The Jo Biden Show


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Slated to open sometime this summer but are still
working out details while in the audition stage.Yes,the show
will star " Dandy " Jo Biden and his publcist,bodyguard and
weekend paramour sidekick wifey, Jill.
The show is based on older TV type shows like Ozzie and
Harriet but sans any kids.So look for relatives to be used
instead like the TV show of the 60's - The Mothers-In-Law -
starring veteran Comedians Eve Arden and Kaye Ballard.
Where no kids were used.Because the decision was made not
to turn it into the 1990 TV Disaster - What a Dummy -
Where the Dummy ,Buzz can think and talk.
With too many kids around to gum-up the dialogue.
However the first episode of this long awaited TV series
has the scuttlebutt suggesting it concerns Jo's golf handicap.
Is it actually 6.Sidekick Jill has already been seen in commercials
suggesting that Jo's 6 golf handicap was actually NOT at any golf
course but instead a corner Putt Putt.Where Jo also spilled a
large snow cone w/sprinkles on the course and done forgot to
clean up.Forgiving Jill to the rescue.
Watch ABC for commericals this summer as to when this
New TV series is ready for prime time.Or Late Night.
Or Sunday morning before - Meet the Press -.
I think you mean the Joe Biden Shit Show.
Scuttlebutt has it that on the first episode of - The Jo Biden Show -
Jo and Jill are shown at their local Putt Putt.
Where Jill is near hysterical in surprise that Jo managed to
sink a putt on the most difficult hole.In One.
As she is heard whispering into Jo's ear that
he also dint tinkle too much on his hisself,but just
a few stains on his shorts,being so proud of Jo's
ability to control his seniorness.

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