The Israeli Criminals Behind the NSA Spy Scandal

Heres another view
[ame=]WTC-7 Free-Fall: A 9/11 (Truth) Miracle? - YouTube[/ame]
No plane hit WTC7, yet it still came down at free-fall speed

No jos, it did not.

The facade fell at freefall for 2.25 seconds. The building did not....

Watch, and shoot

Your video is a lie. First it states that almost all the fires had been put out when the fires had not been fought at all for hours... then as in most all truther videos of bldg 7 it does not show the first 9 seconds of the collapse which shows the penthouse falling into the center of the building. Which means that all the center supports were gone before the outward facade that you can see even moves... This has all benn pointed out hundreds of times, Do go back and learn the real facts.......
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Your video is a lie. First it states that almost all the fires had been put out when the fires had not been fought at all for hours... then as in most all truther videos of bldg 7 it does not show the first 9 seconds of the collapse which shows the penthouse falling into the center of the building. Which means that all the center supports were gone before the outward facade that you can see even moves... This has all benn pointed out hundreds of times, Do go back and learn the real facts.......

The collapse of the penthouse only goes to further prove that 7 was brought down by controlled demolitions.

The news media will never present all the evidence which implicates Israel and Zionist operatives.

An example of what they will offer as "evidence" is people like Peter Lance and his books like Triple Cross.

It's an example of what they offer off handedly as a "startling revelation". This is just another job in which the blame for 9/11 is laid on the FBI. This not only is supposed to exonerate the Israeli/Zionists but also to further tarnish the image of the FBI, which used to work for America and not ZOG back in the days where it's directors were not either Zionists or directly under their influence.

Peter Lance on Triple Cross -

Listening to this sleazy excuse for a man makes me sick.

As I said earlier, the fact that there are Muslims who despise Israel and the US for acting as Israel's GOLEM does not need to be proven.

For some Arab's to wish death and destruction on Israel or the US is nothing new. That many such individuals could be found is no surprise.

The idea of flying planes into the Trade Center or the Empire State building at least goes as far back as the early '80s. This is a fact.

What would be surprising is if such an idea had never been imagined in the minds of those in charge of US and Israeli intelligence. For none of them to ever anticipate such attacks in light of all the hijackings that had occurred prior to that would show them to be very stupid indeed.

The idea even crossed my own mind way way back. After the Trade Center bombing only a fool would not have anticipated another attempt.
But that's exactly what the media expect us all to believe.

There is no use trying to convince the Zionists of anything. They are already aware of the implications. They do not have to be told or be very smart to figure that out all on their own.
Those Zionists and Jews who are convinced of Zionist involvement in facilitating the attacks will never admit it. There is as much chance of that as there is for any of those who had an actual hand in the operations to ever confess to their part in it.

Justice will have to wait until judgement day. In the meanwhile, you should always keep it firmly fixed in your minds that these Zionist Jews do not believe in a judgement day, at least not one in the Christian concept.

If the JUDEOxtian ZOGbots could be made to realize this one fact about those they revere as "God's Chosen" then all may not be lost.

It is important also to bear in mind who it is that controls the media. I am referring to the top brass who make the determinations as to what gets aired. The same is true of those controlling the publishing industry.

Perhaps most important of all to bear in mind, is that adherents to the Jewish religious system have no aversion to lying whatsoever where it concerns those outside the Jewish Union. If nothing else they would have the "Holocaust" as their justification. Some of them actually believe the entire "6 Million" narrative in it's entire Kosher form and refuse to listen to anything which would put the whole affair into an honest historical perspective. In their minds, they MUST declare themselves TOTALLY without blame and those they despise as TOTALLY guilty and malevolent. In order to do so they must maximize their own "sufferink" and no exaggeration or it or distortion is too great.

They are clever enough to contrive their plans to deceive in ways that are convoluted enough to fool most anyone. But not even they can do that IF one keeps these simple principles in mind.

They have attained power through deceit and that is how they will be forced to keep it until such time that the Zionist Controlled Police State has gained total power, at which time it may no longer be necessary. They enjoy the luxury of being "In Your Face" and some of them cannot resist the temptation to use their power in just that way. They call it "Chutzpah".

Here's more for anyone who wants a lesson in the art of deception through misinformation.

You might want to take some Dramamine or Emetrol if you feel the need to sit and listen to 30 minutes of lies and half truths.

[ame=]Peter Lance on TRIPLE CROSS his new 9/11 book - YouTube[/ame]
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Ah yes the loader....

And then

Somehow it just doesn't sound like much of an expert to me....... But hey i could be wrong....Or maybe nearly anyone who read through 10 pages of info could pass the test...

What I wanted to do was see his qualifications, or the qualifications for any "loader"....they don't appear to be all that expert........

what a dumb ass you are...his expertise comes from his experience in actual demolitions of major structures and for an employer of one of the worlds largest demolition companies to provide someone with a notarized letter attesting to their qualifications.a letter of recommendation ..the person clearly has proven himself and been trained within the company before they would even consider carrying the liability of a explosives loader...that is the true test and requirement ,without that you can not write the test which is more of a licencing formality..clearly the is far more qualified than you

I see. So what are his qualifications on cleaning up after he "loads" the explosives? You see that is the question here. How does he know that there is nothing left of the primers and caps, How can he be certain that no signal in a place like NYC would set off one of the thousands of caps that would have had to be set? While we're at it what wasn't the core on the one tower rigged to fall with the rest of the tower? And how did the blasting begin at the area damaged by the planes? Why weren't those explosives set off by the initial blast? A lot of questions with no answers...Why? Because there were no explosives...

you cant seem to decide if you are talking building 7 or the towers
No plane hit WTC7, yet it still came down at free-fall speed
just like eots, a half truth.
the facts : wtc7 ...Debris from the collapse of WTC 1, which was 370 feet to the south, ignited fires on at least 10 floors in the building at its south and west faces. However, only the fires on some of the lower floors-7 through 9 and 11 through 13-burned out of control. These lower-floor fires-which spread and grew because the water supply to the automatic sprinkler system for these floors had failed-were similar to building fires experienced in other tall buildings. The primary and backup water supply to the sprinkler systems for the lower floors relied on the city's water supply, whose lines were damaged by the collapse of WTC 1 and WTC 2. These uncontrolled lower-floor fires eventually spread to the northeast part of WTC 7, where the building's collapse began.
making your allusion that the plans had nothing to do with wtc7 collapse, a steaming pile.

In a video, it appears that WTC 7 is descending in free fall, something that would not occur in the structural collapse that you describe. How can you ignore basic laws of physics?

In the draft WTC 7 report (released Aug. 21, 2008; available at WTC Disaster Study), NIST stated that the north face of the building descended 18 stories (the portion of the collapse visible in the video) in 5.4 seconds, based on video analysis of the building collapse. This time period is 40 percent longer than the 3.9 seconds this process would have taken if the north face of the building had descended solely under free fall conditions. During the public comment period on the draft report, NIST was asked to confirm this time difference and define the reasons for it in greater detail.

"yet it still came down at free-fall speed"- JOS

another example of half truths spewed by twoofers ..

the facts:
To further clarify the descent of the north face, NIST recorded the downward displacement of a point near the center of the roofline from first movement until the north face was no longer visible in the video. Numerical analyses were conducted to calculate the velocity and acceleration of the roofline point from the time-dependent displacement data. The instant at which vertical motion of the roofline first occurred was determined by tracking the numerical value of the brightness of a pixel (a single element in the video image) at the roofline. This pixel became brighter as the roofline began to descend because the color of the pixel started to change from that of the building façade to the lighter color of the sky.

The approach taken by NIST is summarized in Section 3.6 of the final summary report, NCSTAR 1A (released Nov. 20, 2008; available at WTC Disaster Study) and detailed in Section 12.5.3 of NIST NCSTAR 1-9 (available at WTC Disaster Study).

The analyses of the video (both the estimation of the instant the roofline began to descend and the calculated velocity and acceleration of a point on the roofline) revealed three distinct stages characterizing the 5.4 seconds of collapse:
•Stage 1 (0 to 1.75 seconds): acceleration less than that of gravity (i.e., slower than free fall).
•Stage 2 (1.75 to 4.0 seconds): gravitational acceleration (free fall)
•Stage 3 (4.0 to 5.4 seconds): decreased acceleration, again less than that of gravity

This analysis showed that the 40 percent longer descent time—compared to the 3.9 second free fall time—was due primarily to Stage 1, which corresponded to the buckling of the exterior columns in the lower stories of the north face. During Stage 2, the north face descended essentially in free fall, indicating negligible support from the structure below. This is consistent with the structural analysis model which showed the exterior columns buckling and losing their capacity to support the loads from the structure above. In Stage 3, the acceleration decreased as the upper portion of the north face encountered increased resistance from the collapsed structure and the debris pile below.

Questions and Answers about the NIST WTC 7 Investigation
from your delusional pov I'm sure you see it that way but the reality is you're full of shit.

Now that we have heard YOUR expert opinion, let's here from someone who was alleged to be one of the world's foremost authorities in controlled demolitions.

Of course we all understand that his opinion is no where near as trustworthy as yours, but humor us if you will please. Perhaps in your infinite wisdom you may come to understand why we dummies might be doubtful.

[ame=]R.I.P. Danny Jowenko - WTC7 Demolition Interviews, 1 of 3 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]R.I.P. Danny Jowenko - WTC7 Demolition Interviews, 2 of 3 - YouTube[/ame]
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It amazes me that this "expert" didn't know the building fell on 9-11 yet he knew that the owner said "Pull it down". First that was not what was said and that leads me to believe this "expert' was coached. Also he is only shown what they want to show him, at one point he admits he is guessing. Why? because they haven't given him more than one story of the floor plans, Didn't tell him how the building was constructed nor even how tall it was.
No description of the damages and no description of the fires and how long they burned without any intervention from the fire department or even sprinkler system.
I'll bet the video that he looked at also left off the collapse of the penthouse as most truther videos seem to do....
It amazes me that this "expert" didn't know the building fell on 9-11 yet he knew that the owner said "Pull it down". First that was not what was said and that leads me to believe this "expert' was coached. Also he is only shown what they want to show him, at one point he admits he is guessing. Why? because they haven't given him more than one story of the floor plans, Didn't tell him how the building was constructed nor even how tall it was.
No description of the damages and no description of the fires and how long they burned without any intervention from the fire department or even sprinkler system.
I'll bet the video that he looked at also left off the collapse of the penthouse as most truther videos seem to do....
if you search his name he's a twoofer superstar(was) so like barry jenkins what he said IS HEARSAY AND NOT admissible as evidence.
if you search his name he's a twoofer superstar(was) so like barry jenkins what he said IS HEARSAY AND NOT admissible as evidence.

Your trite slurs are not admissible as evidence either. That includes all references to and pictures of excrement.

So far we have your excrement vs the testimonies of Danny Jowenko, one of the world's leading demolitions experts, and Barry Jenkins, an eye witness to the event, both of whom died suspiciously.
And we are supposed to take YOUR word?:cuckoo:
if you search his name he's a twoofer superstar(was) so like barry jenkins what he said IS HEARSAY AND NOT admissible as evidence.

Your trite slurs are not admissible as evidence either. That includes all references to and pictures of excrement.

So far we have your excrement vs the testimonies of Danny Jowenko, one of the world's leading demolitions experts, and Barry Jenkins, an eye witness to the event, both of whom died suspiciously.
And we are supposed to take YOUR word?:cuckoo:

thats the logic of troll dawgshit for ya.the troll who runs off when he is cornered by that five minute videos of facts he cant refuse.hee hee.

this troll like all of them never has any explantion why bld 7 collapsed when there were other buildings in the area with far more severe damage to them and far worse fires.:D and ignores the bizarre coincidence that the only buildings that collapsed that day were all owed by zionest jew larry silverstein.

anytime i point out those facts,dawgshit,gomer ollie and the other agent trolls on here run off with their tail between their legs acting like i did not even post anything on this thread.hee never fails.hee hee.
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It amazes me that this "expert" didn't know the building fell on 9-11

years after 9/11 many people where unaware of building 7

yet he knew that the owner said "Pull it down".
??? reallly at what point in the video is that said

First that was not what was said and that leads me to believe this "expert' was coached. Also he is only shown what they want to show him, at one point he admits he is guessing. Why? because they haven't given him more than one story of the floor plans, Didn't tell him how the building was constructed nor even how tall it was.

the construction is not really relevant as no modern steel framed building is going to collapse from fire

No description of the damages and no description of the fires and how long they burned without any intervention from the fire department or even sprinkler system.
I'll bet the video that he looked at also left off the collapse of the penthouse as most truther videos seem to do..

damage was not a factor in the collapse and fire does not cause steel frame building to suffer complete collapses at near free fall speed...the penthouse fell first because thats where the central columns are...just like it would in a controlled demolition...still waiting for you to explain how the entire inner structure of wtc 7 fell behind the facade without creating a massive noise or disturbing the outer facade and how long it took for the entire inner structure to fall?
It amazes me that this "expert" didn't know the building fell on 9-11

years after 9/11 many people where unaware of building 7

??? reallly at what point in the video is that said

the construction is not really relevant as no modern steel framed building is going to collapse from fire

No description of the damages and no description of the fires and how long they burned without any intervention from the fire department or even sprinkler system.
I'll bet the video that he looked at also left off the collapse of the penthouse as most truther videos seem to do..

damage was not a factor in the collapse and fire does not cause steel frame building to suffer complete collapses at near free fall speed...the penthouse fell first because thats where the central columns are...just like it would in a controlled demolition...still waiting for you to explain how the entire inner structure of wtc 7 fell behind the facade without creating a massive noise or disturbing the outer facade and how long it took for the entire inner structure to fall?

I see gomer is STILL dodging the fact that the other buildings were damaged far more extensively than bld 7 evading that fact of mine talking about the damage of the penthouse evading that the other buildings had far more extensive damage to them that that,Typical ploy of an agent.evade that fact and talk about the damage of the penthouse of building 7 :lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl: instead of discussing the far more severe damage other buildings much closer to bld 7 had than it did and they did not collapse.:lmao:

Gomer also ignores that the sprinkler systems went off in the towers-if they went off in the towers like pictures show,then they went off in bld 7 as well,oh and the majority of the explosions happened OUTSIDE of the towers making the fires not anywhere near hot enough to weaken the steel like he likes to claim.:D

funny also that Gomer forgot to mention that Josenko when shown the video of the collapse of bld 7 by griffin not knowing it was bld 7 or in new york,he told Griffin that it was defientley a controlled demolition.gomer troll as always gets his ass taken to the cleaners as always.:D
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if you search his name he's a twoofer superstar(was) so like barry jenkins what he said IS HEARSAY AND NOT admissible as evidence.

Your trite slurs are not admissible as evidence either. That includes all references to and pictures of excrement.

So far we have your excrement vs the testimonies of Danny Jowenko, one of the world's leading demolitions experts, and Barry Jenkins, an eye witness to the event, both of whom died suspiciously.
And we are supposed to take YOUR word?:cuckoo:
my exacting observations were not meant as evidence ,only to point up the fact, that facts are something you don't have and you're conjecture about their deaths is also a steaming pile based on fantasy.
if you search his name he's a twoofer superstar(was) so like barry jenkins what he said IS HEARSAY AND NOT admissible as evidence.

Your trite slurs are not admissible as evidence either. That includes all references to and pictures of excrement.

So far we have your excrement vs the testimonies of Danny Jowenko, one of the world's leading demolitions experts, and Barry Jenkins, an eye witness to the event, both of whom died suspiciously.
And we are supposed to take YOUR word?:cuckoo:

But the hundreds of eyewitnesses who say otherwise don't count.....Got it.........
It amazes me that this "expert" didn't know the building fell on 9-11

years after 9/11 many people where unaware of building 7

??? reallly at what point in the video is that said

the construction is not really relevant as no modern steel framed building is going to collapse from fire

No description of the damages and no description of the fires and how long they burned without any intervention from the fire department or even sprinkler system.
I'll bet the video that he looked at also left off the collapse of the penthouse as most truther videos seem to do..

damage was not a factor in the collapse and fire does not cause steel frame building to suffer complete collapses at near free fall speed...the penthouse fell first because thats where the central columns are...just like it would in a controlled demolition...still waiting for you to explain how the entire inner structure of wtc 7 fell behind the facade without creating a massive noise or disturbing the outer facade and how long it took for the entire inner structure to fall?

Don't know your own videos? Those that supposedly state your side? Sorry but I'm not going back to listen to the two videos again just to satisfy your ignorance of your witnesses.....

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