respecting white person would never give his soul to people who would destroy his heritage, his country, and even his own race!

But this country is overflowing with self hating white gentiles, thanks to pop media.
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Are you really going there again? How about the police helicopters that reported the indents in the towers shortly before they fell. Or all the ones who saw the 757 that hit the pentagon, or those running equipment that picked up no signs of explosions.

Why do you use this selective memory?

Straw man.
hundreds of eyewitnesses say what ?????

Are you really going there again? How about the police helicopters that reported the indents in the towers shortly before they fell. Or all the ones who saw the 757 that hit the pentagon, or those running equipment that picked up no signs of explosions.

Why do you use this selective memory?

The "indents"?

Indents where? Caused by what? Witnessed by whom? Hundreds of policemen? All authorities on controlled demolitions? More so than the hundreds of firemen, response teams and other civilian eye and ear witnesses on the ground?
Who's got a selective memory?

No explosions?

You've got to be kidding.

So the buildings didn't have indention's where they were being pulled in? Really? I won't even embarrass you with getting the pictures and posting them yet again.

And of course there were explosions. Lots of them. And the Firemen reported them and i believe them. No reason not to believe them. Lots of things in an office fire to go Boom....
But because there were explosions does not mean there were explosives. There is a major difference.

Go look for a video of a real demolition and listen to the explosions, then listen for anything similar on 911....They didn't happen.... There is no recording of it and the seismologists didn't record it...
I notice that your poll was sponsored by 911 truth.....So no way it was biased right?
And I notice they don't show the actual questions and how they were asked.

For instance if you ask me, Did the 911 Commissions Report answer all the questions? I would have to honestly say no. But if you asked me , Was the 911 Commissions report wrong? Then i would say No...

You see how that works?

Zogby polls are "sponsored by" 9/11 Truth?

I wouldn't expect the Hasbarats to post those results.

Do you see how that works?

You are absolutely right. The 9/11 Commission didn't answer all the questions.
But that's alright, YOU CAN.

I wouldn't expect them to considering the Zionists who were in charge of the investigation and all the pressure that was exerted on them to produce the CORRECT answer.


Who Destroyed the 9/11 Evidence? by Christopher Bollyn
In September, when I began my research into the people behind the destrucion of the steel, I called the Hugo Neu company, which was one of the two New Jersey scrapyards that "recycled" the steel. Hugo Neu was a German Jewish immigrant (and Rothschild agent) who came to America and headed Associated Metals and Minerals Corporation (AMMC) in New York in the 1930s with his German Jewish fellows, Meno Lissauer and Walter M. Rothschild, the company's president. Lissauer's wife, Meta, was Walter Rothschild's sister. Hugo Neu is now run by his son and has very close ties to the state of Israel.

Since 2001, the two companies involved in the destruction of the steel, Sims Metal Management and Hugo Neu, have merged. I asked to speak with Alan Ratner, the former head of Metal Management in New Jersey, Daniel Dienst, or Robert Kelman, since these were the key executives involved in the 9/11 steel recycling. I got through to Ratner's secretary, who gave me his email, but instead of letting me speak to any of these men, I was connected to company's spokesman, Daniel Strechay.


Connecting The Dots - Zionists & 911
Meanwhile, well-connected Zionists had attained top positions of power throughout the Bush administration, and within the three branches of the US government. Many had signed a sort of Globalist Declaration of Independence. The document mirrored an earlier Israeli manifesto. The signers slowly consolidated power in America, unbeknownst to most Americans.

Likewise what role did Wolfowitz play? And Perle? And Zakheim? All Pentagon top officials. How does one hold a foreign passport---Israeli---while holding Top Secret US security clearances? Does anyone see a conflict of interests here?

If one were to examine this enormous evil iceberg further, and not just the tip, one might discover a monumental mass of icy Intelligence-connected players below the surface. Very likely, the entire WTC operation was a combination insurance scam (Benefiting one wealthy Zionist), false flag "terrorist" op (benefiting one Zionist nation), and billion dollar gold heist (Benefiting various operatives from many branches of intelligence possibly).

The final footnote, indicating overwhelming involvement in the 9-11 attack, and the subsequent power to cover up any involvement, occurred 18 months later. That signature event was the War with Iraq, launched with whole-hearted White House, US Media and Congressional support on March 18, 2003.

On Purim, a significant Jewish holiday, a day signifying destruction of Israel's enemies.

While I'm at it, don't you think it is a little disingenuous of Hasbarats to use little pictures of old Scottish looking gentlemen, veterans to boot, that give the impression that's who you represent.

You people are forever telling us that "It wasn't a Jew who said such and such", even though self respecting white person would never give his soul to people who would destroy his heritage, his country, and even his own race!

But this country is overflowing with self hating white gentiles, thanks to pop media.

If you numbnuts would read your own links and watch your own videos we wouldn't have any disagreements. Yes it says right in your link that the Zogby poll was sponsored by 911truth.... I didn't bother reading the rest of your reason to.......
Are you really going there again? How about the police helicopters that reported the indents in the towers shortly before they fell. Or all the ones who saw the 757 that hit the pentagon, or those running equipment that picked up no signs of explosions.

Why do you use this selective memory?

Straw man.

How is this a strawman? Are you saying there weren't eyewitnesses who saw this plane? That there was no pulling in of the towers? That there were no seismic recordings?
It amazes me that this "expert" didn't know the building fell on 9-11 yet he knew that the owner said "Pull it down". First that was not what was said and that leads me to believe this "expert' was coached. Also he is only shown what they want to show him, at one point he admits he is guessing. Why? because they haven't given him more than one story of the floor plans, Didn't tell him how the building was constructed nor even how tall it was.
No description of the damages and no description of the fires and how long they burned without any intervention from the fire department or even sprinkler system.
I'll bet the video that he looked at also left off the collapse of the penthouse as most truther videos seem to do....
if you search his name he's a twoofer superstar(was) so like barry jenkins what he said IS HEARSAY AND NOT admissible as evidence.

then the same is true of shyam sunders observations and opinions of the video and photographs which other than his computer model is the only evidence NIST cites..shyam sunders hearsay...thats all you got
Not cursory perusal of blueprints and no test data to prove your "experts" specious conjecture is correct.
thanks for playing.
How is this a strawman? Are you saying there weren't eyewitnesses who saw this plane? That there was no pulling in of the towers? That there were no seismic recordings?

Are you that dense?

That's like saying that you have proved your case against 9/11 truth by knocking down Dr Judy what's her name, the disinformation agent implanted to try to discredit those who are exposing the facts that the media refuses to.

You know better.

Shame on you, self hating gentile.

If you numbnuts would read your own links and watch your own videos we wouldn't have any disagreements. Yes it says right in your link that the Zogby poll was sponsored by 911truth.... I didn't bother reading the rest of your reason to.......

Zogby is not a 9/11 Truth polling organization numbnut.

John Zogby - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
John Zogby (born 1948) founder of the "Zogby Poll" and the Zogby companies, is an American public opinion pollster and author. His polling is best known for both phone polling and interactive, Internet-based polling. Zogby is currently Senior Analyst with Zogby Analytics.
If you ask me today: "Some have argued that some leaders in the U.S. government knew in advance that attacks were planned on or around September 11, 2001, and that they consciously failed to take action. Do you agree or disagree with this argument?" I would say yes.

Where does it say the administration blew up the WTC? Where does it say "The administration knew the time, place and date of the attack and did nothing"? Where does it say the administration had a conspiracy to destroy the WTC?

In the same poll, only 28% of the people knew the number of the third building that fell.

If you "follow the money" you find the poll was paid for by

It doesn't surprise me a bit that the poll was worded in such a way as to get people like me, who don't see a conspiracy to blow up the WTC, to vote in agreement with it.

You also have to take into account the context of the times in which this poll was taken. The August 6th PDB was just uncovered by the press and headlines like this were all over the front pages...
Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition - Zogby

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